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Game Mechanics Master Teleport Scroll

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Spaghetti Man, Aug 28, 2024.


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  1. Spaghetti Man

    Spaghetti Man The Spaghetti Man CHAMPION

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    With the removal of soul points and replacement to the teleport scroll system, I think it's a great time to talk about a new way to innovate teleportation and make it even better: a single teleport scroll for the entire game.
    Basically, you would have a single teleport scroll that updates its list of teleport spots as you progress through the game. This idea comes from Final Fantasy XIV's aetheryte teleportation system in which you would visit a new location and unlock the "teleport point" to be able to teleport there later. The scroll itself would be one of the last 3 hotbar slots, replacing the removed Soul Points, and upon clicking it brings up a menu that lists all your available teleport locations.
    You would still have 3 charges for the teleport scroll just like before, only now you can get more maximum charges by progressing through the game (like how you could get more maximum soul points before Rekindled).
    As part of this rework, there are a few changes to King's Recruit quest which is how you receive the scroll.

    So to start off, at the end of King's Recruit, the king while talking to you notices that a blank scroll he has begins reacting to your presence. He recalls that the person who gave it to him cryptically told him that he would know who to give it to, and ever since he got it, it has been just paper until meeting you. Believing you're the one meant to receive it, he gives you the "Blank Scroll".

    Once you have it, the scroll awakens and directs you to hold it while it starts leading you via particles to a point right outside the castle. This is Ragni's invisible teleport point and upon stepping onto it, you receive text directing you to open the scroll, which opens a menu in which "Ragni" is registered as a new teleport point. This ends the King's Recruit quest and from that point forward, it is now the "Teleport Scroll" and can be used to teleport to any registered teleport point, and any time you are within 50 meters of a new unregistered teleport point, the scroll will react and tell you about it, and will direct you to that teleport point with particles while it is held.

    Teleport points are not actually visually distinct in any way, they are just simply the points that the scroll leads you to unlock a new teleport. They are also the exact point you teleport to when you use the scroll.
    Any time you reach a teleport point for the first time, it is registered to your scroll.
    Teleport locations include:
    • All cities and towns
    • All normal dungeon entrances
    • All raid entrances
    • All lootrun camps
    • All named islands in the Ocean
    • The Forgery
    • The Roots of Corruption
    • The Realm of Light
    • Entrance to the Silent Expanse
    • Void Village (The Void)
    • Qira's Hive
    • The Tower of Ascension
    • Roots of Corruption
    • Legendary Island

    Overall, this change would fix many remaining problems with teleportation scrolls. And while there is a small problem of it taking up an item slot, I think that's part of a separate problem in which we need to be able to get more inventory storage such as through backpacks or the like.
    Ninja_VK likes this.
  2. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    I think this makes fast travel too accessible and easy. The main way the sense of progression is given with the de facto replacement of Soul Points with the new TP scroll system is spending money on a new scroll for a new town you just found. Less inventory space and the emerald cost is meant to be the tradeoff for having a super convenient fast-travel point, which is completely fair imo. The new TP scroll system ain't that broke, so I don't really see a need to fix it.
    Tzelofachad, Earthbrine and Deusphage like this.
  3. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    yeah, i like the current system. The first time i was stressed about LE in a long time was after buying a set of scrolls for various cities in gavel. Rodoroc is about TWO LIQUID EMERALDS, which i thought was insanely imbalanced until I realised i would never need another one. (i then did annie and got 44 le so yeah)

    also W scroll refund merchant, i love how there are 3 seperate ones!
  4. Elytry

    Elytry Modern Art (Hats Sold Separately) VIP

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    wait there are???
  5. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    they were added I think with the bonfire map push. Go to the small bonfire in northwest detlas where Ope is mourning, then a little weedy grass patch has a Human, a Villager, and a Corkian to refund scrolls (at the original price) from their respective areas. Otherwise there is no point in having extra tp scrolls (maybe u could sell them on TM but i didnt think of that lol)
  6. Elytry

    Elytry Modern Art (Hats Sold Separately) VIP

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    i think i'll keep my extras as back-ups
  7. culpitisn'taword

    culpitisn'taword Skilled Adventurer

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    My guild had a bunch of spare TP scrolls in the GBank but they've mostly vanished. I have some in my inv, for TM selling I guess or as spares.

    The Scroll Refund Merchants make me DESPAIR :( because so many people must have sold their scrolls to the refund merchants and lost tons of money (because they could've put the scrolls on TM for slightly below merchant cost or given the scrolls to others). (This also reminds me that if I had been aware of how the scroll change would work, I would've bought tons of old scrolls to sell on TM for STONKS.)
  8. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    Oh yeah i sold every spare scroll i had...
    Im just gonna say that I dont want to abuse updates, and instead want to play as a consistent tradesman

    i didnt know tm scrolls existed
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