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Quest Feedback on the 2.1 changes to the Earlygame Questline

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Da Homeboi, Aug 8, 2024.

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  1. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Wait a minute, why isn't this in the 2.1 Discussion & Feedback section on the forums?! With the beta coming to a close in less than 3 days as of writing this, I don't want this thread to have this short of a life, so e.

    King's Recruit
    First off, the Fruman part of the Ragni Outskirts looks a lot prettier, I especially like the prison (at least that's what I think it is you're coming from), but if it is, then I think it's a bit weird why the Caravan Driver still says he always hits that boulder on every trip.

    But how could I not mention the newest and best change to this quest: the opening cutscene. It is magical and shows just how you're no longer in Minecraft anymore. The music is amazing, all the cinematics even more so. While on music, the new Epic Wynn is still fitting for its name.

    But perhaps the second best change is the new boss fight. Prior to this, while the Corrupted Skeletal Mage might have used magic to spread corruption, its fight wasn't exactly magic-themed, and it felt a bit too repetitive to fight another skeleton miniboss. Now, we have the Corrupted Goliath, and this is a lot better. I like that now the guard just no longer looks like it's screaming for help using an ugly armor stand but instead is used as the Goliath's weapon to fight you. It's not only hilarious but also makes the guard feel a bit more impactful. The best part about this fight though is its death animation as the guard gets up, which feels a lot more immersive instead of it going from armor stand to npc. My only complaint with this change is now the corruption barriers don't feel magically made, so I think maybe the Reanimated Skeleton mobs could appear as unattackable entities to summon them before turning into hostile mobs.

    But by far the worst change that wasn't ever is the inability to return to the area right before the Ragni castle. It's such a damn pretty area that it sucks you aren't able to revisit it.

    But overall the changes made here are really great and I can't think of any other complaints I have about it.

    Mushroom Man
    Ok no changes were made to this for this update but I do have one small suggestion: I like the Corrupted Goliath encounter in the Detlas Suburbs but I think it'd be better if it was added to this quest. Most players will be traveling to Detlas for the first time by doing Mushroom Man and it feels weird to not have Tasim react to this.

    Tunnel Trouble
    New Linton dialogue's great, but idk why this isn't a storyline quest when I think it should be bc it's one of the things Admiral Aegis wants the player to do alongside Taking the Tower and Elemental Exercise. Linton also shows up in The Mercenary, which I think should also be a storyline quest as well.

    Elemental Exercise
    The new Tasim fight is awesome. Yes, it's simple, but I love it because it feels like you're fighting a warrior at level. No longer does he only use Pull and Charge, but now he replaced the former with Bash and War Scream.

    The new Corrupted Captain fight on the other hand... yeah I have more mixed feelings about this. For one, I don't like that the new boss is called a Corrupted Summoner. Yes, that is what it actually is, but since it looks exactly like the Infernal Adjutant and Lieutenant, I think this should at least be renamed to Infernal Brigadier or whatever military rank is inbetween those two. Also, remember all those cool abilities Tasim used in your fight against him earlier? He only uses Heavy Charge in this fight, when Wynncraft's new mob system could likely allow for him to use those same exact spells that could even possibly buff you with some of them. The fact that Captain Ragon doesn't comment on this fight whatsoever also feels a bit weird when I think there's still some extra stuff to talk about, such as abilities mobs could use and some ultimate abilities like this guy's summoning spell. Lastly, even though this isn't exactly about this quest, I still think that other mobs could perhaps use similar summoning spells like this guy. As tealy said, he didn't implement this into other Infernal Military world bosses bc the summoning spell this guy used was too scripted, but I think if it's a simple hand raise that summons like some zombies or smthn could be used by the Infernal Lieutenant and up.

    Arachnids' Ascent
    Unlike the old quest, where you, Aledar, and Tasim all gather lava to burn down the web guarding the Infested Pit, you instead burn down the web to free captured Alekin citizens, and this is the number one priority. In my opinion, this feels a bit too forced for a reason to get lava, but I also can't exactly think of another reason why you would get lava, so ig it is what it is.

    While the Mt. Wynn also looks gorgeous, it feels very strange to have all of the interior reek of outdated Wynn build style the exterior of the mountain looks super pretty.

    And Yahya... I liked it better when he was trapped inside of the Infested Pit. When you burn down the web, you free 2 Scared Citizens and Yahya, who is just an NPC that no other NPCs recognize. That cutscene inside IP was funny and even more so when Aledar was just stunned by the whole encounter.

    Overall, while IP no longer requiring this quest to unlock it is good, I still feel a bit weird about some of the changes made here.

    The Mercenary
    Oh, boy, the big bad new scary reworked quest! I like this! It's now a lot more fun and while it changes the assassination style of being discreet with a more guns-blazing approach, it's a fun little time! I like that it can be started in Detlas, Tempo Town, and Nemract (idk if there are any other towns these guys can appear in), cuz this allows for versatility in how it's started and you don't have to trek all the way to one starting location. You then go to a meeting room with Lanu (who also now reappears in Corrupted Betrayal, death to the Troms Mage), Linton (Tunnel Trouble), Aledar, and Mel (who I think should be renamed to Mylo as a tribute to the old version, especially given the fact that we never see him again after this quest and we haven't encountered him before). A little side suggestion: unless there's some hidden dialogue, I think this quest should have Tunnel Trouble and Arachnids' Ascent as quest requirements, given that two of the main NPCs of this quest have character development from them, and while we're at it, I think Aledar's inclusion also is enough to mark this as a storyline quest instead a standard one. Back to the topic at hand, I like the side dialogue above a character's heads commenting on some stuff, such as when Aledar begrudgingly lets Linton use dynamite and Lanu's a bit stunned by that. The new Invaded Barracks look awesome and the new Shadow Spears bandits are also a neat addition. I haven't fought Takan at level yet, so I can't exactly comment on that. The assassination bit comes back when he flees into a tower and you parkour up it. I also like the bit where Admiral Amerigo then claims credit for assassinating Takan.

    One thing I think that should be included is an extra dialogue option you could have with Admiral Aegis, given that Aledar complains about Amerigo stealing the credit for killing Takan and also that Aegis mentions Amerigo beforehand.

    Also also, I think this quest should also mention Major IDs, given that this will likely be the first time most players have an item with one. It's a bit weird how that's just swept under the rug.

    Overall, though, the bad stuff about this quest is pretty minor and I'd say it's a big glowup from beforehand, so this is a solid upper B-tier quest imo.
    send_sync, Elytry and Elysium_ like this.
  2. Tzelofachad

    Tzelofachad Owner of the Rift, manager of the Uz hotel HERO

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    I didnt even know these were being update lol
  3. culpitisn'taword

    culpitisn'taword Skilled Adventurer

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    IIRC, Recover the Past implies the Caravan Driver always intends to hit that boulder and break the caravan. The reason for this is unclear, but one could reason that it's to prevent non-criminal Frumans from even setting foot in or seeing Wynn, for... some... reason??

    I always got the impression that the border of Fruma physically caused the memory loss - the Corkians, AFAIK, don't remember Fruma either (although they're quite possibly a massive gang of criminals sent off to the isle) - but, from updated Recover the Past, it's now been heavily implied that the memory loss is inflicted by the prison guards.
    ...Ooh! Those updated quests sound pretty cool, actually. I wonder if I'll have enough time to play through them on a new class - probably not.

    I hope they're not super cutscene-heavy.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2024
  4. DrGREEN

    DrGREEN wynncraft.wiki.gg is where its AT CHAMPION

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    Before recover the past rework I always thought that the caravan hitting a rock was the thing that gave you amnesia I thought that was kinda funny
    Elysium_ likes this.
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