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Game Mechanics Unique Mob Spell Sounds

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Je Hooft, May 7, 2024.


Good idea?

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  1. Je Hooft

    Je Hooft No Longer Hardlocked on A Hunter's Calling HERO

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    I'm probably not the only one who has a hard time telling what kind of spells a mob is going to use on me, which means I can't really predict and adapt to the spell that is being cast. You know how it is, with Heavy Charge on Solar Vanguard and Heavy Teleport on Qira for example, on a glassy build knowing what spell is being cast means life or death.

    That is why I suggest adding unique "extra" sounds to every mob spell that plays while they prepare to cast it. The spell sound itself also sounds different, that is not really a part of my suggestion but I think it sounds better than the current nether portal sound.

    In short, every type of spell would - along with the default spell sound - get its own sound to make it recognizable. A few extra points:
    • Heavy versions of the spell have an extra added sound effect to designate the "heavy" version
    • Spell chains will only play the default spell sound once, but the extra unique sound is played for every spell in the chain.
    Anyway, I made this a while ago, but was told by some devs that the current system makes it impossible to play multiple sounds for each spell. Still I think it would be nice to delve into (even though dev time [​IMG] ) and I'm posting this to see what other people's opinions are on this as well.

  2. ineedhelp

    ineedhelp You need help?

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    I dont use sound but if they added this i would
  3. Elysium_

    Elysium_ Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    yes this is great
  4. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    I don't know if sound is the best option, as some people aren't able to use that, but I 100% agree that indicators to show what a boss is doing would be a massive improvement.
    AlleonVera and Elysium_ like this.
  5. ThePurpleEmerald

    ThePurpleEmerald Famous Adventurer

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    I’ve talked about this before but I do want to discuss it further both in the Discord Thread and the Forums Post

    I think I got the gist of your post, but I want to disagree on one thing that might sound unpopular on the surface:

    I don’t think mob spells should be changed to have their own unique sounds.

    Now, hold on, pitchforks down please, I need to elaborate

    I don’t strictly mean that they can’t change, I just don’t mean that I want them all to be changed to their own sounds without any customization on the mob maker’s part.

    A large part of the current system I love is that bosses can be designed in a way where individual spells are less of their own attacks and more of a small element in a bigger attack we call a spell chain. Some of them can serve as telegraphs and whatnot.

    This leads to opportunities to create spell chains where players have to recognize solely based on the initial telegraph spells at the very beginning of the chain in order to react to the rest of the chain’s spells afterwards

    Case in point PZ, still incredibly well-designed

    You see that? Every single spell having white rings and the exact same sound makes it impossible to tell what spell comes after, and relies on the player being familiar with the boss’ behavior and patterns.

    Literally remove any and all spell telegraphs after the 1st spell in the chain is casted and you will still be able to no-hit this boss. That’s how good this was set up.

    Giving every single mob spell its own recognizable telegraph without a way to change this would mean that everything I said above would immediately render null

    Players won’t need to recognize chains anymore, they just need to see what the next spell’s telegraph is and react accordingly rather than try to remember a mob’s patterns

    If that is the case, then what even is the point of spell chains anymore? Might as well have the mobs cast spells randomly. Not like it makes a difference in this new context.

    The issue is customizability. I hope Wynncraft’s tech becomes more flexible in the future to allow the CT to edit how exactly they want their mob spells to be telegraphed to the player.

    I admittedly have ideas and designs for an alternative system to Wynncraft that involves shaving down individual attacks down to their bare singular actions with infinitely more customizability for every single parameter, but this isn’t exactly the best place to delve into it. Until then, just keep in mind of my main point. The issue isn’t the spells needing to have individual telegraphs, the issue is the chain attacks not having proper telegraphs in the first place. Solve that issue, and players won’t need individual telegraphs for every single spell.
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