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Game Mechanics Sharpshooter Buff

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by AlanGreyson, Oct 1, 2022.


Which one do you like the most?

  1. Piercing Twain's Arc

  2. Heat Seeking Shot

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  1. AlanGreyson

    AlanGreyson WynnArtist VIP

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    So we all know the good and mighty sharpshooter archetype, the one which started the era of TierStack Archer.
    However, there are still opportunity to improve it even futher and here is my ideas for Sharpshooter buff:

    -Everytime I fought against a boss, the minions will always get in the way for me to snipe the boss. It would be great if Twain's Arc can pierce mutiple enemies with your 64 blocks shot.
    -This will open a chance for Tstack Sharpshooter to able to deal with multiple enemies at once instead of using spells to deal with them when their spells cost like 100 per spell
    -However, some might say this will clashes with the Sharpshooter original purpose which is Power Shot and Single Target archer. So I'll make it that every mob I pierce through, the damage reduce by 3-7% ish?
    -This way PIERCING TWAIN'S ARC will still fit with Sharpshooter original purpose and not too overpowered & balanced for those who has like 160k per Arc damage.

    - This is just Homing shot but with drugs.
    - Isn't it annoying when you have SUPER SLOW attack speed and when you shot your 50k 7 focus homing shot and the arrow was 0.5 block to far for the homing to detect and missed?
    - Or when you're a BoltShooter Hybrid and your Triple Arrow resets your focus when you're a little too far from your target?
    - Heat Seeking Shot has a bigger detection range than Homing, but the damage will be reduced to 75-80% to make it that this buff isn't just Homing duplicate.
    - Heat Seek can be an ability upgrade for Homing Shot, or an another purple upgrade that can be added that clashes with Homing like Power shot and Double Arrow.
    - This way you could choose to stay, aim and shot, or just bolt your way to victory.

    This one isn't a buff but just a suggestion for a fix.

    When you're a SharpTrapper Hybrid and have Focus with Bouncing Bomb, the mixture is as bad as Triple Arrow with Focus. When you hit your target, you still got the +1 focus. BUT when the bounced and hit nothing, the focus RESET. It's also the same when your extra 2 arrow from Triple Arrow missed.

    Please make it that the bounced arrow bomb and the extra arrow won't reset your focus even though your attack still managed to land.
    Swayya likes this.
  2. BlueTheSniper

    BlueTheSniper Founder of Blue Builds CHAMPION

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    Twain's Arc is a HEAVY ability. Idk why you're mentioning tierstack. I do, however, like the idea of piercing; at the same time I can see why it would be a problem though. Perhaps piercing would only affect any non-boss mob? This would mean if a bunch of minions were behind a boss that your Twain's Arc would deal 100% dmg on the boss and not those behind. I don't think this is a MAJOR issue though as even 0-intelligence heavy melee builds can reasonably use one or two Phantom Rays to deal with obstructions.

    Cry about it. Get good.

    This I can agree with but at the same time I couldn't care less about making max focus uptime easier to maintain. Archer is busted. I don't understand what's making you feel like you're not doing enough damage.

    You failed to mention the ACTUAL issues with Sharpshooter which is powder specials and generally using Twain's Arc is pretty buggy. Please fix. ALSO let me shoot from higher angles? Thanks. Idk what coding is forcing sharpshooter to be shooting from a flat surface but it ain't cool.
  3. Swayya

    Swayya Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    I'm not gonna lie, I had just recently had a conversation about this with a friend. But my idea was more like Mini Archetypes within an Archetype. I guess the best way to present my idea is you could view a SNIPER in 3 different ways based on Caliber of bullet and Type of Sniper. All of this leading the my point of saying there should be 3 different archetypes within Sharpshooter.

    1. High Penetration Mediocre Dmg *Multi Target*
    2. High Rate Of Fire *Multi Target/Wave Clear* ( Kinda like a semi sniper )
    3. HIGH DMG Slow Charge *Single Target* (Twains arc currently)

    To add onto the mini archetypes, you could really just think of it as many more paths you can take in the Archetype Tree specifically for Sharpshooter, OF COURSE this would mean that other people would have to come up with ideas for the other Archetypes for ( Assassin / Mage / Shaman / And the other archetypes for Archer ) because they'll automatically resort to saying something like, "Sharpshooter is an OVERLOADED ARCHETYPE" which would be a valid argument assuming this were to get implemented.

    ^^^ all of this is in regards to your collateral Twains Arc.

    My opinion on your heatsinking homing shot is 50/50.

    Reason being is because it sounds kinda busted. Assuming someone comes up with some HIGH DMG basic attack build. Although we do need to come up with a way where it connects and hits, It's a homing shot for a reason. I've had my shots homing onto a target and as soon as it about to hit, it does a sharp 90 degree angle and shoots up towards the ceiling and I lose my focus stacks which is definitely annoying.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2022
    AlanGreyson likes this.
  4. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    like mr blue said above the real issue seems to be powder specials, although inthe latest hotfix they said they fixed it (kind of), and aiming.

    but even though i dont play archer theres a obvious thing here: crep ray. weak, vulnerable, and doesnt even let you shoot during it.
    two easy fix: buff damage. allow you to be more aerodynamic and shoot while using it.

    funny fix: why is crep ray in sharpshooter? it literally is a boltslinger thing lol shooting 100 arrows in 5 sec. so why not change to Skypiercer Beam: consume all focus as long as you have 3, for every focus consumed fire a deadly beam into the sky, these beams will drop down onto the enemy you last hit over a few seconds, yes by hitting different enemies during it will change targets.

    i wrote this before going to school lol so i may not be the most coherent
  5. inigbamL

    inigbamL Well-Known Adventurer

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    As someone who's recently returned and has basically only played Sharpshooter, I do not understand this take on Crep Ray, from my experience it's been an incredibly strong spell that's basically annihilated any boss that doesn't try and swarm you to death, and on top of dealing strong dps: You're right above where a good chunk of enemies can only Dream to get you, and the ranged enemies that can hit you usually stand still making them a really easy target.
    The only change I'd make to it, is to just make it so theres an extra condition for activating it so you can still activate Phantom Ray at 5+ Focus, but other than that I definitely wouldn't buff it (My opinion on it can change drastically in the late game though, as I heard its terrible there).
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2022
  6. AlanGreyson

    AlanGreyson WynnArtist VIP

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    Well, some builds have Crep weaker than the other spells and there are also builds that provide more DPS with 5 focus Ray and melee shot than Crep itself. Crep makes you vulnerable to ranged mobs and there sure is some room for improvement for Crep but for now, we only have what we have rn
  7. Corrovox

    Corrovox Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I definitely would like to see the better Homing Arrows, because using a focus build with triple shot is painful... Always loosing focus due to that one stray arrow, to the point where I even changed my entire build to double shot instead of triple...
    AlanGreyson likes this.
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