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General My opinions on the game server rules and how they could be improved

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by HyperSoop, Sep 8, 2022.


What do you think

  1. Yes, i think the changes are fair

  2. It's pretty much fine, but... (comment)

  3. I don't really agree with most of the points (comment)

  4. Absolutely not (comment)

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  1. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    2. As an ex-wynntils user I could say, the spell macros suck and it is a lot better if you spam click it with your mouse
    But the super fast main attack thing is really an issue tho

    3. TECHNICALLY vanilla items are useless; going out of the map is useless; colored text is harmless. However that doesn't mean that it is okay to do them, because you are using a glitch that is not supposed to be in the game, and that should be illegal (not just wynncraft, but in a lot of other games as well, people often get suspension after abusing some glitch even tho they don't have solid advantages)

    8. Same as what I said in my comment to your third rule.
    If you glitched an item in an illegal way, it is illegal regardless what that is.

    9. I am 1000% sure that the mods are able to determine whether the links are in context or not. Also iirc mods are quite lenient on this rule, most of the time if you only post a link in the middle of a chat, the mods won't really care
    But that is another story if the link is posted in shouts, since shouts is the most prominent form of advertising

    11. Buffing city defences won't do shit really, unless the golems had like 99999999 damage, but doing that could be quite problematic as well.
    Making mobs tp away/despawn is also quite problematic
    The thing is, what you suggested DOES prevent PMI, but in the same time it is just a "get out of everything for free" card. Also making mobs teleport away/despawn out of no reason makes no sense as well.
    But yes, they should really fix Gelibord and Olux, hostile mobs just spawn inside the town

    14. Leaking information ruins the excitement of the next updates. That is like spoiling the content of a movie tbh.
    Also if someone is doing this ingame then the penalty should be ingame as well.

    17. You are getting everything wrong... The rule is made to restrict:
    1) Player radar in hunted mode
    2) Mob radar for rare mobs that gives ingredients that sell for several LEs (for example, elephelk trunk)
    3) Actually you are supposed to find loot chests yourself, but some people use wynntils and got lootrunning routes. Nevertheless the chest locations are still found by other players and sharing such locations aren't illegal.
    Anyway, the main reason why this rule exists is to ban radars as it ruins the excitement AND have unfair gameplay advantages.

    18. not in a right place to comment because I don't do wars

    19. I remember there were a thread asking them to remove this rule, and I think it is fine to remove it
    The reason why rule 19 is added was, back then Shadow Amadel (and Orange Cybel minions) farming was a thing. Minions had like 200 health and level 100 (and they got normal mob drop), therefore people go there with a decent HR build with some thorns and poison and farm mythics while going outside for lunch.
    I just don't get why such rule applies for normal mob farming as well - like if I got a tanky build with thorns/poison that kills enemies, then that is my effort for making such build and use them. That is what thorns is supposed to do - stand there and hurt enemies and potentially kill them.
    And thorns just don't really kill people in, for example, Bandits' Toll (near Thanos) already. I don't see the reason to ban AFK farming, since that requires some knowledge of building and game mechanics. (The use of game mechanics isn't bannable, I assume?)

    And there are mechanics to make AFK farming not as effective, which is another reason why AFK farming shouldn't be bannable

    Ahh yes, grinding at unintended locations should be bannable tho
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2022
    HyperSoop and Shiny_Bridge like this.
  2. HyperSoop

    HyperSoop The 0-int mage

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    You don't do a stupid thing just because every other game does this thing. Plus, exploitation and creation of bugged items on purpose (to the level where is could cause economy issues) really should be restricted to a reasonable level. I'll see what I can do to clarify.
  3. HyperSoop

    HyperSoop The 0-int mage

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    I don't know how "get out of everything for free" is an issue. If towns are supposed to be safe areas, they must be safe areas. You're suggesting to make PMIs an intended feature?
    How is this part more reasonable than the rest of rule 19? Grind at unintended locations should in it's foundation not be effective enough to actually perform, and if it's otherwise for some quests, thje developers could very easily adjust the mobs' loot.
  4. Hesnilo

    Hesnilo A 5am coffee ☕ VIP+

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    Hello Hypersoop! First up, I'd like to acknowledge the dedication you've driven into this post. It's nice to be open to all discussions as we can all have the potential to improve and learn from.

    From what Deusphage and Ditsario have mentioned in the previous posts, I would agree with their reasoning for Rule #14. This applies to intellectual property crime also outside of the game in general.
    The content being developed by the Wynncraft team is solely their property, and they reserve the right to decide whether they want to reveal new content or not.

    Although leaks may not drastically "be a gameplay advantage (in most scenarios...)..." as Deusphage mentioned, the perspectives of the builders, game developers and reputation of the game were most likely factored into rule #14.

    An analogy of why confidentiality is pivotal to ethical integrity could be the private health records of a patient being exposed without the patient's permission. This information in turn could potentially impact the patient's societal standing for instance, how people treat them (for the better or worse). As a result, this could snowball further into issues such as discrimination during employment, and perhaps mental health issues/financial issues in the long run due to being ostracised.

    Similarly, we could apply these financial and emotional impacts regarding unreleased content being leaked also. If the leak appears to be beneficial, it could still benefit the game reputation. However, what if the leak appears to be detrimental to the reputation? Perhaps the leak wasn't even meant to be released? It only takes one single bad leak for things to go completely wrong. If many loyal players were to leave the game lowering the player base, how would the developers feel, having dedicated many years into the game? What would Wynncraft be? There are many potential psychological and financial risks accompanied with leaks, just to name a few implications.

    Leaks could potentially spread misinformation as a result. The potential of how information is used from offmap exploration of unreleased content, is thus not completely harmless in this case. As a result, the rule seems to be protecting not only the staff, but the overall brand of the game :okay:

    The potential associated with the action is the main issue.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2022
    Deusphage and HyperSoop like this.
  5. HyperSoop

    HyperSoop The 0-int mage

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    Fair. I don't have much time right now but I'll get to it in a few hours and see what i can do.
  6. HyperSoop

    HyperSoop The 0-int mage

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    So i changed that rule to its original state. I hope i'll never have to touch this nightmare of a rule again
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