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Possible idea on how to make Guild Wars more interesting. (My take)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by AxolotlGuy, Aug 10, 2022.


Would this make wars more interesting?

  1. Yar

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  2. Nar

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  3. huh

    4 vote(s)
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  1. AxolotlGuy

    AxolotlGuy Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    We all know guild wars (we don't all know it) but we know the basic premise: Kill a tower while tanking it's damage and dodging Aura/Volley attacks. These simple things make wars extremely simple and easy in 1.20, as well as it being possible to drysnipe (take the hq without taking any other territories) the 2nd most powerful possible hq spot ingame. 2.0 will completely change the balance of wars, as the changes to agility & defence as well as the Guardian majorid nerf (The most used mythic in wars and probably the most important) making tanking harders towers nigh impossible, while the extreme dps output players can do kills the towers extremely quickly. So we know that 2.0 wars will require lots of tuning to be balanced (likely not happening). I thought this new group of tower abilities in response to people saying how boring & stale wars got, and I think these could bring some variety to how wars play.

    The tower starts off with it's normal stats Health, DR, dmg per hit, attack speed, aura, volley, etc.

    But you can also upgrade 4 new upgrades (1-3) Small mini-towers that look like totems that spin around the tower, casting various spells. The tower would be invincible (or at least have massive damage reduction) until all of the active idols are killed.

    Idol of the Accursed (Spawns telegraphed spikes on the ground each time it's hit, discourages superfast builds, spawns more spikes the higher the level)
    Idol of the Destroyer (literally just aura & volley but smaller and in a tighter area, faster, less damage, increases damage and attack rate the higher the level)
    Idol of the Lover (heals other Idols /gives tower slight regen, increases healing amount / health of this idol depending on the level)
    Idol of the Champion (spawns very powerful mobs/maybe even bosses to fight you depending on the level, once they're all dead the idol can be damaged)

    Idol health depends on the health upgrade & the damage reduction upgrade of towers, and once an idol is killed, the tower gains part of the idol's ability.
    I.E Once accursed is killed, occasionally spawns the same spikes all over the arena when hit + randomly every (1, 0.5, 0.3) seconds. Once Destroyer is killed, tower aura & volley spawn speed increases depending on the level (1.2x, 1.5x, 2x) and damage stays the same Once Lover is killed, tower slowly regains a small % of it's total health over time depending on level (0.4, 0.6, 0.8) Once champion is killed, tower will occasionally spawn a powerful boss monster randomly in the arena which you must kill before continuing to progress the fight (100% dr). Aura, volley, and Accursed Spikes are disabled while this boss is alive. Higher levels = Stronger mob.

    It would add an extra layer of complexity and strategy to wars as well as making it more interesting while retaining some aspects of wars currently, and Script 2.0 will make it easier to create (maybe lol) as well as requiring extreme amounts of tuning. Personally if I knew wynnscript i'd volunteer to redesign wars to make them more interesting / balance them around 2.0 but I don't :skull:
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2022
    xTofuuu likes this.
  2. toqether

    toqether Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    boompow pow war
  3. xTofuuu

    xTofuuu buy shidcoin CHAMPION

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    how to make guild wars interesting: buy shidcoin and have fuy raid guilds
    Emhan likes this.
  4. Emhan

    Emhan Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    So based, YOU should buy fuy shidcoin RIGHT NOW !!!
    xTofuuu likes this.
  5. AxolotlGuy

    AxolotlGuy Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    i think i will go buy shidcoin now
    who should I wipe
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