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Assassin feels bad.

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Salami, Aug 4, 2022.


Do you like current assassin?

  1. Yes

    7 vote(s)
  2. No

    27 vote(s)
  3. I meant 2.0 btw but i cant edit the question rofl

    9 vote(s)
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  1. Salami

    Salami Assassin/Assassinself HERO

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    Its fair to insinuate that you were dodging seeing as you were able to nitpick at a very small seemingly irrelevant detail on the nuance of stuns and the difference between standard stuns and blinds, but not make a note on the general point of the thread. Would have been clear to seen that you weren't dodging if you would've just expressed how you agreed with the points. Transparency.
    Tbf tho, u were kinda crude ROFL
  2. Fleega

    Fleega Sleeping Ultimate Chimera CHAMPION

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    Why isn't this in the hero beta thread? Whatever,
    Assassin needed nerfs, it was actually undeniably broken (spin attack ignoring cci) and overpowered (vanish being an instant and effectively free get out of everything free card) in ways and some changes that happened were necessary, I wouldn't say the class is truly bad myself yet as I think that it's just a case of people failing to use it properly and people are trying way too hard to use it the way it used to be when that isn't the way it works anymore and then calling it shit because they're misunderstanding what they're actually meant to do (especially seeing as every single archetype is a completely different gameplan/gameplay). In terms of buffs I could see though, Trickster probably just needs to not lose as much damage from having clones active but also have the clones and your own hitboxes be unable to hit the same mob more than once (since it seems like the massive damage nerf was because they assumed that you would just be hitting mobs 6 times with one attack when the point was not damage stacking but giving the class shaman-like aoe), Acrobat needing a better way to move midair, attack from high up and remain higher off the floor, and Shadestepper is a case of playing it and learning it properly until the downfalls of it become apparent as the player's fault and not the archetype's.

    I also feel a bit like Assassin mostly being played by some of the most toxic of Wynn's entire playerbase isn't helping with how "bad" it is, and it just being an over exaggeration by people who are known to get angry and aggressive and more calm, level-headed people need to take a proper look at the class, which is why I am kind of hesitant to believe what people are saying about the class right now. There's plenty of assassin mains who aren't but there's more than enough who are to give assassin that stereotype.
  3. Salami

    Salami Assassin/Assassinself HERO

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    Its not on hero beta thread cus i couldn't be fucked to find where it was so i just put it here, shrug.
    Anyways, about your critiques, they're not even like fair to be honest. The fact you are putting bad design as a fault of "skill issue" is literally unbelievable. Yes it did need nerfs, but this was flatout overdoing it. Yes the playstyle was like completely changed, but that does not mean that the general concept behind them we're not given proper representation (Which is the entire point of this forum post). Also that point doesn't even apply to my Shadestepper critique since it is meant to be like very similar to current Assassin, seeing as it is a much more burst-y form of current Assassin (Horribly done at that). Also I quite literally do not care about your take on "Assassin stereotypes" I care about your reply to my actual points, not the stigma behind the players of a certain class.
    TL:DR Shadestepper is horribly designed, not allowing you to setup for proper backstabs in any regard, and the fact that you are adverting bad design to skill issue is beyond me.
  4. Fleega

    Fleega Sleeping Ultimate Chimera CHAMPION

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    You can use something correctly and do it well, you can do it in a way that wasn't intended and succeed regardless, you can use something the intended way but do poorly, and then you can do it wrong and also be bad at it, but I never said the latter as you appear to have taken it as since at no point did I ever say skill issue. I specifically spoke on it as making too quickly a jump to conclusions on assassin's current state without taking a proper look on how it is in its new form due to focusing too much on the old one, as far as I see it, Salted has clearly had something in particular in mind with the design of the archetypes for Assassin that don't appear to have been seen or tried yet due to sticking too heavily to the old notions of how assassin should work by basing it on the original design instead of taking it for its new one, which is clearly a much different approach. I'd still prefer the opinions of players who rarely used or didn't like assassin previously to people who were used to the old one with bias towards it since I believe they'd take a broader and more experimental approach and view of it. Satsuijin's 70% health requirement is stupid and should just always work (plus a lowered cooldown to like 5-10 seconds), is another fair sounding change.

    One of my issues with the class is how while it can benefit heavy melee (surprise strike, as it only boosts one attack), it has almost nothing for raw/tierstack outside of a single acrobat ability that doesn't end up even functioning with the archetype at all due to melee working much better when grounded than aerial (and shurikens are based on spell damage instead of melee damage as well, making them useless), Shadestepper doesn't work well due to being single hit based, trickster doesn't fully work due to massively lowering damage and acrobat doesn't work well because it wants to be midair, where it can't exactly hit enemies with melee and also keep actively using its spells to stay airborne, but considering the update was called spellbound, which is very clearly the focus of all of assassin's archetypes in one way or another, it is understandable. So it's not like I am outside the scope of assassin's nerfs either, the old style worked well with that damage style as well whereas the new ones don't.
    The tangent on how the assassin playerbase is was more of an annoyed response about how sickeningly they have been treating the developers for the changes.
    So no, not "skill issue", "think about it differently".
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2022
  5. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music Item Team GM CHAMPION

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    These statements and mine- that I feel the archetypes need adjustment further- can and should co-exist, as well. There are things to improve on, but also you do just need to adapt because the styles are very different from before. It's both, because there are definitely things about the archetypes that do just deserve to be changed, but at the same time, the fact that ability tree is very different from pre-1.20...anything means there's a level of adaptation necessary. I was never an assassin main- I just didn't like the style, and AT hasn't really changed my opinion either.
    Fleega likes this.
  6. Salami

    Salami Assassin/Assassinself HERO

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    At this point I don't even know if you are commenting on me or just all of the Assassins you've spoken with in general. You do realize I did take the time to understand conceptually how the classes were roughly meant to be played as? The only exception to this rule is Trickster, due to it being a mix of spell spam crowd control and playing a decent tank role, which I find weird to mix into one archetype but that is a personal take. The entire point of this post wasn't to complain about how my oh so glorious 1.20 Assassin got tainted by some new cool concepts, to be honest I actually like all three archetypes conceptually. The issue being that they were just executed very poorly. I wanted to go into detail about the gripes I have with playing each archetype in the scopes of playing a completely new playstyle and learning what the archetype is exactly meant to do, and how exactly it failed at its job (which it most certainly did)

    Also I find it funny how you like somewhat complain about tierstack when its probably Assassin's best overall option if you simply smoke bomb with Deli Gas, or utilize marks, or both even. Also Shadestepper wouldn't even be bad being "single hit based" if it just had some sort of good stun to allow me to actually perform my backstab, but I think you already read my takes on the archetypes so no need to go more into it since there isn't much to clarify and I still stand by my points.

    Last point, why the hell are shurikens spell based? Thats dumb.
    You can adapt to new playstyles, while also understanding how said playstyles do not work well for how they are intended to be played. Just saying. Also what ever happened to like Assassin's horrid base multipliers now that Vanish was like cucked basically, were they just left the same as they were in 1.20? If so that'd actually explain why almost all Assassin builds suffer from lackluster damage kek.
  7. Hei

    Hei The Black Reaper CHAMPION

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    I've been playing this game for 4 years and I've experienced how bad a lot of decisions were because they don't listen to their community and until this update I've tried to be at least a little civil, but this is an update they can't really afford to screw up like 1.20
    Aftershokke and Salami like this.
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