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Soul Point Rework

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Pugnico, Dec 19, 2021.


Which options do you support?

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  1. Pugnico

    Pugnico Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    A large quantity of people contain a desire for soul points to be outright removed from Wynncraft; however, this would manifest a troublesome situation if other aspects are not properly reworked. Instead of removing the mechanic entirely, I believe it would be best to rework the system.
    1.Soul points could be out of 100 where killing mobs essentially harvests their souls. The amount harvested would be based on mob level (perhaps divide the mob level by 10 and round up to a whole number ex. 1 Level 76 mob = 8sp). With this system you could regain soul points without waiting 20min or world hopping. Soul point bombs could work like other bombs and provide x2 souls for 10min.
    2. Teleportation scrolls depend upon soul point mechanics and would therefore be affected by this change. Rather than scale the price of tp scrolls, they could be removed from the game. There could be an item given from a low level quest (level 10 or so) that is some sort of either warping device or incantation. Teleporting could cost 10 souls and you would select a location from a menu similar to that of the new sea skipper.
    3. For drop rates they could simply scale the percentage based drop rates.
    4. Another option for drop rates would be to make one soul align with one item slot and upon having more items in your inventory than souls a player would have a chance to drop those items (the priority system would most likely be - from first to drop to last - materials and ingredients, emeralds, un-ided items, ided items, as it is now).
    5. A third option for drop rates is to remove them from general gameplay. Dropping items is just throwing salt on a wound after dying and having to trek back to your previous location. There could be a mode that could be activated after level 50 or by people with at least one level 100+ class that enables item drops WITHOUT PVP with a slight xp boost and possibly lb as well. This would remove a factor that could deter newer players that tend to die a lot and become frustrated from loosing their few items.
    6. Skill point reset. Free?
    7. Unfortunately number 6 is unlikely so instead the skill point cost could be scaled up to 10 or so. At least with this system players could grind resets rather than world hop/wait for them.

    That’s all I got for a soul point rework. Let me know what you think of my ideas and if you have any suggestions of your own.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2021
    Androphonia likes this.
  2. Androphonia


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    1. run to lutho and kill 9 mobs to instantly regenerate sp!1!!1!11
    2. what if you lose that item but pretty good change; playing perma hunted for fun might lose its grip slightly tho
    3. yes let's have mobs drop soul points this doesn't affect lore at all
    4. with 100 soul points that would be little more than... 2 stacks of materials
    5. if this scales over a long period of time (you spend 2 weeks without dying you get 120% xpb) but otherwise I think its slightly op unless you have a negligible amount
    6. I want this change
    7. that's basically what we have right now

    overall some pretty good ideas I like this post
  3. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    This is just a fancy way of coming to the realization that deleting soul points is better than a mess of a solution
  4. Wommby

    Wommby 2 galleons 1 lootrun CHAMPION

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    I like this idea, but unless there’s only a chance of getting soul points, this is ridiculously OP. Only have 10 soul points? Go kill 13 level 70 mobs, which takes like 30 seconds, and you’re back up to full.

    Sorry, this is a terrible idea. Being able to teleport anywhere for free from an early level makes other fast travels completely obsolete. And it is basically free, since with your previous idea a level 40 player who wants to go from Llevigar to Nesaak just teleports and then kills 3 level 40 mobs in the forest to get back the 10 soul points. So much cheaper than it is now, you can teleport from anywhere to anywhere, unlike how towns only have certain TP Scrolls, and it makes fast travels useless.

    The other ideas are decent, though.
    Ninja_VK and luckeyLuuk like this.
  5. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    A lot of these solutions don’t address the problems with soul points nor make the case why they’re better than just straight up removing them. It doesn’t help your case to keep them either when you say to just straight up remove drop rates. By gaining sp by killing mobs, it would be ridiculously easy to acquire sp to the point where any disadvantage from having low sp would be nullified bc you’ll always be at full sp bc you’re always killing mobs. Overall, there isn’t any advantage from any of your points to keep them and you don’t really explain why it’s worse to remove them.So I think it’s best to do the latter.
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