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Let’s Talk Wynncraft Rules

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Selchar, Dec 14, 2021.


Which rules do you support the criticism of?

  1. Macros

  2. Moving booths

  3. /class for Hunted mode

  4. Loans

  5. Unidentified items

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  1. Selchar

    Selchar Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    By the look of things, some of the wynncraft regulations weren’t well-thought, and were made with only a singular case in mind, leading to contradictions.

    The violation of rules leads to punishment, but the rules themselves violate common sense.

    I will first quote the rule I am referring to, and add a comment below stating why the rule should be changed.

    2. Macros.
    Macros are only allowed to be used to input a single 3-click spell command at a time or to automate chat commands such as the party system. Macros that loop or are designed to do anything else are not allowed as it gives you an unfair advantage.

    Question: Can I use Macros in-game?

    Legality: Depends
    Additional Information: According to rule 2 you are only allowed to use certain Macros. You're allowed to use Macros that do not loop. You are not allowed to use Macros to gain an advantage over other players. If a command macro is bound to a button on your keyboard, you are not allowed to spam it.

    If I understand it correctly, a macro that performs a single spell is alright, however spamming it is not. Although, spells are not cast immediately. An ice snake, for example, takes a couple seconds to be deployed. Thus even if a macros is used, such “quick” spells would be useless.

    Question: Am I allowed to pay someone emeralds to move their market booth, so I can place mine?
    Legality: Not legal

    So, how does this make any sense? Such an agreement wouldn’t hurt anybody, it wouldn’t violate the EULA since both players already have a champion rank.

    Question: Can I use /class or /switch to reset immunity in Hunted Mode to avoid getting killed?
    Legality: Not legal

    In that case, why is the exploit even feasible? Shorten the immunity or make it go completely. Players in Hunted Mode could also have a cooldown for the /class command.

    Question: Can I give out loans?
    Legality: Legal
    Additional information: Failing to pay the money back is not a punishable offense. We generally advise you to avoid giving loans.

    What is the reason for that? You cannot trick people into giving you items, that is called scamming. Why shouldn’t loans be interpreted the same?

    Selling unided items (Unique to Legendary) is allowed as long as the buyer of the item gets the item he desires.
    Example: Intentionally selling an unidentified Pisces advertised as a Cancer is a bannable offense as the seller has knowledge of the outcome and thus tricks the buyer.
    Selling unided Mythics is not allowed in any form.

    So, I believe it is painfully clear that you can’t know the true identity of an unidentified item. Therefore, how can an unidentified item be advertised as a certain piece of gear? Moreover, who doesn’t know this information, and who can be harmed by this?
    Finally, we can already sell revealed mythics. Due to the immense dependence on their identifications, it’s pretty much a gamble. Buying an unknown, unidentified mythic would just be a greater gamble, nothing more than that.
    AmbassadorMax likes this.
  2. Pyromanic

    Pyromanic Prism/Pyro#8570 on Discord CHAMPION

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    You can tell based on id cost. The only boxes you can't tell what they are are ones that have items that are the same level. And it's possible to tell what the item in a box is with illegal features in mods.
  3. Selchar

    Selchar Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Yea, I was referring to the items of the same level. Didn't know, however, that you can tell what it is using a mod.
    Funny how that exploit is basically a bootleg item reveal
  4. Skidooskei

    Skidooskei King of the Lollipops CHAMPION

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    Adding on to this, you easy scam people with something like this. I've had people come up to me with an unided 96-100 wand. So the possibilities could've been Warp, Fatal, and Singularity (these are the only wands with the 1872 cost since they are all level 99). If they had used one of these mods and determined it's Fatal, that's a 1stx mythic given to me for 5stx (which is how much they were trying to sell it for).

    Easy money right there
  5. Selchar

    Selchar Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    That’s right, I wasn’t aware of the reveal mod thing, so there really is room for unfair advantage. Selling unidentified mythics would be a no go, but I would argue the false advertising rule still requires clarification.
    Since it is only possible to determine what the unidentified item is using a forbidden mod (considering there are multiple items of the same level), advertising unided items as certain ones should be prohibited entirely.
  6. Ninja_VK

    Ninja_VK RainbowsRcool VIP+

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    But isn’t there a thing in the trade market to tell u what it is for emeralds without actually Identifying it?
    TrapinchO likes this.
  7. Typhoon

    Typhoon geometry dasher VIP

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    Just saying, if you get scammed in game, that’s fully on you. I can’t think of a way where a scam is unavoidable. If you are dumb enough to loan money to someone who is not in a trustworthy status, why should that person be punished for taking advantage of your own naïveness?

    It literally says loans are not recommended, and if you go ahead and give one to someone, it should be pre-assumes you know whether or not that person is trustworthy or not.

    In the real world, that’s called credit score.
    MlecznyHuxel99 and Ninja_VK like this.
  8. Naraka00

    Naraka00 Warrior of the Revolution Staff Member Mod Manager Moderator CHAMPION

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    Hi, thanks for the feedback we are considering it carefully, also to remove some of the confusion regarding these examples let's discuss why they exist and what led us into adding them to the current list of rules:

    Now here's the thing about macros - they can easily be abuseable which is why we need so many clauses for them - so people understand what they're allowed to do with them and what they're not.
    Imagine if we allowed macros that went on a loop: people could just trigger the macro, go watch a movie, go walk the dog, take a trip to the mall, return and have all of the rewards waiting for them with no input required from them. This does not mean that we want everything to be disallowed - after all a person with disabilities would prefer to only press 1 button to cast a spell than having to press 3, this becomes a huge improvement when you're in a dungeon and you have to be constantly casting spells. The same can be said about pressing 1 key to input a full command than having to write it completely (hence why you can even macro full commands as long as you don't spam them or try to obtain a competitive advantage from them). The type of macros that we are allowing are considered a quality of life change more than an actual advantage towards other players.
    I think there might be a small misunderstanding here, the reason you're not allowed to spam command macros is because people often use them to spam messages like "/g sore loser" x100.

    This was actually added due to something that happened in the past (remember we don't add rules randomly for fun, they are created and added to the current list when necessary) where we obtained several reports about players "hogging" the trade market booths - example: I pay 5 players to try and snipe the most visible trade market booth in detlas. With 5 players attempting to do this my chances of obtaining it is much higher, then I ask them to simply close their booth 5mins later, allowing me to place my booth there for the rest of the day. Then I pay them to do this daily - that means the booth near detlas is basically mine forever and no one else has much chance to get it because I'm paying these players daily to snipe it. Thus we had to implement this rule to prevent the abuse that was occurring with the timer.

    The cooldown for people who do log off in hunted mode, if they log back the next day into an unprotected area the cooldown is there to prevent them from being spawn-killed. This was an issue that was occurring, players would immediately be killable again, making it so you could spawn kill someone until they had zero soul points from the moment they logged on. The team had to implement an immunity timer, in order to let players feasibly respawn in fair conditions.
    So in order to prevent one abuse the team implemented a feature that was now getting abused as well, sometimes it's hard to balance these things because a player's mind is very sharp. The remainder of your suggestion is something I can't really comment on, as it is outside the scope of our moderation duties.

    Here is a link to our position on moderating loans: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/ice-bear-on-loans.289336/#post-3419796 . As moderators, we mostly moderate scamming cases for one-to-one trades (e.g. Dawnbreak for 15 le, Guardian for Toxoplasmosis, etc) due to the accessibility of proof a trade even occurred and the increased ability to revert that trade. Loans or lending (with no collateral) involve a deferred trade - i.e. one item now for another item later. Let's say someone cannot pay up and calls off their end of the loan/lending agreement - we can't reimburse the other party so nothing gets solved. On top of that, it would feel incredibly weird punishing the player who couldn't pay. In general, debt feels incredibly odd when you tie it into a minecraft server where people volunteer to play (as opposed to IRL where it is a financial instrument that people are obligated to repay).
    There's another issue where people would gift items and later on say they were "just joking" and wanted the item back, or we would get stuck into the "your word against mine" situation, where side A claims to have lent the item for two weeks, while side B claims that the lending period was at least a month. All of the issues related to lending cases make it really hard to gauge who the items should currently belong to - not that all cases were hard, there were some easy cases, but when compared to other situations in general most lending cases were very difficult to reach a proper conclusion.

    The commenters here have nailed the issue - you aren't supposed to know the identity of certain unrevealed items through normal means. With that being said, our rule clarification does go over this in a bit more detail:
    "15. Selling Unidentified Items
    Selling unidentified, unrevealed Mythics is not allowed. Legendary and below is fine. If a player sells an unidentified item with a promise that it will be a certain item, and the item turns out to be a different item than is advertised, a refund must be given, as it would be considered scamming. Additional information is given in this thread."

    The rule as to why unidentified mythics are not allowed to be sold at all is because attempting to do so almost always incurs in a scam, one so big that its difference can amount to several stacks of le, it is a huge loss when compared to normal unidentified items - you can id a mythic and it could be worth a few stx or it could be worth several of them. Depending on how much you paid for it you could become really poor... This rule isn't just about what type of mythic it will be, but also how much the mythic is worth once it gets identified.

    You mention that advertising unid'd items as certain ones should be banned entirely because the only way to determine what an unidentified item is through an illegal mod, but that is neither true nor do we see the need to do so at the moment - example: players can advertise the sale of unid'd Morph-Stardusts, and that's perfectly fine since Morph-Stardust is the only 96-100 set helmet that exists in the game as of today. So it can be safely advertised with 100% certainty that a boxed/unidentified Morph-Stardust is in fact, a Morph-Stardust and not any other item.
  9. P0ke

    P0ke Wynntils Dev CHAMPION

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    this reasoning makes 0 sense, because selling revealed unidentified mythics is perfectly legal and also not a scam
    then why can't you sell apoc boxes?
    creature and Pyromanic like this.
  10. Selchar

    Selchar Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Thanks for the clarifying!

    I still do wonder what other way there is to determine an unidentified item. It's either the item is singular in terms of it rarity or level (stardust, as you proposed) or a mod has to be used to find out what the box hides.

    As for the loans, to me it seems the current official opinion is to separate real-life law and logic from the minecraft server we are playing on. As you have stated, the concept of debt feels strange within a server like Wynncraft. Which it does, however, it's wrong to assume Wynncraft's economy is not yet ripe enough for this kind of business. Services like ambrosia loans already operate much like real-life companies; the trademarket hosts hundreds of buyers and sellers who are immersed in commerce. The structure as a whole genuinely feels like real-life action. The prevention of "law enforcement" may slow down the growth of its complexity, however, it's hard to assume whether that's a bad or a good thing.
    Generally, the existence of tricky financial instruments may be damaging to the playerbase of a game server. A new player who got in serious debt, for example, would likely feel unpleasant and lose the interest to play. This doesn't match with the common purpose of videogames, to relieve stress and bring joy. That seems to be the reasoning behind the attitude towards the loans regulation, but at this point we're touching at philosophy.
    Isabeau37 likes this.
  11. ItsTikki

    ItsTikki Shithead extraordinaire CHAMPION

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    So, I'm just talking out of my ass here, but I'm pretty sure the rule about un-id'd mythics is just there as sort of a way to prevent people from getting "scammed". Hypothetically, someone sells me an un-id'd toxo for say 9 stx, and I get lucky and roll perfect poison on it, suddenly it's got much greater value, then say the guy who sold it to me hears that I rolled perfect poison, he gets mad and demands that I sell it back to him for 9 stx or he'll report me for "scamming" him, which although blatantly wrong, would just turn into a pointless argument. In the opposite situation where I buy a mythic for the average cost, and roll the worst stats, I'd feel like I was scammed even though it was a fair trade. So I think the rule is basically to avoid people from potentially losing out on a lot of money.

    EDIT: So I just thought of the trade market and honestly, lol

    Also isn't it a forum rule? Since it's not categorised under game rules?

    In regards to
    So, I'm not exactly sure how Wynn loans work (lol), but say someone makes a loan of say 3stx, and offer their Collapse as collateral. What's stopping the person who's made the loan from calling it "fair trade" and never repaying the loan? Sure then you lose trust among the people who give out loans, but that's still a lot if you're considering the target demographic who loan emeralds, is it not?
  12. 1+1=3

    1+1=3 LegoBoyWelly HERO

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    Not really, otherwise selling revealed mythics would be banned too, or any rrable mythics tbh

    The reason why it's not allowed is say someone has a 92-96 dagger with an id cost of 1818. this means that the dagger is level 96. The seller advertises it as a Cataclysm, and sells it as a Cataclysm, but it turns out to be a Grimtrap. The price difference between Cataclysm and Grimtrap is huge, so the seller scammed them by selling them the wrong item willingly or unwillingly

    Or worse is if someone has a 96-100 wand. They check the id cost to find out that it's level 97 (Gaia). They then advertises it as something along the lines of "If you pay me 5 stx, I'll give you a 96-100 wand. It can be something like gaia, which never sells, or a warp, which sells for a lot if it's good.". So the seller knew that it was a Gaia inside the box, which is worth like 48le, and sells it for 5 stx by telling people that unsuspecting people that it could be any of the items

    But I still think that single item boxes should be allowed
  13. •WhiteWolf•

    •WhiteWolf• Traumatised. HERO

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    I'd guess it's just for consistency. Imagine if the rule was "you can't sell unidentified mythics except for apoc, disco, abso, collapse..." It'd lose it's simplicity in nuance which lets face it is irrelevant to 99.99% of players and only serves to confuse. Then it come to enforcement and suddenly people are saying "Oh I thought warp was allowed to be sold as a box, I saw it on the list" and suddenly plausible deniability sneaks in.

    Many players would also not know enough about mythics to realise which ones are guaranteed by their box level and type since not everyone uses wynntils
    Isabeau37 likes this.
  14. P0ke

    P0ke Wynntils Dev CHAMPION

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    i understand this - my post was specifically referring to the reasoning laid out by naraka, which was incomplete and did not do a good job of justifying the current rules

    additionally, your logic isn't entirely sound either, since there's no list of non-mythic items you're allowed to advertise and sell as boxes. the real reason is just that mythics are way more valuable than any other item and getting scammed by a box trade would be significantly more impactful than on a 32eb legendary box

    (my personal position is that this doesn't make sense because it's a hard scam to fall for and scamming is already not allowed, but whatever)
    Isabeau37 and Qzphs like this.
  15. Sibens

    Sibens Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Every change sugested make sense, if the game change, rules must to follow
  16. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    Did someone say loans
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