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Game Mechanics Negative Major IDs / Cursed Major IDs

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Xeabia, Aug 10, 2021.


Would you like to see this in-game?

  1. Yep yep

  2. Yes to the idea, no to the Cursed Major IDs in the Suggestion

  3. Yes to Neutral-ish

  4. Yes to Negative Major IDs

  5. Yes to Handicapped Major IDs

  6. Nah, what we already have is fine as it is

  7. No, the concept is pretty flawed

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Xeabia

    Xeabia A creative mind who's clumsy as heck HERO

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    So, Class Builds have always been a staple for Wynncraft. Lots of people since 1.19 have put many, many Major IDs here in General Suggestions, since they can really change how a player acts during combat, and how they make their build. Something I’ve come to appreciate when it comes to equipment is the aspect of “Risk vs Reward”, as seen with many, many Items of Wynncraft with negative IDs. So, I thought, why not apply the same principle with Major IDs? How about, Major IDs that negatively affect the player, creating much more of a challenge for them in combat, but in exchange, whatever items that have these Cursed Major IDs would have amazing normal IDs. Thus, creating a more challenging playstyle, while having the base power of your equipment empower you, opens up a lot more challenging gameplay. This gives Class Builders and highly skilled players the tools to create even more powerful and interesting builds with a lot of thought put into putting these items into builds, and open up a lot of creativity to work with these new playstyles. That, and also opens up a lot of creativity for new Fabled Tier items for whatever CT plans to release that’s more balanced around the change in playstyle than giving negative base IDs for trade off Items. Maybe you can even have them be on new Charms in your inventory that also give benefits without having to manually equip it and have a wider range of positive effects. (Also, I came up with a couple of ideas for what other IDs the items could have, but feel free to disagree if it’s too powerful, it’s more like an outline, on concrete ideas for the IDs. Also, a few say what type of item the Major ID should be on, but it’s just an outline, and only few mention it. My forte is coming up with fun ideas for me to type up and for players, not on Item Balancing, so feel free to give some criticism on this). :3

    Visually, unlike the traditional blue text for Major IDs, these Cursed ones will have red text. I split them into three categories, depending on the severity or how negative their effects are. They would also have different shades of red supposedly in game. Neutral-ish category would be indicated by a red text. Negative Major IDs category would be indicated by dark red text. Handicapped category would be indicated by a bold darker red/crimson text.

    This category falls under Cursed Major IDs that have both negative and/or positive effects. It really depends on how you use it or choose to both build around and with it.

    Calamity - Meteors will constantly fall at where you are every 5 seconds. This will damage both you and enemies. It’s damage will be fixed at 15% of your Max. HP.
    (Meteors are Grade 1) You have to be constantly moving with this equipped, and not move over where you last were, making for a lot of panic, and dynamic combat. Since this can also damage enemies, you could also utilize this with high HP to intentionally incorporate this into combat.

    Daydream - When casting a spell, there is a 15% random chance it might cast another spell of your class for the same Mana of the initial casting.
    While this can break the flow of combat, you could utilize this to go around other equipment increasing the Spell Costs of other spells, and primarily rely on one spell with very low Spell Cost.

    Delayed Spells - All Spell duration increments and casting time are doubled.
    This may or may not be a good thing, since this will also double the durations of effects, like Ice Snake Freeze, Duration of Damage Boost from Vanish, and all Buffs.

    Envy - Every nearby player that has higher HP than you increases your Damage Output and Damage Received by 20%.
    Very simple tradeoff for anyone who plans to do Glass Cannon builds in multiplayer like for Raids. However, it has no cap, so go nuts in 40 Man EO if you have that many people around you anyways and die if any mob sneezes at you. :3

    Overheat - When reaching 30% Sprint Bar, you have a 50% chance of having Speed 5 for 20 seconds, or Slowness 5 for 20 seconds
    Something that’s a gamble. Pretty straightforward, are you willing to risk for more speed, while also at the risk of stopping at your tracks? However, Slowness can be slightly worked around by using 2nd Spell a bunch of times.

    Unsustainability - Positive Health Regen is Negative when not attacking, but is Positive and doubled for 3 seconds after hitting a mob.
    So, initially, I didn’t want to include the doubled part of this Major ID, but it would have just been another generic “Frenzy” sort of Major ID suggestion and not that interesting, so the double was added to make it more appealing, while still giving room for creativity to those that do use Positive Health Regen IDs.

    The general class of Cursed Major IDs. These will give negative or minor limiting effects, however any item that has them will make up for it with buff base IDs.

    Anemia - Any healing you receive is halved.
    (This applies to healing from you, others, and consumables.) This incentives a lot less risky play or demand a higher skill cap when using this. Whatever item that has this will give a good Damage increase.

    Anxiety - All Spell Costs +2 Mana per player nearby.
    This makes players harder to support or be efficient in multiplayer, but creates greater than normal Spell Cost reductions to Spells that would normally help in multiplayer scenarios. Whatever item that would have this will give negative Spell Costs to 1st and 4th Spells.

    Blind Thrust - Using 2nd Spell will give you Blindness for 3 seconds.
    So, the Item name, Blind Thrust, was actually the inspiration of this whole idea. This makes for play styles that have to be more cautious, or aware of boss patterns in the time they are blind to confidently use their Movement Spell. You could add some more Main Attack Damage, or remove some Attack Speed a little bit to nudge this into Blind Thrust.

    Corruption - Taking Damage removes your Max HP when damaged but rebuilds only from Natural Regeneration.
    Really incentives not just healing, but Health Regeneration along with careful dodging, something that can be overlooked when it comes to Class Builds. Whatever item that has this gives amazing Health Regen, good Walk Speed%, and great Damage output.

    Erosion - All Crafted Items lose their durability 3x as fast with this equipped.
    Those that don’t use Crafted Items won’t really be affected by this. So, I decided this could be applied to an item that doesn’t increase combat capabilities, but gives great XP% and Loot Bonus%. Maybe even have it give Loot Quality%,, at the cost of Speed or 2nd Spell Cost, making Loot Running a lot more riskier with Crafted Loot Gear losing Durability a lot quicker, but with greater rewards.

    Exhaustion - Spell Cycling no longer resets Spell Costs.
    So, Spell Cycling is something I was not made aware of my first 3 years of Wynncraft (I didn’t look things up that much ._.), so something to make players experience that pain, while also making players aware that Spell Cycling is a mechanic would be neat to see, and to see how players would work around it, creating a lot more patient gameplay for Spells Costs to be reset. Whatever item that has this will give a lot of Health Regen.

    Flux Distortion - Whenever you are below 10 Mana, your Sprint Bar completely depletes and needs to recharge.
    This Major ID leaves a lot of choice when it comes to building. Sprinting can be a vital role in combat, depending on your class, so you might want to invest more into Mana Regen or Mana Steal to not reach half Mana and be constantly aware of it. Or you could just bite the bullet, and rely solely on your Movement Spell to move when Sprint is out. However, whatever item that has this, will have 2nd Spell Cost more, but also increase Attack Speed and Spell Damage by a lot, on a Necklace. (The Attack Speed increase is included in this, since Warriors would quite literally, get the short end of this stick.)

    Foreign Nature - Equipping multiple items with this same Major ID halves all positive IDs.
    This was only meant for items like Ornate Shadow Gear or Qira Master Items, where you’re not really meant to have more than one of each set’s items for a class or single playthrough, since you know, they’re really, really powerful items. If the game wanted you to be able to equip more than one, should we allow us to get more Hive Division Vouchers by replaying them, or get another Corrupted Soul Token?

    Gluttony - Consumables that can be used more than once are used all at once.
    Makes it so that Consumables have more decision on when to use them, if they are used all at once, and makes the player have to think more on how to rely less on outside healing and more on self-sustaining healing. Gives a good Attack Speed boost, and meant to be for a Ring.

    Noisy - The first hit against any mob deals No Damage.
    The Bane of Assassins. Will give a big damage boost, at the cost of messing up with Vanish Damage Increase one shooting enemies. Has amazing Base Damage, and increased Earth Damage, on a Dagger.

    Mind Eater - Spells will revert to their Grade 1 forms.
    The Bane of Mages. Empowers Spell Damage, and Mana Steal a lot, but requires you to remember how early-game is like towards the complexity of end-game. Increases Spell Damage and Mana Steal amazingly.

    Sloth - Sprint Speed to depleted thrice as fast.
    The Bane of Archers. Cost of a core aspect of movement, for more damage and some health that is simple and harder to work around since it’s an end factor rather than additional. Gives amazing Mana Regen and Health Regen.

    Sensitivity - Getting hit gives you Slowness (-25% Walk Speed) for 3 seconds.
    The Bane of Warriors. Getting hit is very costly, you need to have a mastery over movement and know your enemies in order to minimize the effects of this. Very risk-reward. Amazingly increases Melee Damage, Spell Damage, and Dexterity, on a Chestplate.

    Vantage Point - All AOE Spells are turned into a straight line 5 blocks in front of you.
    The Bane of Shamans. Requires a playstyle that demands a lot more precision in combat, as you can no longer rely on AOE for attacks. However, you gain a bunch of other boosts. Gives great Dexterity, Intelligence, amazing Water Damage Increase, and good negative Spell Cost% for all Spells.

    These are a set of Major IDs that will very severely handicap combat, no matter what build you might have. They will also have a bit more to their description to give a more powerful Cursed feeling, like Panic Zealot from the Bottomless Pit.

    Pressure - You cannot Jump. Your legs are bound to this soil and earth. They do not allow freedom.
    Immensely changes how combat works, that requires a lot of switching between weapons to use it. Basically, whatever weapon that has it, demands you to know when to switch to another weapon, not a weapon you have all the time on, kinda like King of Hearts, but it’s the opposite where you need to know when to not use this. This is made harder, due to you having to react and change to an enemy, mid-attack, rather than KoH where you only need to know when to change when you're not attacking. Also, you cannot build around positive Jump Height IDs to work around it. Immensely increases Melee, Spell, Earth Damage, and has high base Damage. Meant only for weapons, not armor or accessories.

    Suffocation - You cannot breathe. You are gasping for breath. Only fight. Only fight. Only fight.
    As it implies, you cannot breath with it equipped, and constantly suffocate. This is meant for the builds with very high Health Regen to be able to heal from Suffocation. This is meant for a Helmet that will give an absurd amount of Thorns and Reflection, to give a unique style of playstyle and interesting build style in order to compensate.

    Void’s Embrace - You want to tear every fiber of your being. Every Soul Point you have reduces Max. HP by 6%. You are in eternal anguish. You wish to be freed of this mortal coil.
    So, this plays directly with the aspect of risk-reward. At 15 Soul Points, you are at 10% of your Max. HP, so you need to cut off how many Soul Points on you, in order to get a stable ground to use this. This Leggings has great IDs in almost every department, maybe even amazing. However, you have to be cautious of dying, since if you have too many Soul Points, you die very easily. If you have too few Soul Points, you have the HP to live, but one death can make you lose it all. Going in the middle makes you have a bit more health, but also closer to losing most of your items. That, alongside Soul Point Regeneration effecting how much Max. HP you get when the sun comes up, that can be fatal. All of it is a balancing act and further decision making of how many times you want to intentionally die to remove Soul Points before using this.

    Vertigo - The World is spinning. Partake of this madness. You will constantly spin slowly clockwise. There is only Wonderland. There is no need for sanity. *Do no use if you have Motion Sickness*
    SPPPIIIINNNNN. But for real, it’s a way worse than the Nausea effect, and constantly influences combat and movement. However, it gives amazing benefits, like immense Walk Speed%, negative 2nd and 3rd Spell Cost%, and Melee Damage. Meant to be on Boots.

    Wrath - You wish to destroy. You wish to laugh on top of a mountain of graves. Your fury will leave nothing in it's wake. Your damage is Quadrupled, but you cannot wear Armor.
    Pretty self explanatory. The ultimate No-Hit challenge, and you can’t even get Positive IDs from Armor. Accessories are fair game however. Meant to be on a Bracelet. (Not really sure what to put for IDs, since this effect alone is a lot. Also, this technically is also a Netural-ish Cursed Major ID, but falls under here due to how game changing not wearing Armor is.)

    btw, if you were wondering where the other 7 Deadly Sins were, that was on purpose. I feel like Pride can be made a positive Major ID like Greed, since out of all the sins, Pride seems like one that can be positive like. In which case, it could just be like Rally, or Guardian on Warrior, something, something, +Attack Damage cause battle spirit, something. Also, I couldn’t come up with a good idea for Lust, cause no horni (bonk) and Envy already covers the “want for desires” aspect with multiple people. Also, for voting, only answer one select if your not picking the Yes to Neutral-ish/Negative/Handicapped pls. :3

    Shoutout to @Samsam101 for also making a Negative Major ID Suggestion a year before this :3
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2021
  2. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I've already suggested this exactly in the past, basically the only difference is that I thought adding a new tier for negative major IDs would be a good move
    luckeyLuuk, OmegaCKL and Xeabia like this.
  3. Xeabia

    Xeabia A creative mind who's clumsy as heck HERO

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    Oops, I wasn't aware of that when I thought of this idea, my bad. Still think the idea would be really cool tho :3
    luckeyLuuk and Theeef like this.
  4. LiamAshvinn001

    LiamAshvinn001 Well-Known Adventurer

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    That is a good idea u have my vote
  5. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    1.16 players have an accessibility option to replace nausea spin effect with a yellow vignette. There are also probably pre 1.16 mods which have a similar effect, meaning this major id has many workarounds
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  6. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Don't worry about it, I don't mind.

    Admittedly, my suggestions for IDs were actual garbage compared to what was suggested here, and you explained the concept much better than I did
  7. Flareix

    Flareix Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    These are all super cool! +1! I really like the "Mind Eater" one (though the name is a bit... weird), it seems like a way to really challenge yourself and change up your play style.
    Xeabia likes this.
  8. MatForYoga888

    MatForYoga888 High Gavellian Transcriber

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    Every single NPC is Ava or Lari
    Bixlo and Potatomancer like this.
  9. Lousyre

    Lousyre Famous Adventurer

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    You spin, not get nausea. Also, the effect would be created by the server, not the client, so you couldn't disable it.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  10. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    It got edited. P sure op saw my comment and changed the description, as I’m certain there was no “do not use if you have motion sickness” and the spinning clockwise thing was also added
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  11. Lousyre

    Lousyre Famous Adventurer

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    Oh okay, I didn't know it was edited.
    luckeyLuuk and aaaaaaaaaaaaaa like this.
  12. SLScool

    SLScool Well-Known Adventurer

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    Is the term "Spell Cycling" ever used in-game? If not, "Spell Cycling" should be replaced with "Using a different spell" or something like that.
    luckeyLuuk likes this.
  13. Bixlo

    Bixlo I maybe am funny sometimes HERO

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    this is really interesting since this can be the dedicated DPS of a team where everyone else is there for defence or healing. I totally see this on Cata since it has low health as is
    just plz add
    *me who was looking for my fav sin wrath* Him hope its good. *sees this* mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm this will b funni
    Also for the bracelet Wrath is on, its gonna neeed like +3k hp since walking around at 500 hp will kill you nonmatter what def/aglility u have.
    luckeyLuuk and Xeabia like this.
  14. Xeabia

    Xeabia A creative mind who's clumsy as heck HERO

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    Sorry, I edited a lot of things when I noticed a lot of grammatical errors while rereading after posting :c
    However, I'm pretty sure, on release, Vertigo did mention "'do not use if you have motion sickness' and the spinning clockwise", it's just I forgot to move "do not use if you have motion sickness" into the red text, since I realized it would have been better to have that be in the description that would show up in the major id, and was initially just in the black text. However, I'm pretty sure the spinning clockwise part wasn't been touched.
    luckeyLuuk and aaaaaaaaaaaaaa like this.
  15. Bozo Prime

    Bozo Prime Man I'm Dead HERO

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    If you were thinking of adding different tiers to Negative Major ID's, what about different tiers to Positive Major ID's?
    Like, Very light blue for not great positive major ID's, Teal for Decent positive ID's, and then a vibrant blue for Amazing positive ID's.

    Otherwise, sounds like a good idea, I need a challenge for my lvl 105 anyway


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    I am open to any improvement to the game because it will make it more difficult and fun to play. You have my vote, but will the admin take this seriously and incorporate it into the game, and if so, how long will it take?
  17. Lousyre

    Lousyre Famous Adventurer

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    You never know.
  18. TheWitch3r

    TheWitch3r "Killing monsters" CHAMPION

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    Count me in!


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    If this is added to the game, it will be fantastic, so fingers crossed.
  20. Xeabia

    Xeabia A creative mind who's clumsy as heck HERO

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    Oops, sorry for not responding earlier. I'd be honest, it's very unlikely for this to actually be implemented in my opinion. Since I feel like it takes a lot of supporters in order for this sort of thing to be considered, and many amazing and popular suggestions have been declined anyways. It's not impossible, but it's chances as minuscule. Besides, a person from Item Team, the people who knows more about Item Balancing than most people here, voted against this idea, so that kinda shows this suggestion has problems. Tho, my point of making suggestions is mostly just to put creative ideas that would be cool to see and entertaining to imagine. :3
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