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World Quest Idea: The Kander Mining Facility

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Potatomancer, Jul 7, 2021.


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  1. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    So… I’ve been playing Starbound recently (basically 2d Minecraft in SPACE), so heres a inspired quest on one of the missions.

    Quest: The Kander Mining Facility
    Level: 70
    Length: Medium
    Start: Talk to Pete outside Lexdale.
    Pete: Oh, a Wynn soldier! We kinda need your help ‘round here. The names Pete, and I’m an inventor. I’m currently working on this new machine that allows you to fly!
    Pete: ‘Ave you heard of the Kander Mining Facility? It was a large mining operation owned by this worldwide company north of ‘ere.
    Pete: Recently, the mine closed due to strange occurrences, yet nobody ‘round here knows exactly what happened.
    Pete: However, it’s the only know place to find these rare ores called Gavellium. They produce as much magical power as quartz, and doesn’t have the exploding nonsense too it. It’s also the only… safe fuel sorce for my machine.
    Pete: That’s where you come in, soldier. I need you to go in there an’ retrieve some Gavellium for me, would ya?
    Pete: Great! I wrote the coordinates in your book ‘ere, that should be where the mine is located.
    (Talking to him again:)
    Pete: Why are ya still standing there? If yer lost, the coordinates should be in your book. Don’t worry, I’ll pay you handsomely!

    Go to the mine. You will notice the entrance’s doors are closed, and the only way to open them is via a 4 digit code. Thankfully, there’s a paper hidden nearby that tells you it, which is “1411.”
    As you go through the mine entrance, you notice some lights are flickering. Near the end a portion of the ceiling gives way and a “Kander Mutant” appears and attacks you. It has no elemental defenses but does earth and fire damage. After that, you enter the actual mine part. It looks abandoned, with some lights flickering or not working. Along the walls there are purple crystals, which are supposed to be Gavellium. with the Kander Mutants, which are basically the main mob, there are Crystalized Miners who are heavy hitting mobs with earth damage and fire defense.
    As you go through the large, winding tunnels of the mine, there is a shelter near the end. In here there are a couple uninfected miners who were able the shelter themselves into a bunker. Talk to the miner near the exit to progress.
    Lead Miner: Finally! The Company decides to bring some backup!
    Lead Miner: Wait, your not part of the company? They actually closed this operation?
    Lead Miner: Well, that doesn’t matter. Let me tell you what happened.
    Lead Miner: So, while mining this so called Gavellium, we stumbled upon a large crystal of it. Way larger than all the other Gavellium! But when we got the corkian drill to mine it, it suddenly started shooting beams at us!
    Lead Miner: Most of us got consumed by the thing and got crystalized, but I was able to damage it with a nearby cannon we have.
    Lead Miner: Since you were able to clear the majority of the mine, I think you can go down there and destroy that horror. The drill is behind the behemoth, so you can get your crystals as well.
    Lead Miner: Thank you, now go beat up that thing!
    (Talking to him again:)
    Lead Miner: What are you doing? Go defeat that beast!
    Behind him is an elevator that brings you to the boss room.
    The boss is called the Gavellium Horror. It looks like a giant purple sapphire, with a guardian inside, which holds the name and health bar. The Horror can shoot globs of purple glass, along with being able to fire multiple guardian lasers across the battlefield at once. It’s minions, called Volatile Crystals, drop explosive crystals on death, which can be used to fire the cannon at the Horror’s eye. Doing this 3 times will cause the crystal surrounding the eye to shatter, bringing it to the next phase.
    The next phase is called the Horror’s Eye. All it does is shoot globs like in the first phase, as long as gain the spells Heavy Charge and Arrow Storm. This part should be easier than the last phase.
    After beating the Horror, entering the next room has the lead miner next to the drill.
    Lead Miner: Wow, you actually did it! You beat the monster!
    Lead Miner: Here, as gratitude, you can use this drill for the Gavellium. Hopefully work can get started again around here!
    If you did Frost Bite or Dwelling Walls:
    Lead Miner: Also, have you heard of Corkus? Ah, I see you’re familiar with the inventions. If I’m correct, the company’s headquarters are in said province, so maybe when you go there you could report this to the government? We cannot allow the company to get away with this!
    If you didn’t do Frost Bite or Dwelling Walls:
    Lead Miner: Also, have you heard of Corkus? Well, they’re a bunch of smart folks who made the drill we have here! It’s also the headquarters of the company that owns this operation. Maybe when you get there you could inform the government of this incident? We cannot allow the company to get away with this!
    (Talking to him again:)
    Lead Miner: The exit is behind the drill, if your wondering. The crew here is grateful for your work!

    After getting some Gavellium from the drill, go through the exit behind it and return to Pete.
    Pete: What took you so long? I was waiting ‘ere for hours!
    Pete: …wow, that’s alot! Maybe Gavellium isn’t that safe after all. Well, it’s certainty safer that quartz!
    Pete: ‘ere, you should get payed for your deeds. And maybe when you visit Corkus, you could find my house o’ there! By then, my invention should be done. Well, bye, for now!
    (Talking to him again:)
    Pete: I won’t need you for now, soldier! I got more than enough crystals from you!

    Gavellium Chunk (Armor and Accessory ingredient. Increases duration and raw spell damage for decreased raw melee damage.)

    Other stuff:
    Throughout the mine there are hidden parchments from the company. Through the papers, you find out the company is called the Leshaw Corporation, and they closed the mine to avoid public backlash. Also, most of the papers end with the saying “have a great day.”
    If you talk to Efena in her thinking chair after doing TFF2 and this quest, and after the main dialogue, she will have the following dialogue:
    Efena: …Hm? Your still here?
    Efena: Oh, something about the Kander Mining Facility? Well, then tell me.
    Efena: …Wow, I didn’t know. The Leshaw Corporation has had a bunch of suspicious incidents, but this should be enough to take them down for good.
    Efena: Thanks for your report, soldier. Now, let me go back to thinking…
    In a house near Relos, you can find Pete again.
    Pete: Ah, soldier! It has been a long time since we first met.
    Pete: Remember the invention I was talking about? Well, I finished it!
    Pete: Here, you can have the first pair. The boots should be able to make you fly!
    The boots Pete gives you is called the Gavellium Infused Rocket Boots. They are visually red leather boots.
    Gavellium as the ore here is currently a placeholder name, as I can't think of anything at all. If you have a better idea please tell me.
    There could be a secret discovery near the mine that explains the Gavellium Horror is actually a product of the Decay where a couple parasites found the crystals and morphed into the horror. Since I’m not very good at making SDs and backstories, I would appreciate if someone could create a SD for this.
    After the quest, reentering the facility will show the miners have went back to work, mining some Gavellium. If you talk to the Lead Miner, who is still in the shelter, he has some dialogue.
    Lead Miner: Ah soldier! I see your visiting us again.
    Lead Miner: After the incident, my crew has got back to work. Since the project was abandoned by the company, we now work for the Gavellian Government!
    Lead Miner: Let me tell you, the pay from them is way better than that of Leshaw!
    (Talking to him again:)
    Lead Miner: Thanks again, for your help. Enjoy your visit!

    That’s it! Criticism appreciated, especially those about the lore.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2021
    DaCorruption likes this.
  2. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern. HERO

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    Not really long. It's just talk to Pete -> go to the mine -> open the doors -> go down the mine -> find the lead miner -> destroy the gavellium horror -> talk to the lead miner and then back to pete

    It's more like Medium length.

    Are they cosmic crystals or just normal ore crystals?

    This is really just a nitpick, but how would they know what a laser is? Should probably change it to "beams" or something.

    Is it really? Quartz is generally safe, with one "minor" incident that's happened ever (Quartron). Plus Llevigar is completely made out of the stuff. Meanwhile, Gavellium has a beast that can shoot lasers at people and consume miners alive. Doesn't seem very safe.

    Also, you should add lines of dialogue that appear after the main dialogue when you try to interact with a NPC again, just like all other quests do. Here's an example:

    Pete: Oh, a Wynn soldier! He (we) kinda need your help ‘round here. The names Pete, and I’m an inventor. I’m currently working on this new machine that allows you to fly!
    Pete: ‘Ave you heard of the Kander Mining Facility? It was a large mining operation owned by this worldwide company north of ‘ere.
    Pete: Recently, the mine closed due to strange occurrences, yet nobody ‘round here knows exactly what happened.
    Pete: However, it’s the only know place to find these rare ores called Gavellium. They produce as much magical power as quartz, and doesn’t have the exploding nonsense too it. It’s also the only… safe fuel sorce for my machine.
    Pete: That’s where you come in, soldier. I need you to go in there an’ retrieve some Gavellium for me, would ya?
    Pete: Great! I wrote the coordinates in your book ‘ere, that should be where the mine is located.

    (After reading through this dialogue, and interacting with Pete again:)

    Pete: Still 'ere? You should really get down to the mine now. I'll pay ya handsomely!

    Anyways, other than that, good quest.
    RiderTest101 and Potatomancer like this.
  3. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    1. They’re normal ore crystals.
    2. Changed it to beams
    3. Quartron blew up an entire facility, so I wouldn’t call that minor. Also, I should probably expand on the lore for the beast because what I was thinking was that the horror is a product of the Decay.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2021
    DaCorruption likes this.
  4. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    Bump (amogus)
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