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How Exactly Does Raw Spell Damage And Spell Percentage Affect Spells Like Multihit

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Defervesco, Jun 21, 2021.

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  1. Defervesco

    Defervesco Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Is it like if I have +5 spell raw, will each hit of multihit get +5 damage, meaning 11 strikes gets a total of 55 raw spell+damage from the spell?

    And if I have 50% spell damage, will each hit get a 50 % damage bonus, dealing 50% + spell damage frmo the spell?

    I've seen different information from different threads, what's the final word here?
  2. NamesAreHard

    NamesAreHard Mage Enthusiast (She/He/They) CHAMPION

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    As far as I know all of the information in this thread is accurate, but in terms of what you’re asking it does have the correct answer https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/how-damage-is-calculated.176082/
    fishcute, Melkor and Defervesco like this.
  3. fishcute

    fishcute fish CHAMPION Builder

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    Slightly more updated one:

    However the older one is better organized, and works well enough that the few recent discoveries (like damage being a float or double, not an int) really don't matter.

    Not exactly. Yes, it is kind of split up between each hit, but actually each hit is it's own thing that deals 27% of your raw dps, which is then multiplied by additive % boosts (like skill points, %spell damage, %element damage, etc), then boosted by vanish if you have that upgrade, and then 27% of your spell raw will be applied. 10 hits * 27% damage = 270% damage, you you end up dealing a lot more. If you have multihit grade 2, you get one more hit with 120% damage, which would deal 60 extra neutral damage, not 50 extra.

    And then there's % damage boosts. These are things like %spell/melee, %elemental damage, skillpoint elemental boosts, str/dex, and curse and courage. These all add, so if you have +50% earth damage and +50% spell damage, you will deal 2x as much earth damage, not 1.5*1.5 (2.25x). This makes str and dex not worth investing extra skill points into, although they do have a large effect on their respective element because they have double the effect, adding more points in str/dex isn't worth it compared to int, def, or agi.
    NamesAreHard likes this.
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