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World Ocean Quest: Attack On Selchar

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Potatomancer, Jun 6, 2021.


Good Idea?

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  2. Yes, but needs some changes

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  1. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    Ok so I really want to make a Skien quest because he cool without ruining the fun of exploring his island so hopefully I succeeded this time.

    Quest: Attack on Selchar
    Level 25
    Start: Talk to Captain Jome in the Selchar docks
    Length: Short

    Jome: Finally, a Wynn soldier! It seems Ragni is treating this problem seriously now.
    Jome: My name is captain Jome Ama. I lead the guard force here in Selchar.
    Jome: Have you heard of Skien? He was a seasoned general, until he went mad guarding a nearby island and somehow corrupted it.
    Jome: Recently, his navy started to attack ships closer to Selchar. Just now, my scouts have told me they’re heading straight towards Selchar!
    Jome: We don’t have enough soldiers to fight them off, so hopefully we can evacuate before they get here-

    Around this time a soldier runs towards Jome.

    Soldier: Sir! We’ve spotted Skien’s ships on the horizon!
    Jome: Wait, they’re already here? Get the citizens into a safe area! We need to defend this island at all costs!

    The camera then pans out to a fleet of worn down ships. There are three in total, with one larger than the others in the middle, and has a flag on top. The flagship then face their cannons toward Selchar and fire. They heavily damage the docks and kill some guards.

    Soldier: Sir! Our ranks are heavily damaged and the ships are preparing to board!
    Jome: Augh! Retreat!

    The two small ships then approach the docks and some undead sailors invade the docks. You are then teleported to a damaged Selchar dock with the soldiers and Jome running.
    Jome: Hey (player)! What are doing?! Your outnumbered, you won’t survive!

    You then have to have to fight off undead sailors with 300 health and charge. There is a miniboss called the Dread Captain with 1000 health and charge and multihit. Killing him drops a block of tnt. There is an unmanned cannon on the docks, and using the tnt, will fire it towards one of the ships and blowing it up.

    The invaders seem vulnerable . Try taking over the remaining ship!

    Go to the other ship. There, 5 Undead Deckhands with 400 health spawn. Kill all of them and go to the steering wheel and right click it. You are then teleported to another area where it shows you running the boat straight into the flagship. Making it explode and causing both ships to sink.

    You are then teleported to a chase sequence where the flagship is exploding and you have to get to the other end to a lifeboat within 20 seconds. When you reach the boat, you are teleported back to the damaged selchar docks where Jome is seen standing.

    Jome: …What was that???
    Jome: We all just witnessed you take on the entire invasion force and destroy them in one fell swoop!
    Jome: Here, take this. This is the reward for the awesome bravery you shown today!
    Jome: You also now have access to our training area. We have some pretty cool test dummies for you to beat!
    Jome: Despite this victory, Skien is still out there. Maybe when you are level 65, you could take on his island.

    5 eb
    Access to the Selchar training docks (has a bunch of test dummies that can be affected my mana/life steal, and have set-able ais)
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2021
    starx280 likes this.
  2. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Very funny.

    In all seriousness, this is alright. It's just that something about it feels out of place to be its own quest. Can't really put my finger on it, but something about it just feels a bit weird.
  3. HyperHypa

    HyperHypa UWU

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    Why does this part sound so wynn
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  4. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    You are aware that all of Skien's soldiers (and Skien himself I might add), have been dead for at least 50+ years? Also why would Skien's soldiers be led by a pirate captain? Essentially none of this makes sense from a lore perspective.

    Sorry for being semi-rude here, but I've seen you make multiple suggestions related to Skien without actually understanding just what his story is and what makes it special. You can't just slap Skien into a quest like this just to inform players about his island (40 levels early I might add), it just doesn't make sense.

    I know that you are making these because the character interests you, and that is good considering how few people are interested in the character, but I don't think you've understood what their story is. Here is an example of what I mean: Here, you say that Skien has a navy, which while good for putting him in the quest is 100% not something he has, what with him having burned all the ships:

    Skien's Diary 4
    Everyone is gone I don't know where they went. Yet, I'm alone. The rebellion was quelled. The traitors failed to kill me, as I knew they would. They lay dead, in familiar garb. Yet this victory feels hollow with none to share in it. I expected such praise upon defeating the enemy. But no one came. No great fanfare or I am not sure what happened. Did the villagers cast some spell? Are my soldiers all imprisoned somewhere? Have they left? Did I not succeed in burning the boats as the mutineers set sail? What have I done wrong? My mind is one of the most brilliant in the military... No one disagrees. No one can. How could I possibly have made such a massive mistake as this? Why am I alone here? Alone, yet a presence lingers, I feel such looming dread...

    Sure, this is a small detail, but these things add up, and in this case, it invalidates this entire quest. I'm glad people are finally taking an interest in Skien, but if you're going to suggest things about them, I highly recommend looking a little closer at the character's story and all the sources attached to it.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2021
  5. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    i mean, the soldiers are all 'alive' again, right? 'the only corrupted island' is one of skein islands defining characteristics

    and i don't think that was a pirate captain
  6. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    Updated previous comment, it literally isn't possible for him to have a navy, my bad for writing something so short.
  7. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Skien does not feel like a character who needs a quest, I think it'd be better if there was a Sodeta quest that brings up Skien a lot so that the curious players can go to his island and learn more on their own.
    Sir_Doomed likes this.
  8. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    Good concept, quest's a little short though
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