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World 1.2(x): The Ocean Expansion!

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Verenite, May 30, 2021.


cool idea yes?

  1. yes

    15 vote(s)
  2. yes

    7 vote(s)
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  1. Verenite

    Verenite Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Hey kids. I like water. Do you like water? Sure you do!
    The Ocean is a huge part of Wynncraft, taking up about a third of the entire map; yet, there's little to no content!
    Sure there's Corkus, Galleons and a few various quests that go on there, but it's an absolutely colossal area that's gone to waste content-wise.
    I post this here today to share with you some ideas (some small additions, and some absolutely massive) about how we could improve the Ocean in general.

    The main addition would be another mini-province, similar to Corkus itself. Since the Ocean has many different quests, with many different level scales, the following suggestions will follow suit. Also, due to the height limitations of minecraft itself, it will probably have to be built off-map with teleporters, similar to RoL.

    The mobs within this place all possess extremely high Fire defense, obviously as the whole damn thing is water. They are, however, very weak to Thunder, again due to it all being water.

    Entrance: Levels 50-65:

    Quest: Into the Deep (lvl 57):
    The first levels involve an underwater city named (insert water city here, atlantis suck!). The player enters the depths of the ocean through a giant whirlpool between Dead Island and Maro Peaks.

    They end up here because they become a part of an expedition that started from Ragni's King, to find if there is actually corruption within the extensive Ocean Depths, (A large dock is built on the coast of Ragni, maybe a seaskipper though that would cause level ones to be able to access it)

    The fleet of ships eventually reaches the whirlpool, and anchors around it at a safe distance to decide on a gameplan to enter it. The player has the Breathing Helmet II on for safety, in case some unexpected event happens. Shortly afterwards, the entire ocean seemingly shakes, and an enormous roar is heard. The whirlpool begins to intensify, and the ship the player is on is sucked within. (how coincidental!...).

    Quests are as follows. I won't be going into the flavor quests that would be placed in the town, I'm here for the main content :saltroll:

    Into the Deep (continued).
    The player wakes up in a room, well kept with a strange oceanic attire. You realize you are somehow underwater without your helmet, so you panic looking for it. The player eventually realizes that they are actually breathing the water naturally, with no breathing helmet.

    Moments afterwards, an NPC similar to Calamaro walks in, briefly says "Oh, he's awake! Ahm... please wait here..." and runs out, seemingly to get someone.

    Another NPC walks in a few seconds later, named (x, still cant name npcs :saltroll:). He explains to the player that they are currently in the (insert water city), and that they have cast magic on him to allow them to breathe, noting that his breathing helmet was "shabby and deteriorated". He mentions to follow him, and walks into the long hallway, and begins to explain where the player is.

    At the end of the hallway, lies a throne room with more oceanic-esque decor. Sponges, coral, the works, with a similar structure to Corkus and Ragni's throne rooms. At the center lies the Emperor of the Depths, (I STILL CANT NAME NPCS). He welcomes the player, and explains that the people the player was with are safe, and that while he would like to ask for the player's assistance, his task is far too deadly for the player to take on (Level 85). He suggests to explore the city, find the player's associates, and return to him.

    The town contains a few flavor NPCs and a couple of quest-giving NPCs, at various levels from 60 to 90 ish; the higher levels sitting outside and around the area surrounding the city. The player explores the town, gets the people from the ships, and returns to the king. He explains that he would like to speak with the king of the player's home nation, and establish some relations. He shows the player a path to a cave mouth, with a path directly up to a cave on the surface.

    The player returns to the King of Ragni, explains the situation, and the quest is complete.

    The completion of this quest grants the player free access to the underwater kingdom, permanent water breathing, and some emeralds or something.

    Going Further Below (level 85):
    After reaching level 85, the player returns to (insert aquatic city name) and meets with (insert emperor name here) once more. He explains that now that the player has returned with more strength backing him up, he may learn the truth behind the occasional tremors and roars one hears and feels when near the whirlpool, or within the city.

    He continues explaining that their guardian beast was corrupted after a large nether portal suddenly appeared within the deepest parts of a large cave system they use for resources. It is a monstrously powerful being, itself saying he once saw Qira down in the depths for some reason (maybe to research for the Oceanic Judge?) and would like to have a match, confident he would win by a landslide.

    He describes the guardian beast as a colossal manta ray, easily encompassing the width of the city. He is holding back the corruptive effects of the Nether Portal all by himself, becoming slowly corrupted himself in the process. He asked that were he ever to become corrupted himself, that to end his misery by any means necessary. He also mentions that were he not to care about his surroundings and the city, the guardian could potentially destroy a nether portal.

    The player and the emperor talk about this, on a long path towards a huge cave mouth, with numerous NPCs gathered at the entrance. They are a subjugation party, gathered to put the guardian to rest. A scripted cutscene follows with the player participating in what in the future will be a Raid. The party fails, and is forced to retreat.

    The emperor applauds their efforts, and is glad they all escaped unharmed. He asks the player to gather his strongest allies, become stronger, and to try once more.

    (quest complete, gain access to the raid, a few LE or something)

    And now, for details on the Raid itself.
    Guardian of the Depths
    To stare into the abyss...

    The Guardian of the Depths is a level 300 raid boss, with a max level limit of 600, and playercount of 5. This allows players at level 106 to challenge truly end-game content.

    I'm bad at describing ideas for the puzzle/pre-boss rooms, but i've got a fairly good idea of what the boss should look like. All of the boss' attacks deal heavy water damage, and the boss is weak to Thunder and resistant to Fire.

    STAGE 1
    Stage 1 is an endurance battle. The players must survive for 2 minutes while dealing damage to two stationary invisible mobs that act as body parts for The Guardian. The Guardian flaps its massive "wings" (wtf do you call them on a manta ray) at the players, and creates a shockwave similar to shaman's Aura, and the invisible mobs can cast Wave and Explosion attacks. The more damage dealt to the invisible mobs, the easier Stage 2 will be.

    STAGE 2
    The main fight begins. Players must kill four invisible mobs that act as the Guardian's body parts, weakening it for Stage 3. Each body part has a different attack, the two that act as the "wings" can use that aura-esque attack, and cast a giant wave of explosions with a choreographic movement to allow players to avoid it. The two that act as the horn shaped "fins" on it's head can cast Wave, Heavy Explosion, and projectile storm or whatever it is. After a part is dead, the attacks it causes are disabled. Be warned, if one set of them dies first, the other set will become much stronger, such as killing both wings or fins at once.

    The final stage begins with the Guardian falling flat on the floor after being weakened. Players will climb onto it's back and finish the fight, Corruption... "pustules"? will be released from it's back, and players will have a limited time to kill them. If they are not all defeated in time, players will be kicked off pack onto the platform and will have to continue fighting the body parts, albeit weaker, until all pustules are destroyed.

    After removing the corruption from the Guardian, he raises up once more and thanks the players for releasing him from the infection. A cutscene appears where the Guardian surges with power and collapses the nether portal in on itself, cleansing the ocean from corruption, leading players to the rewards room.

    I aint got ideas for tomes chief. Let IM deal with that :saltroll:...
    Instead of Corkian Amplifiers, this boss will reward players with Whetstones (daggers & spears), High Quality Varnish (bows, reliks, wands), High Quality Fabric (boots, leggings), and Armor Polish (helmets, chestplates, also dont know what to call this). These items will allow you to increase stats on crafted items by 5%/10%/15% respectively, after crafting. (might need to be lowered, crafted items can be pretty busted at times lol)

    And that's about it. Please do take giant dumps on my terrible ideas in the comments, or praise them if you so please. This thread is half-serious and half-shitpost, so do as you please. Probably wasn't what you were expecting from an Ocean Expansion post, but it's about the best I can do with my limited brain power.
    Last edited: May 30, 2021
  2. kel gaming

    kel gaming kraft american cheese HERO

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    where is the mythic shrine
    dr_carlos and Flynn Taggart like this.
  3. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    finish or varnish maybe?
  4. Verenite

    Verenite Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    good idea
  5. Flynn Taggart

    Flynn Taggart Would an omnipresent always vore you 24/7 VIP

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    tfw a giant manta ray is more powerful than the god of light and a continent destroying colossus
    Nukewarmachine likes this.
  6. Verenite

    Verenite Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    ocean creatures do not fear the square cube law
    they grow as large as they please :troll:
    Nukewarmachine and Flynn Taggart like this.
  7. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    you might want to consider making the poll unbiased
  8. Sir_Doomed

    Sir_Doomed Can't think of anything to put here

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    The quests you detailed kinda feel like the silent expanse starter quests...
  9. HyperHypa

    HyperHypa UWU

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    nice details
  10. Verenite

    Verenite Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Slpc likes this.
  11. Lousyre

    Lousyre Famous Adventurer

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    Ruining a suggestion 101
    Samsam101 likes this.
  12. ceasar0415

    ceasar0415 Skilled Adventurer

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    where unique, rare and set tomes :angry:
  13. epicwynkrafgemr

    epicwynkrafgemr Skilled Adventurer

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    Don't forget Normal tomes and Crafted tomes
  14. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    Already asked several times so I guess they will rework ocean for 1.21 but still a good thread though.
  15. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I honestly cannot tell if this thread is a shitpost from the biased poll and saltroll alone because the rest of the thread seems serious?
    What? Why would you do that? Really, you should just go for one or the other

    Anyway, here's how I feel about the serious part of this thread:

    • I don't think the ocean needs its own major area, all it really needs is some nice new scenery and stuff
    • A fully underwater city sounds really annoying and I feel like the NPCs would just float around
    • Permanent water breathing is way too OP of a mechanic to give to all players for doing a pretty easy quest
    • The second quest literally sounds like one 2 minute cutscene with no content otherwise
    • Nether portals don't just appear, there is only one at the roots of corruption
    • The only corruption on the ocean is at Skien Island and should really be left at that IMO
    • The idea of ''free the guardian's soul because it is corrupted'' is literally in Troubled Tribesmen already
    • I can see that you really tried to make this whole thing fit with the War of the Realms, even though it wouldn't make sense for them. The CT are already having a tough time making old features from before there was a storyline actually work (E.G Garoth) so we really don't need more
    • Having a giant manta ray as a boss seems fun

    Honestly I would prefer the inevitable ocean update to just be some mostly visual changes
  16. Yerin

    Yerin Self-proclaimed goddess of light. VIP+

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    I love this idea! I definitely agree that the ocean needs to be expanded. Currently, it is really bland except for the island, but here is my "serious feedback" about this.
    • The ocean should be split up into multiple level areas ranging from your "Entrance Level Areas" to the "Ocean Depths" with level 1oo mobs that are incredibly deadly.
    • Secondly, I believe maybe a new province: "The Ocean Province" and follows all of the normal things like several different level areas, very similar to Gavel and Wynn. I think though also this should be a large area, and as you said, it should just be a mini province, not an entire province.
    • Thirdly, I believe that it would be incredibly important to add new quests. The quests would have to be plentiful and it would need to be a huge update to be important in my opinion, although I do believe that it would be better if the quests were long quests and not very short quests to fit the theme of what length quests are. After around level 60+ quests, the quests become really long and most of them are described as "Long" quests.
    • Fourthly, instead of "permanent water breathing" I think it should multiply the amount of time underwater by 1.5x to make it fairer. Permanent water breathing would be way overpowered and I believe it would be better to increase your water breathing, but not make it permanent. (This could be achievable by automatically applying respiration to the helmet you are currently wearing.
  17. ImmaDonut

    ImmaDonut Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    he could be the god of water, similar to orphion being the god of light
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