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Game Mechanics Cci Rework, New Identifications, And Boss Diary

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by StormDragon4, May 1, 2021.



  1. All of it!

  2. The CCI rework

  3. The new ID's

  4. The Boss ID's

  5. The Boss Diary

  6. None of it

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    Well, it's another month, so time to post another one of these. I've had more free time lately, because of that I might start posting suggestions more often. Anyways, enough with me rambling; it's time to get talking about what it is that I am proposing.

    This suggestion aims to look at some different things that I feel would work well in the world of wynncraft. This includes changing CCI, adding more identifications, adding a diary for keeping track of bosses, and adding new gimmicks to existing bosses.
    CCI, crowd-control immunity, is a problem that needs to be addressed. In theory, it is a good idea to give bosses more versatility. The issue is that CCI is overused and instead lowers the amount of versatility one has with their spells. Wynncraft already has an issue with a lack of spells so by taking away 90% of the power of at least one spell per class; you hurt spell variability even more. CCI even ruins class suggesting, something I’ve truly come to love. My class, my beloved warlock, is useless with CCI. Recently I was invited to help with a project in providing support in some class suggestions. The classes looked great but there was one constant issue; CCI damaged fundamental properties of certain spells or even the class itself. My solutions are as follows: Make CCI a scale, meaning KNOCKBACK effects are reduced by that much. This scale can dip in the negative to allow mobs to get thrown around with ease. Stationary mobs are immoveable of course. Secondly, give mobs Status effect resistance. This is the same idea but it cannot go into the negative. These two things being separate means you can have a boss that cannot be slowed or stunned but you can abuse knockback to make up for that. Overall I think this will make CCI a much more interesting mechanic and easier to balance around.
    I know people will be uneasy about new ID's. these sorts of things can make or break the meta in wynncraft. These might need balancing but personally I think that they are unique enough to at least be considered.

    Knockback Resistance: No longer limited to mobs. Has a cap of +80% to ensure you don’t get CCI. appears in both positive and negative values. Positive is mostly on fire items. Negative is mostly on air items.
    Examples: Base +18% on guardian
    Base +38% on Statue
    -21% base on stratiformis

    Status Resistance: Gives reduced status effect duration. Caps at 40%. Appears as both positive and negative.
    Examples: Base +23% on Nullification
    Base -17% on Statue
    On most items the number is quite low.

    Pet Damage: appears in both % and raw, positive and negative. Gets divided by the number of pets you have out. Not at all bound to any type of item.
    King of hearts: Base -1000000 pet damage raw
    Necklace (new): Teamwork: rarity: legendary | Level: 97 | Health: -350 | -32 all elemental defences | +23-101 pet damage raw (78 base) | +12-52% pet damage (40 base) | +4-16% walk speed (base 12)

    "Boss ID's" are what I've called passive abilities that bosses are given. these abilities spice up the fight without adding in new spells or attacks. Here are the ideas I have come up with. If you have any ideas comment them and I might add them to this section (crediting you of course)
    When you enter a fight with a Boss ID you receive a chat message written in light blue saying "This boss is stronger then most, it has access to a powerful ability. [ability here]"

    Dr. Legendary: Bomber: Deal 8% increased damage per explosive within a 4 block radius.

    Antikythera Supercomputer Core: Reflective Circuits: reflect 1% of damage taken back to the player. This damage is unaffected by thorns/reflection.

    (Corrupted)Theorick: Frozen Spirit: Theorick is immune to slows and freezes (Theorick himself does not have any effect resistance)

    Cluckles, Mooington, Baabs: One of us: Immune to pet damage

    Death: Soul Harvester: Upon killing a player gain +25% damage dealt and damage resistance. Resets upon the arena being empty.

    (Mecha)Corrupter of Worlds: Charge Attack: Deal 20% increased damage for 2 seconds if the corrupter of worlds has moved 8 blocks before dealing any damage.

    Shadow Amadel + Blade of Shade: Shadow Vengeance: KIlling a blade of shade or shadow amadel results in all blade of shades and shadow amadels in a 3 block radius gaining 15% damage and damage resistance for 5 seconds. This does stack upon killing multiple.

    Fully-Formed Amadel: Weakening Presence: All players within 8 blocks have their elemental defences reduced by 50%

    Corrupted Amadel: Weakening Crystal: Deal 20% more damage to players within 3 blocks of a crystal.

    Lari: Pacifism: Deal 50% increased damage to players above half health. Deal 40% reduced damage to players below half health.

    The Eye: Eternal Gaze: Every 15 seconds in the fight increase the eye’s damage by 6%
    (resets each phase)

    (Corrupted)Garoth: Extinction: deal 15% increased damage when there are no creepers in the arena.

    Rymek Luke: Precision: Arrows deal 4% increased damage per block travelled.

    Corpus(Corkus)accipientis: Randomly change all elemental stats for new ones every 10 seconds. (Give each phase elemental stats now)

    Plague (Virus) Doctor: Swarm: Deal 1% extra damage per minion within 7 blocks

    Qira: Power Vacuum: Powder specials charge 80% slower off of Qira

    (Corrupted)Slykaar: Life Essence: Increases damage dealt equal to half of the percentage of HP the player is missing

    Redbeard: Hurricane: CC spells are 35% more effective

    Gregg’r: Orcish Fury: Gain a damage boost equal to half percentage of HP missing

    Corrupted Charon: Lifelink: A player gaining life while within 5 blocks of Charon causes Charon to heal the same amount.

    Psychomancer: Chaos: Every 12 seconds increase the walkspeed, projectile speed, mana regen speed (player), attack speed, health regen speed, and spell cast cooldown (boss) on both the players and psychomancer by 10% (I'm half joking on this one)
    This boss change is cool and all but it really needs something else to compliment it. That is where the Boss Diary comes into play. The boss diary is intended to inform you about the bosses you have encountered. You unlock a boss in the diary by fighting it. You are considered to have fought the boss after either you damage it or it has damaged you.

    The tab in the quest book to access this section replaces the mini-quest access point. You now access the mini-quests through the book where you currently see % of total quests complete. That button now shows both percentages and toggles between quests and mini-quests.

    The tab is marked by a wither-skeleton skull.

    Encountered bosses are shown with the mob head of the boss hovering your cursor over them says the bosses name and “Click for more details”. Unencountered bosses appear as X’s. hovering your cursor over them says “You haven’t encountered this boss yet”

    The page on the boss displays the following information:
    The bosses name
    The bosses level
    There is an iron sword. Hovering your cursor overtop of it allows you to see the bosses damage
    There is a chestplate: Hovering your cursor overtop of it allows you to see the bosses health and defences
    There is an ender pearl: Hovering your cursor overtop of it allows you to see the bosses spells
    There is a nether star: Hovering your cursor overtop of it allows you to see the Boss ID if there is one.
    There is a blaze powder: Hovering your cursor overtop of it allows you to see the bosses ai type
    There is a nametag: Hovering your cursor overtop of it allows you to see some lore surrounding the boss
    along the bottom there are tabs (paper) allowing you to cycle between boss phases. If you haven’t fought a specific phase of the boss yet hovering your cursor over that tab reads “you haven’t encountered this phase yet”
    Huge shoutout to @dr_carlos for making some GUI for me. It's really helped this suggestion come to life.
    The quest data point. When you swap to mini-quests you will see data on that.

    Access point of the boss diary. The levels are based off of recommended level encountered

    Main page. Only Corrupted Theorick has been fought so far.

    Boss head, name, and mob level.

    Damage info. Would have actual numbers but the wiki didn't have them

    Defences and hp. Once again would have numbers, we just couldn't find them


    ai type

    Lore. Every boss has some.

    Boss ID if applicable

    Phase selector
    I don't think every boss on the wiki's boss page is really a boss. Some of them are just "enemy that can take a bit more damage". here are all of the bosses that are actually in the book.

    Dr. Essen
    Pigman Overlord
    Well Witch
    Sayleros’ Brother
    Haunted Mask
    Colossal Rat
    Corrupted Santa
    Etus the Blind
    Albert the Strong
    Pharoah Nabak
    The Mummy
    The Cockatrice
    Snow Bear
    Chained Beast
    Treasure Guardian
    Possessed Aryn
    Thorned Beast
    Malignant Beast
    Corrupter of Worlds
    Fully Formed Amadel
    Corrupted Amadel
    Shadow Amadel
    Bob’s Reincarnation
    Mangled Progeny
    Theorick (alive)
    Insane Thief
    The Quartron
    Defective Guard Golem
    Tower Maiden
    Biohazard Amalgamate
    Confused Witch
    Grootslang Wyrm
    Warden of Wisdom
    Volatile Fleris
    Poclo Wabblebuff of Gelibord
    Uggword Pollywagon the Murderous
    Yahya - The final form
    Tunnel Dweller Cheiftan
    Carnivorous Plant
    Pirate queen
    The Razorouse King
    Gryndilin Chief
    Grand Mage Vidobe
    Big Butch
    Representative Ernold
    Your Reflection?
    Corpus Accipientis
    Spirit of Gale
    Oceanic Judge
    Solar Vanguard
    Qira, Mistress of the Hive
    Massive Troll Guardian
    Veekhat the Minotaur
    Captain Goldenclaw
    Abduce the Barbarian
    Kiriost of the Molten Arrow
    Delinaed the Wise
    Ockar of the Unseen Blade
    Pens'r of The Dark Blade
    Datrin of The Dark Blade
    Dogbon of The Dark Blade
    Infective Endocarditis
    Drygioni Enchantress
    Airship Captain
    Steam Mech-DM1
    Fiery Mech-DM2
    Intelligent Mech-DM3
    Big Boss Mech-DM666
    Temple Key Guard
    Mech X
    Maxi-M Mobile Cannon 04
    Maxi-M Combat Disruptor 02
    Corrupted Witherhead
    Corrupted Arakadicus
    Corrupted Garoth
    Corrupted Charon
    Corrupted Hashr
    Corrupted Theorick
    Corrupted Slykaar
    Antikythera Supercomputer core
    The Eye
    Durum Protector
    Rymek Luke
    The Beast
    Olux Plague Doctor
    Tribe Zombie Chief
    Blade of Shade
    Revenant of Skien
    Grand Magus
    Mining Mech TERA-4M
    Orange Wybel
    Panic Zealot
    The Grootslang Wyrmlings
    Orphion, the light beast
    The Parasite
    The Colossus
    The Mummyboard
    Corkus Virus Doctor
    Corkus Accipientis
    Matrojan Idol
    YahyaBot V4.04
    Death Metal
    Mechocorrupter of worlds
    Robob’s reinvention
    Orange Cybel
    Dr. Legendary
    Mama Zombie
    Matryoshka Idol
    General Skien
    Phoenix Prince

    CCI is on a scale and separated between status effects and knockback.
    Pet damage, knockback reduction, and status effect protection are all ID's.
    Bosses can have passives
    There is a section of your questbook to keep track of bosses

    Well that's all for now. I hope that you guys like what I've created and that this thread can receive some support. See you all when I have my next idea.
    It let me center spoilers but somehow that made it more cursed
    Last edited: May 2, 2021
  2. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    Yes, yes except status resistance, no, and yes.
    Your last one reminds me of the Beastiary suggestion I made a while ago...
    That_Chudley likes this.
  3. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    mob or player status resistance? Mobs with CCI already have immunity to this.
  4. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Will write lore for each of them if you want me to.
  5. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    sure that would be really cool. I was going too but then I realized how many bosses 139 is.
  6. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    player status
  7. Xeabia

    Xeabia A creative mind who's clumsy as heck HERO

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    owo, this looks really cool! Boss Diary is a really cool addition, and gives a lot more information to bosses you have bested while giving some more Lore. (I've always been a fan of Bestiaries giving some more insight on enemies and some flavor text.). It also gives you a sense of the accomplishments you made across your journey, as you slowly fill in the percentages. Also, Boss IDs also look pretty good. It makes a lot of the bosses have an extra touch of uniqueness and more flavor to a fight... however.

    This kinda highlights a big issue with some Boss IDs. Getting hit by something you had no idea of knowing. If I had no idea there's an effect during my first time, or maybe up to my second or third time that can destroy me just because I didn't know, that becomes unfair. The Antikythera is a huge example of this, literally getting hit by something you cannot see. Also, since the Player is meant to do a lot more damage to bosses than enemies dealing damage to you, this makes players with no Defense, low health, or no Health Regen say "Guess I'll just die". Don't get me wrong, most of the Boss IDs are good, and subtle enoguh so that it doesn't have too much of an impact while playing. However, Eye's Eternal Gaze can make it feel unfair for the player not knowing why suddenly doing about 64% more damage 4 minutes in, and Psychomancer/Panic Zealot doing Chaos without any indicators can be a situation between life and death, especially Panic Zealot that requires a lot of foreknowledge to do right.

    Status Resistance is cool. Idk how much mileage people are going to get out of Pet Damage considering you can only get them from Crates and only go up to Lv. 20, so that would be pretty unnecessary. Also, idk how people are going to get out of Knockback Resistance, since mobs often move players via Push/Pull Ability anyways, not knockback and mobs that actually hit the player back farther than normal for their basic attack is very rare. Still, it would be neat to have just as a niffy add-on. Tho, I feel like players worry more about hitstun rather than the knockback of enemies.

    As for CCI, CCI is a bad thing that can make bosses a dumpster fire for classes and get crushed in that they can't use their spells optimally which is a core design of their gameplay. However, admitly, pre 1.20, Shaman Aura did basically wreck almost every boss, but 1.20 made Shaman Aura ineffective against almost every boss. With the Knockback system, while it will fix the other classes' spells useful again for CCI mobs, you would kinda have a return to the former with Shaman Aura being OP. Also, a Knockback system surprising already exists with Corruptor of Worlds actually having slight Knockback Resistance. Having a greater emphasis on that system to replace CCI would be great, amazing even. Tho, idk how you could work around the Shaman's Paradox of Aura being incredibly powerful, or do almost nothing.
    Druser likes this.
  8. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    there is a free one last I checked. Damage stops receiving buffs at level 20.

    honestly it would turn into a case of shaman is broken against some bosses and useless against others. Shaman as a whole needs to be looked at.

    chaos was partly a joke seeing as well it’s whole purpose is just to make a fight be as stressful as possible. Panic zealot probably shouldn’t have this though.

    the antikythera one is probably a flawed ID. Balancing mobs is far from my specialty. You comment about not knowing on your first time made me realize that I should add something that pops up in chat when you enter the boss fight.
    Xeabia likes this.
  9. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    yes sir, the boss book is actually something that I might suggested too in one of my threads but yours is clearly well done and should defenetly be added.
    StormDragon4 likes this.
  10. TigerYaisou

    TigerYaisou Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    great suggestions! +1


    oh god this would suck but make it so hard
  11. nkklk

    nkklk Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    +1 to CC reduction as opposed to CC immunity. Poor Shaman is so flimsy when fighting bosses. :frowning:
    StormDragon4 likes this.
  12. CashorCard

    CashorCard Apotheosis

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  13. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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  14. Crystqllized

    Crystqllized Skilled Adventurer

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    CCI would be better redone with each boss having a scale for each spell, as well as separate resistances to each part of aura. One value for all spells might still either have some spells made useless or other spells still too powerful.

    Knockback resistance as an ID would make many bosses much less exciting, although status effect duration and pet damage are ok I guess. (assuming push and pull are counted as knockback)

    Boss ID's would be great as they make bosses more unique and interesting (although I haven't looked at the suggested IDs individually and they may need balancing as Xeabia noted earlier), and the Boss diary would allow the player, without using the wiki a ton, to understand what the bosses are doing even with boss IDs, knockback resistances, and spells, so it doesn't feel like a "spray and pray" fight.
    StormDragon4 likes this.
  15. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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  16. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    I am unsure for CCI because I dont fully understand that subject, but all those additions to bosses are absolutely golden, if not diamond!
    StormDragon4 likes this.
  17. blegar1

    blegar1 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Mage and assassin both have a way of removing this so eh.
    God no. 1% damage is still a lot of health to the player.
    I think he's a stationery boss? (well stationery as in he only moves when he teleports) so kinda useless?
    Kinda useless since most players solo.
    Elemental defences are not good anyway. Won't change much.
    Rymek luke 1 hit kills every class at level no matter what, this more just makes it harder for higher classes
    Does redbeard have any? Only one I can think of is wave? Or is push now gonna be stronger?
  18. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    yeah but shaman, archer, and warrior all have to deal with it.

    this, along with all of the boss ID’s, are just concepts to showcase my idea.

    the idea is that wave, push, and pull would all be more effective.
  19. blegar1

    blegar1 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I'm just more of the opinion give them a way to get rid of statuses (because seriously most of the statuses suck)
    Makes more sense there, Boss ID's would be cool, just not some of those
    NO! JUST NO! Wave sure but push and pull suck ;-;
  20. Toaster

    Toaster He/Him CHAMPION

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    Pet ids are kinda odd, I don't know if they're necessary. I really like the other identifications! I've been suggesting and toying with that idea for a while now, definitely makes push and pull spells less annoying.

    The boss ids are a cool idea in theory, they just need some work on the specifics (however, the one for the eye does push back a bit against tank meta and makes it genuinely challenging). But at the same time, players should be aware of what's happening. The eye's phases and minigames give an introduction to new mechanics (laser minigame when the lasers become more of a problem, chat message for the wretch, etc), and without this, I think the fight would be a lot more annoying for players.

    Definitely love cci rework and boss diary, those I wouldn't change much if at all. Cool suggestions!
    StormDragon4 likes this.
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