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Spell Upgrades 4 - 5

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by StormDragon4, Mar 23, 2021.


Could this be added?

  1. Yes!

  2. Maybe with changes (explain)

  3. No (comment why below)

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  1. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    It's not April yet but I decided to post my next suggestion early.
    Three weeks ago I posted a thread titled Main Attack Upgrades In that thread I detailed how main attacks could be improved upon through giving them upgrades similar to spells.

    However also in that post I mentioned how I am annoyed that the spell upgrades stop at level 66.
    So now I have created two more tiers of spells for each spell in the game. As with my other thread content in the game would need to be buffed. This is intended to add versatility to spells and more progression to the game, not make the game easier.

    I also made the last upgrade at 105 because level 106 is a bonus level and you shouldn't be forced to get it.

    Grade IV (lvl 56): cost: 6 - Damage: 130% - slow: 30% - 40% earth

    +Punching bag: Increase cc effectiveness on enemies hit by 15% for 4 seconds.

    Grade V (lvl 76): cost: 6 - damage: 130% - slow: 35% - 45% earth

    +Disarming strike: reduce the damage dealt by mobs hit by 10% for 4 seconds

    Notes: I like the idea of warriors being able to increase the benefits of cc but I’m not a huge fan of Disarming strike. It’s been over a month and I can’t think of anything better. Also please change cci to degrees of resistance with very few mobs having full on immunity (TCC and The Eye can keep it)

    Grade IV (lvl 66): cost: 4 - damage: 150% - 40% fire

    +Unstoppable force: gain 80% cc resistance while charging

    Grade V (lvl 86): cost: 4 - damage: 150% - 40% fire

    +Inspiring leader: If you trigger inspire while charging, grant half its effects to nearby allies upon landing.

    Notes: CC resistance is a path that I think would be cool to see warriors go down. Inspiring leader gives you new supporting options.

    Grade IV (lvl 76): cost: 9 - damage: 300% - 15% earth

    +Impactful finish: Comet now also damages nearby enemies.

    Grade V (lvl 96): cost: 9 - damage: 300% - 15% earth

    +Shield crusher: enemies hit take 20% increased damage for 3 seconds

    Notes: Impactful finish adds some aoe damage. Shield crusher was already talked about being added in some way.
    War Scream:

    Grade IV (lvl 86): cost: 6 - damage: 50% (per hit) - 75% fire - 25% air

    +Solid defender: adding 15% cc resistance for 4 minutes

    Grade V (lvl 105): cost: 6 - damage: 50% (per hit) - 75% fire - 25% air

    +Cleansing burst: upon casting remove all negative status effects from the caster.

    Notes: Again cc resistance is cool and a cleanse is something I want on warrior.


    Grade IV (lvl 56): cost: 6 - heal: 20%

    +Lasting purity: immune to negative status effects and fire for 5 seconds after casting

    Grade V (lvl 76): cost: 6 - heal: 20%

    +Last ditch effort: healing is doubled when at or below 5% health

    Notes: Heal is tough because it’s already really strong. Life drain is as close as I am willing to go towards heal dealing damage.

    Grade IV (lvl 66): cost: 4 - damage: 100% - 40% thunder

    +Recall: if you’ve cast teleport in the last 7 seconds then you can shift-cast to teleport back to the location you teleported from.

    Grade V (lvl 86): cost: 4 - damage: 100% - 40% thunder

    +Surprise attack: deal 30% increased melee damage for 2 seconds after teleporting.

    Notes: yes this will mess with cheesing parkour but you know you can just do the parkour normally like other people. Surprise attack exists because damage boost on movement spells is fun.

    Grade IV (lvl 76): cost: 8 - damage: 500% - 40% earth - 30% fire

    +Implosion: meteor pulls enemies closer after hitting the ground (doesn’t pull into the meteor but helps with the next one)

    Grade V (lvl 96): cost: 8 - damage: 500% - 40% earth - 40% fire

    +Flaming sanctuary: Take 15% less damage while standing in the burning ground.

    Notes: Implosion helps with spamming meteor. Flaming sanctuary gives you more defensive capabilities.
    Ice Snake:

    Grade IV (lvl 86): cost: 4 - damage: 70% - 50% water - 30% slow

    +Persistence: Ice snake moves 40% faster and 60% farther.

    Grade V (lvl 105): cost: 4 - damage: 100% - 50% water - 35% slow

    +Cryoblast: Damage is 100% at point blank range and scales down 5% per block down to a minimum of 70%.

    Notes: These upgrades are intended to help with using ice snake for damage

    Spin Attack:

    Grade IV (lvl 56): cost: 6 - Damage: 150% - 35% thunder

    +Brutal critical: Spin attack now has a 2.3x crit multiplier.

    Grade V (lvl 76): cost: 6 - Damage: 150% - 40% thunder

    +Rupture tendons: Mobs hit take 20% damage per block travelled for 3 seconds after the freeze concludes.

    Notes: Rupture is balanced by the fact that the damage will only kick in after your combo. Brutal critical feels like it fits assassin.

    Grade IV (lvl 66): cost: 2 - Duration: 5 seconds

    +Escape cloud: Create a grade 1 smoke bomb where you vanished from.

    Grade V (lvl 86): cost: 2 - Duration: 5 seconds

    +Vanishing Aura: Allies within a 3 block radius upon casting are given the effects of a grade 1 vanish.

    Notes: I want assassin to have support capabilities along with the other classes so allowing allies to lose mob aggro is pretty cool I guess. Escape cloud is just some added damage.

    Grade IV (lvl 76): cost: 8 - 30% per hit - 10 hits - 30% thunder - 35% water (last hit) - 15% earth (crash)

    +Crash: After being hit with fatality the enemies comes crashing down taking 50% damage.

    Grade V (lvl 96): cost: 8 - 30% per hit - 10 hits - 30% thunder - 40% water (last hit) - 25% earth (crash)

    +Prepare for Impact: Enemies caught in multihit take 15% increased damage from other sources.

    Notes: I don’t like these but I was stumped, open to other ideas.
    Smoke Bomb:

    Grade IV (lvl 86): Cost: 8 - Damage: 60% per second - Duration: 5 seconds - 30% earth - 25% air

    +Thick Cloud: Enemies inside have a 20% reduced aggro range

    Grade V (lvl 105): Cost: 8 - Damage: 60%/second - Duration: 5 seconds - 30% earth - 30% air

    +Protective Vapours: take 15% reduced damage while in your smoke bomb

    Notes: Thick cloud is again lowering aggro range to help your allies. Protective vapours is a caster only buff to give assassin a bit of defense.

    Arrow Storm:

    Grade IV (lvl 56): cost: 6 - Damage: 7.5% per arrow - 25% thunder - 15% fire - arrows: 80

    +Quad shot: add another stream of arrows

    Grade V (lvl 76): cost: 6 - Damage: 7.5% per arrow - 25% thunder - 15% fire - arrows: 80

    +Sniper: Increase damage by 25% if the enemy is more then 15 blocks away (hitting 6 arrows would deal 75% instead of 60%)

    Notes: Sniper gives reason to use arrow storm from afar. Quad shot just stays in line with the other upgrades.

    Grade IV (lvl 66): cost: 3 - damage: 100% - 50% air.

    +swift surge: the first 5s of the speed boost is tier 5.

    Grade V (lvl 86): cost: 3 - damage: 100% - 50% air.

    +shatterfall: the range of damage is doubled. Enemies are only blinded in the original area of effect.

    Notes: Swift surge gives more benefits to allies in terms of mobility. Shatterfall helps deal damage more effectively but doesn’t make everything blind.
    Arrow Bomb:

    Grade IV (lvl 76): cost: 8 - Damage: 250% - 25% earth - 20% fire

    +Big arrow: increase AOE by 35%

    Grade V (lvl 96): Cost: 8 - Damage: 250% - 25% earth - 25% fire

    +Hypocenter: Mobs take an additional 30% damage at point blank range but the damage falls off to 50% less than regular at the edges.

    Notes: the increased aoe is for more space for the damage scaling on Hypocenter to work. Hypocenter is designed to reward accuracy making bomb more skill based.
    Arrow Shield:

    Grade IV (lvl 86): cost: 10 - Damage: 100% - 30% water - 30% air (falling arrow)

    +Loner: Increase knockback by 60%

    Grade V (lvl 105): cost: 10 - Damage: 100% - 30% water - 30% air (falling arrow)

    +Arrow Shields: Allies within the arrow shield range upon casting receive a grade 1 arrow shield.

    Notes: The knockback helps deal with minions and other pesky mobs (of course cci will stop this). Arrow Shields allow for more teamplay while not making everyone on your team decimate the mobs because they can’t get hit.


    Grade IV (lvl 56): Cost: 4 - Damage: 20%/sec - 20% air - 20% fire

    +Weakening aura: Mobs inside your totem have 5% increased cc effectiveness against them.

    Grade V (lvl 76): Cost: 4 - Damage: 20%/sec - 20% air - 20% fire

    +Thick roots: Mobs inside your totem have 15% reduced movement speed

    Notes: Thick roots and weakening aura need to be small considering the amount of mobs they will be affecting and for how long.

    Grade IV (lvl 66): cost: 1 - Damage: 100% - 15% earth

    +Insult: mobs hit take 40% increased damage for 2 seconds

    Grade V (lvl 86): Cost: 1 - Damage: 100% - 20% earth

    +Propulsion: Casting without a totem sends you up 5 blocks

    Notes: Propulsion can help make shaman a little less annoying without totem. Insult is meant to be the opposite of inspire.

    Grade IV (lvl 76): cost: 8 - damage: 200% - 30% water

    +Blood magic: Increase damage dealt by an amount equal to the percentage of your missing health divided by 2.

    Grade V (lvl 96): Cost: 8 - Damage: 200% - 40% water

    +Self cast: casting aura without a totem casts a grade 1 aura that deals 30% less damage.

    Notes: Blood magic fits the shamanism theme of using life to cast spells. Self cast is just to give you an option when you don’t have a totem.

    Grade IV (lvl 86): cost: 6 - damage: 75% - 40% earth

    +Life siphon: Increase the damage of your next attack by a percentage equal to the percentage of your target's life total you took away.

    Grade V (lvl 105): cost: 6 - Damage: 100% - 50% earth

    +Nature's gift: Landing a killing blow with uproot resets it’s spell cost and heals you for 10% of your health.

    Notes: These buffs are intended to make uproot be used for damage in a way but keep the damage low. These also are pretty useless against a boss and are intended to be used against the minions.

    There are the upgrade ideas. As always feedback is appreciated, especially with multihit ideas. Please if you vote against this idea say why as I am curious to know.

    Now my ending and my spoilers won't center
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2021
  2. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    pair that with rally and now warrior is suddenly a better version of a mage
    But still, great ideas
    strikeflame5356 and StormDragon4 like this.
  3. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    Is There A problem with that?
    In all seriousness the cleanse can only affect the caster so mage is still better in a group. I mentioned that in the notes if it seemed to strong but kinda forgot about rally combined with it.
    strikeflame5356 likes this.
  4. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    kind of useless not gonna lie
    strikeflame5356 likes this.
  5. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    added a heal as well
    strikeflame5356 likes this.
  6. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    I like a lot the idea of having new spell upgrades but I think some of them are really too op like arrow shield tier 5 or even teleport tier 5, etc ...
  7. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    the teleport one I was just dumb and forgot the word melee in there. I don’t think arrow shield 5 is that busted seeing as archer wants to stay back and as mentioned before all content would be made harder to compensate for these buffs.
  8. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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  9. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    I feel like these should be added at 101 and 106, just because it would be kinda op using them against non SE/TCC/EO mobs.

    Bomb & Escape t5, Upgrades shouldn't be tradeoffs. No spell upgrade should do anything that would be unhelpful to the player, since they're not like major Ids where you can just remove the item. Once you have an upgrade your stuck with it so tradeoffs don't make sense. If a spell upgrade seems overpowered, just make it less overpowered, don't make it tradeoff your damage elsewhere.

    Apart from that, most of these suggestions are very good. Some of the numbers feel a but too high (20% damage on Rupture Tendons) but almost all the ideas are very interesting and would make the game a lot more fun to play.
  10. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    20% is barely anything imo.

    all grade 5 escape does is increase the aoe while leaving the blind range the same because being able to blind that many mobs is broken.

    For bomb arrow the upgrade rewards aim and ensures that your primary target takes a lot more damage while costing you damage on minions. But in one on one combat this is a complete buff to the damage.

    that would ruin the point of class progression stopping at 66 being annoying.
  11. TigerYaisou

    TigerYaisou Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    speed build in pvp: "guess ill die"



    uhh olily just got op

    y e s i've always wanted a way to help my team other than speed

    oh no not this again

    ah yes, pull the mobs towards you when you don't have a totem out

    nice idea, bad in excecution since uproot rarely kills

    overall most of them are good, but they would have to buff bosses since this makes the game a bit easy
  12. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    the second buff lowers how op this is.

    (from the thread) As with my other thread content in the game would need to be buffed. This is intended to add versatility to spells and more progression to the game, not make the game easier.

    the game already isn’t balanced around pvp

    how would you propose to change it?

    this is on shaman so no grandmother and you have self heal.


  13. Bogdan172

    Bogdan172 Profession Tryhard VIP+

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    The only idea that I don't agree with is grade 4 upgrade for multihit. It just seems boring and may be pretty broken too. I don't really know what to change it with though. Outside of that, everything is really cool. I haven't ran any numbers nor am I good enough to tell you whether the balance is right, but all I can say is that they are really good. I may come back with some mage in-depth feedback (and possibly warrior if my friend gives some good stuff) after I read through the idea again.
  14. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    yeah I’m not a fan either of multihits but I can’t think of anything at all.
  15. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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  16. ChromaticDragons

    ChromaticDragons RAGE CHAMPION

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    I really like this as a main assassin, i just dont know about multihit, and idk myself what to do to improve it, lmao
    StormDragon4 likes this.
  17. mama Luigi

    mama Luigi Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I would suggest the assassin R-L-R would teleport forward about 5 block and do a huge spin attacking the radius of you teleport,it will be cool
  18. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    well yes it sounds cool it would only work as a major ID. Adding mobility to a spell beyond your second spell is busted. (it does sound like it would be really fun tho)
  19. AcadeeAlkana

    AcadeeAlkana Maiden Voyage Dev HERO

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    These ideas sound really nice, would totally be cool! *Shivers at the thought of having to add 2 more Tiers to every single one of my 31 unique Spell ideas*
    StormDragon4 likes this.
  20. mama Luigi

    mama Luigi Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I came up this because the 2nd spell is not even a movement spell
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