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World New Patchs And Monthly Content [95.8% Upvote ; 50+ Supporters]

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by alexphilgab, Mar 10, 2021.


What suggestion do you want to see in Wynncraft

  1. All of them

  2. The Roadmap system

  3. The Special events

  4. The Monthly Challenges

  5. There is some good ideas but needs some changes (Please Explain why ?)

  6. No I dont think it could work (Please Explain Why ?)

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  1. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    Introduction: Hello guys, as you probably know the Wynncraft team hired more Devs to help them in improving the game and we can see that it worked pretty well with the 1.20 update, giving us a lot of new contant to play with. But all the major new things are realesed only every year, so my question is, what if go to the next level ?

    I dont know if its voluntary or not but the last patch (the one giving us acces to the Orphion Raid) gave me an idea. What if the dev teams realease at each patch something new ? And thats what will lead us to my first part of this thread.

    Part 1: Wynncraft Major update roadmap
    wynncraft roadmap.png

    Disclaimer ! This roadmap that I created is just to give an exemple and the "patchs" insinde arent official nor suggestions, so please dont judge the thread according to this.

    So like Im showing it in the roadmap the year will be some like divided in 5 parts, the first one being the Major Update giving us a lot of new content and all the majors changes for the year, the 4 other parts will be the patches, they will be realeased all 2-3 month (or less if the Wynn team can handle more) and they will give us acces to 1 new point of interest that has been teased in the update thread (like The Orphion Raid) or that hasn't been teased (for more surprises). The Goal of making this is to keep the community active while they wait for the next update and it would probably bring even more new players.

    Part 2: Special Events
    Something else that could bring more players or keep the community active is to do special events for Halloween, Christmas, Easter ... it can be minigames (I know it already exist in Lusuco) giving you exclusive rewards, quests like it has already be done in the past, and why not even dungeons or pvp events. Let me explain a bit more for these 2.

    Event Dungeons: These special dungeons will be accesible only during the specific envent (it can be for halloween or christmas, etc ....) we will challenge ourselves to beat it and get the special rewards at the end (weapons, armors, trophies, etc ...) when the event will end we will have to wait next year to get new rewards. This can be interesting and can act like a trophy to show to your friends as you will get time limited rewards that wont be accessible anymore, we could also get an achievement for beating the dungeon (it links my other thread for in game achievement, look at it if you want to know how it could work https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/achievements-system-97-9-upvote-48-supporters.284269/).

    Worldwide events: The worlwide events can be one of the most interesting thing to add because it will ask for everyone's participation and reward teamwork, it can be added like a giant easter hunt to seek some eggs around the map and win exclusive rewards or a general goal quest, an "Event Task" requiring the players to kill a given amount of mobs or gather something to unlock the reward (something like kill 1 000 000 Zombie Raider ) and each kill of each player will count for everybody's "Event Task". Last but not least we can even add an gigantic puzzle quest/easter egg (like ??? but for everyone and only for the duration of the event) the quest will request players to get all around the map to seek clues and solve the mystery. Of course if the goals or the quest arent reached/finished the players wont get the special reward, but why not still give them some sort of "souvenir" if they participated.

    Part 3: Monthly Challenges
    Last interesting thing that could be added to keep having different content is something like a monthly challenge that rewards players with specific stuff pieces that are exclusive, these rewards will rotate each month and will be replaced by new ones but dont worry, if you missed this month you can still try your chance next year because the reward pool will be for a full year and divided in 12 parts (each for 1 month) of course the devs could still add more rewards to the pool each year so its still usefull to run the challenge and get new rewards (especially if you tryharded so much that you got every single reward from every month).
    But how it would look like this "challenge". Well I had 3 ideas of how it could be represented.

    A Dungeon: It wont be linked to a quest or to the forge but it will work like a regular dungeon, with different stages like: fighting, parkour, puzzle, special and a Boss fight.

    Some trials: It will be a compilation of minigames where you will have to beat all of them to unlock the rewards.

    Disclaimer ! The Tower isnt a rework of TOA or the Hive, its a tottaly new type of challenge that mix dungeons and legendary island while being a tower (for the structure).

    A Tower: My favourite one would be something like "The tower of Ascension" or "The Hive" with different floors and a boss at the end of each stage + the ultimate Boss but it wont actually exactly be like these 2 already existing challenge, the floors will look more like a maze with different rooms (like in the game enter the gungeon if you dont see what I mean heres a picture) etg.png
    You will have 5 types of rooms:

    The Room layout:
    Each floor will have a given amount of room (between 7-10) and each run will be tottaly RNG so you will find the same type of rooms but the maze will be random so you cant rush for the boss directly.

    The Spawn: its obviously where you spawn

    The regular rooms:
    where you fight a certain amount of mobs until you cleared the room the rooms will be different for each floor and can have some parkours or traps inside. There will also be "Elite mobs" having special spells and attacks, killing them will provide more tokens and maybe a perk.

    The Chests room:
    where you will earn a random perk (what I call perk is something that works like the Power ups in the existing raids) but there will be perks specific to the Tower to not use the Raids one's.

    The Merchant room:
    you will earn tokens while fighting mobs in the tower, they can be used here to buy potions or perks

    The Boss room:
    its where you obviously will fight the final boss of the floor and killing him will grant you acces to the next floor. The boss will of course have special mechanics and can be stationnary (like EO) or a moving mob.

    You are not forced to clear all the room so if you want to go straight to the boss well you can but it will be a lot more difficult without the perks. (You will still need to find the bosss room so if you find a chest room while seeking for the Boss room I recommand you taking the perk)

    And for the floors I think 6 is perfect to give a challenging content for the players.

    Conclusion: Well I think these ideas could really help Wynncraft getting even bigger and push the server to a next level because the sad thing for now is that we dont get a lot of stuff to do in mid update but I hope we will have even more content now that the champion rank was realeased meaning that it will give probably more opportunities to the Wynncraft team.

    Thanks: Thank you guys for reading my thread I hope you liked it, its my second big thread and I really hope the dev team will get interested by one of them, make sure to leave a constructive comment if you feel that something needs to be changed and make sure to vote so I can see if people liked this siggestion. Again sorry for the grammatical mistakes if there is some (Im not English so forgive me).
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2021
  2. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Honestly I'd prefer if there wasn't a roadmap, it's more hype when features are teased and stuff

    As for monthly events and content, the CT have too much to work on for that to be possible, really.
    MlecznyHuxel99 and dr_carlos like this.
  3. Bixlo

    Bixlo I maybe am funny sometimes HERO

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    Yes but the major issue for Vet players is content overall. Once you have played thru the game like 4 times it gets reallllllly boring. And since the new content only comes out once a year (or more) Longtime players just quit from boredom. This would be a good engagement for longtime players while still giving random and eventful stuff for new players. Its also not like the CT has an entire community that can come up with events/game/dungeon ideas/rewards etc, (like alot of normal players already do this as community events) All the CT would need to do is help setup any coding/build aspects(however i think alot of the events could just be in normal areas of the map with special NPC and special drops from mobs)

    Overall I love this idea +1
  4. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I would agree with you if it didn't take over a year for any content to come out. With games that gets updated regularly like Counter Strike or Genshin or even base-game Minecraft it's exciting to not know about what the next update will have until a week or (less) before the content drops because if I'm not happy with whatever is coming, there's always going to be another update in 4-6 weeks (for Minecraft generally even less) which might have something I do like.

    As for the monthly content, if the CT don't have the ability to make that happen then they're spending time on the wrong things. There is not a single other MMO in existence which doesn't have special events and seasonal content because that's the sort of thing that keeps players excited. Wynn has the highest player count when new content drops and they probably make the most money too, they should be doing everything they possibly can to make sure new content is constantly happening. New content doesn't need to be new items, dungeons or anything of the sort, it just needs to be something new to do, if they can't figure out how to reuse all the mechanics they've used for dungeons and quests to make something fun on a regular basis the issue isn't that they have too much work, the issue is that the people working on this game are incompetent or have terrible leadership with no vision (which is much more likely).

    Updates are better when they're smaller and more frequent. 1.20 easily could have been a year worth of content by being 3-4 updates spaced out by a few months, plus that would have given more time to work on each component of the update (housing, pets, raids, quests, forgery chest) but instead of taking the time to develop each component, they rushed it all out at once and we got something far worse then what it could have been.

    As for the suggestion, I like the idea, not a huge fan of the specific suggestions on the roadmap, but I don't think that was really the point.

    For the hive and TOA changes I'm also not a huge fan of the specifics, though again I do think they have great potential to be evolving content with seasons so there's a reason to keep going back to them, they kind of work as content for as you level but realistically they would be so much better if they were just endgame content which changed every month or so, I also like the idea of making them more dungeon like, I get bored of just fighting stuff so adding in extra rooms for challenges like parkour could be a cool way to make them more interesting.

    As I said above, Wynn really needs special events, they've tried them before but they all sucked since it was just a quest and some garbage items. Games like Genshin really nailed events by having goals to work towards by doing daily content and I think Wynn would be better off if they took some of those ideas, my biggest issue with Wynn is that I have no reason to log in anymore because there's literally nothing to do so adding seasonal content like this would go a long way, at least for me.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2021
    trex1611 and Bixlo like this.
  5. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    Yes the "suggestions" in the road map was an exemple (like I said in the Disclaimer) and for The tower suggestion, Im not suggesting to rework TOA or the Hive, Im suggesting to add a monthly challenge that can take the form of: A dungeon; Some Trials; A Tower with all the things I said for it (the Enter the Gungeon system but with wynncraft content) Im going to make another disclaimer so people wont get confused.
    The road map will be teased during the annual major update teaser. And for the work it requires I think that The Wynncraft team could tottaly handle this because after its done, the Content that I suggested is fully self-sufficient and you just have to add new items in the reward rotation no need to create new dungeons or anything else after you created the first one. Like I said it will re-open the next year and people will get new rewards but will run the same dungeon. As for the monthly challenge, I agree its a big thing but they could add it to the next Major update and It will be one of the point of interest (like raids did for 1.20) and plud of that it will be self-sufficient too as they will only need to add new items to the reward rotation creating an End Game illimited content to prevent people who finished the game getting borred.
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  6. Shortsightedness

    Shortsightedness Somehow the IGN doesn't change on forums VIP

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    I think the road maps, instead of listing what every update is exactly, should provide an eta of an "unknown update" so it keeps the mysterious feel behind it but still lets the players know like approximately when the next update will be. The eta would be very conservative in the sense that if like an update takes 5 months to complete (estimate by dev team) then they can put it like "??? will release 7 months later" so that even if it don't turn out in 5 months its still ok, and who doesn't like it when a proper unrushed update gets released earlier?

    The special event would be nice because it gives the detlas air ballon guy something to do

    I feel like monthly challenges will be just rewarding no-lifers or super lucky rng people, so rather just combine monthly challenges with special event would be better.

    And personally I'm not a big fan of A Tower since it just looks like hypixel skyblock dungeons which is just spam left click on mobs
  7. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    I dont understand why you say "lucky rng people", the reward wont be rng, it will just rotate every month so people keep coming back on the server to get other items (thats the point of it, prevent players from getting bored since they finished the game 10 times)

    And for the tower I dont think you actually read this part because its absolutely not just killing mobs like in TOA or The Hive.
  8. Shortsightedness

    Shortsightedness Somehow the IGN doesn't change on forums VIP

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    Oh yeah sorry about the lucky rng people there, I misunderstood your point I thought like it would be some sort of competition lol. But still it really depends on the reward since some month the reward will be better than others, and balancing the rewards is going to be a pain.
    For this I will just quote how you described the tower
    Well other than the "maze" I don't see much difference? Like the merchant and chest room is basically just perks? But isn't that basically hypixel skyblock's dungeons?
  9. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    Well the way I described it I said it could be inspired by the game enter the gungeon, so rooms wont be just linear flat rooms with mobs, they could be with traps, parkour and other stuff like that + special mobs that require more tactics to kill them.
    Also it has never been done in Wynncraft so thats why I suggested something like this, its because I feel it could fit with the idea of a monthly challenge even more if they creat rng runs each times you launch it (meaning the maze wont have the same pattern each run) and I try to focus on something that hasnt been done in Wynncraft, because its hard to suggest things that hasnt already be done in other games or at least isnt similar. Altough I think that the wynncraft Play style will make this really really different compared to Hypixel Skyblock.
  10. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    Updated the thread for "The tower" suggestion feel free to tell me what you think about these new features
  11. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    bumping this one too to see if you guys have other ideas or feedbacks
  12. colin350

    colin350 The Best Admin (duh) HERO CHAMPION

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    Although all of us on the dev team create new features in different patches, Salted explicitly tasked me with coordinating a set of features/qol fixes to be released every so often (in between content updates). An example feature were the new major ids (peaceful/furious effigy) which I worked with the item team on.

    Content is tricky. Minecraft's map format isn't the best and given the size of our map our workflow is complicated. Once we get close enough to an update we can't realistically update our map as frequently as during the beginning of the next update cycle.

    I'm all up for seasonal content (similar to how Destiny for example does things).
  13. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    Hey ! When you mean seasonal content are you thinking to the part 2 of my suggestion ? Something like seasonal events could be really cool and probably less hard and complicated to add in game.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2021
  14. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    Also if the third part I suggest is a content that could be added in another realm so it dont need to expend the map ?
  15. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    Yeah, seasonal content would be awesome! We've had the Event Airship in Detlas for years now and it still does nothing xD Maybe for a month around Easter, Halloween and Christmas, there could be a special event area that you could go to off map?
  16. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    Hope so, maybe one day.
  17. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    Hi again ! Could you just tell me what are your foughts about the 3rd part of my suggestion (a content that has a monthly reward rotation) is it to hard to create or is it just that there's no place left on the map to add such a thing ? because if its about more place I had some ideas that I can share with you and that could still fit with a content like this.
  18. colin350

    colin350 The Best Admin (duh) HERO CHAMPION

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    It's doable but it would need to be planned in advance. We could also leverage our housing system for smaller events.
  19. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    Yes of course when I fought about this it was meant to be one of the big features of the next major update but the advantage would be that it can create content for all the year since the rewards will be changed every months and mobs could also have modifiers changing every months too to have a new experience.
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