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New Spells For Existing Classes

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by AcadeeAlkana, Jan 11, 2021.


Do YOU want more Spells in Wynncraft?

  1. Yes!

  2. No - we have enough.

  3. No - balancing's already Nether for the CT.

  4. Maybe...

  5. I don't know.

  6. Yes, because I think...(comment?)

    0 vote(s)
  7. No, because I think...(comment?)

  8. Maybe - see, the thing is...(comment?)

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  1. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    on the sandstorm one, I think it should send the sandstorm forwards in the direction you point in. maybe it'd be the 4rth spell then, but the idea you made seems a bit more like a 1st spell thing.
    AcadeeAlkana likes this.
  2. strikeflame5356

    strikeflame5356 what do I write here VIP

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    some of these are kind of just like major ids, but some of them are significant enough (like the archer 1st spell one) that the idea might be worth it.

    I'm really torn on whether I like this but I voted yes because I think if more of the ideas were like the sandstorm and double arrow one it could turn out to be very useful and interesting for different builds.
    AcadeeAlkana likes this.
  3. AcadeeAlkana

    AcadeeAlkana Maiden Voyage Dev HERO

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    Thank you! I specifically made several of them with different ideas in mind:

    Sandstorm - Mages Spell Spam. A lot. Who would I be to deny them the power to sacrifice mobility and Main Attack damage for a full-on Spell beatdown?

    Assault Leap - C'mon, Archers do Escape backwards all the time. Let's make an Escape Spell Variant for offense and parkour, because it's something a lot of Archers would appreciate!

    Double Draw - Put into the Archer's alternate First Spells because for the love of Salted, can we all please chill on the Arrow Storms?! Plus, it's a cheap offense Spell - something which basically none of the Classes have.

    Dagger Throw - The only consistent projectile Spell which I think the CT would consider giving the Assassin. I know they're meant to be melee, but please cut them some slack on the range department!

    Guarding Stance - Paper Mario's Blocking mechanic would fit so well with a melee Class. Besides, it technically takes skill to use, which I'm all for.

    Jewel Bomb - I'm sorry and not sorry at the same time. I've been watching a lot of LazyPurple's TF2 videos, and I figured, "Hm...Burst movement for HP? On a healing Class? Sounds like a match made in heaven!"

    Nature Swap - I know how mad people will be at this one if it gets in the game. I know how people are already mad at Shaman for how ridiculous it's damage can be. But I also know, as a Shaman player, how much fun it would be to warp out of the way and cream my opponents with a Totem at the same time. Imagine comboing together Nature Swap into Aura...!

    Wooden Totem - Cheap, used for damage, and made so you can spam it (even as a non Spell-Spammer) as you steamroll your way through a dungeon. That's really what Shaman's supposed to do, anyways, with how much damage it does.

    Huh, I never really thought of a hot-swap of Spells. Like, the idea is that you can dedicate yourself to around 4 Spells and pick one of each like the Smash 4 Mii Fighter Specials (you know how you can pick from 3 of them? Yeah, it's basically that.) If every Spell was allowed for these Classes? Oh, boy, that'd be a balancing nightmare.

    Oh, yeah - do these need some balancing. That said, I'll change the numbers around as I make new ones and balance them as I go.
    I'm always thinking about how lucky I am to, in spite of making a bunch of crappier posts in recent times, always have at least a few people supporting me. I can't thank you enough for your kindness and patience!
    Some days ago...
    Me: Hey, we're doing some variants right?
    Also Me: Yeah, it's time to do the Archer's Spells. I was thinking an Arrow Storm Variant-
    Me: Like Nether we're gonna make another version of Arrow Storm.

    Meme-ish convo aside, yeah - that's the entire point. Variety is what I live for, honestly!
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2021
    tinycyan likes this.
  4. tinycyan

    tinycyan Travelled Adventurer

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    i like spells
    Split Aether likes this.
  5. Shortsightedness

    Shortsightedness Somehow the IGN doesn't change on forums VIP

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    I think this is generally a very good idea to implement into the game, however, the actual spells do require some work because some of your spells are quite unbalanced/doesn't fit the game/class
    I believe that if there's more spells in the game the game would have a lot more variety and more fun.
    AcadeeAlkana likes this.
  6. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    sounds like hawkeye which fires 5 arrows instead of 60 arrows for arrow storm
    this would cap out at 1600% spell conversion which means 30k meteors for an average build (yes i included the half effective boosts). this would be absolutely busted for lunarspine. imo it seems overpowered for some builds and underwhelming for others
    concentration is already a spell lmao
    uhh... skyseers already have wooden totems, and also frumans do not practice shamanism. magic is reserved for the aristocracy and fruman royalty, while the general public are just laborers and poor farmers who dont have times for "pranks." also, judging from how water is polluted and people clearly have struggles with food i doubt there is enough life for practicing shamanism, and even if they took say human sacrifices they would probably be persecuted by the fruman government
  7. AcadeeAlkana

    AcadeeAlkana Maiden Voyage Dev HERO

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    Well, it's more or less a double-shot mechanic...not a quintuple-shot. Or a 60-shot.

    ...Concentration is already a Powder Special, to my knowledge. Unless there's a Major ID which I have yet to see which does exactly this already. Hey, at least I nerfed it from it's original potential (150% damage max -> 105% damage max)

    The Rabbit Totem would basically be something like an April Fools joke, if it were ever added. Maybe just as a haha-funny Pet would be nice.

    The original Spell (before Rabbit Totem), as mentioned in the Changelog, was the Wooden Totem - a Totem which you could have up to three of (with only one of them counting for Spells like Haul and Aura), at the cost of laughable healing (1%/second each at Second Tier), weaker damage per Totem (10% per), and awful lifespan (5 seconds each; 6 seconds for the first one). Each one would cost 2 Mana to throw out.

    As for Mana Star...Wow, you guys can find a broken build fast. Time to nerf the buffing it gets even more!
    Which ones don't fit, as of now? I'll see what I can do to change them, I'll probably balance them while I'm at it, too.
  8. Bixlo

    Bixlo I maybe am funny sometimes HERO

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    ah ty i didnt know that XP
    I honestly think that there should be more "boss tier" spells. RN we have alot of smaller spells that can be used over again to do dmg over time. But no really heavy hitting costly spells. It would be really cool to see characters gain a boss slaying spell at like lvl 90. These spells would cost insane amounts of mana and may even cost Hp(shaman) but would have really cool effects/intense dmg. One i can think of is Asassinate for assassin
    17 mana
    takes the boss' max HP and divides it by 7. You then deal 1/7 of the boss' hp as dmg. However you are immobile for 4 seconds after casting and have weakness 1 for 2 seconds. 1 min cooldown. This would be great as finishing kill for classes. Not only does it make boss fights feel more powerful but it also lets the player feel like the have a trump card. This sorta lets the player feel like they are actually powerful (lvl 90 is powerful imo).
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2021
  9. Shortsightedness

    Shortsightedness Somehow the IGN doesn't change on forums VIP

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    This basically makes walk speed IDs useless because spell builds have high MR and this mana drain wouldn't be much. And for melee builds not having mana = no sprint so this really doesn't help warrior as a whole, its supposed to be tanky instead of going fast like archer
    This is nigh-impossible to code
    Assassin is already a super strong melee DPS, with vanish to get close. Making it ranged with this wouldn't fit the purpose of assassin and its basically just an archer now. And not to mention how broken heavy melee would be with this

    This will be super hard to code too

    And yes, look at replies above you they outlined what every spell is supposed to do. You should also take into account the practicability of the spell, whats the point of adding if its simply impossible to code?
    And then there's the thing about your movement spells. The movement spells are supposed to launch you in a direction, and not only give you the movement speed bonus
  10. quick007

    quick007 Master Adventurer

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    would honestly be better just working similar as a powder special where it targes only a few enimies
  11. AcadeeAlkana

    AcadeeAlkana Maiden Voyage Dev HERO

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    This basically makes walk speed IDs twice as useful because spell builds would have high MR and this mana drain wouldn't be much, meaning infinite uptime. And for melee builds not having mana = yes sprint so this really helps warrior as a whole, it's supposed to be able to plow through mobs and take a ton of damage and then walk out of the crowd without a scratch. Also, you didn't say anything about how running over your enemies helps a melee playstyle get closer.

    Uh...Curse. Bounty's Mark would be easy as "Apply Weaker_Curse_But_Named_Bounty_Mark when Player uses [R-L-R]," and that's if they didn't give it it's special looks so you could tell when a Bounty Marked Mob is, well, Bounty Marked.

    I think you misread Dagger Throw - it resets the cooldown, not give you a free attack. Also, War Scream Spell-Spam Warrior is a thing, why can't Assassin have something? (Technically, Smoke Bomb doesn't count.) And not to mention that heavy melee and all melee would be absolutely unchanged by this.

    ...Invisible stuff would be super hard to code? For a server making tons of stuff with Invisible Armor Stands and plugins? Please explain your reasoning...!

    And yes, I have seen the replies above, and I do understand what each Spell is supposed to do.
    And then there's the thing about Mage mimicking Demoman's Stickybomb Launcher with it's Movement Spell - technically a rip-off, but in an RPG environment, an absolute game-changer.

    Summary: Read the post, try to understand it, and then write your reply, please. ...Ugh, this must be how others felt when they read some of my worse posts...
    Correction: It can only target one enemy! As an Assassin, fighting anyone else that isn't Bounty Marked would be unnecessary, probably Nether, and a waste of a good Potion!
    1600% Spell Conversion for 20 Mana vs 1500% Spell Conversion for 15 Mana (5 Mana per).
    I do my math - the whole reason Mana Star drains 1 Mana at a really, really fast rate is because you can't reduce draining, only initial costs. Said initial cost is 1, which makes it pretty pointless.
    As a Spell Spammer, it could be fun with Mana Regen, and as any other player, a trump card which is strong as Nether which you use for particularly stronger enemies, or just for the funsies of mopping the floor with the face of every Mob in a 15 block radius. Being out of Mana can be devastating, too, so it's not a good panic button.

    Also, could you please point me to the meteor build(s) you're talking about? If not where this Concentration Spell is?
  12. Shortsightedness

    Shortsightedness Somehow the IGN doesn't change on forums VIP

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    Yeah I guess WS ID will be 100% more effective I didn't read its percentage wise so that's my bad, but "Multiplies your Walk Speed by 150% for 10 seconds and drains 1 Mana every second." Where did you get the "infinite uptime"??? And when you run out of mana your sprinting doesn't work, and when you use all your sprint your mana gets drained. So melee builds when you have your mana drained 1 per second then soon your mana will be gone. And it is super unbalanced because 350% walk speed on warrior that isn't even air build... And how do you "run over your enemy"? How is this different from the current movement spell?
    This is clearly coming from someone who never coded, you said "crosshair" so are you going to shoot a projectile to decide where the bounty mod is (that's one of the most common ways)? when you cast RLR how does game know which mob are you even going to target? and I can understand how this will work ONCE you lock target, but how is the target going to work when the mobs are crowded together?
    Yeah it resets your attack cooldown so heavy melee builds can just go in hit once use dagger throw hit again and repeat and they can rack up super high damage with this. I don't see how this is related to Spell-Spam Warrior
    Its mostly latching on, shrapnel and basically using the spell. Invisible arrows Im assuming? Tried coding that? Note that invisible armor stands is a completely different problem than this... And 3x3x3 explosion from 3 bombs, imagine a ton of assassins using this spell...
  13. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    wynncraft deep iceberg...
    in reality melee, powder specials, and spells are all coded as "spells"
    ok ? my problem is not the spell itself, its the lore you added to it. also skyseer totem is already "wooden"
  14. AcadeeAlkana

    AcadeeAlkana Maiden Voyage Dev HERO

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    I made this post to make a suggestion, not to start an argument and explain the basic mechanics of this game's current Spells.
    ... Let it be known that I have many, many words for you, which I will not voice. But, I do have some advice for you:
    • Check the Help Page for info on each of the three Tiers of Spells. They all act differently, and as they reach new Tiers, they get new upgrades and features!
    • Play the game! You'll get more experience with how the game currently feels, and eventually be able to envision how my Spell concepts would feel to have in-game.
    • Please think and check your replies before you post them!
    • Carefully reread the first four pieces of advice I have to offer! ;)
    I felt like just Exploding Totem and Mana Star cover the roles of "Moley Carp, that's a lot of damage!...And, ow, my Mana." Though, I could totally see most Bosses eventually getting a more cinematic ending.
    Oh. It is?
    Well, then the Wooden Totem could just be a log and a buncha crap slapped together to keep it upright. It'd definitely explain why the lifespan's shorter when it starts going up in magical flames!
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2021
  15. TotemOfUndying

    TotemOfUndying Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    seems cool, but needs a lot of balancing
    AcadeeAlkana likes this.
  16. AcadeeAlkana

    AcadeeAlkana Maiden Voyage Dev HERO

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    They always do, but I'm okay with compromises. Also you just described half of my forum posts in a shellnut-
  17. TigerYaisou

    TigerYaisou Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Y E S
  18. AcadeeAlkana

    AcadeeAlkana Maiden Voyage Dev HERO

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    N o
    The community would have a fit if I allowed more than one Arrow Storm to exist!
    Please let me know which ones you think need balancing! (And maybe why they need it, because it helps to have an additional perspective!)

    3XTWISTEDTITAN The Traveler

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    this is an awesome idea! great work! keep it up :)))
  20. Slpc

    Slpc Probably yeeting anime girls across the country

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