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World Add An Ultimate Discovery To Corkus In Later 1.20 Patches Or 1.21

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Samsam101, Dec 11, 2020.


Do you think Corkus should get an ultimate discovery?

  1. Yes

  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  3. Yes, but I disagree with giving it a few more discoveries

    0 vote(s)
  4. No, but I agree with giving it more discoveries

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    In 1.20, every single area in Gavel is getting secret discoveries as well as its own ultimate discovery. This means that the only area in the game without an ultimate discovery will be Corkus, which may be confusing to newer players.

    Since there is a super-easy tutorial secret discovery coming to Wynn Plains as well, more people are going to know about Secret Discoveries. Newer players may search for ages in Corkus after getting all of the other discoveries, not knowing that there is nothing beyond what they have already found.

    I think in 1.21 (or if you have the time, 1.20 patches in later months) we should get an ultimate discovery for Corkus, because there's a lot of potential to show us some new lore for the area. For instance, there could be one about Cerid the inventor and what happened to him.

    Other changes I think should be made to Corkus discoveries are:

    • Give the Phoenix Prince boss the special ''miniboss defeated'' GUI shown after beating the miniboss in the tutorial discovery on emerald trail. If the Matryoshka Idol is added as a secret discovery, this should apply there as well
    • Add a couple more Corkus discoveries. Some material to start with is:
    • The falling pond
    • The statue
    • Legendary Island

    What do you think? Should Corkus get an ultimate discovery?
  2. Torpid

    Torpid Torpid Torpedo HERO

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    Corkus only has 3 discoveries (correct me if theyre adding more in 1.20) and i think there should be more if theyre going to add an ultimate discovery. At least 1-2 more would make an ultimate discovery make more sense. I think both more secret discoveries as well as an ultimate discovery would be good choice because i find myself having trouble levelling in the level range you typically run around in corkus at.
  3. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    The level 90s have 3 new quests (one of them is level 99) and they also have all of the Molten Heights and Sky Islands discoveries to find now so I can tell that leveling in the level 90s is going to be easier than ever.
    NubPotato and Torpid like this.
  4. Torpid

    Torpid Torpid Torpedo HERO

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    Oh, good to hear!
  5. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I don't think LI should be the ultimate discovery, but I think adding a discovery to the island might be cool to give it some more lore. The other option (and more likely) would be to have a discovery for beating LI, which I would have mixed feelings on, but I think if they're going down that road it might be cool if there was somehow a hidden secret exit in one of the later bronze or earlier silver bosses which lead to the discovery.

    If I were to make a pitch for an LI discovery, I think the Yahyabot fight has the most potential for a secret exit, maybe in the dungeon room with 4 pillars a miniboss spawns and if you kill it you can get a special key which can be used to open a side door in the arena once you win the fight and would lead you to some sort of maintenance room with the discovery. I prefer this over needing to beat Dr. LI since Discoveries are less about combat and more about exploration and while getting to Yahya takes quite a lot of fighting, I think it would strike a nice balance between the core ideas of discoveries and LI while also being reasonable possible for most players.

    As for an ultimate discovery, this might be a little too much like EO, but I really want to see a flash back to the opening of the Fallen Factory (before it was fallen) to give use some insight into the hopes of the people and how they see the factory as both a huge step for science/electromagic and how it's going to make their lives easier. Maybe something like a big opening speech from the mayor of Corkus while standing on a podium in front of the fallen factory and it ends with him cutting a red ribbon and declaring the factory as open. Might be a little cliched, but I think that could really pull the whole Corkus story together in a nice way since we already know a ton about the Avos and their view of the factory, so it might be nice to get a little more insight into Corkus past.

    Those are just some of my ideas, they can for sure use some work but I think they could be a good start.

    Edit: I know we already know a lot about FF, but I really like it so please cut me some slack :/
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2020
  6. dr_carlos

    dr_carlos Morph Gang! VIP+

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    Someone tell me why I spent over a week getting from 90 to 100 when I could have just waited a year and spent 6 days instead...
  7. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    So you have a reason to start a new class and get that from 90-100 (or I guess 0-100)!
  8. dr_carlos

    dr_carlos Morph Gang! VIP+

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    'Twas sarcasm.
    But true, I am making an Archer and getting to level 39 or whatever Gavel is, to experience new gavel and hopefully level up a tad faster.
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  9. quick007

    quick007 Master Adventurer

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    its lv 41 btw
  10. dr_carlos

    dr_carlos Morph Gang! VIP+

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    According to this
    1: (2) King's Recruit, Enzan's Brother - Ragni Outskirts, Plains of Ragni
    2: (1) Poisoning the Pest - Plains of Ragni
    3: (0)
    4: (1) Cook Assistant - Plains of Ragni
    5: (2) Tunnel Trouble, The Sewers of Ragni - Detlas Plains, Plains of Ragni
    6: (1) Infested Plants - Nivla Woods
    7: (0)
    8: (1) Underwater - Coastal Plains
    9: (0)
    10: (1) Elemental Exercise - Elkurn Fields/Nivla Woods
    11: (0)
    12: (1) Mushroom Man - Nivla Woods
    13: (0)
    14: (3) Creeper Infiltration, Arachnids' Ascent, Deja Vu - Pigmen's Ravines, Nivla Woods, Time Valley
    15: (1) Potion Making - Detlas Plains
    16: (0)
    17: (0)
    18: (1) Maltics Well - Coastal Plains
    19: (0)
    20: (1) Grave Digger - Detlas Plains
    21: (2) Macabre Masquerade Hallowynn 2014, Studying the Corrupt - Coastal Plains, Elkurn Fields
    22: (0)
    23: (2) Pit of the Dead, Cluck Cluck - Ancient Nemract, Ocean
    24: (2) Dwelling Walls, The Dark Descent - Nemract, Ancient Nemract
    25: (1) Recover the Past - Elkurn Fields
    26: (2) Lost Tower, The Corrupted Village - Ancient Nemract, Detlas Plains
    27: (0)
    28: (2) The Mercenary, Misadventure on the Sea - Nemract/Desert, Nemract/Ocean
    29: (0)
    30: (1) Craftmas Chaos - Ocean
    31: (1) Green Gloop - Desert
    32: (1) A Sandy Scandal - Desert
    33: (2) Meaningful Holiday, Kingdom of Sand - Desert, Desert/Canyon
    34: (1) Stable Story - Savannah
    35: (2) Tribal Aggression, WynnExcavation Site A - Canyon, Desert
    36: (1) Wrath of the Mummy - Desert
    37: (0)
    38: (1) Canyon Condor - Canyon
    39: (1) Pirate's Trove - Llevigar
    40: (2) Ice Nations, Tower of Ascension - Ocean, Ice Canyon
    41: (1) Heart of Llevigar - Llevigar
    42: (2) Star Thief, Clearing the Camps - Llevigar Plains, Llevigar Plains
    43: (2) Underice, Fate of the Fallen - Nesaak Forest, Nesaak Forest/Time Valley
    44: (1) Green Skinned Trouble - Llevigar Plains
    45: (1) Bob's Lost Soul - Nesaak Forest/Savannah
    46: (1) Wynn Excavation Site B - Twain Valley
    47: (0)
    48: (1) Frost Bite - Ice Canyon
    49: (3) An Iron Heart Part I, Rise of the Quartron, The House of Twain - Llevigar Plains, Llevigar Plains, Twain Valley
    50: (1) A Grave Mistake - Twain Valley
    51: (1) The Maiden Tower - Swamp
    52: (3) Jungle Fever, Crop Failure, Corrupted Betrayal - Jungle, Swamp, Troms
    53: (2) Master Piece, Death Whistle - Swamp, Swamp
    54: (2) The Shadow of the Beast, The Worm Holes - Swamp, Swamp
    55: (2) WynnExcavation Site C, Zhight Island - Ocean, Ocean
    56: (0)
    57: (1) The Passage - Troms
    58: (1) An Iron Heart Part II - Swamp
    59: (1) The Order of the Grook - Ocean
    60: (1) Beneath the Depths - Ocean
    61: (2) Redbeard's Booty, Reclaiming the House - Ocean, Swamp
    62: (2) Lost in the Jungle, Taproot - Dernel Jungle, Swamp
    63: (1) Out of My Mind - Troms
    64: (2) A Fighting Species, The Headless Hunt - Pre-Light Forest, Dark Forest
    65: (1) Lost Royalty - Troms
    66: (1) Lost Soles - Dernel Jungle
    67: (2) From the Mountains, Memory Paranoia - Pre-Light Forest, Dark Forest
    68: (1) Temple of Legends - Troms
    69: (2) Grand Youth, Lazarus Pit - Jungle, Dark Forest
    70: (3) Shattered Minds, Haven Antiquity, WynnExcavation Site D - Light Forest, Ocean, Dernel Jungle
    71: (1) Finding The Light - Light Forest/Cinfras County
    72: (2) Forbidden Prison, Eye of the Storm - Kander Forest, Kander Forest
    73: (2) Hollow Sirene, Troubled Tribesmen - Kander Forest, Dernel Jungle
    74: (4) Acquiring Credentials, Reincarnation, Murder Mystery, The Realm of Light - Cinfras County, Nesaak Forest, Cinfras County, Light Realm
    75: (2) Flight in Distress, The Ultimate Weapon - Cinfras County, Light Forest
    76: (2) The Bigger Picture, Aldorei's Secret Part I - Aldorei Valley, Aldorei Valley
    77: (2) Purple and Blue, The Hunger of Gerts Part 1 - Lake Gylia, Lake Gylia
    78: (2) Aldorei's Secret Part II, The Hunger of Gerts Part 2 - Aldorei Valley, Lake Gylia
    79: (1) Fallen Delivery - Cinfras County
    80: (4) ???, From the Bottom, General's Orders, The Qira Hive - ???, Canyon of the Lost (Thanos), Lake Gylia, Canyon of the Lost (Thanos)
    81: (1) The Thanos Vaults - Canyon of the Lost (Thanos)
    82: (1) The Belly of the Beast - Canyon of the Lost (Thanos)
    83: (2) A Marauder's Dues, The Envoy Part I - Canyon of the Lost (Thanos), Corkus
    84: (1) The Canyon Guides - Canyon of the Lost (Thanos)
    85: (2) The Canary Calls, The Lost - Canyon of the Lost (Thesead), Canyon of the Lost (Thanos)
    86: (2) Cowfusion, Desperate Metal - Canyon of the Lost (Thesead), Corkus
    87: (2) Beyond the Grave, Mixed Feelings - Canyon of the Lost (Thanos), Corkus
    88: (1) The Hidden City - Canyon of the Lost (Thesead)
    89: (2) The Envoy Part II, Enter the Dojo - Corkus, Canyon of the Lost (Thanos)
    90: (1) Fantastic Voyage - Sky Islands
    91: (1) Dwarves and Doguns Part I - Molten Heights
    92: (1) Dwarves and Doguns Part II - Molten Heights
    93: (1) Dwarves and Doguns Part III - Molten Heights
    94: (1) Dwarves and Doguns Part IV - Molten Heights
    95: (1) One Thousand Meters Under - Sky Islands
    96: (1) Recipe For Disaster - Sky Islands
    97: (1) The Fortuneteller - Canyon of the Lost (Thesead)
    98: (1) Royal Trials - Sky Islands
    99: (0)
    100: (2) A Journey Beyond, The Olmic Rune - Detlas Plains/Silent Expanse, Silent Expanse
    101: (1) A Journey Further - Silent Expanse
    102: (1) Point of No Return - Silent Expanse
    103: (1) A Hunter's Calling - Silent Expanse
    104: (0)
    105: (0)
    (Generated from some JS I wrote a couple months ago)
    Pirate's Trove is level 39 and in Llevigar.
  11. quick007

    quick007 Master Adventurer

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    hmm, ig I was wrong
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