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World Wynncraft The Roleplay Update

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Strela490, Oct 10, 2020.


I think that is a good feature but ill let you decide

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  2. I like some of the ideas but not all of them

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  4. I could be interesting with a cuple of changes

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  1. Strela490

    Strela490 Travelled Adventurer

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    Hello and just befre i stat with my ideas i wanna say that im not that good at english or writting forums soo.
    WYNNCRAFT THE ROLEPLAY UPDATE (name can be diffrent of course)

    I think that wynncraft is an amazing game but so far through my gameplay i never saw any proper roleplay (not sure about clans becose im not that deep into the game) se this could bring a bit more to the game.
    Ill start with the smaller things and continue to the bigger things:

    1.Bounty boards: players could put bouties on each other at bounty boards and if you asign to kill the player you can get the premission to be in combat mode (like in duels) and during that time other players can kill you to prevent you to hut the enemy down (if the player disconnects you dont get the reward unless you dealt 3/4 of damage). It could be a wery nice feature but could also be exploitet quite a lot so im not sure about these.

    2.Random houses: those random houses in the middle of nowhere could be inns or objects of interest. By inns i mean that you can buy a room and if you sleep through 1/2 of the night or day you could have better chance to get higher loot and maybe and just maybe 1 to 1.5 min of constant sprinting (if you leave the game it doesnt count but if you get kicked because of server reset it counts). It would be a great way for afk players (10 min max) that just need to go somewhere to do something. As for objects of interest there could be small houses camps or markets where you can talk to npcs to learn there story or learn some tips an tricks or learn the lore of the game or just random talk (maybe you cold interact with certant questions or dialogue like in legend of zelda breath of the wild). You could also accept npc quests (ill talk about them later) or trade with them for random items (example 5 emeralds= 2 red mushrooms, 16 emeralds = 3 copper ore).

    3. Doctors: Imagine you get hit by a boss (or rare mob) wit a permanent effect that could be cured by 3 of these doctor variables: 1.plague doctor (could remove poison and weeknes), 2 Curse doctor (could remove slowness and blindness) and 3. Sickness doctor (could remove nausea and bad luck- if its used for anything).
    These doctors could be found randomly on roads or in smaller or bigger towns or in random houses. You could offer them emeralds to cure you of to by potions that can cure you from these effects. You could even complete quests in order to unlock them in certaint locations (for example Detlas).

    4. Instruments: buyable or craftable instruments like a guitar, flute, drums and more. to activate or play them you can right click on it to play a sound or you can autoplay or learn music from wynncraft terrain.
    There could be also traveling bands that can appear in inns or popular or small towns. There could also be certain quests to ulock specific instruments.

    5. Travelling band: As i said the travelling band could appear anywhere on the wynncraft map and you could pay them (emeralds gold etc.-depends on location) to play certain songs or song like wynncraft folk songs or kingdoms tales. It would add a small but a werry nice touch to the lore or detail in the game. You could also unlock or rather befrend one of the traveling bands by saving them in a lvl 20 quest: Lost flutes, where you would have to explore the spiders forest to find 5 lost people without any hints except a sudden quiet flute sound you would have to follow. Also each traveling band would have diffrend songs.

    6.Npcs: this one is a bit more ambitus but travelling npcs you could find on roads that you could talk to and they would give you small peaces of lore, there backgrounds, random dialogue or you could trade with them (merchants) and they would give you exclusive materials or weapons. It would be a verry nice feature but probably wery difficult to do.

    7.Merchants: there could be many types of merchants, examples: Arheologist (sells bones and relics/artifacts), trader (random stuff), junkseller (junk and juk boxes that have a chance to have something valuble inside), potion sellers (self-explenatory), sea sellers (sea tickets and materials from the sea), weaponsellers (similar to weaponsmiths but more weapon veriety), chefs (foods with effects), astronomers (star fragments etc.), ... There could also be merchant guilds (more you trade with guild merchants cheaper their things will be/ better reputation you will have).

    8.Mayors: there could be tows that the community can lead, thus introducing mayors. 5 towns (sea based, desert based...) that could be upgraded by player with them donating recourses (example: Segur-new name could give at lvl 5 cheaper sea tickets or sell rare gear or Vomin- new name could give lava/fire trades and perhaps on lvl 8 could give an entrance to a dungeon or every player would unlock a new quest). The rest is for the community or admins to decide (all of these ideas can be changed). It would be a wery cool idea for the community to have a even bigger impact on the game (example: community could decide the name of the towns). And the mayor idea... that is for you to decide.

    9.Random encounters/ npc quests : like npcs getting attacked by mobs or needing help, rewarding you with
    dungeon keys or even more things.

    10. the biggest feature- REPUTATION: Killing a citizen, npc or something human or innocent (movement spells not included) would lower your reputation thus creating more coution and compleating npc quests would raise the reputation. But killing them could also bring you rewards so its a risk for reward. Lower reputation you have more the things will cost (not player market) and you can be jumped by npcs or player bounty hunters (apropriate or harder levels-examle you are lvl 40 then there will be lvl 38 to 43 bounty hunters) but you can also be ignored by bandits or criminals (could be a part or 6.npcs). But bigger your reputation is cheper the guid merchants could be. Or certait quest can be ulocked by a certain amount of reputation. There would be tiers of reputation (neutral, guard, solder, warrior, chief, trusted, ambasador etc.)
    You would start at neutral and then either go up or down.

    Note: things can be exploited/ i didnt think alot about this it just came to my mind.

    All of this features could be a very cool thing to have either its a detail or something game changing. Hopefuly you liked my request and sorry for all of the mispelled words.
    StormKing3 likes this.
  2. Indestructiball

    Indestructiball Well-Known Adventurer

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    So everything is client side, everything takes money, and clientside events.
    Okay, imagine this.
    You're traveling to Almuj for the first time,playing as an assasin. You get murdered from random encounters and lose everything.
    Reputation: Many quests revolve around killing something "innocent." On most playthroughs you'll never do this, this is essentially just adding something to grind that will never really come into play.
    If bards are server side they're the biggest money sink in history.
    Bounties only fit in hunted mode, that's the premise of the mode, so if people don't want to fight it's useless.
    Mayors: this is just hypixel skyblock. You elect someone and get a buff. Please propose an election method, and the candidates for each city.
    Merchants:you want more shops.
    Traveling stuff:back pain in a nutshell.
    Instruments:noteblock to mess up things.
    Doctors and permanent debuffs:No. Just no. There are currently no mobs that do that, and if there were doctors it would break the plot of lots of quests. Also permanent debuffs are just a no, those ruin fun.
    Random stuff: ah, yes, I love houses appearing on top of me. Seriously, there's no point in having these. Pay for loot bonus? Only worth something to endgame grinders. Again, would also have to be clientside, like most of the things on your list.
    Tldr, I'll cut you some slack because you're new, but it's obvious that you just pulled these from random RPGs and adapted them.
    Samsam101 likes this.
  3. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    add a poll
    Samsam101 likes this.
  4. Strela490

    Strela490 Travelled Adventurer

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    Yeah i guess youre kinda right. I didnt think this all through. Im still trying to learn the game. But i could be a nice roleplay feature to draw back some players/ to let them have even more fun. And about that hypixel skyblock player thing: even if skyblock didnt release an update i would suggest this. But i still think that some of the features could be funn or interesting. Again im new to wynncraft but thanks for showing me the downside of my idea.
  5. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    The sleep idea could be cool but it doesn't feel like a Wynncraft thing... Plus, it would slow down lootrunning and would bring the same problem that soul points have.
    Permanent status effects are annoying. I am still confused as to why the Wynnpack has textures for poison and hunger (i glitched the game and ate a pufferfish once, had poison and hunger until i left.) but we don't need this.
    What's the point? Only like 10 people are going to bother learning these instruments. Seems like a huge waste of time.
    1: Nobody would use these
    2: This would make wynncraft slightly pay to win because you can already play any track on the jukebox (for vip+ and above)
    3: It's a waste of money.
    I actually kind of like this one. I think it'd be cool if instead they just gave lore and also could get attacked on the highway, then rewarding you with an item. It could be emeralds (because that's obvious) or food (would be a nice nod to BotW)
    1: What is the point of some of this stuff (wtf am i gonna do with a dinosaur thigh?)
    2: Why do you need a seasail merchant in the middle of Nesaak? They are fine as they are. Near the seaskipper.
    It's Hypixel's job to steal features from us, not our job to steal from them.
    Could have just said this with NPCs
    Listen. The plot of wynncraft is that you are a HERO. If we were to add reputation, people would have the option to be a VILLAIN. The quests would get messed up from weird story. While you're saving Kander forest from decay, you're also murdering hundreds of NPCs. As it is right now, you CAN do this, but it doesn't make a difference to the story and is more like a joke. People like to kill NPCs for a meme, not so their mythics cost more.

    You had some good ideas, but they wouldn't fit within this server. The largest problem with all of this is that it would all be linked together as a side feature. Crafting worked as a whole new system because bothering with it had benefits. This, on the other hand, has no benefits. The benefits it does have are miniscule and all of this would just be a waste of time because nobody would use it. Usually suggestions like this are created because of a lack of understanding when it comes to the core of Wynncraft. It's best to add on to what we have already than it is to create whole new systems.
  6. Strela490

    Strela490 Travelled Adventurer

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    Yea yore right. And i didnt mean to steal from hypixel they just released the update before i posted this forum.
  7. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    It is ok to sometimes post bad suggestions, especially when you are new. Learn from this experience and hopefully next time it will be better :)
    penguinbnuuy likes this.
  8. alproy

    alproy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Those actually exist in game, though rarely anyone ever acounter them.

    There is one NPC quest of defend small farm at cliff between ragni seashore and Legendary Island, and all the random NPC, though rare, they DO exist. such as 1 NPC in a small hut in the middle of nivla forest. ecounters exist in: Mage island (open some random cave with tier II chest), pirhana pool at the edge of olux's swamp, the said farm at the cliff, some small cave at the canyon of the lost, Small shrine at dernal jungle, etc.
  9. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    They are called World Events, we even have page on it on the wiki

  10. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    If it means anything I really liked some of these ideas, primarily 4,8 and 9 and I think you did a very good job with this :)
  11. Indestructiball

    Indestructiball Well-Known Adventurer

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    I mean, they're good ideas, but they need a lot of tweaks.
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