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List Of Suggestions

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Pinkie, Sep 20, 2020.


What the most important things of those to add/rework?

Poll closed Sep 20, 2021.
  1. PVP: New currency for killing people

    5 vote(s)
  2. New Quality: Untradable and hard obtainable items with good attributes

    6 vote(s)
  3. Co-op Dungeons: Impossible dungeons that requires party with good knowledge

    14 vote(s)
  4. Professions: Reworking the crafted items so they can be better than legendaries on maximum level

    2 vote(s)
  5. All of these

    1 vote(s)
  6. None of them, useless trash, I will continue playing game as it is.

    5 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. fishcute

    fishcute fish CHAMPION Builder

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    They are actually extremely OP in the late game, being not only the only way to get lq, but also giving really good stats on a tier close to mythic (exept for weapons. crafted weapons usually don't get close to a mythic in terms of damage). You can do endgame perfectly fine with legendaries, and maybe a few fableds or rares, but crafteds get a lot of power at the cost of durability.
    100klemonreimu likes this.
  2. 100klemonreimu

    100klemonreimu Poison Warrior Supermacy

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    I guess the durability thing is to consume the excess gears players get from mobs, I have nearly 2 pages filled with unidentified gear even when I use loot gears
  3. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Crafted water bows would like to know your location.
    I wouldn’t say that crafted gear is useless per se; unbalanced is a better word.

    The earlier game is lackluster for crafted items, but consumables are pretty decent at least from what I’ve seen from the trade market. In terms of IDs, armor and weapons are extremely weak in terms of number and combinations of IDs compared to obtainables. But you can also get busted IDs due to some ingredients like Lapis. And for weapons all you have to do is stack powders as ingredients and/or melee damage and get a ton of busted damage, especially with Tier stacking.
  4. Am I rly a bot?

    Am I rly a bot? Travelled Adventurer

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    Frankly, gathering professions should not be anything more complicated than left or right-clicking the resource. However, the most fun concept I could personally think of is to make resources have a "tier" as well, which would determine their gathering time needed, XP reward and even increase the chance of dropping a 2*/3* material. To make this even more interesting, more difficult gathering places (with more threats or requirements to get to, such as Maex's mines, which can only be accessed by completing a quest and paying for a single-entry ticket, and why do that when all the resources are obtainable outside, eh? Waste of money.) could have more chances of such higher tier resources spawning. There is definitely some shenanigans to go around in this topic to make gathering more exciting and less pure grind.

    For this instance I have a question - Why does Defense not affect PvP damage? It would certainly be a counter for most ridiculous loadouts such as "Toxo" builds or whatever (I'm not too experienced with current PvP strategies), but the lack of Defense's influence affects the "balance" in PvP fights a lot and is the primary reason PvE and PvP has a huge gap between, meaning people have to make different builds just to be able to actually put up a fair fight. I won't even mention how people are bypassing one of PvP's primary "rewards/punishments" by simply equipping untradable gear... At this point the "Untradable" gear could be called "PvP exclusive". Seriously.
    ghoti0315 likes this.
  5. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    And the stuff they have to add is gathering XP/quality/loot bonus gears, I don't see why they have combat xp bonus in like 20% of the gears but added the gathering XP bonus as an ID in the API but still doesn't exist yet. Current state of profs are left-clicking while in bombs for 3 hours for another 10-level grind.

    Agreed, I like when people could one-hit a 30k health guardian warrior with heavy melee
  6. fishcute

    fishcute fish CHAMPION Builder

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    Yeah, I recently learned that the sp requirements were removed. That's really not good.
  7. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    For some reason wynndata still shows that they have skill point requirements.
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