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World Fruma Ideas

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Dyredhead, Jul 15, 2020.


Do you like this suggestion or not?

  1. yea i love it

  2. i think its good but needs some changes

  3. i think its whatever

  4. i dont like it

  5. i hate it

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  1. Dyredhead

    Dyredhead Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Hey this is just a thread where i put my ideas up and i'm hoping that i can receive some feedback and ideas from people in comments! thanks.

    Disclaimer: this is what i have come up with SO FAR. this is not what all i think should be in Fruma, just some examples and thoughts.

    So first is think the map should look something like this:

    Fruma Ideas.png

    There will be a main road of sorts that connects everything, kind of like the road that goes from Ragni to Detlas and then splits to the 4 cities. the main city of Fruma will be New Fruma and it will be a little Reminiscent of an ancient city like Rome.

    Quest Ideas (WIP Quests, not all the quests in the whole region) :

    1. Royal Relations:
    This will be the introductory quest to Fruma. You will first be called upon by the Ragni king and be told of troubles along the entrance and borders with the silent expanse. the king will ask you to travel back to where you came from to Fruma and request troops and supplies from the Queen. In this quest you will travel first to the entrance of the silent expanse, where a troops will tell you of the of their need for fresh troops and supplies. You will then travel to the king to tell him of the severity of the situation. the king, learning of the trouble will send you off to Fruma.
    2. Pirate Trouble:
    This quest will address the Fruman gate which is located close to Corkus. The quest will start in Nemeract where a Ragni guard will tell you that he is expecting a shipment of troops and supplies from Fruma. He will then explain that the ship never arrived and he is worried that something might have happened and asks you to investigate. On the Fruman side of the gate to Corkus, on the Fruman path, you will encounter SeaSkipper captain. He will explain to you that he was one of the many ship captain's tasked with boating troops and supplies to Nemeract in Wynn. But he also tells you that on his most recent voyage his ship was ambushed by pirates in the strait of Corkus (the little water passage between the gate and mainland Corkus. luckily though since he was still not far away from the shores of Fruma he was able to swim back and escape. this quest will take you to the pirate cove to you will be asked to investigate and find out who captured the ship and where it is. for completing this quest you will gain access to Fruma from the gate and also gain access to the SeaSkipper located outside the gate which was previously missing the SeaSkipper and the merchant who sells the tickets.​

    3. Path to Salvation I:
    The precursor to the dungeon quest of Fruma. You will meet a religious fanatic in new Fruma who tells you that he desperately wants to join the cult which located in the town of Cadres (anagram for sacred). you will have to go with him to Cadres, where they will tell you to do 12 "quests" to prove your worth. these will be somewhat based on the twelve trials of Hercules. for completing this quest you will gain entrance to Cadres and access to the second part of the quest.​

    4. Path of Salvation II:
    This is the dungeon quest for Fruma. Once you have completed Path to Salvation I, you will be able to talk to the religious fanatic guy again and he will tell you that he is now ready to become a true believer. He explains that the true point of the cult is to serve their leader who is located in the dungeon (don't have a name for it yet, open to suggestions). for completing this quest you will gain access to the Dungeon.
    5. Drought Problems:
    This quest will go more into the troubles in Fruma and the government's disregard of its people. this will also be the precursor for the rebel quest. We will visit the small village of Rithill which is suffering from a horrible drought because the Fruman government has been using their local river for irrigation and completely dried up the river. they ask you to figure out a way to bring water back to their village. You will then travel to the river and see what you can do. But before you can you hear a voice form the bushes and a guy pops out. He will say that he overheard you telling the villagers that you will help them out and that he would like to assist you. he will explain to you the the Fruman Government has constructed a Dam which redirected the flow of the water towards New Fruma and that to help the villagers you must destroy the dam. He will tell you that the only way to destroy it would be with explosives, so he sends you to abandoned mines in Wynn to get some. you will then have to smuggle the explosives across the Ragni / Fruma border (this will be similar to when you had to break the cows free out of their pens without being seen but this will be across the entire length of Ragni path but with checkpoints. You'll have to dodge the Fruma and Ragni guard patrols). After you blow up the dam and the water starts flowing again. He tells you that this isn't the first time the Fruman Government has done something like this and it wont be the last, so he asks you if you would like to join him in helping the people of Fruma and if so to find him close to the south east mountain range. (This quest wont give you any money but will provide exp.)
    6. A New Hope:
    You will find the guy from the Drought Problems quest near the South East mountain ranges where he will lead you up the mountain to the rebels secret hideout called Eborinell (anagram for rebellion). He tells you that he is part of a group called the rebellion who are working against the Fruman Government to stop their evil ways. he tells you that the Queen and her government have been working on a new bomb that could destroy and wipe out the rebel hideout, potentially killing thousands of people. but he also tells you that he knows where the plans to the bomb are located and asks you to help steal them. you will successfully steal the plans and pass them on to the guy but you will get captured in the processes and brought before the Queen. you will have 2 options:

    If you rat out the rebels to the Queen she will reward you with money.
    If you fight and beat the Queen and come back to the rebels you will be rewarded with exp. ​

    7. Lake Cwaltt:
    this will mainly be a lore quest and is heavily based of the episode of ATLA lake laogi.
    you will go around Fruma talking to people and find out that many relatives have been taken by the imperial guards and have gone missing. you will eventually have to infiltrate the Queen's castle (if caught you will be teleported back outside the castle) in New Fruma and you will overhear them talking about an Imperial Prison located bellow Lake Cwaltt (old English word for death). You will then have to take your breathing cap 2 and and explore the lake. you will eventually find a secret passage that leads into the prison. you will also have to make sure that you aren't see by any guards. you will witness the horrible things that go down there including the brainwashing of citizens who have been mentioning the war.

    Edit 1: Changed name of lake and added a quest
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2020
    Lev98bug and Rothboy like this.
  2. PopePurpleTTV

    PopePurpleTTV *:^)=Immortal=(^:* Media CHAMPION

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    Not as bad as I thought it was going to be reading the title, I'd suggest adding a poll so people can vote if they like the idea or don't, CT, hopefully reads all the comments, but I don't think they want to read 200 yeses and 200 no's

    But yeah, I could live with this being Fruma, would personally like a bigger Fruma, not really a believer that the map should/has to be perfectly square or rectangular, but I like it. @dyredhead
    Rothboy likes this.
  3. Dyredhead

    Dyredhead Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    k will do,
    kinda my first time doing something like this.
    wait how do i add a poll after i already posted the thread?
    nvm i figured it out
  4. BigHarambe27

    BigHarambe27 Well-Known Adventurer

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    I personally see fruma being much larger, at least in the amount of quests. My reasoning is that corkus is just a mini Provence and the silent expanse is still part of Wynn while fruma on the other hand is its own Provence. This means it should have a similar amount of quests to Wynn or gavel not just the few quests you said.
    TotemOfUndying likes this.
  5. Dyredhead

    Dyredhead Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    no no, i think i may have been a bit misleading but these are just a few quests i came up with of the top of my head. i agree there should be a ton more, and these are just examples.
    Pally and TotemOfUndying like this.
  6. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    I feel like the dungeon should be connected to the main storyline of Fruma (which will most likely be the goverment), so one idea I had was that the dungeon would be the Fruma Castle, a more stealth-based dungeon with the Queen as the boss.

    anyways, these are overrall pretty good. What level would Fruma be in this?
    Pally and Dyredhead like this.
  7. BigHarambe27

    BigHarambe27 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Ideally I would say lvl 105-130 as that’s how much gavel raised the level cap but I don’t know if they will raise it that much.
  8. Dyredhead

    Dyredhead Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Thats an interesting idea. Mabey its an old abandoned castle and the cultists pray to an old ruler of fruma? Like some corrupted queen? Im a little hesitant to put the dungeon just straight up in the big city since that has never been done before, and also puting it of to the side of the map provides more need for exploration.
    I like that it would give around 25 new quests which i think would be right for its size.
    Emogla3 likes this.
  9. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    The Fruma gate guards are level 60, and I think it's pretty safe to assume that Fruma will be 60+, as you "unlock" a major area around every 20 levels

    (1: Wynn, 20: Ocean, 40: Gavel, 60: Fruma, 80: Corkus, 100: SE)

    and in my opinion having Fruma as more dangerous than SE wouldn't make sense
  10. Dyredhead

    Dyredhead Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Why not? SE is not even Dern it self so dern would probably be a higher level then fruma. Making it accessible so early on at 60 would be a waste of content since i think gavel works fine as a lvl 60 - 100 zone. There.is plenty to do around those areas. Also it wouldint make sense adding a whole province at this point in the game and making it at a midgame level of difficulty.
  11. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Because it would make sense. We are missing a 65-89 dungeon. My other points about the guards being level 60 etc. still stand.

    Yes, Gavel works as a 60-100 area, but there isn't much other than Gavel on those levels. There are the few late Wynn/Ocean quests and Corkus at 80-90, but nothing at 70-80. I just don’t see why Fruma should be an endgame area.

    SE is not Dern, but it still should be MUCH more powerful than a normal army that doesn't even have magic. SE and Dern are the final parts of the story.
    Dyredhead likes this.
  12. Dyredhead

    Dyredhead Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    regarding the lack of dungeons i disagree since since thats exactly what the corrupted dungeons are for.

    whether fruma should be an endgame area is mostly up to personal opinion but for me i believe that with every new major area added it should be a higher level requirement since that gives people who have finished the previous update to do something new.

    im a little confused and mabey misreading this but if the "normal army who doesint have magic" is in regard to fruma than thats just false. https://wynncraft.gamepedia.com/Fruma_Province in the link which is the the wynncraft wiki page for fruma it says in the first paragraph under the history section that "Very little about Fruma is currently known, however thanks to lore uncovered in the secret library of Llevigar, the Province of Fruma has been described as the populous homeland of the human race in Wynncraft, led by powerful magic wielding monarchs. These magical capabilities were withheld from the general population, and were considered far more powerful than that of Wynn's. The province itself is far older than the nearby Wynn Province, which was settled by Fruma humans." it does only confirm the monarchs having power but it also says it was with held from the general population which doesint include the army. again this is my just interpretation as i agree it is a little vague.
    Emogla3 likes this.
  13. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    yeah, I meant that the only ones possessing any magic whatsoever are the ones in control

    the fruma queen herself may very well be much more powerful than any SE creature apart from the eye

    that's a bit opinion based. In my opinion corrupted dungeons might have been a mistake, but I'm not sure.
    Dyredhead likes this.
  14. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    No corrupted dungeons were definitely a mistake.

    Overall I like the suggestion but I'm with Emolga in saying that this should be a level 60-80 area. right now the level 60 and 70 quests in gavel aren't the greatest so this could help spice up that level range.
    TrapinchO, Emogla3 and Dyredhead like this.
  15. Dyredhead

    Dyredhead Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    im not really gonna comment on the whether the corrupted dungeons were a mistake since i personally dont mind them but as a little side note regarding the level situation, the levels of mobs and difficulty arent gonna influence the overall design and idea of the place. the quests and dungeon would still work whether they are lvl 60 - 80 or 105 - 130. the only difference would be the mob health and damage, which can be changed later on. im more coming up with ideas of what is going to be in fruma and what it could contain, and less of the technical stuff like the lvl of the area
    tbh the whole thing is ver confusing since for example in the quest recover the past we get a flash back of the fruman dungeon and the guard npc are all lvl 25.
  16. ZockerCam

    ZockerCam Travelling sorcerer. Master of Wind Magic. VIP+

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    Im too lazy to comment evrerything but the City names are great.
    Dyredhead likes this.
  17. Dyredhead

    Dyredhead Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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  18. Lex!

    Lex! :] CT Manager Ability Designer QA GM CHAMPION

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    haha but no 70-80 is super stuffed with quests, most levels having multiple quests, and even 74 having 4 (4!!!!) quests
  19. 0Latte

    0Latte Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    the guards being that level makes sense because the level you get that quest is level 25, it'd probably be unfair if they were too high.
  20. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    i know that but 90% of them are really low quality
    That_Chudley likes this.
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