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New Quest: Silent Dreams

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Samsam101, Jun 8, 2020.

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  1. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Now you may be thinking: ''dude general suggestions is usually for features already in the game, why would you suggest a quest''

    Well it's more like a request for a level 99 quest, as this is just that. I think we could do with a level 99 quest because currently all you do to get to level 100 is grind (and 1 slaying post) and for some people that can be annoying. I have come up with a fun way to introduce the player to the Silent Expanse and for them to be a high enough level to make it there. This is another one of those acid trip quests but it's also a horror quest.

    Start the quest by going to the Ternaves Inn
    Innkeeper: Hello and welcome to my inn, adventurer!
    Innkeeper: Come, stay the night. You have done so much for Wynn that I'll let you stay for free.

    Go to bed

    (The camera shows the weird temple near Ternaves seeping some dark energy. It travels toward the town and into the inn. You see an NPC of yourself get hit in the head by it in your sleep)

    You wake up in total darkness

    ???: Hello.
    ???: I am (indecipherable unknown wynnic characters)
    ???: Welcome to your nightmares.

    (You drop down through a hole in the floor, going though some kind of vortex. There is a closed eye at the bottom. It opens up as you fall. Just before you hit the ground you find yourself in the Silent expanse, right outside the Eldritch outlook. But it isn't there... It looks like there is no corruption. There are some miners nearby, mining a rock with diamonds on it)

    Approach the miners

    Miner 1: Hey there! Welcome to Olmic!
    Miner 2: Olmic is an up and coming city we are building. We've built lots of places we think will be iconic to the province. We plan to open our gates to Nesaak soon.
    Miner 1: We're almost done with our city. There's a problem though. We found a weird portal south of here. Can you check it out?

    Investigate the portal

    (You see severed heads of miners nearby.)

    Something about this place makes you feel.. Uneasy...

    (Suddenly horrible creatures come out of the portal and spikes come up everywhere. You are about to be impaled and you teleport into another black room)

    ???: Did you enjoy that?
    ???: Good. Now you will have to try as hard as you can to continue the story.

    (A wall opens up in front of you, revealing a maze. You are given a maze map. The maze is full of threats that you need to avoid.)

    Make it out of the maze

    (You are suddenly jumpscared by a dead miner and are teleported to the Olmic city)

    Miner 1: No! Our city!
    Miner 2: Argh!! Help me!

    Help miner 2 by killing the monsters that surround him

    (A chasm opens beneath miner 2 and closes back up. He crawls out of the ground as a monster)

    Defeat the Zombie Miner
    He has 50000 health, a powerful multihit attack, and a pickaxe throw attack

    Miner 1: Defend the city from the monsters. Please!

    Defend the city

    (There are too many of them. The silent expanse is swept by corruption and the city is attacked. Everybody there either runs away or is killed.)

    Miner 1: NOOOOOOOO

    (Miner 1 is killed by a twisted figure)

    Fight the Twisted Figure

    It has 50000 health and only uses melee

    (A chasm opens beneath you and you find yourself watching a cutscene. Bak'al walks through the portal and is followed by some zombies carrying a huge crate. The eldritch outlook rises from the ground and they enter. You are then teleported to Ternaves.)

    Fight the empowered monsters

    (You follow the monsters to the strange temple and the dream ends with a jumpscare coming from the temple)

    (You wake up and wonder what to do)

    Investigate the strange temple

    (The gates creak open. You enter the temple.)

    Complete the parkour

    (You approach an altar and suddenly you are approached)

    ???: How did you find me?
    ???: My real name is Almog
    Almog: I was an olm who built the city. You may know me as Miner 1.
    Almog. I will have you suffer the same fate that I have!

    Fight Almog

    100000 health, ranged lasers, multihit, etc.


    (You look on the altar and find a book. You open it.)

    ''To anybody reading this, run. I am being slowly eaten by a twisted creature that calls itself Almog. I was lured here by a dream I had in the Ternaves Inn. Turn back now. (wynnic text that translates into: GO TO THE SILENT EXPANSE)''

    (You exit the temple and the quest ends)

    Rewards: 5000000 XP
    2 LE
    Old Journal
  2. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    I'm not saying that the quest is bad but isn't the purpose of AJB to introduce the silent expanse. to me it feels that a level 99 quest should be in the sky/void islands
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  3. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Not a bad quest, but it spoils too much before AJB. Move it to 102+ and it would be much better
  4. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    The entire point of the quest is for it to be level 99 so that would be pointless.
  5. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Umcovering past of the Olm?
    Or just make it with less spoilers. It could be a good teaser: a nightmare about SE and in the end a flash showing the Eye
    edit: you cannot start AJB without completing this
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2020
    Emogla3 likes this.
  6. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    A short quest like that would actually be good, not as long as this one, just a teaser, and make it so that you can't begin AJB without doing it.
    TrapinchO likes this.
  7. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Great idea, but how would you do it? Through some quest reward?
  8. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Nothing just happens when you go to the AJB beginning building in Detlas, or you can't just enter it at all.
  9. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Also an option
  10. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    That's what I was originally going for but I got carried away. Plus I feel there would be more tasks so it's not just free exp at Ternaves. will change the quest soon.
  11. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Fantastic, the lasers top this off a banterous top-tier quest for me
  12. ZockerCam

    ZockerCam Travelling sorcerer. Master of Wind Magic. VIP+

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    I love the idea. Also we need a lvl 99 quest please.
    A Human likes this.
  13. Ettrigar

    Ettrigar Wynn historian HERO

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    I'd say that overall, this could be a good quest, although I agree with some of the other replies that it should be a bit later or not reveal EO, as A Journey Further is meant to be the dramatic reveal of EO and the Eye. The dialogue could definitely use some work. Take the city's name as an example. I know that when you enter the area it says "Ruined Olmic City", but it means the city is made by the olm, not called Olmic. And as I understand it, the olm (a magically knowledgeable race like elves) were around long before the miners (mostly humans and villagers looking for some extra emeralds). And instead of calling them miner 1 and miner 2, you could make both their names "???", as you haven't met them yet, and making them miners and olm at the same time doesn't quite fit the lore of Wynncraft (at least as I understand it. You may want to check with others to be sure).

    There are a few other changes I'd make, such as the length of the conversations (just because it's a dream, doesn't mean it needs to be short and chaotic), the way the darkness arrives (rather than spikes suddenly appearing directly from the portal, have someone or something similar to Bak'al summon them around the area to be consistent with other cut-scenes where the spikes appear, with the land around them darkening in theme), and what appears (save EO and just about any Eye-focused imagery for A Journey Further). I'd also change the what the Old Journal says to be more eerie, so something more along the lines of "It's too late... Almog has come. Don't trust the dreams. [insert Ancient Wynnic text here]".

    Keep in mind, the olm were meant to be wise and knowledgeable on the topic of magic. They experimented with light magic and dark, so maybe they opened the portal to Dern while trying to become more powerful, in which case rather than having them ask you to investigate the portal, you may want to have them ask you to help them with a powerful spell that ends up creating the light obelisk in Lutho (of course, Lutho wouldn't exist yet, as the miners make that city). After that success, they become more arrogant and try to make a portal to Dern, which of course they succeed in doing.

    Most of these changes are to remain accurate to lore. And the SE isn't the only place the olm are mentioned. Remember Wynn Excavation Site D? There are several hints toward the olm around that area, so you may want to tie the Dernal jungle into this somehow.
    Instead of the parkour through EO, you could have it be in the olmic temple, the one you eventually find the drill in for Tol runes.
  14. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Okay so
    I have actually never been to the Silent Expanse or to the Olmic city, so correct me if I'm wrong. I called it Olmic because there's no canonical name for what it was actually called.
    Sounds good. However I realise now that the journal just wouldn't work as you're supposed to read it and if you're unfamiliar with the server texture pack then you probably won't know that the written book is actually a transparent texture over the hotbar texture which gives off the illusion that it's visible. You wouldn't be able to find the item unless forced into it.
    It says in the mineshaft secret discovery that shows part of the silent expanse that the portal was found by miners. Judging by the Olm temple secret discovery in Time Valley, the Olm were forced out of Time Valley by the corruption war. The portal was found around the same time the Nether portal was found. I don't think the Olm opened it.
    I never said the parkour was through EO, I actually intended it to mean that you are in some kind of matrix and are parkouring through a strange hallway of nothing but darkness. I think Grian would be likely to encourage that idea too as in Hermitcraft he made a matrix room under his house to freak people out.
    The maze would be too difficult in the matrix and would instead be some kind of weird library.
  15. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Two portals. Nether (Roots of Corruption) and to Dern (behind EO)

    The Beast forced them to go to a unknown realm (presumably Dern) although some might have escaped

    There is. Time Valley secret discovery and The Fate of the Olm and Silent Expanse's Secret

    I wouldn't call it a house...

    Also that many maps would lag the server (as happened on hermitcraft)
  16. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    The name could just be wynnic gibberish.

    Also "olmic" literally means the same thing as "american" or "japanese". Imagine a city named "spanish".

    The corruption came way after the death of the Olm. Assuming that the Olm had the four elemental crystals in Dernel jungle, which I assume was their last hiding spot, why did the crystals end up back in SE in 800BP? The only explanation I can think of is that the Dern beast took them back, and that means that the Olm died over 800 years before the corruption war (except if Bob is a half-Olm some of them must have escaped).

    I like the idea, but it would be too laggy
  17. Ettrigar

    Ettrigar Wynn historian HERO

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    My solution to this would be to just have that be the book's lore (the writing under the name). This way you could just let the item be a normal book.
    Sorry, I should have clarified. I meant the portal to Dern. From what I understood, that was the portal you had wanted the player to investigate in the quest.
    Sorry. That was completely my fault; I had been looking back through the story for my first reply and must have gotten mixed up. The matrix room is a great idea though, and it would fit quite well into the quest, as not only would it work as a dream, but a similar thing happens in the quest Point of No Return, which is in Lutho, relating it to the Silent Expanse, helping the idea to fit even better.
    I've looked through these discoveries, but can't find any reference to the name of the city. Where does it say what it is?
    You wouldn't need maps. You've done Point of No Return, right? As long as it's dark enough, and the blocks making the room are a near-solid black, you can make a room like that. The alternative, if you want to be able to see anything, is to build a much larger version of the room I just mentioned, then build the room the player will be in in the center out of barrier blocks. With this second method, you can still have lighting in the immediate area.
    I was actually going to make a post about that for my Wynnic Lore thread posts. I may add a link to it here on Saturday when I actually post it (I'm not just making it all on Saturday. I'm copying it from a Word document onto the forums).
    For that I reference you to what I am telling TrapinchO in this very reply...
  18. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    I thought you meant the race. My bad.
    I think that there isn't.

  19. lari

    lari lari is cool VIP

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    we must add this
    visar77 and Ettrigar like this.
  20. Ettrigar

    Ettrigar Wynn historian HERO

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    Well, here it is. As I said. No one has to read it if they don't want to, but I just thought I may as well do as I said.
    Wynnic Lore
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