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Guilds Guilds Need An Update.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Opaldestruction, May 25, 2020.


Should guilds recieve an update?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. Opaldestruction

    Opaldestruction Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Section 1: Reason I Created this thread.

    Many of the people at my level have been somewhat disappointed with the guild system because it hasn’t reached it’s full potential. What has already been done with the guilds is extremely impressive, and many people have used it throughout the years. There have been many huge alliances, there have even been cases where one guild takes over the entire world. With this, it’s obvious that guilds are already utilized in the game, but even though that is true, I think that many people are content with what it already is. Even if they have many ideas as to how it could be improved. So I would like to bring to attention the ideas that I have had, and many of the people I have met have given me.

    To do that, I feel like it has to be evident why these improvements would be beneficial to the guild system as it is, and how they could solve some of the problems I have noticed.

    Section 2: Problems with the current guild system.

    Problem 1:

    There isn't enough content with guilds as it is. When I created my guild, I was hoping we would be able to do a lot of exclusive things only available at the guild hall, but that isn't the case, In fact, many people have been complaining about the lack of reason to join guilds at this time. There are systems in place, such as the leveling system, but there are no rewards to the average player in the guild that come with leveling up. The main appeal with guilds is the wars system, which is also somewhat flawed. What this lack of content does is make the entire premise of the guilds rely on the guild wars.

    Problem 2:

    There are not good enough methods to protect your land. When you've taken over land, the guild system gives you the option to defend your land with a certain amount of mobs. These mobs can be good for protecting your land against low levels, and making it take a longer amount of time for people to take your land. This is the main reason most guilds protect their land with the full 1000 mobs, because it can take up to 10 minutes for someone attacking the land alone, and it's really hard for people below level 60 to take over the most common comp in the game right now, which is just lvl 50 rogues, barbarians, mercenaries, and archers. This is not the maximum that you can defend your land though, you can defend your land with Bob's reincarnation, healers, better archers, and different mobs that go up to level 100. On surface level, there is no problem with this. The only problem is that there is no reason to use these mobs because the lower level ones already satisfy the base needs, and at a high level, where most people in guilds are at, people can beat any comp anyway. What this causes is these level 100 mobs rarely being utilized.

    Problem 3:

    There is no incentive to participate in guild wars. In short, this problem is mainly about the lack of reward for conquesting land. There is a reward that the guild gets whenever you take land, every mob you kill counts as 1 emerald, making it so that if the most amount of mobs are in a territory, you get 1000 emeralds. The problem is, even if you don't immediately spend that money on defending the territory, the money benefits you in no way, because of the lack of other content guilds have to offer, there is no personal use for the money. And since there is no other reward, there are no personal rewards for taking over land. Not only that, but tying into the second problem, Since there is no real reason to defend your land with any hard comp, attacking these territories often gets tedious, and becomes a huge time dump.

    Section 3: Solutions

    1. Rework of the dungeons that are meant to be played by 10-20 people.

      1. What this would do is it would create incentive to actually invite people to a guild.

      2. What this new dungeon could reward you with could be more experience and items.

      3. Dungeon Speedrun Leaderboard

      4. What this fixes = adds more content for guilds besides wars.
    2. Guild Housing

      1. Guild housing could be a world that is set aside for housing, there could be different areas set aside for guilds, and you could customize them with blocks

      2. It could be a good place to hang out for guilds, and I think that it would extremely boost the community aspect of guilds.

      3. What this fixes = Adds more content to guilds and more customization options.
    3. Tokens for attacking land

      1. You could get say 1 token per spot you took up on the leaderboard

      2. This token could be used in a guild shop

      3. The guild shop could be upgraded with the guild level, and will be reset every week.

      4. The shop can contain bombs to increase guild stuff like xp gains or money gains or for player stuff or both.

      5. The Guild shop could also be implemented alongside the guild housing idea where you could buy blocks from the shop to customize the house.

      6. What this fixes = Adds incentive to attack, which could in turn add incentive to use more of the mobs and bosses provided.
    4. PvP

      1. I think that being able to defend your land with your character could be beneficial

      2. Your guild could enter a territory when it’s about to be attacked, and it would take up an attack slot, so you either attack another piece of land, or you defend one being attacked.

      3. What this fixes = Adds the necessity to bring a larger group to guild wars
    5. Guild Chest for attackers

      1. Could give emeralds and items, basically the same stuff as a chest

      2. Could have different tiers, goes up randomly

      3. Could be alternate to tokens or could be implemented alongside it.

      4. What this fixes = Adds Incentive to attack.
    6. Implemented rewards for holding a territory for longer

      1. It could be hourly or daily or something like that

      2. The rewards could be completely guild related or player related; it could go either way.

      3. What this fixes = might add incentive to add better protection
    7. Ideas for more content

      1. Make it so people can make presets for the mobs in the defense section so it’s easier to defend.

      2. Add a command /gu permissions or something that allows you to remove or add certain guild permissions to ranks.

      3. In game alliance. This makes it easier to manage all of the alliances you have, and there could even be an in game alliance chat.

      4. Guild quests. You could unlock them, and they would take money from the guild bank and spread it out through all the people who participate in the quest. It could also reward guild xp.

      5. Investment in cities, you could open a menu that lets you put emeralds into certain aspects of cities, like shops, or quests, or mob drops. This would make it so if you donated like 100k emeralds into a certain aspect, you would make 100% of the emeralds gained from shops.

    Thanks to These people for helping the formation of this thread.








  2. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    Alright, lemme break my responses down into sections.

    I agree on this. I want to see more content created for guilds, even if it's indirect content. There is a severe drought in content for Guilds, and there have been very few additions and changes since their inception.

    I would say the only reason the level 50 spam of mobs works is due to the rate that they spawn at.
    I haven't partaken in wars myself, but from what I hear, the spawnrate is fairly slow, regardless of level. The max amount of mobs that can be present on the field is limited as well, I think around 200? I forget.
    I definitely think they should increase the base spawnrate speed for mobs. I think it already scales based on how many players are present, but it's slow for solo warrers. TO an extent, I can understand why this is the case, as it does feel like it's against the game design to war alone. But if you don't have enough people to war with you, it's understand why.

    Ok, this I have to go against somewhat.

    It has been said many times by the CT, even by Salted himself, that guilds are NOT allowed to give direct gameplay benefits. This includes items, emeralds, and combat experience. Doing so would cause unfairness between people who are guildless or are in a low level guild, and between those in a very high level guild.
    This would lead to people joining high level guilds to leech whatever rewards they can get, and heavily discourage the creation of new guilds or continuing in a lower level one.

    I do agree that the rewards from claiming territories should be increased, but I don't think personal rewards is the way to go.

    Seems good all-round! I wouldn't mind seeing these implemented.

    This sounds pretty decent, and is fairly unique. I don't like the idea of having the tokens giving personal rewards. Already explained why above.
    How the tokens scale is honestly a debate, because it would be "the rich get richer" essentially. Especially with how the current guild leaderboard is setup, in where you are higher based on how many territories you have and there are limited territories, it could be fairly unbalanced.

    This one is somewhat debatable.

    I've spoken to quite a few guild veterans across multiple guilds, both big and small, for about a month now. The general consensus I came up with is that most aren't generally interested in Guild War PvP, nor do they actually want to do it, especially if it's forced and you could possibly lose items from doing so. Especially with the state PvP is in right now, it would be fairly unbalanced.

    I think Wars should be left to be primarily PvE, not PvP. That should be something separate from Guild Wars & Territories.

    No to rewards. Already explained.

    Maybe? It really depends on how that system is handled. It could work, but definitely no player rewards. Perhaps if you expanded off of it and gave some idea, I could envision it better.

    Defense Presets would be VERY nice for guild folks.

    Permission setting would be interesting. I don't know what kind of permissions you'd have to set up however.

    An in-game alliance would be... Maybe? I'm not sure how I would feel about that. Alliances are pretty solid for the most part right now without a real system in place, and I think that's honestly a nice, subtle aspect of Guilds: Alliances are an unofficial, unsupported feature for Wynncraft, but is still upheld like it's a feature by Guilds. For the most part.

    That would be definitely neat. Guild Objectives you could complete on a weekly or monthly basis would most likely increase guild activity.

    This one is definitely interesting and can really swing either way. These are essentially territories, but with shops.
    This could very well work, but I'm not sure how well. The amount of shops in Wynncraft are substantially lower than the amount of territories, and investments could definitely just be held by a select few guilds at all times.


    WHEW! That was a long post!

    Overall, this is pretty good, and I'd like to see the majority of this in-game. Better than most Guild Suggestion posts!

    Last edited: May 25, 2020
    That_Chudley, _Tiger, Cutsard and 4 others like this.
  3. Sheepn

    Sheepn life CHAMPION

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    Very nice, I love the detail and range of ideas. Maybe they aren't all viable, but many could add whole new layers to guild gameplay.
  4. Opaldestruction

    Opaldestruction Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Thanks for going into such extreme detail about this thread. It seems like you really care about the issue at hand, so I'm going to attempt to reach out to you In-Game sometime to discuss more ideas with you, but for now I'm going to adjust the thread post according to the many good points I believe you made. Thanks again!
  5. _Tiger

    _Tiger Completionist HERO

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    If you didn't know, Nova is working with the guild community to create something unique and new with guilds.
  6. Dragon_Tracker

    Dragon_Tracker I NEED MORE NUGGETS!!! HERO

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    Good idea!
  7. XeraAndromeda

    XeraAndromeda Empress of Nemract, Queen of Aphelion CHAMPION

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    I exist now!
  8. TS_potato

    TS_potato Dead? VIP+

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    oh wow someone exists now
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