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World Improving Fabled Items.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by estevao107, May 18, 2020.


Should this be added in WYnncraft?

  1. Yes

    8 vote(s)
  2. No (Why not?)

    6 vote(s)
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  1. estevao107

    estevao107 AFK Master

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    Fabled is a rarity wich was added in the 1.19 update. We all know that this rarity is relatively new, but it needs some improvements. The problem is that currently, legendaries are selling for more than fabled items, and this shouldn't be happening, since fabled items are more difficult to get than legendaries. We only have 20 items, and most of them are difficult to put in a build (except for the Ornate Shadow Armor, Draoi Fair, Plague Staff, Nighthawk and Strobelight). Most of the fabled items that are easy to put in a build are untradable, and the only fabled item that really goes for a decent price in the trade market is Nighthawk. If you play Wynncraft, you know that most fabled items don't sell for a good price or don't sell at all. A good amount of the fabled items come from quests, such as Draoi Fair - Dragon's Eye Bracelet - Renda Langit (The Order of the Grook), Ornate Shadow Armor (A Hunter's Calling) and Vindicator (The Mercenary). A good way to improve the fabled items is making them easier to put in a build (and also making them an important part of it). Most people don't like fabled item because of the bad or useless Major IDs (such as Magnet). Honestly, some fabled items would be good if they had a good Major ID. Please tell me if I am wrong, but fabled items need some help.

    Some Fabled Major ID suggestions
    Mirror's Edge
    Freedom: Movement spells are 50% more effective.

    Second Wind
    Second Wind: Heals 1500 HP when you reach 0 HP, saving you from death. Cooldown: 120 seconds

    Draoi Fair, Renda Langit and Dragon's Eye Bracelet
    Knowledge: Every spell gets a 20% range buff (Draoi Fair only gets 15% range buff).

    Anya's Penumbra
    Purity: Spells now cost only 60% of their true mana cost.
    Last edited: May 18, 2020
  2. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    I think it is strong enough. It has it's purpose in ws builds.

    So I am immortal now? Great idea.

    We need more of them. More powerful =/= higher price.
    Melkor likes this.
  3. estevao107

    estevao107 AFK Master

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    oh yes i forgot to talk about the cooldown
    Yes, but some of the current ones are still underpowered.
  4. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    I don't know, I've said yes as I think that fabled items need something to make them a bit better and you know actually useful. But I'm in two minds about it, not sure I like the idea of Second wind or Purity, second wind would be annoying in pvp and not very useful in PvE when you're against monsters bashing you into a corner. Purity would need to be on a really balanced item not to make it OP, thanks for sharing this though, I miss people suggesting as much because they're scared people will just take the piss outta them which happens like 85% of the time as it's already been said, doesn't work in their eyes or something similar has been shared basically.
    estevao107 likes this.
  5. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    The problem is not that fableds are too weak. The problem is that because there are so few, any individual fabled item is no rarer than an individual legendary, and sometimes even more common.
  6. BowenRobot2

    BowenRobot2 Newbie Adventurer

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    I think that fabled items should have more of a connection to the story because according to its name, there are stories/fables written about these incredible pieces of equipment. And that they should be more like the Vindicator while trying to avoid a leveled system. It'd be weird at first, but I think that fabled items shouldn't have a level restriction but instead provide a weird buff that can't be found anywhere else with other minor benefits (like how the vindicator is actually kinda sucky, but it has the magnet thing and the Galloping Spurs are great for horse riding but aren't all too useful for anything else). They should be useful utility items that anybody can use but aren't useful for anybody outside the niche target audience it would be going for (although this whole system would be very hard to set up)
  7. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    When an item is being generated, it goes through a few checkboxes. I don't know the ordering for sure, but the checkboxes are as follows:

    1. What's the level range? (five levels above and below the mob you killed, level of the chest or your level depending on the situation. Let's say you open a chest in a lvl 95 area so the item range is 90-100.)
    2. What's the item type? (ie. chestplate)
    3. What's the rarity? (ie. Fabled)

    and after those checks, what's an item that qualifies for all?
    In this case only Time Rift can spawn.

    But for legendaries the following can spawn:
    Gravity, Dondasch, Hetusol, Rekkr, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, Libra, Cardiac Arrest. These are 9 chestplates.

    For every 10 legendaries in a specific level range, you should get 1 fabled. Meaning that time rift is just very slightly more rare than any specific legendary chestplate.

    I couldn't find an example where the item is actually more common than a specific legendary like druser said. But fableds are deceptively common, especially the lvl 95-100 ones, since that level range is lootran alot. They also more often than not fill a specific niche, which means that they're not wanted as much as a normal legendary that's just 'good'.

    I disagree with this line of reasoning for the same reason I don't think it's a bad thing that some rares sell for more than some legendaries.

    If we take away the untradeable ones we're left with:
    Time Rift <-- This one sells for quite a decent bit.
    Nighthawk <-- you approved this one.
    Blind Thrust <-- goes for 1-2 LE despite filling a small niche which also has a mythic item that does it better so people who will pay whatever it takes take something else.
    Mirror's Edge <-- no legendary or below near its level even come close to the price.
    Uranium Aegis <-- also no legendary or below near its level get to that price.
    Second Wind <-- this one is actually cheaper than some legendaries around its level.
    Strobelight <-- only one on the market rn for >1 LE. So also pretty cheap, but this one fills a niche so small it shouldn't be in any rarity below it.
    Galloping Spurs <-- also pretty expensive, insanely expensive for its level.

    So that criticism only applies to Second Wind.

    I majorly disagree with this part. Why make them easier to put into a build? The main attractive factor of fableds is their niche uses, making them easier to put in a build takes away from that. Also, because fableds fill such a niche and are relatively hard to build around, they are more often than not the most important part of whatever build they are in. Time rift builds are made to use time rift, blind thrust builds are build around it's heavy melee, uranium aegis' only use is for poison. A build using strobelight will be tanky to take the hits, most likely using thorns/reflection. etc.

    The tradeable Fableds are ALWAYS an important part of their build if they're used in an actual build.

    Also, people love Major IDs for as far as I know. Where did you get the idea from that people hate them? Also also, Magnet is great since it was changed to no longer pick up items you threw out.
    see above
    Druser and estevao107 like this.
  8. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    Purity would be insanely broken, and is the same has having high -cost% ID's, so it doesn't really fit as a major ID. Given the stat requirements and the intel it gives, it already offers a massive discount to spells.
  9. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    Blind Thrust beats Dawnbreak in most applications. That's why dawnbreak is so irrelevant. maybe you'd know if you pronounced HICH correctly

    Oh and also this thread is so pointless. You need to explain your logic, and your ideas lack any sort of balance whatsoever.
    creature likes this.
  10. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    Time to overshot crucial platforms with Escape, Teleport and Charge, one-tap every mob in the game with Vanish and reach y = infinity with Shaman. When you're making a suggestion that involves effectiveness, specify which aspect.
    Fair enough, but 120 seconds is too low of a cooldown. If you're going to implement something like this, increase its cooldown to a full Minecraft day (which is a Soul Point cycle).
    Specify how range will affect a spell. I can see Uppercut, Multihit, Smoke Bomb, Totem, Haul and Uproot getting obvious buffs, but the rest is simply unclear.
    Or simply do away with range altogether. These items don't even need a Major ID, they're already powerful as they are (case in point for Draoi Fair, Grandmother, Spring and their Legendary counterparts benefit from Draoi Fair's cost reductions, which with the busted as hell Nighthawk is basically asking for it).
    Anya's Penumbra doesn't need a Major ID either. It gives 15 Intelligence - highest of any accessory in the game (higher than Diamond Hydro Necklace). It still gives less stats (sum, not single stat) than Prowess, but it is still deserving of its Fabled status.
    Speaking of, Purity is disgustingly strong. I can run Slayer + Anya's with basically any Relik or Bow in the game and have basically infinite number of Aura/Bomb Arrow casts (provided Mana Regen allows it).

    Your idea needs to be better thought of, since the problem with Fableds is that there's only so few of them to begin with, not their power, which they have plenty of already.
    Last edited: May 21, 2020
    estevao107 and TrapinchO like this.
  11. estevao107

    estevao107 AFK Master

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    Thanks for the feedback! I'll see how I can improve this thread :)
  12. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    you're getting overexcited not every fabled needs a major id

    dragon's eye would like to know your location
    a lot of stuff not on this exception list is also viable even if not easily slappable, like time rift

    and no, fixing the list won't solve the problem because it would be so long you might as well not make this claim about fableds being difficult to put into builds
  13. DQTR

    DQTR IGN mediumEd

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    We just need more fabled items, I'd like to see fabled items being the meta.
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