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Dungeons Remove/replace/relocate/redesign Yahyabot From Li [30+ Supporters]

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by DogeTennant, May 4, 2020.


Do you agree with my suggestion?

  1. Yes (any)

    12 vote(s)
  2. Yes (Remove)

    3 vote(s)
  3. Yes (Replace)

    8 vote(s)
  4. Yes (Relocate)

    4 vote(s)
  5. Yes (Redesign)

    14 vote(s)
  6. Yes (Bonus)

    2 vote(s)
  7. No.

    4 vote(s)
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  1. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Hello, I know from the start that this suggestion is doomed and this probably wont ever happen, but I just need to get my suggestion on this out there and I have to hope that just maybe this catches on.

    I suggest to either remove/replace or relocate YahyaBot from LI. Reasons?

    He's not challenging. Seriously, did anyone EVER have any trouble beating him? The only challenging fight you encounter during this "boss" fight is your fight with boredom. And it doesn't even matter what class are you on (I never ran LI with Assassin or Shaman, but I suppose they are the same), but Warrior, Archer and Mage are just so easy you can afk in every room except the narrow corridor and meteor. And I remember that Archer could afk in the narrow corridor aswell, but I don't know if that's still possible. And in that narrow corridor all you have to do is use your escape spell or with an archer, you can use your arrow shield and half-afk aswell. And the meteor. You can either have a horse (chestnut is enough and maybe even black, but I haven't tested) or if you're an archer just get yourself your speed and escape spells will help you. And escape spells of other classes probably make it easy aswell, although I can't confirm that, because I always use the horse on the metor, no matter the class.

    He's unique.. for the first run. I do appreciate how unique and different he is from other bosses, but that appreciation only came the first time around, the second time around it was less and that continued until it was just utter annoyance with this boss.

    Takes too long and can't make it faster. You can get through every boss faster by having a better build, but not Yahya, doesn't matter how godly your build is, even if you don't afk in any of the rooms, it doesn't get any faster. Of course it might get a bit less boring if you actually fight in every room, but why bother when you don't have to.

    He's frustrating. Alright I know Wynncraft isn't supposed to be at all easy to go through, but this boss is not frustrating in the right way. He is frustrating because you literally stand there for 6 minutes doing nothing and you can't do anything about it. And it's even more frustrating when you need some of those diamond tokens for your builds, you get past YahyaBot and then you die to some later boss (most likely to Orange Cybel), and then you realize that you will have to go through YahyaBot AGAIN with no other way around him and just the realization that you will waste so much time just standing there frustrates you (atleast it did me).

    Alright so I complained, but I will try to make a solution aswell.


    What to do

    Remove him altogether. This is the easiest solution, but also the least satisfying and thus least likely to happen no matter how well this suggestion will fare. Just remove him, don't add anything in his place. Just get rid of him.

    Replace him with someone else. Remove him. But make someone else take his spot. Or rather, move everyone else down the line (so in the place of Yahya will be Death Metal) and the penultimate boss right before Dr. Legendary will be Aledar/Tasim or Theorick. Or you could just literally slap this guy instead of Yahya, but that wouldn't make any sense regarding how the bosses go in the quest line. (Even though Yahya doesn't either).
    Some name ideas:
    Aledar the Mechanized
    Mechorick/Ice-Cooled Rick
    Tasim the Redesigned

    Relocate him somewhere else. This is basically the same idea as Replacing him, but instead of replacing him and thus removing him. He will live on somehere else. My suggestion is make a quest related to YahyaBot on Corkus, maybe make it available at lvl 100. Later if this suggestion gets some traction I'll add an entire quest idea to this thread.

    Redesign him. While he will lose his uniqueness, he will be more enjoyable to fight against while also being harder to beat. Just remove this whole idea of set timer and make it an actual challenging boss. My first idea just make him completely "generic". Just give him some unique spells that he will cast, he will attack you in the regular boss room, you will fight him. One of the spells that he could have is giving you nausea for a few secs. He could shoot mushrooms or just melee attacks (or maybe both on different phases). If you want to keep the rooms Then I have two suggestions. First. Go through every room that is currently there, but in each room you will just fight YahyaBot in different phases (different difficulties). Second. Make the rooms stay the same, but once you defeat all the mobs in the room you will be automatically teleported to the next room (kill participation doesn't matter, even if one player kills them and the other one hides, it teleports them both). I don't know how that would work for the Narrow Corridor Room, maybe that one could stay completely the same, but lower the time that you stay in that room and maybe increase the speed of YahyaBot to make it a tiny bit harder).

    Bonus suggestion
    Make a skip available for players who already beat LI. I don't know if that would be even possible, but it could be an alternative to everything I've just written above. To be honest out of all ideas I've came up with, I like this one the least, but someone else might like it, so I included it.


    So that's about everything (so far) for my suggestion about YahyaBot, I have a request for everyone voting against my suggestion (with any of the solutions) so please explain why are you doing so, because "he's walking meme" just doesn't cut it for me and he could happily be a walking meme in his own quest.

    Thanks everyone for reading!
    Last edited: May 4, 2020
  2. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    The only thing I'll disagree about is the difficulty; while he isn't a huge threat normally, he hits harder than just about any boss in there (until I see numbers disproving it, I fully believe he hits harder than even Cybel), enough so that one of the last times I was in there, I almost died from a one-hit out of nowhere (in fairness I had low defense and health, but that's still a lot of damage). That said, it's gotta be a pretty good day for him to even hit you most of the time. Other than that I wholeheartedly agree, since he's such a pain on repeat runs.
  3. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Yes, I agree, he has very high damage, but I still stand by the difficulty being pretty much "easy" as you said yourself, getting hit by him is nearly impossible unless you get bored and try to cheese him out in some way. About the exact damage, I don't have exact numbers at my disposal, but when I get hit by Phase 2/4 Cybel it's almost everytime instakill (from 13k to 0 in one hit), meanwhile when Yahya hits me he usually gets me down to like 3-4k (again from 13k)

    edit: Also getting hit by him could be possible when you're doing the run for the first time and you don't know what to do, then I agree thast the boss can be in fact difficult.
  4. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    Huh. I usually chug a pot for Cybel, so it's hard to be sure, but normally he just scratches me compared to Yahya (granted, my defense is more than doubled normally and I gain a lot of health). But yeah, he's not particularly hard, though certainly I wouldn't say he's a cakewalk. I'd probably rank his fight about a couple of others even, just because of the unicorn oneshot and the minion spam.
  5. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    bumping this for more opinions..
  6. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    Yahyabot is just me thinking of new ways to cheese a fight for 6 minutes straight I agree it should be changed.
  7. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Aledar/Tasim wouldn't make much sense. There is one thing every LI boss has in common (aside from having multiple phases), and that is that you could fight all of them prior to level 100 (the level you'll probably be doing LI to finish up your build). Even Doc is based off Qira, who you probably fought prior to LI. Doc probably wouldn't even know who they are because Aledar's been doing fuck all for the past 100 levels and Tasim probably realized how incompetent Aledar is and went to go lead a rebellion against the Fruman Queen because he's just that much of a badass or something. It would be such a huge spoiler if they put Tasim/Aledar before Doc or anywhere in LI for that matter.

    Theorick would make some sense, but then we run into a problem of having 3 different Theoricks. The one in A Hunter's Calling would lose its magic since both of them are at relatively the same level, and it's highly likely they would be pretty much the same.

    Honestly, I don't see who you could replace him with. The best candidate I could maybe see is the Durum Protector. The reason I think so highly of Durum Protector is because it is an incredibly simple boss that plays off your own weaknesses at the time, i.e your lack of mana/spell sustain. You technically wouldn't even have your third spell if you fought him at the recommended (or minimum, still not sure which) level (20). Of course, I tend to wait till level 21 with Mage/Shaman because he's genuinely one of the hardest bosses in the game if you don't, but you get the idea. It would be interesting to see how they would make him a threat at higher levels.

    And don't give me the excuse of "nobody knows who that is" because we have Matrojan Idol and Virus Doctor who I highly doubt 99% of the population including myself even knew existed without looking it up. If anything, I would argue that adding these bosses is better because it encourages the player to replay the game to find and fight their original counterparts.
    We already have better memes in Corkus than Yahya. Their names are gun with legs and BILL. In all seriousness, we probably don't need what would essentially be a Shattered Minds 2.0. The thing about Corkus is that while it doesn't have many quests (i.e the two main story quests and the two side quests), there are many other secrets that effectively make up for it because of how small Corkus is. The Necklace of a Thousand Storms Discovery and Phoenix Prince are pretty much quests if we're being honest.
    This is the one I'm against the most. Like you said, he is losing his uniqueness. Of course, uniqueness is not always good (Alkevo on his own and Altar of Sanctification being examples), but also like you said, Yahya is a good boss the first time round. Thus,
    this is what I support the most. Yahya's concept as a boss is good, but the situation they placed it in is not. I get it, they wanted a cooldown mechanism for grinding LI to your hearts content. The problem is when that cooldown lasts 6 minutes and you have no way to speed it up. Even 3 minutes would be pushing it. There is pretty much no problem with Yahya's actual fight aside from the fact that you have to redo it, aside from minor nitpicks like accidentally clearing your jump boost on the meteor as a Mage/Assassin.

    Oh yeah,
    you'd be surprised, although it tends to be the meteor part for most people when they said they did struggle with him. Difficulty is subjective after all.

    Wait what am I doing here I went to go look at my thread for music while grinding covenant items except fuck grinding vertebra shackles in the catacombs because at least the others had a bonfire nearby but no I have to run past Nito's testicle and kill skeletons that just spam a jumping attack that makes them travel into the 75th dimension.
    My bad.
    H0Y, DogeTennant and Countermelody like this.
  8. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Yes, I actually agree with you, someone else would be most likely be a better fit than Aledar/Tasim or Theorick I just couldn't think of anyone else when I was writing my suggestion, so thanks for you input.

    Well in the end it wouldn't have to in Corkus, it could be somewhere else, it wouldn't have to be a quest at all, just maybe some special discovery or a dungeon on its own

    Well, I'm surprised you like this the most, well I think this could be a good solution and addition but I think something like this wouldn't pass through CT.

    Thanks for you input overall!
    Shots likes this.
  9. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    bump for more opinions
  10. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    excuse me but I did :(
    DogeTennant likes this.
  11. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Dont worry, you are not the only one
  12. SwellowBirdJesus

    SwellowBirdJesus Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    What if we made the final boss a lvl 1 ragni soldier... Even at lvl 105 with a crit bomb arrow I can't scratch him...
    DogeTennant and TrapinchO like this.
  13. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    pls do not get buried thread, bump
  14. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    wtf matrojan idol is I C O N I C
    Shots likes this.
  15. e!

    e! ⁣e HERO

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    tbh theres only challenge to beat him if theres lag on the server
    DogeTennant likes this.
  16. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    bump plz dont die
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