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World Ensure All Parties Get Token Upon Victory Over Boss

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Redgodzilla, Apr 26, 2020.

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  1. Redgodzilla

    Redgodzilla The Elder CHAMPION

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    .Hello everyone

    My brother (lvl104 assassin) and I (lvl103 mage) just got done beating Qira. It was an epic battle to be sure, and we both died once. But in the end, we were victorious. Only then did I find that Qira only dropped one token, for my brother, not me. I initially assumed this was a bug, but now I am fairly confident that it was purposeful by the developers to try and prevent one player from carrying the other. And yes, he did do the vast majority of the damage, but that doesn't by any means indicate that it was a solo effort. I was healing, freezing Qira, and tanking damage. Neither of us are capable of beating her alone, but together we can. Yet the game only gives out a token if you dealt a sufficient amount of damage. This needs to be changed in my opinion, as it greatly discourages teamwork. Yes a few players would exploit the more generous rules, but overall I fell it would allow for better team compositions and planning if parties don't have to focus on making sure all players deal sufficient damage

    FRITZPAL Shaman isn't overpowered and doesn't need a nerf. VIP

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    I think you already only have to do 15% of all damage delt to get a drop from any boss. This is intended so you can't beat a boss while being completly underleveled/too weak only by being in a party.
  3. PopePurpleTTV

    PopePurpleTTV *:^)=Immortal=(^:* Media CHAMPION

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    There is already an open thread on this, but hopefully you'll draw more attention to the whole thing
  4. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    That thread is suggesting something completely different though...
  5. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    This is partially a bug. When a mob has phase transisitions, in which when one of its phases dies another one spawns in its place, the damage dealt to that phase does not carry over into the next once. This has been an annoying issue for a long while now ever since shared loot drops were introduced. I've had the same issues specifically in LI with the Idol and the Corkian. Since their last phases are easy near-oneshottable mobs, accidentally killing it for yourself will basically only grant you the token and leaving everyone in the dust.

    Probably a fair change would to let the damage from previous phases transfer over into the new one. That way, you have a higher chance of dealing sufficient damage to the boss since your damage was carried over. Say you dealt more damage in phase 1 more than phase 3.
  6. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    Personally, I really agree with this. I think it would be really nice if wynncraft were to add more support for teamwork. They've added a cool item for warriors that attracts mob aggro when they use war scream (though I haven't tried it out so idk how well it actually works) which helps tanks since afaik mob aggro right now is just they attack whoever does the most damage, though this doesn't help with getting tokens. I don't have much experience with other mmorpgs though so idk how they deal with boss fight contributions compared to wynn, but as mentioned somewhere else, wars can track damage taken/healed, so this might be a good way to have alternate contributions to boss fights.
    TrapinchO likes this.
  7. PopePurpleTTV

    PopePurpleTTV *:^)=Immortal=(^:* Media CHAMPION

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    Yes and no. I get the point of the idea is to lower or just make it where everyone gets it on boss death, not just marking the point of damage. And while I get the whole idea of "Hey, I did help!" There have been times when I've done Corrupteds and someone follows me in at the mini level and just do nothing... They could have spent time getting a key ready, or just did it on another account, but I don't think they deserved to just get it for free just for being there. And they didn't. They hung back, tapped the boss a few times and just waited till I killed it. They didn't get the parts, they didn't do enough to earn them.

    I agree with @Novalescent bosses that change phases are buggy and with them, and ONLY them, I'd be chill with. It can be super annoying to kill two phases but then your element is weaker, to that form so you run away, but because that last form was just a bit too strong for you, you didn't get enough damage in so, "FUCK YOU LOL" says the boss. With them, yeah.

    Otherwise, the marker might be better, telling you for the rest of the bosses, "You've done enough damage to get X"

    I know that their different roles in a team for anyfight, but a tank can do enough damage, if their wand/totem is good enough, a healer is better.

    tl;dr For all bosses, mini-bosses, token droppers, just getting it for being there? No.
    For bosses, mini-bosses, token droppers that have multiple phases? If possible to code, would be mega cool

    @Stormarend Sorry, It was late and I was planning to add more but I 110% forget this thread exists. Thats a failure on my part lol
    Novalescent likes this.
  8. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    As said on the old thread, you can do enough damage on last phase with basically anything.

    The only exception are bosses with intentionally weak last phases, but I'd rather the last phase be turned into a scaling damage sponge (much easier to code) than wait years for damage carryover (harder)
  9. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    I'm not saying the idea is good or bad. The problem is that the thread you linked to is a different suggestion.
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