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Coin Purse (crafted Item Or Quest Item

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by mc511, Apr 19, 2020.


would you like this added?

  1. Yes

  2. yes but implemented through another way other than as.a "tool"

  3. no

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  1. mc511

    mc511 Well-Known Adventurer

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    basically it would be very similar to that of the ingredients pouch except that it'd be to carry emeralds. it could be a low to mid level quest item and can also be treated as a tool in regards to tier levels.

    tier 1 coin purse. one row of inv space that can only hold regular stacks of emeralds
    tier 2 coin purse. 2 rows of space and can only hold regular stacks of emeralds
    tier 3 coin purse. 2 rows of space and can hold emeralds and emerald blocks
    tier 4 coin purse. 2 rows of space and can hold emeralds and emerald blocks in additions can also automatically transfigure emeralds into blocks.
    tier 5 coin purse. two rows of space, can hold all forms of emerald currency and can transfigure emerald blocks in liquid emerald.
    IceBear, Pifg, Azu and 2 others like this.
  2. TS_potato

    TS_potato Dead? VIP+

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  3. Caterpie

    Caterpie Persona User HERO

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    well banks can get fulled up and any way when i am looting chests i allways get a full inventory so yes this would be a excellent feature
    Pifg and StormKing3 like this.
  4. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    I feel like this would remove the decision making part of lootrunning by allowing you to take all the emeralds you want. The Ability to exchange emeralds into eb would way too strong. I would like this and find it very helpful, but balance is more what I am concerned about
    MegidoGamerGod likes this.
  5. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Yes yes yes! Always hoped after ingredient pouches someone would suggest this and the devs would add it, tier 4 and 5 may be a bit OP for my liking though and maybe only hold normal emeralds?

    Thanks for adding so much to the discussion...

    Anyway, you're forgetting this is for when you're out and about and don't want to return just because you've filled up 10 slots with emeralds when killing mobs.

    Whilst I agree that the conversation ability is too powerful I don't agee about the decision making, as you can just do /guild contribute to spend the emeralds I NEVER throw emeralds away as that's a waste when you can do /guild contribute (also giving to guild contributes to the money sink and helps the economy just as much as throwing them away).

    I agree
    Caterpie likes this.
  6. Azu

    Azu A-mage-ing

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    This is an awesome idea! I always get loaded up on so many stacks of Emeralds when I'm loot running. This leads me to throwing away whole stacks of emeralds, which isn't the greatest feeling.
    I do think that having the Coin Purse convert Emeralds into EB and LE is a bit too powerful and does not make much sense- it should definitely be able to store EB and LE though.
    Caterpie likes this.
  7. Caterpie

    Caterpie Persona User HERO

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    once again i did a loot run and 2 seconds my inventory is full and i lost 5 eb
    because of inventory
  8. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    I am not in a guild so I did not know that was a thing. That seems perfectly balanced then.
  9. PopePurpleTTV

    PopePurpleTTV *:^)=Immortal=(^:* Media CHAMPION

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    Some suggestions:

    Don't make it a quest item. Make it you have to buy it. That way (if you're like me sometimes) you just pick up as many unID'd items your fat ass can carry at any given time. Players shouldn't be forced to lose another inventory slot if they don't want too (Incase they finally get that triple mythic drop from a single chest that we've only ever been able to dream about before.... THE GODS PROMISED US ANSWERS!)

    You should be required to pay upgrades for it. It starting with two slots and you buy slots, it will pay for itself with time.

    @StormKing3 Guilds doesn't really answer to that because if you're a /good guild member/ you'd be donating anyway so Yes and no. While I get you're doing it out in the field, therefore freeing up space, it's something you /should/ be doing already if you're in a poor baby guild or it's required or whatever. But more so this idea is for something that benefits the player. We can make better money sinks as well.

    Also @TS_potato (Holy be thy name) does a have slight point just by saying "bank" It is currently meant to be this, you shouldn't be storing or trying to store every little thing you find, you'll run out of space to quickly like that. But you put your emeralds there, you buy pages, you drop off what you don't need. With the whole ingredients pouch upgrade going around the suggestion thread, there is a talk that giving a ton of pages might be kinda busted due to the fact a big part of this game is the loot run life. Choosing what to throw out. What to keep. You'll find a lot of MMO's allow you more inventory space but sometimes penalize you for it. A "Trader's Bag", well movement speed decreased, you got a lot of stuff to carry! And there might be more specific examples floating around.

    @Caterpie ^ Defer to above, it's just part of the game choosing loot.

    Now having like a five slot coin purse to throw a few stacks of emeralds in while I'm pot buying, or market trading would be kinda nice. It should not auto convert under any circumstances for any reason.

    Another major issue would it being a "Tool" if it's a quest item or if I can buy it as a "tool" whats to stop me from carrying like eight maxed bags and farm form daily farming. So that's eight times nine times two.
    8*9*2= 144 slots

    Keep this in mind, SLOTS. Now lets do some more math...

    144 slots can each hold a stacks of LE, *At least if the above is kept unedited*

    so 144 slots * 64 LE per stack = 9,216 LE *64 EB per 1 LE= 589,824 EB * 64 E per 1 EB = 37,748,736 Emeralds.... which can buy you a Singularity at around 11-17 stacks.. Fuck it, lets put it to: 25 stacks per singularity.

    Incase you don't know what a singularity is:
    Click me to see!

    So 144 stacks/25 stacks = That is 5.76 or translated because you can't have .76 of an item. 5 Whole Singularities which you can just carry on you now.

    One could argue that's just far too much. Now if a limit is still in place, that's still 18 stacks of LE if it's allowed to be carried, which is still the price of most mythics. :sweatsmile:though I guess Yellow could keep pretending he is poor:sweatsmile:

    So yeah. A pouch that has likes six-seven total slots and only one at a time? That I can get behind just as a middle ground but what suggested, I just can't. It's too busted and would just allow people to have max regen, thorns, reflection builds and just get free emeralds for HOURS if not days, just checking in on it for restarts of the servers.
  10. Caterpie

    Caterpie Persona User HERO

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    i really dont feel like reading all of that but as long as it gives you more inventory space for when you explore i am fine with it
    also potions bag
  11. suzukzmiter

    suzukzmiter Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    it should work in this way:
    Tier 1: 1 row and only emeralds
    Tier 2: 1 row and EB
    Tier 3: 2 rows and LE
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