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World Client Side Loot Chests ~ 96 Supporters

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Theeef, Jan 1, 2020.


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  1. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Hey, it's me your local idiot for another suggestion thread. Fairly simple this time. Loot running is by no means fun, at least in my eyes but at least it could be less of a headache. Here's how:

    The Suggestions
    1. Make loot chests client side. If you open a chest, the same chest will appear unopened for another person. Wynncraft is essentially already a single player game with multiple players, so this doesn't hurt much and makes loot running less annoying.
    2. Make loot chests on every server the same. If you open a server on World 5, that chest will also be opened on World 6.
    3. Remove the loot chest cooldown when you switch worlds. Instead, make it so that chest will reappear after the same time it would take for the cooldown. If you open a Tier IV chests, it will reappear again in 25 minutes, for example. Loot chests will now always be full when you open them (average loot may need to be decreased because of this).
    4. Don't determine loot chest loot amount based on how long since it's been opened by you. It will have the same quantity no matter what. Basically emphasizing the end of #3.
    5. Make Hunted mode give loot quality. I won't say how much, that's for CT to decide.

    Effects Of This System
    1. You no longer have to worry about what server you're running on, which has always been a headache for me
    2. You don't have to compete with other players for loot running. Both scenarios are stupid as fuck, but what do I care.
    3. The "You cannot open this chest for x minutes" messages have always seemed clunky to me, simply causing the chest to respawn later seems much more effective.
    4. For some players (especially high level crafting loot runners, or rich players) it may be better to loot run with hunted mode on, since loot quality. This will lead to loot running being more interesting (higher risk, higher reward) and giving hunted players more people to hunt other than those poor profession grinders.

    Side Note: Since loot chests will not be client side and automatically full, the effects of loot bonus may need to be decreased so as to balance to constantly full chests. This is also for CT to decide.

    Vote in poll which suggestions you want added.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2020
  2. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    Just to note, in the Wynncraft stream, they said they would make loot chests client-side if they had enough time. So pretty much this feature has been supported by the admins and the CT.
    We hope we get a focus on adding quality life stuff in the next update.
  3. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    I agree with everything except for the hunted mode loot quality. I feel hunted mode should give incentive for actually hunting players rather than just inherently using it, the only incentive to go out and kill people right now is to either piss them off, or get one of their few items that they drop that are probably worth under 10 EB. perhaps killing players gives a temporary loot quality bonus (as well as the existing exp bonuses) that goes away once you exit hunted, or something along those lines.
    Vikrej, Qzphs, Sciency and 3 others like this.
  4. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Adding loot quality to hunted mode does just that. Loot run builds are tradable. People loot running that get killed during hunted mode will drop their crafted or non crafted loot run sets, which hunted players can then use or sell. Killing giving temporary effects would be kind of lame in my personal opinion.
    Would love a QOL update wayyyyyy more than content update. Fuck Dern and Fruma, I want mechanics to be better lol.
    Saya, Vikrej, TrapinchO and 1 other person like this.
  5. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    The cross-server independent loot chests are something I definitely agree with.
    Vikrej, Jirayut, Dr Zed and 1 other person like this.
  6. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    It's bump o' clock.
  7. 19kss

    19kss Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    b u m p
    s a l t e d p l e a s e a d d t h a n k y o u
    Theeef likes this.
  8. Valbahutog

    Valbahutog Buying Japanese Idol must be 80% overall VIP+

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    bumping this
    Theeef likes this.
  9. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Sick bump dude
  10. Halogen

    Halogen Well-Known Adventurer

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    The use of the "Hunted" mode is not a genuine way to introduce risk/reward as it doesn't sufficiently introduce risk and it's exploitable on top of that. It's hard to even find players, so the players that are seeing a huge benefit from being in the PVP mode will likely not see any drawback. (From my experience) The majority of the profit with lootrunning is also mythics which are not risked, and even if they were risked, you can just instantly switch out of hunted mode when you obtain one. The amount of risk is never going to be reasonable/balanced. Regardless of if these other two points were not a problem, what would arise is people paying clans or groups to not attack and also protect them for their lootruns. This low risk caused by scarcity of players and lack of reward already exists now with just skilling/combat exp that's already offered. These are problems that are also very similar to the problems with Runescape's wilderness.

    PVP also highlights a toxic community. If you go to anarchy or faction servers, you will also find the same community that spams the n-word to be edgy. In runescape, the PVP community there is also the community that says the n-word to be edgy. In Wynn, most of the time I've seen toxicity is directly associated to wars or pvp.
    Abberdine and Glenncrafter like this.
  11. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Why isn't it a genuine way to introduce risk/reward? Why doesn't it sufficiently introduce risk? I feel that a chance at death, and losing your loot run gear and any items you've looted is sufficient risk, for a higher chance at mythics and whatnot. Also, unidentified mythics drop on death I believe. It's only identified ones that don't drop. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. Also, you can only switch out of hunted in cities so your idea to "immediately switch out when you get a mythic" doesn't work.

    Regarding people paying people to protect them during their loot runs... That's not a downside. That sounds amazing. I would love to be paid to protect someone during a run, if anything your statement only promotes this idea further. Also, you keep mentioning how difficult it is to find people and the "scarcity of players". It's actually really easy to find people lootrunning. Just do /toggle playerghosts and you can see everyone loot running on every world. There's quite a few you can spot at a time. Just switch to their world for easy profit.

    You tried lol.
  12. Mox gang uwu

    Mox gang uwu Professional Loser CHAMPION

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    Why not remove Loot Bonus entirely? It does nothing except amplify frequencies.
  13. mxmcat

    mxmcat Owner of Wrath Of The Fallen ! HERO

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    Hum that's not a good thing '-'
  14. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    What do you mean by this?
    I'll respectfully disagree?
  15. Halogen

    Halogen Well-Known Adventurer

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    You didn't mention the bit about toxicity...

    I said why they don't introduce much risk, that is that entire paragraph's purpose. Other sentences explain smaller statements in that paragraph.

    Players will just add loot runner hunters to their server-enabled player tracker (friends list). If they see a known person, they'll just /class and end their lootrun for a bit. What also doesn't help with being a sneaky hunter is that newer versions for the game act like a entity-only xray as it loads players before blocks.

    I guess the friends list is an underlying problem that should be fixed though. In runescape, you can opt-out of people being able to track you with friend lists. But this is just another thing that would have to be coded in to make it feel like a better update.

    Players can still just scroll out if they get a mythic then, then disable hunted there. Another thing that I didn't acknowledge when I typed that point is that it is inherently rarer to kill a hunted user who just got a mythic than it is to farm for your own. The reward for hunters still isn't really there.

    I see paying for protection as a downside because it'd just be a buff to moneymaking, or pointless sophistication if it's streamlined enough (assuming non-hunted would be nerfed in return).

    Paying for protection would also allow ironmen to pay their way into making more money than they otherwise could. This problem can be seen in Runescape fairly well.

    Somethin that I didn't mention in my original response was also I don't think the CT would balance this correctly. When I lootran, I averaged 16 le an hour over the span of 100+'ish hours (before loot quality). This was also approximately the same amount of LE I found people gained with 5-10x more chests than me from people like afterburner. The amount of LE that CT think is reasonable seem to be significantly lower based on how low-cost they managed to make everything from crafting with. This is something that I complained about to CT 6-8+ months ago and it still seems to persist today.

    Also, also, I think more problems with Hunted should also be highlighted, and I think my wishes about this bit are not so different from yours. As untradeables and mythics are not dropped you're allowed to have some of the best builds possible without any risk. There should be a cost associated dying with these items to a player. Runescape does this in a way that's highly-approved by by the large majority of their player base. Dying with items that couldn't normally drop drop an amount of coins relative to how valuable the item is. After dying with those items, you have to repair them with coins to use them again.

    Why do you say "You tried lol"?
  16. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    I didn't mention toxicity because I don't care.

    You say that hunted loot running wouldn't introduce risk. Do you mean risk for the runners or the hunters? There would be a risk for the loot runners. If they die they have a chance to drop their loot run gear (which WILL drop on death, save for discoverer). There's a definite advantage to using it if you can avoid death, as loot quality can be quite strong. It seems like enough risk for them in my eyes. As for the hunters, there's always the risk that they die. Untradable builds are a problem, which I have also suggested changes to. You can see my Hunted Changes thread in my forum signature ;)

    As for the friends list, yeah it's a problem. Seeing what server someone is on giving you an advantage. Thankfully, someone can only track you on the map if you also have them friended. Scrolling out is a possibility, but that means you've got to keep scrolls on you now. If you did that before good for you, but not everyone does. Also, scrolls aren't free, although the cost of a mythic will outweigh that. I should note, you're unable to use scrolls while in actual PvP combat. If I'm incorrect, this needs a change because it's scuffed.
    You say paying hunters for protection is a buff to money-making. If anything this would only improve the economy. The main sources of money are loot running, trading for profit, and professions. One of the largest problems with the economy is the wealth gap. Some have played for years and have less than 30 LE, whereas some have entire bank pages of LE. Adding a new, accessible (and in my opinion fun) will help fix this as opposed to widening the gap like you seem to think.

    I have no comments on balance. Offering specific values to balance an unreleased feature is pointless. GMs will decide whatever value they seem is fitting upon release. As for balance to Hunted Mode... Again, see my thread in my signature.
  17. Halogen

    Halogen Well-Known Adventurer

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    So many required changes lol. So many new things, I think it'd contribute to the problem of your current view that LR'ing is a headache.

    Some idea that I think would be interesting that isn't radical is that I think older loot chests should shoot off a particle that is more intense the older a chest is, or something along those lines. Honestly, if players could contribute to the code easily, I'd imagine there'd be some experienced people willing to write this, at it should be a simple change.
  18. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    I disagree. With my changes now you 1. No longer need to worry about what world you're running on 2. No longer need to worry about switching worlds 3. No longer have to worry about who's ran on your server recently 4. No longer need to worry about how long a server has been up, since chests are always full.
  19. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    It's bump time. Enjoy the thread spam.
  20. Castti

    Castti Kookie HERO

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    Bump cause I REALLY want client-side loot chests to be a thing tbh
    Theeef likes this.
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