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Class Idea - Shroomist

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Herufain, Nov 2, 2019.


Is this Class worth looking into/be added to Wynncraft?

  1. Yes! It'd be a cool addition!

    3 vote(s)
  2. Maybe (with tweaks/reforging) comment below.

    4 vote(s)
  3. No! It's a dumb idea.

    5 vote(s)
  4. Seen before, not impressed.

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Herufain

    Herufain Skilled Adventurer

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    Okay so, when I saw that there was a new class coming to Wynncraft, I got excited! First Class since forever (from what I know) and it's a caster that seems really cool. Shaman, a caster that heals and uses nature to cast spells.

    Mushrooms and mycelium are not plants. And they're not animals either. They're in between. This got me thinking: "If there's a class that utilizes nature, what if we could have a class that narrows nature down to one big family and uses it to cast magic. The Mushrooms could be a cool concept." The reason why I think it'd fit is that we see multiple instances of mushroom-only parts in Wynn, usually separate to nature, like Elkurn, north of Detlas, and the Mushroom parts of Nivla Forest. Plus, I think it'd be funny.
    Now, I don't know if there have been suggestions already about a class that's about mushrooms, so sorry if you've seen this before.
    Also, if you have questions or other ideas you wanna share related to this post, comment it down below!

    Shroomist | Support - Area Control
    Weapon | Club/Mace
    DMG - [+] [+] [+] [-] [-]
    DEF - [+] [+] [-] [-] [-]
    RNG - [+] [-] [-] [-] [-]
    SPL - [+] [+] [+] [+] [-]

    Spore Burst - R-L-R
    HUNGER - 4
    RANGE - Short | 5 blocks
    CONFUSION - Target starts making illogical and spazzy movements, walking at random directions and looking around.

    LVL 1 - You conjure a blast of spores, basically, that does a small amount of neutral damage and Air damage.
    LVL 2 - Upgrades a little. Increases damage (mainly neutral) and inflicts Confusion for a short while.
    LVL 3 - Upgrades. Increases damage (mainly Air) and increases Confusion duration. Increases range from 5 to 8

    Mushroom Puff | R-R-R
    HUNGER - 5
    RANGE - Very short | Infront of Caster (1 block)
    KNOCKBACK - Medium | 7 blocks

    LVL 1 - You create a large mushroom that bounces enemies away, dealing with an average amount of neutral damage and Earth Damage.
    LVL 2 - Adds a second mushroom puff (much like how bash for Warrior adds an extra bash further away). Upgrades earth damage.
    LVL 3 - Increases knockback range from 7 to 11 blocks, increases earth damage and makes the hitbox bigger. When enemies land on a block they take extra Neutral and Earth damage.

    Mycelium Stomp | R-L-L
    HUNGER - 6 / 8 (LVL 3)
    RANGE - Areal | 5 block radius from caster
    DURATION - 4 seconds

    LVL 1 - You stomp with spores on your feet, creating a circle of mycelium, acting as an AoE that slows enemies. Damages a small amount of Neutral and Earth damage two times every second.
    LVL 2 - Adds a life steal effect on the damage deal; 1/4 Mana Steal and increases duration from 4 to 5 seconds.
    LVL 3 - Increases duration from 5 to 6 seconds and increases damage slightly. It also increases the radius from 5 to 7 blocks.

    Shroomsplosion! | R-R-L
    HUNGER - 6
    RANGE - Medium (Projectile) | Egg Throw
    AOE RANGE - Short | 4 block radius
    POISON DURATION - Short | 10 seconds

    LVL 1 - You throw a bunch of mushrooms in one area. The initial explosion deals Neutral, Air and Earth damage and inflicts poison on enemies.
    LVL 2 - Increases poison damage and explosion radius from 4 blocks to 5 blocks. It also increases poison duration from 10 to 16 seconds.

    LVL 3 - Increases overall damage, poison damage and now knockbacks enemies away from mid-point, 3 blocks. Increases duration from 16 to 20 seconds.

    EDIT1: Spore Burst - Exchanged slowness with a new status effect, confusion.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2019
    Justice likes this.
  2. Justice

    Justice Obliterator of Grooks VIP+

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    Honestly, I would maybe change the life steal in Mycelium Stomp for maybe mana steal as the Shroomist(VIP could be Shroominator, has a nice tone to it) is more of a caster class but other than that it isn't to bad of an idea.
  3. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    nothing about this class really flows in interesting ways and it's more just designed as "use the best spell" rather than a more thought/skill based system. it'd have no purpose of existing really either as none of its abilities are really unique from existing classes aside for maybe the poison aspect in shroomsplosion
  4. Je Hooft

    Je Hooft No Longer Hardlocked on A Hunter's Calling HERO

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    Where's the movement spell and what about the melee? Also this is not very dark theme friendly
  5. Herufain

    Herufain Skilled Adventurer

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    Alright. Thanks for the feedback! But I would appreciate it if you would also suggest remakes/reforges in design as well!
    As for the abilities, it's hard to come up with something completely unique. I did like the poison idea as well, hence why I used it. Do you have an idea of how to make it better?
    Any ideas? How do you want a skill-based system and do you have any ideas for how to make it more unique? Thank you!

    Let's begin with the question; I was thinking that this class wouldn't be mobile at all in comparison to other classes. If you have an idea of how to do it AND make it unique, I'd like to hear a suggestion!
    The Melee part... what do you mean by that? Is there a melee ability missing or do you want to have a reason to use melee? I just chose melee because I felt since Shaman had ranged spell casting, maybe this one could have a melee weapon instead.

    About the dark theme thing. Wynncraft isn't especially dark. This isn't D&D or Dark Souls. Besides, if you want it to be more dark theme friendly, we could also make it less friendly forest shroom and more parasitic shroom.

    Thanks for the suggestion! Maybe you're right about the life steal part. Imma change it to Mana Steal instead. Also, Shroominator, "I'll be back, Shaman" LOL.
    I appreciate that you like this idea!

    All in all, thanks for the feedback all of you! I really appreciate that you actually bothered replying to this topic!
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2019
  6. victorpotato2

    victorpotato2 Broke af HERO

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    Might be a good idea to get a bit more technical about damage numbers and damage conversion on spells etc. Idea’s about animations would also make the suggestion a lot better. Je Hooft means that you’re missing the melee attack info.
  7. Je Hooft

    Je Hooft No Longer Hardlocked on A Hunter's Calling HERO

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    Melee means the basic attack of a class. That means archer melee is just shooting your bow and mage melee is doing the regular wand attack. Anyways, you say the Shroomist has a mace, but what does that mean? Does the mace do more or less damage than a spear or a dagger? Does it have a longer reach than warrior and assassin or shorter? Does the attack function in the same way as a spear attack? You're not elaborating on the melee capabilities of the shroomist is what I'm saying.

    Dark theme is a theme on the forums. It makes the forums have a darker color so that it's easier on the eyes. You colored your text black/dark gray for some reason which makes it very hard to read for people using dark theme. Hence, not dark theme friendly.
  8. Herufain

    Herufain Skilled Adventurer

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    Ah, alright! I'll get on it immediately! Thanks for the feedback.

    Also, sorry, but I won't be tailoring my thread for anyone. I am mostly using Light Theme, but I'll try to make it more neutral.

    I'll get on it! Thanks for suggesting that.
  9. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    Ouch. Dark theme.
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