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Dungeons The Dark Side Of Wynn: Bosses, Dungeons And Dying.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Heretic, Aug 26, 2019.


What do you think about wynn's current systems? Would you like them to get changed?

  1. I like your ideas! I think the devs should think about changing the system.

    5 vote(s)
  2. I like your ideas but i think a few things should remain the same.

    5 vote(s)
  3. Im not really sure. Interesting thoughts, but maybe this is not really the change we need.

    1 vote(s)
  4. I disagree. These wouldnt fit into wynn's world.

    1 vote(s)
  5. Why the hell is this so long?

    1 vote(s)
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  1. Heretic

    Heretic Heretic.

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    Hello everyone! I am Walter, and this thread is about how we could improve wynncraft and make it EVEN more enjoyable! (yes, i thought that would be impossible, but there is a way!) I am a huge wynncraft fan, ive been playing for a while now and i know my way around the province for sure. Now, i love 99% of the content the devs make and design, they constantly update features to be more enjoyable, fluid and interesting.But there is a part of the game that hasnt been touched for a while now: it is DYING... yup. In this essay of a thread im gonna try and show you why i think this mechanic should be changed, and ill give you a good idea HOW it could be changed!


    So dying was in the game since the beggining. When you die you lose 2 soul points.We know whats up with that. When you die, you get set back to the nearest village, town or city. This is annoying on its own when you are grinding and doing whatnot, because you are gonna have to go back to your grinding spot which could be FAAAR away... but to be honest, i like this feature! It is a little penalty because you didnt watch out for you HP dropping down. I like this, thumbs up! The problem comes in when you are not just casually grinding...


    Dungeons were a changed around a lot. IN a good way! Now we have a quest for each of them, they have different kinds of challenges etc. At the end of the dungeon you get put in a boss room. TO finish the dungeon, you have to get trough all the challenges, all the fights, all the horrors, AND beat the boss in order to finish the dungeon and get your loot, but most importantly, your dungeon items that you have been farming for in the past hour... And.. if you die? Well in that case you are f... fricked! You wasted your key, your time, your energy, you lost 2 soul points and probably got put back to llevigar... to LLEVIGAR... from a dungeon that is thousands of blocks away... you have to get back, get a key and try again, having the risk, that you die... again.

    Bosses are pretty much the same deal, but most of the time even worse. Wynn excavation D is a good example: You go trough all of the puzzles, fights and challenges, the whole quest. Then you die at the boss, you have to get back there and try again! Madness...


    Back in the day when i got bored of wynncraft (because of these mentioned above. Duh.)
    I was playing on a server called VentureLand. TBH it is kind of a boring server, it is a bland world with bland mobs, with no quests or NPCs to interact with. One thing they got right is one thing tho: BOSSES!

    They have a different boss system: When you are fighting your boss, you have multiple options: CO-OP, and SOLO. You can invite people in your party or guild to fight with you! Raising the loot level. Another thing is a difficulty setting, which makes the fight harder but grants much more loot! The most important thing to note is, that if you are for example fighting with a friend, and YOU die, you dont get teleported away from the fight. Instead, you get put in kind of a ghost state. A spectator state, call it as you wish. You can see the battleground form above, you ofc cant attack, or do anything that you normally could. You are waiting for your friend to finish! And if he does, you get back into the fight and can collect your part of the loot! In case he dies, you get put IN FRONT OF THE BOSS ENTRANCE! DUH! So you can both retry again, without any trouble, and you get to keep all of your nerves too!! I could imagine this design in many cases. IN a dungeon, if you die from mobs, you get put back to the previous stage as a penalty. This is a much smaller penalty, and makes the game more enjoyable, but a penalty still!
    Or if you are in a party, you get put in a spectator mode until your friends finish the stage and you can return, with maybe half HP or something. When you are in the boss room, same happens. This would make the fight much much more fluid! You could also go with lives. Every time you fail in the fight, you lose a life. You have 3, and each time you fail you get put further back in the dungeon... but what if you get constantly one shot? well... The orange wybel... how many times humanity has suffered from getting one-shot by that terrifying abomination? We continue on, with:


    The wybel... one shatters to imagine what INHUMAN thoughts lie behind that fur... what dreams of chronic.. sustain cruelty... when he starts to charge out of nowhere, you know you are dead. What is the problem with this, and why do spells make boss fights so amazing, and so terrifying at once? They keep the flow going. The boss is not just standing still and firing at you... it moves, teleports,casts deadly spells.. yeah. It does cast them out of nowhere. If a boss is charging up a one-shot, the only indication is just a slight particle effect around him. And the next second, you are dead. An average human just has so much trouble focusing on so many things. The room, the mobs around you, your movement, your spells, his spells, the boss, the boss's movement, when he is gonna cast the spell.. and ofc your health and his health. The one-shot spells are just such a small, yet important parts of the fight.. if you dont watch out for them, youll get killed. If you watch out for them, you can hardly concentrate for other things. How to fix?


    Coming up with ventureland again. Not like wynn, they made the bossfights much more controlled and less clusterfricky. When a boss casts a spell, you get to know that, and they make SURE that you know it. A big red msg pops up in your face screaming




    you get the point. It lets you know when this happens, you have to dodge. It creates a natural learning curve, something like fights in the soul games. You have to learn the boss if you wanna beat it. This would not only make a learning curve and make boss fights more enjoyable, but would allow people with worse gear to have a chance with bosses. Sometimes the only thing that can save you is if you have above 10K hp so you dont get one shot, since its so unavoidable. So making clear if a boss is casting an important spell, that hurts you, let the player know. Now... about spells..


    As i said, that server is really good at one thing: Bosses and.. bosses yeah. The fights are not only interesting, but the boss is casting interesting spells! The bosses dont have absurd amounts of hp. You dont have to right click 60K times to kill one. They focus more on dodging and countering the attacks, and then you get rewarded for good counters and dodges. The boss can cast various spells and attacks tho. Think big, developers! You have incredible creativity. Big particles, flames on the ground, falling ceiling, lava bursting out from below the ground! Infinite possibilities... Get creative, get EPIC! Qira is a good boss already in my eye. Various spells...interesting combos, ETC. Try and create more bosses like her. A complex fight. An epic one. Also, have you ever thought making a boss journal of some sort? For example, if you wanna look at an enemy's attacks, you have to go to the wiki.. and then again nothing guarantees that you are gonna understand what those do. I know highly skilled people, like Shots and others that memorize the bosses attacks and knows what he boss will do next, but i am sure that such a knowledge requires some research and a lot of trying.. again... What if we could give the luxury of new players to know what they are facing? A learning... curve as I mentioned above. A better fight. Better bosses. Better, and not bitter taste of death!


    Thank you for reading all the way to the bottom. I tried to make it as informative as possible while keeping it "short"... yeah i failed, i know. I am waiting for answers and opinions! Really looking forwards to the future updates! I dont know if you could squeeze in something like this, probably not, but i hope i gave you some good ideas. (Not advertising: If you want you can check ventureland to see what i mean by a good boss system!)

    Have a fun time people! I am out!
  2. PikaLegend

    PikaLegend Shocking VIP+

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    Pretty nice insight! I am not sure how often your thread has been mentioned already (though it has quite interesting detail, thus I like it), but definitely I do agree that another mob skills revamp / update is somewhat due, as what we have currently with the limited selections of mob spells likely needs to be expanded so that we get more unique bosses, and less same-old bosses with similar spells. :thumbsup:
    Jbip and Heretic like this.
  3. Heretic

    Heretic Heretic.

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    Thanks a lot for the nice words! Also im fairly certain that the thread hasnt been mentioned much, (except if you mean the things i am talking about) especially since i wrote it today and not a whole lot of people could see it anyway. Looking forward to some developer opinions!
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2019
  4. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    We'd love to do that if we could, for sure! As of right now, we're a bit limited to what's available to us. There are still some ways for us to make interesting fights, but it just becomes harder and harder without the right tools. I do remember trying out VentureLand, and disliking it overall BUT the bosses, so your example is very valid.

    Overall, a good suggestion yeah, we just have to wait for updated tools.
  5. Je Hooft

    Je Hooft No Longer Hardlocked on A Hunter's Calling HERO

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    Wait, it's seriously not possible for bosses to say something in chat when charging up a spell? That would be really sad cause those messages would liven up the fight, similarly to what Qira Hive bosses do.
  6. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    With our current system, not really unfortunately
  7. Heretic

    Heretic Heretic.

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    thank you a lot! <3 much love to the dev team! And i do understand the problems, just keep up the great work. I just wanted to remind you that this part hasnt been touched yet and could be polished, but we are waiting patiently! So, what do you think about the "dying system"? With limited tries, ofc.

    All in all im very happy that this got such a positive backlash from the people!
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