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Info The Elemental Revamp: Part 1 - Endgame Overhaul - Updated Changelog Beta 1.1.1

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SilverMirror, Jun 28, 2019.

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  1. wish

    wish I eat pizza upside down HERO

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    To expand on what I said. It's NOT cool to make items core usage completely different than what they were for YEARS.

    Frankly, it scares me this is only part one of however many major changes. As someone who only has around 1.5 stacks, it would take days, even weeks to adjust and find the new items. Not to mention skill point req changes mean that the game can be unplayable for days as we struggle to get the items we need. I recently brought a godly steamjet for 15 ish le and now it's fucking useless. I can't afford to waste le after le because you can't bother to buff/nerf shit properly and would instead prefer to rework entire items.

    I wasn't always so skeptical, I really wasn't. I don't mind confusing changes, we can learn. Just as we did when Gavel first released. But if many people lack the funds to adjust to your "revamp" then there's a problem.

    On the bright side though, this genuinely reflects the ITs hard work. But unfortunately, for all the wrong reasons. And another plus is this undoubtedly does fix the copy+paste builds we have now. But in the name of all things holy the execution is a 4/10. Heartbreaking because I would have trusted your idea and concept to be a 10/10.

    I've loved Wynncraft for years upon years. And I've never felt so betrayed by a game.

    I know my words don't mean jackshit to you all but for such a loyal playerbase, I think we deserved better. Apologies for my negative attitude, but raw and unfiltered will be how I get my point across this time.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2019
  2. ShawolStena

    ShawolStena ME Member, xsm Leader, & SDU Co-Leader HERO

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    As a long time player of Wynncraft, this is honestly one of the most horrendous updates that I've seen. And if I'm speaking truthfully, I will most likely quit permanently upon its release. The expensive items I've bought or worked hard for over the past 4 years are going straight down the drain without anyone batting an eye. And I know I'm not the only one with negative feelings toward this update. Absolutely nobody asked for this, and what the community has been asking for has not been released and probably won't be for an unacceptable time. What we want-no need is Dern and Fruma, not this or an update that makes the game more grind revolved. With most builds destroyed, wars will be setback by an absurd amount, and I honestly doubt everyone would want to reforge their builds or figure out a new one. This would kill a good portion of your most active community, making you, the company, lose a humongous amount of money. Several, if not all good items will be completely destroyed, which will decrease the already diminishing community. I'm so sick of unwanted content being shoved down my throat. It truly is redundant. So much money in the market will be lost and these new 'synergies' are so poorly executed. The community needs to this listened to, please, Wynn. Fix your game and PLEASE cancel this update.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2019
  3. Shamos200

    Shamos200 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    ill be honest i could give less of a shit about the changes (mainly because i dont have a build or many expensive items)
    i can see this stuff becoming unique and cool and fun and radical
    but why did we need 5 more mythic boots????????
    in the time it took to make those boots, we could have gotten 5 more seconds of dern work instead
    also uhhhhhhh i dont quite understand the full argument against steamjet walkers but removing the og purpose for an items a kinda boogis move
  4. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    So every build ever is now broken. Yay all that LE is gone.

    There would be one way to make this update ease in: Make building a build an easy thing. Right now you need to extensively fine-tune and train yourself and your build to make a single build good (at least in my expirience).

    This should be the optimal expirience:

    Say you were making yourself a tempest build. You would pull out a doc or something the items that contain air/water/thunder. You grab a few comboes or a larger "core", then have a few empty slots, where you put "techs" such as a full-water item or an water-thunder item.

    Kinda like making a deck in Yugioh (or any card game, really): You have the core parts of the playstyle, then a few empty slots where you put a few techs or an "engine" to improve and round out the build.

    If the buildmaking process were that simple, it would heavily incentivize even those bad at it to make an unique build. But right now due to the sheer amount of randomness in the item system, you have to review every item, and even then you are likely to go over something that would make the build better.

    TL:DR: If this makes building a build easier, it would make it ease in better.
    Shoefarts, Hei and Hyperheretical like this.
  5. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    After seeing some of the early feedback, we'll take a bit more time to make this right. We don't want your hard work (making a build) to go to waste and we've learnt from the eco update that you guys take this kind of stuff very seriously. Therefore so will we.
    nikolica, Dr Zed, NicBOMB and 40 others like this.
  6. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    Ya know I love this game and that's honestly why I'm quite annoyed at this. Sooooo I suppose I'll begin

    1: Archetypes do not promote diversity
    you claim Archetypes promote diversity while this can be true in many cases this is the exact opposite lets take a quick look at what we had before this update.
    Spell spam
    Spell damage
    Mana steal spell
    Rainbow tank (with high hp)
    Single elemental builds with legendary and mythic weapons for that class, usually mixed defenses with one negative and one super high
    Dual elemental builds with mostly balanced stats
    Tri elemental builds made around hive armors or the other few tri elemental armors, usually have three high defense elements and two low, and then use a combination of abilities from the three main ones
    Rainbow builds that do whatever the hell they want
    Melee tier stacks which basicly are just dps builds
    Clearly I missed a few but these are some of the most common that most players tend to opt for

    NOW Lets take a look at what ones still remain here.
    Spell spam=Maybe as mana regen is no longer a water only id it could mean other ids got it buffed or that water got it nerfed...
    Spell damage=No evidence of nerf
    Walkspeed=No evidence of nerf
    Mana steal spell=Based on the fact you state the "vampiric" build type has mana steal we can assume this is still around
    Rainbow tank=Due to the changes to defense we can assume this will still exist assuming we are allowed to keep all positive defenses
    Single elemental builds=You did not show us A SINGLE ITEM with only one sp req which is really concerning for those who just want one thing
    Dual elemental builds=No evidence of nerf
    Tri elemental builds=Quite self explanatory....
    Rainbow builds=Most likely nerf due to a general negitivity towards rainbow classes and a huge focus on tri elemental but not sure
    Melee tier stacks=WELL RIP BURNOUT...which is a bad sign

    This in itself shows just how many builds that people use are gonna be completely nuked and how many playstyles are going to be destroyed due to your nonsensical fantasy of "archtype builds" in a game ment for players to be creative and not forced into stupid archetypes massively reducing the players ability to be creative.

    2: Listening to your community's desire to be creative
    https://wynndata.tk/i/Hembwal https://wynndata.tk/i/Entamyx https://wynndata.tk/i/Gysdep https://wynndata.tk/i/Vei+Haon
    See these items? These items are very strong but restrictive items, they are extremely good in concept but endgame and even at level they are not used much. ya want to know why? its cause they are so damn restrictive, and who likes restrictive items? Well...
    Lets look at what you have done in the line of skill point requirements.
    Brainwash=15 more sp needed than before (strength 40>55)
    All for One=120 more (60 in strength and defense)
    Dondasch=20 more (15 and 5 in Strength and agility respectively)
    Ex Nihilo=50 more (strength and agility 25 each)
    Burnout=40 more (5 defense and 35 agility)
    Steamjet walkers=40 more (-40 agility, +40 each dex and intel)
    I won't go on but of these items the only armors that don't have increased reqs are Heatsink and Sempiternel.
    But anyways back to my main point...why did you feel the need to further restrict builds who the hell suggested that? so here's a challenge THIS is the survey you posted asking us about what elemental combos we want to see in the game in an attempt to listen to us. my challenge find where someone said they wanted build archtypes that limit freedom and creativity like those jungle armors I showed you earlier. cause based on the fact those are so unused I highly doubt people are going to take making hive armors into that very kindly...

    3: The economy who the hell cares right?
    I get it you guys don't give a crap about values of items and I understand to the extent that making an item or two or even a dozen go from o to a stack or vice versa could be acceptable, a few players who bought those items may have gotten unlucky but ya know to bad right? well when you do that to everyone and everything you effectively have caused some people to be extremely rich and others to be extremely poor, you have ruined an economy that has been focused around a slowly changing meta of buffs and nerfs (and might I add minimal remakes) that has been forming since Gavel introduced the current endgame level range. The only huge disruptions to this economy came from mythic changes as well as changes to "meta" items or an entire meta. Crafted items also played a bit of a roll making some items worthless or at least less valuable due to crafted substitutes being available. But never have all the endgame items been reworked to an extent that may destroy builds giving the possibility for every item to become worthless due to its intended purpose being changed and therefore its buyers no longer being interested.
    TLDR you ruined an economy that has been being shaped slightly out of brokenness for 3+ years.

    4: What else could have been done instead
    Simple answer here would be to listen to your damn players but I'll elaborate.
    Ill first include these two polls to verify my point.
    Now lets look at a few other things that could have (and really should have) been done:

    A: Buff uniques! It's not secret that almost all uniques are virtually useless endgame this is because they lack anything that makes them special items. Nebulous is the only unique item that is really used on a regular basis as all the others have nothing special going for them, name any unique and 99% of the time there is a legendary or rare or even set item better than them in almost any situation. If you feel we lack diversity in our builds make the other unused 75% of endgame items usable. If I may take a guess id say 99% of uniques are unused, 80% of rares, and really even like 50% of legendaries.

    B: If you really want archtypes that badly remake uniques to be archtype items and allow rare and legendary items that are very valuable to be "glue" in a sense to these archtype builds

    C: Take these archtype items you remade and add them as new items into the game as that would cause much less long term trouble to gameplay and overall not hurt anyone.

    5: Listen to the community
    Only together can we truly make this game amazing. The players care about this game and therefore the devs must listen if they want the current community to thrive and grow. This doesn't mean make every buff and nerf the community wants it just means listen to the direction they suggested. No one asked for a rework on the entire endgame and that should be respected, on our end your work should be respected despite how much we dislike the changes we know you want to make the game better. We need to actually take to communicate as in this community we lack that. If for example you informed us of the ideas of "archetype builds" perhaps we would give imput on stuff like why its good or bad, what we would do to carry it out or better alternatives to the idea. Regardless everyone who cares on both sides say it time and time again that we need to communicate better. Perhaps this narrowly avoided disaster was a good wake up call on how much we really need to do that.

    Anyways I guess that's all I have to say, if even one person takes the time to read and think about how we can communicate better I'll feel as though this was worth writing. PEACE!
    Thank you Salted for speaking up as I was writing.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2019
  7. DragonEngineer

    DragonEngineer Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Honestly you could have created those stuff as new items rather than replacing/changing the ones we have currently.

    Doing so allows people to access new items while having old items that are also viable options.

    Honestly at this point everyone is tired of having to change their builds over and over again.
    Dr Zed, NITEHAWKX, Shoefarts and 6 others like this.
  8. Madkurre

    Madkurre construction worker HERO

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    explains silver's request of 10 builds for different tri-elemental playstyles lol
    as a silly class builder im really hyped for this, though re-learning the endgame items is gonna be a workload. gonna wait for the changelog before drawing any conclusions on the update
  9. Pontosaurus

    Pontosaurus fuy busted moments CHAMPION

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    not a single soul:

    item team: update11!!1!1!

    players: reeeeee

    pontosaurus: dead meme smh

    also rip all of my net worth
  10. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    Looking at the replies this seems to be have been shot down rather quickly for understandable reasons. However, I do wonder what part 2 of this post would've contained, just out of curiosity and potentially more constructive feedback from the players. I think releasing part 2 in a "give us your feedback!" manner could be a good turnaround and show of communication if done well. There could even be some inspiration drawn from what the players say, too! I think it's nice to hear what people outside of the "circle" (those who aren't in the item team and such, the players) have to say about something for different perspectives because you can get quite easily blinded biasedly by something you've been passionate about.

    Anyway, keep striving to be better, Item team and the rest of the Wynn team! You have players who care enough about the game you're making to post their opinions and take time out of their day to provide feedback, after all.
  11. Pontosaurus

    Pontosaurus fuy busted moments CHAMPION

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    pretty much sums up what I feel about this update. I think that given the current meta, more playstyle options would be a welcome addition, but creating archetypes for players to conform to seems rash and ill-conceived. I think a better option would have been to both use a combination of the item team’s judgement and the community’s opinion on additions or changes to current playstyles.
    Epicness937 likes this.
  12. Gallade

    Gallade dropped his strati and quit (but not really) VIP+

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    Rest in peace to my near godly Capricorn
    I suppose this will be the nail in the coffin to my time here, after I lost what little I had to lag
    mrcraftyketchup, Hei and Epicness937 like this.
  13. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    We must pray we are listened to and don't get an item revamp update like this or yeah...mail in the coffin for probably 75% of the endgame players.
    Realises likes this.
  14. YoshisWorld

    YoshisWorld Famous Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    I would like a change that changes almost every build and also new mythics (and possibly new corrupted dungeons, road to dern or new gamemodes) It keeps Wynn alive and fresh for older players :)
    brokenmotor likes this.
  15. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    i dont think you understand what older players want
  16. TherapueticLiz

    TherapueticLiz Azure Demon of SDU / DsQ/ CEO of Idol Airlines. CHAMPION

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    TFW you've been warring for almost 2 years with a Spell Warrior/Knight build with Dual-Elements and they promise you that they want to help you expand your dream of multi-elemental builds but the community shoots your dream down dead in the water.
    Just give us a rough-draft of what would've been the change log and have the community vote for the armors too add.
    Epicness937 likes this.
  17. Pontosaurus

    Pontosaurus fuy busted moments CHAMPION

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    I think that what we need is more content, not reworking current content and disguising it as “fresh” and “new.” I, personally as a player who has played for a long time on and off, think that the best thing to do is add more content, whether it be low-level or adding higher level content I don’t care, just so long as its not excessively grindy. I can’t speak for all veteran players, but I just think reworking old content is more alienating, and often frustrating.
    Dr Zed, Gangplank, Realises and 3 others like this.
  18. victorpotato2

    victorpotato2 Broke af HERO

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    Ive played wynncraft for 6 years now do you know how many reworks there were? Item changes nerfs and reverts whatever. So many reworks and failed stuff, yet it doesnt bother me.
    RicRicc, YoshisWorld and A Human like this.
  19. hppeng

    hppeng 0 intel is the correct amount of intel HERO

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    Just curious, what's wrong with just simply like

    Not removing current items and adding all the crazy cool trielement stuff

    So we can have the best of both worlds?

    Also id vote hell no if you plan to ruin the cache of uniques/rares/legends/exotic gear ive built up for years now, I don't have the time anymore to roll godly gear ;-; please

    Yeah might consider quitting if this comes out as well, or at least leave for a good while
    Followup: Really like the idea but just fyi youll never cover all the crazy things people can think of with your archetypes

    Case in point: my fav build is fire thunder earth SPELL
  20. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    i am fully erect as of now until that shit releases
    LarzLapiz likes this.
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