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World Better Item Lore

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by SueDiscroded, Jun 2, 2019.


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  1. SueDiscroded

    SueDiscroded Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Note: I am in no way shape or form saying that the Wynn Item Lore should be taken to be the way I want it to be. It is merely a suggestion to enhance the whole Wynncraft experience and get more lore out to players without having to do an entire update for a single thing.

    Many games have lore added to their items. Take Hearthstone or any RPG really, there is usually a little bit of flavor text added to items to make the world seem more realistic. It's a very easy way to get the player more engaged with the world that they're playing in, especially for extended periods of time. It's a very simple feature that should be added to the game. Yes, legendary items and mythics do have this already, but adding it to all items (except maybe some here and there like Quest/Set/Bought/Normal items) would be a drastic quality of life improvement to the game in general.

    Warning: Wall of Text x4. These are also my own ideas, I'm not saying the content team has to go exactly with this, just a general idea/suggestion.
    Format: [(Rarity) (Level)] Name (U= unique, R= rare)
    [Rare] [Level 1] Awesome Bandana:

    Wearing this bandana fills you with determination

    [Unique] [Level 15] Butter Helmet

    A helmet fashioned by Chef Hamsey, its properties allow the user to slide more agily; like butter

    [Rare] [Level 20] Bishop

    The Bovines, known for their pacifism wear this helmet as a testament to their ability to turn the other cheek and seek out conversation instead

    [Unique] [Level 14] Creeper Mask

    A mask with a peculiar design of the supposed extinct species of “Creeper”

    [Rare] [Level 9] Dapper Trillby

    Scholars of the Llevigar University often times sell of their old uniforms, including their iconic Trilbies to humans and other villagers alike

    [Unique] [Level 10] Rat Skull

    One of the relics found in the Ragni Sewers after its invasion, the helmet gives users the agility and cunning of a rat

    [Rare] [Level 17] Gnocchi

    The Cook’s favorite dish, Gnocchi, is constantly on his mind, so much so that this hat is made to resemble the texture and properties of it

    [Rare] [Level 9] Drale’s Hide

    Hide of the Human Cow Drale

    [Unique] [Level 1] Hairy Cap

    The hairs on this hat result in static electricity building up, which the user can take

    [Unique] [Level 6] Helmet of Intelligence

    Wearers of this helmet often times come to minor revelations of life

    [Unique] [Level 12] Helmet of Wisdom

    Helmet of Intelligence’s older brother

    [Unique] [Level 15] Hothead

    The urge to fight often consumes the user wearing this helmet, over the smallest argument

    [Unique] [Level 16] Jike

    An off brand bandana, which boosts the user’s athletic and financial abilities

    [Unique] [Level 19] Mercenary Hood

    Mercenary guilds often give their supporters small symbols of gratitudes, like this hood and toothpaste

    [Unique] [Level 13] Leather Face

    A sudden urge to butcher meat consumes you as you don this mask

    [Rare] [Level 12] Monk’s Cowl

    A small inscription is inside the cowl; “Make good of the life that has been given”

    [Unique] [Level 18] Confusing Cap

    The cap clouds your thoughts causing you to think uncontrollably about Gnocchi

    [Rare] [Level 15] Mask of the Dark Curse

    Donning this mask only serves to hide the dark desire you hold within you

    [Unique] [Level 8] Messenger Cap

    A staple item in the uniform of the WynnExpress Mail Service

    [Rare] [Level 14] Almuj Turban

    Often times, merchants from Almuj forget their own clothes when travelling back, giving them mild headaches in the hot desert

    [Rare] [Level 17] Ice Mask

    The inside reads “Brrrrrr”

    [Rare] [Level 18] Black Mask

    A warning tag is inside the mask; “Be careful not to lose in the dark”

    [Unique] [Level 16] Bush Mask

    It’s easier to blend in with the bushes with this mask, sadly there are none

    [Unique] [Level 16] Metal Mask

    Though rather heavy, it does protect well against hits to the head

    [Unique] [Level 15] Rock Mask

    Careful, rocks are sharp and can bruise your face

    [Unique] [Level 15] Shiny Mask

    A sudden urge to dance is brought over you when wearing the mask

    [Unique] [Level 16] Mud Mask

    The inside label reads: “Warning: wearing mask may rejuvenate skin damaged by Rock Mask”

    [Rare] [Level 17] Water Mask

    Though tempting, the Breathing Helmet I should be used to go underwater despite what the merchant may say

    [Unique] [Level 7] Skin Cap

    A cap made of skin, though it’s unclear what kind…

    [Rare] [Level 19] Memorial

    “May the lives lost live inside our memories as we march forth to a new day”

    [Unique] [Level 4] Soft Helmet

    A very nice and squishy helmet, falling asleep while wearing it is common

    [Rare] [Level 14] The Euphoric Fedora

    A sudden urge to go to Ternaves and look at the horses race enters wearers of this fedora

    [Unique] [Level 20] Straw Helmet

    Unprocessed wheat inside the helmet can be prickly, for the enemies not you

    [Unique] [Level 14] The Old King’s Crown

    A relic of the great history of the Ragnian Warrior King, it’s unclear how it was lost and got here

    [Rare] [Level 5] The Queen’s Tiara

    A relic of the great history of the Ragnian Pseudo Empress, it’s unclear how it was lost and got here

    [Unique] [Level 4] Thinking Helmet

    Hold on, I’m thinking of ideas on what to write here

    [Unique] [Level 12] Upside Down Bowl

    “Modern problems require medieval solutions” -Yayha

    [Unique] [Level 18] Zombie Helm

    Molded from one of the first Zombies to arise from the Corruption, it’s form has stayed the same since it was made

    [Unique] [Level 40] Redrock Bandana

    The unique properties of Redrock allow for it to be shaped however needed while insulating against heat, perfect for the deserts of Almuj

    [Unique] [Level 29] Aeronaut

    Users of this helmet often times find themselves looking up at the sun, and feeling drawn into it

    [Rare] [Level 24] Alumia

    A reflection appears in the back of the helmet, however it doesn’t appear to be yours

    [Unique] [Level 23] Aneroid

    Whispers can be heard when wearing the helmet, in reality it’s just the wind blowing

    [Unique] [Level 29] Amiscia

    No one knows why, but a compelling force of the helmet leads to wearers feeling the urge to take blood from others

    [Rare] [Level 39] Balankia

    Wearing this shawl makes the user feel as though they are unintelligent, but safe against the elements

    [Unique] [Level 24] Brise

    One of the most adored ribbons in the Detlas Dance Company, it imbues the user with intelligence and grace

    [Unique] [Level 24] Butterfly

    Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee

    [Rare] [Level 29] Blindblight

    Made of an unnatural stone, the helmet drains the host’s life force- and takes away from others

    [Rare] [Level 36] Dune Beat Jaw

    “Terror of the sands down below, make the wrong step and away your limbs go” -Old Almujian proverb

    [Rare] [Level 30] Black Ripper

    Bandits in the Almujian desert oftentimes have a distinguishing set of armor, this one belonging to former captain of the Desert Desperadas

    [Unique] [Level 26] Duskhelm

    Often regarded as a staple in Almujian history, these Duskhelms were used by bandits in the Desparada gang to rob under the guise of night

    [Unique] [Level 39] Faded

    It’s unclear if this even exists amongst scholars, oftentimes one can view it while the other views only a blurry mess

    [Unique] [Level 24] Equilibrium

    As all things should be

    [Unique] [Level 31] Hard Hat

    A note inside it read: “Failure to use Hard Hat on construction sites is cause for an infraction”

    [Rare] [Level 35] Helm of Darkness

    Found near the Roots of Corruption, gazing into the helmet doesn’t reveal your reflection, only the many souls you have taken

    [Unique] [Level 33] Jingu Headband

    A bit dirty, as to be expected of a relic from the Dernel Jungles

    [Unique] [Level 33] Hilltop

    Not quite as large as one, but certainly heavy

    [Unique] [Level 40] Kelvik

    Kelight’s little brother, Kelvik, looks up to his older brother and names his gear as Kelight does

    [Rare] [Level 33] Tarnhelm

    Made from a few strands of hair from the Tauros Hide, it imbues the user with power and the urge to moo

    [Unique] [Level 23] Sound of Silence

    “No talking in the library!” -Llevigar Library Head of Staff

    [Unique] [Level 22] Mustard Helmet

    Made from a botched Chef Hamsey recipe, it’s far too salty to taste

    [Unique] [Level 28] Mortar

    The Rodoroc Dwarves make the finest cement and lamb chops in all of the land

    [Rare] [Level 30] Santa Hat

    Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!

    [Rare] [Level 22] Hallowynn Mask

    Too Spooky for me

    [Rare] [Level 30] Oni Helm

    Legends say that the Sakura Forest was once inhabited by the Oni- fierce cousins of the Ogre. This helmet is supposedly carved from an Oni skull

    [Rare] [Level 34] Ridge

    Mountaineers near Rymek always warn of the dangers in climbing; especially to fear falling off the ridge

    [Unique] [Level 37] Pierced Helmet

    Rather useful, except for dodging blows to the head

    [Unique] [Level 29] Rubber Helm

    Oddly enough, lighting it on fire makes it smell like gum

    [Unique] [Level 32] Hood of the Resistance

    Worn and battle tattered, the emblem on the crest of the hood reads “First Coalition of Nemract against the Darkness”

    [Unique] [Level 24] Tricorne

    For all your pirating needs

    [Unique] [Level 27] The Crow’s Nest

    Redbeard often wore a hat in his youth similar to this one; Crow not included

    [Rare] [Level 37] Woljawh

    Feels bad man

    [Rare] [Level 37] Sunshade

    Very effective at blocking out the sun, which is what all helmets do

    [Unique] [Level 24] Sunblock

    More effective than Sunshade at blocking out the sun

    [Unique] [Level 38] Salience

    Wearers of this hat often stick out to others, usually because of mini volcano on it

    [Rare] [Level 34] Umbrella Hat

    The ultimate in the Trifecta of Sunblock and Sunshade, this hat also protects against the rain

    [Unique] [Level 35] Tribal Headdress

    Originating from the Iboju tribe, the headdress signifies prominence and authority

    [Rare] [Level 40] Wynnter Scarf

    Bundle up with this Wynnter scarf, containing all the symbols in the land from Ragni, to Detlas, Nessak, and Troms, Nemract and Almuj

    [Rare] [Level 55] Plague Mask

    During the great Necrosis strain in Gavel, Oluxian doctors donned these mask to combat the pestilence that harbored inside the infected

    [Rare] [Level 45] Ajax

    Physical abilities are elevated with this lamp shaped helmet, especially when in combat

    [Unique] [Level 41] Assassin’s Hood

    Thieves in Almuj would wear these hoods to scare victims into becoming compliant, after citizens caught on to this actual assassination threats were regarded as being hoaxes resulting in the loss of many lives.

    [Unique] [Level 58] Blueberry

    Oddly enough, getting a cut while wearing the helmet results in the blood to seep from the wound, but in purple

    [Rare] [Level 50] Battle Bishop

    The Bovines, after having many of their prized cattle slaughtered, changed their ways and allowed for the utter decimation of those who kill their cows

    [Rare] [Level 42] Cerid’s Precision

    Glasses of the great engineer Cerid, they appear to be of a foggy black quartz. Looking through them does not result in impaired vision, rather more in depth understanding of mechanics and electricity

    [Unique] [Level 55] Capstone

    A rock from the Canyon of the Lost was broken down and made into this hat, though it’s unsure how it actually got to this location

    [Rare] [Level 57] Chameleon

    Wearing this shawl makes users blend in more with the environment, though it often also makes people go cross-eyed

    [Unique] [Level 50] Cooler

    One would expect that using this hunk of ice would make you run faster, but it’s so cold that you can’t move as fast

    [Rare] [Level 52] Chimney

    The soot in this hat serve two purposes, as a getaway distraction and as a small explosive if you ignite it

    [Rare] [Level 54] Lobotomy

    Ice pick not included; Lusoco has some in stock

    [Rare] [Level 46] Brainfreeze

    Apparently, eating a bucket of Nessakian shaved ice in an hour isn’t a good idea

    [Rare] [Level 56] Piranha

    Fresh from the Dernel rivers, wearing a Piranha on your head asserts the ultimate dominance

    [Unique] [Level 48] Goswhit

    An old Dwarven swear word, it’s best not to ask what it means

    [Rare] [Level 60] Heliophobia

    For something that suggests hating blood, there sure is a lot of it stained on the cloth

    [Rare] [Level 49] Helm of Andesite

    Carved out of a huge hunk of andesite, wearing this helmet impairs the users movements in no way whatsoever

    [Unique] [Level 44] Helm of the Dead

    A helmet that was found inside the realm of light, before corruption had begun to rapidly spread

    [Rare] [Level 55] Illuminate

    Light radiates within the helmet, blinding the users but providing them with insight

    [Unique] [Level 60] Jungle Sludge

    Crafted from the slimiest sludge in the Dernel Jungle and mixed with toxins from the Olux Swamps, this helmet gives off a foul odor poisoning enemies and hurts the user

    [Unique] [Level 41] Aelous

    The Bantisu Battle Monks wear helmets with the symbol of their patron saint into battle, Aelous

    [Unique] [Level 56] Mist

    The ocean is dangerous, sometimes for what's underneath the water, sometimes for what lurks in the mist

    [Rare] [Level 59] Recharge

    “Drain your brain to improve your gain!” - Llevigar University Motto

    [Unique] [Level 56] The Mark

    Ah, salutations Mark!

    [Rare] [Level 51] Black Veil

    Olux isn’t known for its fashion, but the Black Veil is a staple in all of Gavelian funeral procedures

    [Rare] [Level 43] Avalanche

    Nesaak’s mother’s often tell their children not to go into the surrounding forests, for fear of the monsters that wander above and below the snow

    [Unique] [Level 42] Climbing Helmet

    A quaint leather helmet, complete with ear muffs and a small indecipherable pattern on the back

    [Unique] [Level 50] Factory Helmet

    “Serve your life and get a dime, your fate is sealed as is mine” - Inscription under the brim of the helmet

    [Unique] [Level 53] Roughcut

    Sometimes in the making of a Hilltop, a few edges are cut off, in this case blown off

    [Unique] [Level 57] Reaction

    Once popular amongst Ahmsord children, parents began boycotting the hats after children were almost being startled off the edge by this novelty hat

    [Rare] [Level 45] Wooly Cap

    Legend says this cap was made from Baabington’s fleece, or most likely from the Detlas wool merchant

    [Rare] [Level 43] Greysmith

    Not related to Bob in any way shape or form

    [Rare] [Level 43] Strategist

    Even the best tactician finds their brain empty from strategizing for so long

    [Rare] [Level 49] Stagnant

    Only the most rancid Orc bathing water was used in the making of this helmet, so rancid that nearby enemies and you will be physically harmed by the stench

    [Rare] [Level 52] The Judge

    Jury and Executioner Helmet not included

    [Unique] [Level 45] Shylla Shell

    The Dragon Turtle’s distant cousin, Shyllas were hunted to extinction over their prized shells which were used in forging great weapons

    [Unique] [Level 54] Sightlines

    Better than the front lines

    [Unique] [Level 46] Shrok

    The skull of a distant cousin to Sherk, the Oluxian Swamp Ogre

    [Unique] [Level 52] Snow Dust

    Hints of red can be found within the powdery snow…

    [Unique] [Level 53] Suchimu

    A novelty cap of Sensei Miyagi’s favorite dish, the quality is a bit subpar

    [Unique] [Level 42] Upside Down Bucket

    The Head Rancher at Katoa Ranch saw the popularity in Yahya’s invention of the Upside Down Bowl, so he made his own spin on a classic

    [Unique] [Level 48] White Storm

    Walking through Nessak’s forest with this helmet makes everything seem unnaturally quiet

    [Unique] [Level 47] Whistling Helmet

    Running around enemies with this helmet on produces an ear splitting sound, thanks to the construction of this helmet

    [Rare] [Level 78] Antithesis

    An airship pilot in Letvus Airbase loved wearing this hat, despite being scared of heights

    [Rare] [Level 66] Asymptote

    Forever approaching greatness, never reaching it

    [Unique] [Level 63] Cleanshear

    Rodoroc prizes Brondruni, for his efficient shearing and caring of the war rams. This crown was made in his honor

    [Unique] [Level 79] Breakbeat

    Ohm certainly had his genius moments, and times when he was bored and would make music by manipulating the electrical currents

    [Rare] [Level 73] Void

    [Rare] [Level 70] Draken

    In his younger years, the Captain of the SS Seaskipper often kept a rather large squid aboard, affectionately naming it Draken after his late father, Dravious

    [Unique] [Level 64] Electrophorus

    Common misconceptions about this scarf include some believing that the jolt it delivers is what can kill someone, in reality it’s the poisonous material of the scarf itself

    [Unique] [Level 70] Cumulus

    Head in the clouds, feet about two meters below it

    [Unique] [Level 74] Frigid

    Historians were baffled on the existence of this shawl, not because it’s made of ice but because it was sitting in the Lava Lake for over two centuries

    [Rare] [Level 63] Frostbite

    This helmet sure does radiate cold… only to you

    [Rare] [Level 75] Executioner Helmet

    The Judge and Jury not included

    [Rare] [Level 78] Gerten Ritual Mask

    Ooka chaka, ooka chaka

    [Rare] [Level 63] Granite Helm

    Eventually the makers of the Helm of Andesite set off for new horizons

    [Unique] [Level 80] Green Helm

    A capitalist villager manufactured this helmet, and sold it exclusively to other rich clientelle

    [Rare] [Level 80] Sparkling Visor

    Dazzle and Frazzle, Feast your eyes on this visor, it’s the last thing you’ll be able to see

    [Unique] [Level 75] Hollow

    After such a long journey, it becomes easy for you to simply take from others what you need

    [Unique] [Level 62] Helmet of Blue Stone

    The Makers of the Helmet of Andesite eventually started to move towards precious minerals, but stopped after they realized it stood out too much in battle

    [Unique] [Level 76] Jewel

    It’s actually made of Rheingold

    [Unique] [Level 73] Iodide

    An element known only to the Karoc Quarries, it has odd properties that have shown to improve intelligence

    [Unique] [Level 66] Rheingold

    This metal looks and behaves so similarly to gold, humans and villagers alike had to switch their currencies to emeralds in order to stop the influx of forgeries in banks

    [Unique] [Level 75] Penance

    Convicts in the forbidden prison are put under the influence of this mask, whispering sweet lies to convince them to give up violence and restore their humanity

    [Unique] [Level 77] Lurrun

    The Detlas Dancing Co is most famous for their ballet, Ovios of which the headdress of Lurrun was the most popular

    [Unique] [Level 65] Marrow

    Putting on this shawl gives the wearer increased bone growth, to the point where it hampers the users ability to fight

    [Rare] [Level 70] Mind Rot

    The Necrosis strain wasn’t always successfully stopped, the first attempt to contain it in this helmet somewhat worked, though putting it on liquifies the brain

    [Unique] [Level 67] Moulded Helm

    Many helmet makers practice molding the same thing over and over again, often times this anomaly takes the place of the object being molded, no matter how small or oddly shaped the original object may be

    [Rare] [Level 77] Empowered Ancient Helmet

    Before the Purified Helmet of Ancients was forged, this helmet was used by careless adventurers believing they had the ability to fight CoW. Little did they know the ancient they had taken power from was the same that gave CoW its power

    [Rare] [Level 75] Gnomish Topper

    Careful not to lose it, it’s very small and barely fits on your ear

    [Rare] [Level 74] Helmet of Shimmering Light

    Not as impressive as a Helmet of Shimmering Dark

    [Rare] [Level 68] Purified Helmet of the Legends

    Go get ‘em champ. You got this.

    [Unique] [Level 64] Upgraded Orc Mask

    Even better Ooka Chakas

    [Rare] [Level 77] Restored Ancient Helmet

    An unknown power exudes from this helmet

    [Rare] [Level 73] Soundproof Earmuff

    A pair of Earmuffs that are Soundproof. And really fluffy

    [Unique] [Level 74] Proto Shield

    Ohm and Gale made this hat in a knitting class together. One side is a bit lopsided

    [Unique] [Level 65] Psithurism

    The leaves rustle in your vicinity, even without air blowing around

    [Rare] [Level 79] Rust

    Could use a bit of shining up

    [Unique] [Level 79] Rinkaku

    Power often comes at the cost of health

    [Unique] [Level 70] Howler

    Careful not to take this into a very stealth based mission, it’ll sometimes yell out despite having no mouth. Made from Howler Hide

    [Unique] [Level 70] Silencer

    Much more effective than Muffler

    [Rare] [Level 71] Vis

    This visor has the words “Vis-” written on it, with a smear of blood after the three letters

    [Rare] [Level 63] Opium

    The humans broke into Gavel unofficially, the sweet intoxication of this helmet’s material was too good for villagers to pass up

    [Unique] [Level 64] Vampire Blocker

    No longer used as much as before

    [Rare] [Level 74] Gysdep

    The Iboju don’t only believe in strength, finesse and skill are prized more

    [Unique] [Level 64] Sextant

    Sailors would put their Sextant onto the hat they wore so they could easily find their distance

    [Unique] [Level 80] Dragon Horned Helmet

    Not actually made of Dragon Horns, but they certainly look like

    [Rare] [Level 74] Spiked Helmet

    A much cheaper version of the Dragon Horned Helmet, and of a better quality

    [Unique] [Level 64] Soul Wreath

    The amount of souls you’ve taken on your journey weigh down on you heavily. Perhaps they will give you resolution

    [Unique] [Level 68] Stealskull

    The weight of this helmet sure is grand, but it comes mainly from all the items you’ve stolen

    [Rare] [Level 64] Sublime

    No badfish in this hat

    [Unique] [Level 78] Swamp Clay

    Very squishy and easy to mold. Too easy in fact

    [Rare] [Level 66] Svalinn

    Diving helmet of the elden Dweller of the Deep

    [Unique] [Level 77] Takeover

    Trom’s was hit hard, but the real takeover happened when they reclaimed their lands

    [Unique] [Level 71] Teal Helm

    Wildly popular amongst Nesaakian scholars, the teal color denotes the prestige of the person

    [Unique] [Level 72] Talcum

    The powdery substance of the scarf refreshes the skin, because of that it’s very popular with women

    [Unique] [Level 80] Tephra

    It’s been a long time since Mount Wynn erupted, but the sheer size of this helmet is a testament to how forceful it was

    [Rare] [Level 67] The Sinner

    It’s you

    [Rare] [Level 79] Toxin

    Frogs in the Dernel jungle carry a potent toxin, used in this visor to see the poison inflicted on others and yourself

    [Unique] [Level 61] Wing Cap

    Not as good as the winged shoes

    [Rare] [Level 73] Trauma

    Let your rage flow free and consume your mind

    [Unique] [Level 97] Albacore

    Master Sailor Carvel had humble beginnings, as a fisherman on the Coast of Nemract, providing his haul of albacore each day to the residents of the new town, Maltic. This hat is in the shape of said albacore.

    [Rare] [Level 85] Albedo

    The moonlight reflected off the waters inspired Carvel to become the man he was. His captain’s hat is named fondly after this phenomena

    [Rare] [Level 100] Aquamarine

    The Fountain of Youth’s properties seeped into this stone, and now into you

    [Unique] [Level 91] Azure Halo

    Battle Angels on the Sky Islands are known for their watery halo and abnormally large eyes

    [Rare] [Level 95] Bottled Sky

    A peculiar glass helmet, apparently gathered from the sky below the Sky Islands, not above

    [Unique] [Level 93] Breakdown

    Go back to the fundamentals, even if it means going back a step or too

    [Unique] [Level 88] Blushwind

    The hairs on this hat are made from the finest Avos feathers, containing their properties, leading to them being hunted for it

    [Unique] [Level 94] Brocach

    Iboju shamans would return to the Earth as they had lived it, they then become one with nature and exude their power in the form of their own skulls

    [Unique] [Level 93] Caesura

    Poets in the Sakura Forests often would, break their poems whenever they could

    [Rare] [Level 87] Dune Storm

    The desert sands reclaim all, only to give it away

    [Rare] [Level 99] Conrupt

    Before the Corruption was fully known, doctors would give this headwear to those who were diagnosed with it. It gave some humanity left, though it would slowly dwindle away with time

    [Unique] [Level 99] Corsair

    At the height of his power, Redbeard would wear a small model of his own ship as a hat, cannons and all

    [Unique] [Level 88] Crown of Suzaku

    Sensei Miyagi wasn’t always as humble as he is today, he was shaped and molded by the Crown he served

    [Rare] [Level 94] Cumulonimbus

    Clouds form in the wake of the wearer, even on the clearest days

    [Unique] [Level 81] Exosphere

    Yahya’s great mind captured part of the air where the meteor had entered. A mage then formed this massless helmet of that air

    [Rare] [Level 90] Darksteel Full Helm

    Only the most prestigious in the Troms Army are allowed to wear such garments, inappropriate use of it is cause for immediate execution

    [Unique] [Level 89] Facedown

    Bob faced an unknown horror. He blinked first. Only this helmet is left

    [Unique] [Level 98] Female Pirate Wig


    [Rare] [Level 88] Ambertoise Shell

    Neither amber nor turquoise overpower one another from the shell of the Odicus Pangolin on the Llevigar Plains

    [Rare] [Level 84] Pride of the Aerie

    Sky Islands, where the line between bird and dragon are blurred heavily

    [Rare] [Level 96] Sparkweaver

    Before Ohm found his love for electronics, he was a rather good pyrotechnic. It got to his head sometimes, literally

    [Rare] [Level 96] Heroism

    A hero’s vigor goes down in battle, their courage does not

    [Rare] [Level 92] Whitecap Crown

    The Twain Mansion held interesting artifacts when the Twains were still there, now the Twains are gone as are their possessions

    [Unique] [Level 97] Ionosphere

    It’s like Exosphere, but Nohno made it instead

    [Rare] [Level 95] Alkahest

    No alchemist was supposed to be able to find such forbidden knowledge on a universal solvent, yet it exists against the laws of the known universe

    [Rare] [Level 82] Anamnesis

    You’ll see your past life with this visor on. What does your past hold?

    [Rare] [Level 96] Brainwash

    Forget what you’ve learned, it never served you good in the first place

    [Unique] [Level 81] Logistics

    Crunching numbers and your own bones has never been easier

    [Unique] [Level 85] Minstral

    Cold winds from Mt. Wynn blow down to Nivla forest, forcing spider webs together shaping this cowl

    [Unique] [Level 89] Moonbeam

    Anomalies in the corrupted along the coastal trail include zombies ceasing their attacks on humans and staring deep into the waters at their own reflections, lit by the pale moonlight

    [Unique] [Level 92] Mountaintop

    Hilltop wasn’t enough as a final creation, Mountaintop was

    [Unique] [Level 87] Myelin

    Neural connections contain a small amount of Myelin to protect it, god knows how many were severed to make this scarf

    [Rare] [Level 88] Nephilim

    Before Gavel, before the Corruption, supposed demi-gods lived on the lands of Gavel. This supposed head of one seems to be proof of it, considering it’s aged millenia without a single sign of decay

    [Unique] [Level 95] Neuron

    Probably was related to Myelin in some way, especially considering the same form of both scarfs

    [Unique] [Level 83] Ogre Faceplate

    Ogres are like onions, you certainly don’t want to see what’s behind the layers

    [Unique] [Level 86] Pilot Light

    An odd lantern, large enough to fit both your head and the souls it guides towards their destiny

    [Unique] [Level 91] Quartzite Helm

    Some lines in Karoc Quarry have extremely good quality quartz, this apparently isn’t from any known location on Gavel or Wynn

    [Unique] [Level 91] Polyphemus

    Cyclops like facial features appear on those who wear this blindfold

    [Unique] [Level 98] Rodoroc’s Pride

    A simple bandana, the Rodoroc symbol on it is enough to get any dwarf to fight and die for their country

    [Unique] [Level 94] Skyfloat

    Carvel, his spouse Macie, and their daughter Ciela often waged the waves languidly lap on the beach with the wind in their hair. Ciela named her daughter after these memories, Gale, and gave this helmet as the final ward against evil when she lay on her deathbed

    [Unique] [Level 85] Info Visor

    A visor that gives you info on any statistic you can think of when looking at something

    [Unique] [Level 85] Cranial Panel

    You don’t notice wearing this hunk of metal, or that you become vulnerable to electricity

    [Rare] [Level 88] The Modulator

    Sometimes, simple organized additions are needed for good armor

    [Unique] [Level 90] Eradian Full Helm

    Eventually new recruits became scared of the Grillface, leading to this child’s play version of the old traditional commitment to protecting Rodoroc

    [Rare] [Level 81] Mining Fever

    Does not improve resource gathering for mining

    [Unique] [Level 92] Ashen Helm

    Logically, dropping something into the Lava Lakes would result in complete disintegration, not simple burning of this helmet

    [Rare] [Level 85] Filter Mask

    Very popular during the Necrosis strain, and now a staple in Oluxian fashion

    [Unique] [Level 83] Plated Mining Helm

    Like Mining Fever, still doesn’t improve mining speed or anything really

    [Unique] [Level 90] Sano’s Care

    The outcast of Rymek, Sano’s hat became a symbol of faith healing all across Wynn during the corruption before he fell to it

    [Rare] [Level 83] Sequencer

    It’s made like a clock, but you won’t notice it moving on your head

    [Rare] [Level 98] Sizzling Shawl

    Careful, it’s hot. Like really hot. Make sure to check with your doctor before wearing it

    [Rare] [Level 93] Shimmersight

    Shine bright with your power, your gains won’t be

    [Unique] [Level 84] Skywatcher

    When Gale’s Skyfloat was destroyed from battle, save for one part of the helm, Gale made a new helmet from this piece. She fell into a depressive period after almost losing the last memento she had of Macie and Ciela

    [Unique] [Level 85] Stad Aer

    This helmet smells like home, wherever that is. How long has it been?

    [Rare] [Level 87] Speaker

    Actions speak louder than words, experience too

    [Unique] [Level 96] Sunray

    Ohm looked to the sky, and saw the fire of his life; pyrotechnics. After a freak accident with some fireworks, he became more interested in electricity

    [Rare] [Level 98] The Queen’s Headpiece

    Slay, queen, slay

    [Rare] [Level 90] Ski Mask

    Sadly, Skiing no longer is as popular since it’s difficult to dodge corruption and trees. Robbery on the other hand...

    [U 20] The Scarecrow’s Vest

    Katoa ranch has such great protection from the nearby Decrepit Sewers thanks to their living and breathing scarecrows on hand

    [R 16] Alligator

    This one will see you later

    [R 13] Bear Pelt

    No natural animals were harmed in the making of this product, corrupted bears were

    [R 12] Rib cage

    In reality, it’s a tunic that makes your rib cage protrude and harden to give yourself defense

    [U 14] Collier Tunic

    Miners in Thesead wear these tunic on their shifts for protection against the harsh conditions in the mine

    [U 12] Iron Mail

    A rather large envelope made from iron, addressed from a “Sherk” from Olux

    [R 19] Golden Embrace

    “Come forth and bask in the sunlight, rejuvenate your soul and continue your fight” -Old Tromsian War Chant

    [U 6] Abandoned Tunic

    Most likely will be abandoned again when you level up

    [U 6] Log Suit

    Nivla Woods has the finest trees, and cosplayers

    [U 18] Maltic’s Aid

    Carvel the master sailor came to the aid of Maltic when they were in need, giving the shirt off his back to lessen their pains

    [R 15] Essren’s Coat

    Coat from a lesser known Nemractian knight, she was one of the first to fall in the siege on Nemract, almost 1,000 years ago

    [R 20] Temporal Cage

    Repeat, over and over again

    [R 6] Neodymium

    Careful, you’ll fly towards enemies looking for a fight

    [U 16] Nightmail

    Made by the Jester of Troms, this Cloak gives the user immense boasts under the guise of Night

    [U 7] Planus Vest

    Rashes and hives will break out on your skin with this vest, most likely because of your allergies

    [U 19] Ragged

    Training hard to the point of exhaustion is needed, but so is rest

    [U 9] Runner’s Vest

    For something geared towards speed, it’s not very aerodynamic

    [U 12] Mail of the Berserker

    Thankfully, Bruschov the Terror of Wynn has passed on. His legacy has not

    [R 9] Thoracic

    The size of this chestplate made of a spider’s thorax suggests an immensely large species of spiders existing

    [U 6] Jeweled Vestments

    Very bedazzling, not very suitable for sleeping

    [R 15] Ragni Fatiques

    Antique uniform from one of the largest sieges on Ragni, it was reclaimed from a soldier who fell to the corruption

    [U 2] Scarab

    For whatever reasons, ordinary species of animals grow to gigantic proportions, like this beetle hide here

    [U 4] Solidified Chestplate

    Very durable, but still too soft for some dangerous scenarios

    [U 13] Soaked Tunic

    Good for running into fire attacks with, but not actual fires

    [U 4] Shining Cloak

    Brightness of the cloak cannot be dimmed down or altered in anyway

    [R 3] The King’s Robe

    Purple, royal, and stolen

    [U 20] Tepid Plate

    Somewhat warm, but not really

    [R 10] Tarok’s Parka

    Nesaak’s freezing waters are unconquerable to many, except for Tarok who would go for a swim in the river every day for hours on end

    [R 40] Sundown Pancho

    Nobody can go to Rymek without getting one of these, the cross between fashion and function

    [R 25] Obulus

    The tunic is made of coins in a scale-like pattern, of some civilization long gone

    [R 21] Admiral’s Aegis

    All Wynn Cities logos are present on this tunic, with a shield on its back that for whatever reason can’t be used

    [U 35] Artifice

    Corkus’s first application of electromagic, it was very underwhelming

    [U 35] Copper Plate

    This chestplate can amplify your spell damage, and your enemies too

    [U 38] Chains of Steal

    Heavy chains make up this armor, training you as you venture forward

    [R 26] Garoth’s Hope

    The vest remains shattered, as Garoth was

    [R 27] Dead Samurai’s Plate

    The Samurai of Sakura forest have been dead for a long time, after the Bantisu Battle Monks drove them out

    [U 29] Detlas’s Skin

    Made out of a cow’s hide, for some reason

    [U 22] Dandelion

    Corruption affects all life forms in different ways, plant life often through mutations. You’d be hard pressed to find a soft dandelion in Wynn

    [R 24] Diode

    Store up static energy while walking, release it on your enemies. Premier Corkian engineering

    [R 32] Dust

    Careful while wearing this, you’ll soon crumble away into nothingness

    [U 40] Feithid

    Nival forests is inhabited mainly by spider, because they took over and killed most of the other species to adapt

    [R 40] Gargantuan

    Larger than life

    [R 28] Ginto

    An oil film covers the plate, and smells like juice

    [U 24] Gilded Mail

    Absolutely flex your wealth onto others with this chain mail

    [U 36] Icarus

    A large impact zone near Ragni suggests that someone fell from the sky, and left this rib cage as a final momento

    [R 24] Karraska

    More than one adventurer has died on their journey, this cloak being of a young warrior, Karraska, embroidered on the sleeve. A chill runs over you from time to time

    [U 27] Hero’s Beginning

    A bit late to the party

    [U 38] Zeal

    Your determination to go against all odds increases

    [R 21] Tizatuko

    A hairy and chalky hide from a now extinct species

    [R 33] The Juggernaut

    Apparently in training, not fast enough to truly decimate the enemy lines

    [U 25] Muscle Shirt

    Oooooh yeah

    [U 37] Pebble Mesh

    Hitting this rock covered plate results in a few pebbles being crushed and more taking its place

    [U 32] Perfumed Chestplate

    Really strong scent attached, especially for Villagers

    [U 37] Rotten


    [R 40] Phosphene

    Look into the reflection, and now into your eye. What do you see?

    [R 33] Vagabond

    Wandering from place to place… isn’t that what you already do

    [R 21] Arcanic

    Such an anomaly, it gives you defenses against the elements

    [U 22] Fisher’s Mail

    Sayrr’s father bought him this mail in hopes that he would grow into it one day

    [U 40] Nilrem’s Curse

    He could dispel all spells that were flung at him, but the information Bob gave him… was irreversible

    [U 26] Seafarer’s Coat

    Before the legendary Seaskipper Captain came to be, he was a simple seafarer

    [U 31] Skeleton Bones

    Not very rare around Nemract, especially when all skeletons are made of bone

    [R 33] Standoff

    Stare your opponent in the eyes, you won’t be able to bridge the distance with this heavy plate on

    [U 30] Streak


    [U 32] The Chapel

    Some drunkard in Nemract thought it would be funny to use Saint’s Row as a chestplate, someone took him seriously

    [U 34] The Thief

    Take it, go on. Who’s gonna care?

    [U 36] Voleur

    The Thief’s more suave brother

    [U 60] Onenya Hronkas

    Dwarvish saying, apparently meaning “Power over Pace”

    [U 50] Ballad

    The Detlas Dancing Company is famous for their wonderful production, this costume coming from their worst production to date

    [U 52] Balm

    Found from a wood near Jofash Docks, because of the oils it can grow in the humidity

    [U 49] Brook Keeper

    Even the most insignificant forms of life are important in all the lands

    [R 44] Bloodless

    Your blood now cannot coagulate, but you body can now take all kinds of blood because of this medical garment. Better start finding victims

    [U 58] Coriolis

    It’s easy to resist the forces of life, but the Earth cannot be ignored

    [R 55] Granite Plate

    Lovers with Granite Helm

    [R 52] Dark Mages Robes

    Make sure to exercise and train, otherwise you’ll find your power to be lacking

    [U 57] Dragon Skin

    Even the youngest dragonling can fight the fiercest warrior

    [R 56] Dravarden

    Rodorocian slur for people who chose to study rather than to fight

    [U 56] Drizzling Doublet

    Water constantly flows from this garment constantly, supposedly made from the scholar priest Ensa near the end of his life

    [U 58] Electrum

    Ohm doesn’t like to move away from his work when he gets into it, this invention gives him a power supply for his inventions

    [R 54] Geis

    How far will you go to achieve what you want?

    [U 52] Heart of Fire

    This still pulsating heart has no blood, it’s fire but doesn’t burn. Lord knows where it came from

    [R 56] Hailstone

    Mountain range snow has produced this hunk of ice, though it doesn’t seem to melt

    [R 59] Masochist

    This barely covers biceps, let alone your body from harm

    [U 45] Jilted


    [U 48] Iron Scrap

    Ohm survived his own creation, the reverse cannot be said to be true

    [R 51] Pacemaker

    A device from Corkus that repeatedly shocks the heart

    [U 60] Mail of the Sweltering

    Kratkos also made this odd piece of armor, that contracts and expands at random

    [U 52] Mangrove

    Taken straight from the edge of the Oluxian swamp near a meteor, the bark used in this tunic is imbued with elemental properties

    [R 44] Hide of Gregg’r

    Wearing someone’s skin probably isn’t the weirdest thing you’ve done by now

    [R 41] Howler Hide

    The Howler is a prowler on the Canyon of the Lost. It breathes frost, eats moss, and talks only in rhyme. With meter and time, the Howler speaks fine, even right now without a mouth.

    [U 54] Nesaak’s Shadow

    Must be a really big shadow then

    [R 48] Narima Pasukan

    Elves have adopted this phrase in their common language, despite being of dwarvish origins apparently meaning “Balancing nature”

    [U 50] Pigman’s Ribbing

    Found, unsurprisingly, in the Pigman Ravine. The age of the ribbing suggests the ribbing to be centuries old, suggesting that more ferocious pigmen once existed

    [U 51] Noisemaker

    An oxymoronic name, the only noise made is that of the silent air left in your wake

    [U 41] Ringing Mail

    Each ring on this chainmail armor connects to one another, making elemental properties stronger on this armor- even from enemies

    [U 43] Solid Quartz Chestplate

    Mass produced from Karoc Quarry

    [U 44] Homemade Fur Coat

    Although it looks rather tackily made, you don’t have the heart to tell the vendor this. A simple “looks nice” will suffice

    [R 55] Hurricane

    Must be a very small one with these stats

    [U 60] Stonewall

    Often times youll find yourself stuck and unsure of where to go. Your enemies will too

    [U 46] Steel Mail

    Iron and Gilded Mail’s bigger brother that packs a punch

    [R 59] Tarnkappe

    An old invisibility cloak, corruption has rendered it useless

    [U 50] Wicked

    Blessed will be those who fall to your awesome Exploding stats

    [U 43] The Knight’s Chestplate

    Before Kelight became such a prodigy, he had to train in the Chivalric order to build his status

    [R 70] Legend Guard’s Plate

    Trainees on Legendary Island must wear this 1,000 kilogram chestplate, day in and day out before they promote onwards to 2,000 kilograms

    [U 73] Aerodynamics

    What takes the most brilliant of minds years to master is known intuitively by even the youngest dragonling

    [U 61] Amplitude

    Sounds travel through these robes rather than be muffled out for whatever reason

    [U 71] Allegro

    Try to keep up

    [U 78] Angel Robe

    Angel Robe, it gives you wings (figuratively, cosmetics do not change)

    [U 79] Aura of Element

    Only one person was able to master all of the elements, a Frumian mage who set the whole history of the province into motion

    [U 67] Calcite

    Could be Moh durable

    [R 62] Chaos

    Even in the disorder of this chainmail contraption, there is order on a smaller scale of it

    [U 70] Carapace

    Supposedly, the Durum Isles aren’t naturaly formed, rather formed over the shell of the now extinct, hard-shelled Leviathan Sea Snapper. The size and magnitude of this chestplate is a testament to that idea

    [U 72] Cloud Cover

    Flying over the Sky Islands isn’t usually the best idea, especially on a clear day

    [R 72] Sorrow

    Ensa never asked for pity on himself, but when he found his covenant slaughtered by forces of the corrupt, sorrow and anger overcame him

    [U 77] Efilim Sage Cloak

    Combining the natural talent of elves and the finesse of humans leads to scholars of the greatest order

    [U 68] Coursing Mail

    A heap of scrap from Ohm’s old workshop. It still is charged after all these years

    [U 78] Faith Healer

    Sano, the great Rymekian priest would always heal even the most grievous of wounds using only prayer and appeasement to higher gods

    [R 79] Endurance

    The best way to win a fight; keep your health up and theirs down

    [U 71] Endotherm

    Heat is trapped into this chestplate greatly, even though it is made of solid ice

    [U 72] Flex

    Finally your time questing and fighting has resulted in your body being slightly above average

    [R 78] Reinforced Gert Chestplate

    It’s a Gert Chestplate, but better

    [R 64] Kapok

    Return to the Earth, Iboju

    [U 62] Kindle

    1,000 years ago this wood was used to fuel fires in houses, because they’re still burning to this day

    [U 64] Kizuato

    Sensei Miyagi had a rival, whom he executed during the Great Gavelian purging

    [U 63] Atroce

    Lord save the one who stares into the void on the back of this garment, the atrocities inside are horrors beyond what one can handle

    [R 80] Bete Noire

    Living is so overrated

    [R 63] Augoeides

    Straight from the realm of light, it hurts to look at

    [R 75] Magellan’s Sail

    Magellan, Draken, and the Sea Skipper Captain all worked on the same boat, Magellan working as the shipwright, Draken as the cook, and Captain as the captain

    [R 72] Magmatic Plate

    Not as hot as it seems

    [U 78] Manaflux

    Mana is just a fancy word for life

    [U 61] Mender

    Sano’s beloved robes, encrusted with blood from the many people who even prayer could not heal

    [R 64] Montefiore

    Peace begins with mending

    [R 80] Changelings Chestplate

    This chestplate… it’s impossible to describe

    [U 70] Mudskipper

    Shaped like a boat, not as good on mud compared to water

    [R 75] Cloak of Luminosity

    Brightness, but from the brilliance of mind

    [U 71] Digested Corpse

    The size of this corpse, almost twice as big as you…

    [U 62] Opalite

    Your heart radiates when in the most heated situations in this

    [R 70] Psychomend Vest

    Far out man

    [R 77] Papyrus

    Comes with a set of extra cool dating clothes underneath

    [U 68] Prestidigitation

    A failed mage in Cinfras turned to using this cape in her shows, much to the chagrin of her former colleagues

    [U 73] Orographine

    Not of this world

    [R 74] Puppeteer

    Are you the puppet or the puppeteer? Who’s tune are you dancing to?

    [R 68] Remika’s Sanctuary

    Remika never had to fight because his aura was so intimidating, none would dare to. His power still exudes from this chestplate

    [U 71] Rollick

    The Jester’s set failed clothing brand

    [U 73] Magic Cloak

    Magical properties are in the cloak, the patterns on the back move over time

    [R 74] Calor


    [U 73] Heavy Aegis

    A shield is pretty much a chestplate right?

    [R 61] Werepelt

    Changes to human skin every full moon

    [R 76] Hernbwal

    Not all of the Iboju can be smart or speedy

    [U 80] Screech

    The composition of the chestplate makes for an ear splitting noise to be produced when moving around

    [U 64] Semreh

    Surprisingly agile for a suit and tie

    [R 71] Short Circuit

    “Rebooting… processing… error… attack mode engaged” Error log for OhmBot 12

    [U 63] Silicosis

    You may be entitled to financial compensation. Not.

    [U 65] Sky Reflector

    A solid puddle of water, but somehow not ice

    [U 65] Solar Flare

    Not allowed in Corkus

    [U 72] Symphony

    Very disharmonious in an organized way

    [U 66] Sublimator

    Nearby gas particles turn into miniscule particles of hardened solids

    [U 65] Tectonics

    Careful not to cause an earthquake

    [U 78] Terraflux

    Manaflux’s older sister

    [U 63] Thundersnow

    A lightning bolt hit the ground on Nesaak, and the snow froze it and kept it’s properties

    [U 75] Venomsoul

    Toxic, unsurprisingly

    [R 65] Sealskin Parka

    Such a cute creature, turned into a monster and rightfully hunted to extinction when the species was completely changed

    [U 92] Azurite

    A robe made of water from Lake Gylia, it seemingly flows with water that disperse upon contact with anything besides the wearer

    [U 98] Bastille

    Troms had been an established town over 1,000 years ago, but when it was first seen by the people, they saw signs of it being previously used almost 2,000 years ago by another unknown race

    [U 83] Brackenwall

    Thorns found on a particularly dangerous flower, the Glassen Rose, near Gelibord were incorporated into this vest

    [U 97] Calidade Mail

    Calidade meaning quality, certainly describes this piece of armor

    [R 85] Charybdis

    Fierce monsters had always wandered the seas, but none were as fierce as the Charybdis. Only once it was slain by Tisuan was trading amongst the seas considered a viability

    [R 96] Chef Hamsey’s Apron

    A sudden urge to eat rack of lamb and swear excessively overcomes you

    [U 85] Coat of Byakko

    Tisuan was never alone in his travels, being accompanied by his daughter Byakko, who wore this coat until she had outgrown it

    [R 88] Golden Scarab

    Random mutations in some insects in Almuj resulted in superior animals being introduced into the gene pool

    [R 98] Chestplate of Ineptitude

    You show no grace when donning this chestplate

    [R 91] Anti-Static

    As the name suggests, it is anti static, but it smells horrendously of some chemical leather

    [R 91] Discharge

    Sadly, it’s more of a small zap than anything that’s considered useful in battle

    [U 81] Deux

    An apron signed, “With love, -Gale” with multiple grease stains and burned patches on it

    [R 93] Diamond Dust

    Not all diamond chestplates are the best, but shaving off the best part and putting that dust into a new chestplate sometimes gives good magical properties

    [R 82] Dragon Hide Plate

    Pretty straightforward

    [R 100] Far Cosmos

    Many questions surround this impossible cloak. Where did it come from, when was it formed, what is it made of, why was it found inside the Door of Time?

    [U 93] Fish Scale

    Carvel’s pet squid loved cooking, specifically fish. It descaled them with perfect accuracy and moreover formed this jacket from those scales

    [R 88] Dream Cloud

    Dreams rejuvenate even the weakest of warriors

    [U 98] Gravesbane

    Wolfsbane mutated from the corruption into a passive herb that no longer can poison

    [R 91] Beetle Aegis

    Made from the matriarch of the Golden Scarab, this aegis provides good offense though it is rather heavy and small

    [R 87] Gale’s Freedom

    Before Gale had met Ohm, she liberated small towns from the corruption across Gavel and was given this chestplate from the guild hall for her honorable work

    [R 83] Insulated Plate Mail

    Cerid uses this armor whenever working heavy duty projects, like the now Fallen Factory

    [R 99] Soulflare

    Your emotions overcome you as you don this armor, your resolve stronger

    [R 95] Stillwater Blue

    You can see your reflection in the solidified water gem in the middle, though you look older in the reflection

    [U 86] About-Face

    You know what, maybe this wasn’t the best idea, let’s go now

    [U 96] Heura

    From an old pagan god of the Earth

    [R 97] Delirium

    You feel your mind slipping when this suit is put on, or was it a chestplate?

    [R 93] Tinderbox

    Originating from Fruma, this box was used to draw lots for arranged marriages before the practice was banned

    [R 97] Leviathan

    Such a grand scale from a single creature, it seems to be like a large Charybdis

    [U 100] Medeis

    Apron from a cook of one of the lesser guild in Gavel, who cooked with magic

    [U 85] Meteoric Aegis

    Near Gylia lake is the large meteor of which this shield was not made, instead coming from an unknown source

    [U 95] Nether’s Reach

    Be careful where you walk with this swirling void of nether, corruption may jump from it to other people

    [U 93] Nightvest

    Walking through the Dark Forest as night is not a good idea, unless you wear this garment in which case go for it

    [U 88] Powder Snow

    It’s like Snow Dust, but in chestplate form

    [U 98] Petrichor

    Smells absolutely divine, from one of Byakko’s perfumes

    [U 91] Ronin

    Sensei Miyagi’s very first Gi when he set forth on his path. Must’ve been a monster in his prime

    [U 97] Ahm’s Remains

    Ohm’s lesser known step brother’s, Ahm, ribcage is what is used for this armor

    [U 88] Metal Body Suit

    Made of a light metal so you can still move around well

    [R 90] Warming Heart

    Christina, the head chef of the Guild Hall from Fruma, cooks large meals, but has an even larger heart. This apron was the first she used over 25 years ago which helped to serve over a million meals

    [R 95] Starglass

    Heated stardust made this jewel, which is put in this vest. Surprisingly heavy

    [R 90] Darkiron Aegis

    Before Darksteel was perfected, Darkiron was used by the most elite soldiers in both Wynn and Gavel

    [U 92] Mercurial Chestplate

    At random, this chestplate changes from solid, to liquid, to gas, to plasma, sometimes in more than one place for more than one state of matter

    [R 91] Ornamental Plate

    The most poor warrior used a plate he stole from a Detlas banquet as a shield for him

    [R 82] Ironbody

    Stiff and difficult to move around it

    [U 81] Mithril Mantle

    Imbued with the properties of iron, but given the texture of silver

    [R 83] Coalduster

    A broom’s straws were reused after the handle broke to make this poncho. Careful not to breathe in the dust

    [R 95] Silkweb Mail

    Mmmmm silky

    [R 84] Seagazer

    Sayrr wears this chestplate, and stares off into the sea wishing he could be taller

    [R 96] Sky Chef’s Apron

    Another apron with great balance, but not as good as Chef Hamsey’s

    [R 96] Smoldering Apron

    Another apron with many grease stains and fire marks, but not as good as Chef Hamsey’s

    [U 89] Smack Jacket

    Talk smack get whacked

    [R 97] Scarfae

    “You need evil people like me, so you can point your finger at me and say “Him, he’s the bad guy” - last words of a death row inmate

    [U 99] Sparkling Plate

    Absolutely dazzling

    [R 92] Soul Signal

    This garment seemingly is pulling you to another place, maybe to someone or something

    [U 82] Spinal tap

    Made from the Spinal tree in Lusuco, which gives absolutely delicious syrup

    [U 83] Sunshower

    Praised by all, the Sun gives light to the darkness’s maw

    [U 90] Terra’s Mold

    A fingernail? With moss growing on it is what makes up this vest and inside plate

    [U 86] The Courier’s Cape

    Only the Master Postman, Lucy of Ragni, is allowed to wear this honorary cape of the WynnExpress mail service

    [R 89] The Master’s Gi

    Power overcomes your thoughts, but an overwhelming sense of responsibility comes next

    [R 81] Thermosphere

    Ionosphere and Exosphere’s grandfather

    [U 93] Vacuum

    Fits very tight, but just right

    [U 87] Umbral Mail

    Straight from the deepest part of the portal

    [U 85] Toymaker

    Suit and tie of Gavel’s most luxurious entertainment toy creator

    [U 10] Arcane Grieves

    Worn by inhabitants in the Mage Islands, it boost magical prowess a bit

    [U 19] Atheist

    Absolutely destroyed with facts and logic

    [R 18] Burning Pants

    How did it even end up this bad? How is it still burning? What is Kindling it?

    [U 9] Knee

    There’s an arrow in the left one

    [R 11] Columns

    Made from an old pillar before renovations were made in the Ragni castle

    [R 2] Damasse

    Recruits in the Detlas army are given this cloth to wear around their waist whenever a mistake is made

    [U 7] Funnel

    It goes straight to your pockets, even abnormally large objects

    [U 9] Iron Incrusted Pants (Should be encrusted)

    The iron is on the inside, rather than outside for some reason

    [U 19] Golden Pants of Fortune

    A gambling man wore these pants, it’s unclear if the pants gave him the power or he did to the pants

    [U 20] Leech Leggings

    Made of, as expected, leech skin

    [U 17] Jate

    A little bit of everything good in these leggings

    [U 13] Mud Leggings

    Tight fitting, but make sure not to sit down on anything or you most likely will get yelled at

    [R 7] Nipun

    A very cheap steel was made to make this armor

    [U 16] Pigman’s Loincloth

    Very well kept surprisngly

    [U 8] Armored Culottes

    Weights were added to these culottes, but the tacky weaving made it fall all the way to the hem, making it difficult to walk in

    [U 20] Foundation

    [Data Expunged]

    [R 16] Nemract Waders

    Looking along the shore of Nemract sometimes results in finding lost treasure and rotten corpses

    [U 7] Battle Leggings

    Multiple patches across these leggings show that this truly has been in a lot of battles. The original material can’t even be seen

    [U 3] Shin Guards

    Professional pig ball players in Lusuco wear these guards to protect their shins from kicks

    [R 15] Slime Blend Leggings

    Smells absolutely rancid

    [U 12] Sprinter

    Run like the wind

    [R 4] Sokoto

    A nice pair of pants, worn by farmers on Katoa ranch to run around and chase chicken

    [U 5] Starched Pants

    Even basic office workers have a sense of adventure in them

    [U 24] Back Protector

    These trousers serve to ease back pain

    [U 26] Bronze-Plated Greaves

    The bronze works to protect the shins, which it does well

    [R 25] Gold Digger

    Careful of who you talk to with these on

    [R 36] Scorpion Tail

    Thieves aren’t the main killer in Almuj

    [U 40] Discord


    [R 27] Evalach

    Passed down to the king of Ragni from his father’s collection

    [U 40] Homeblende

    Very tackily made, but improved with a few hit of a hamor from a Thanos dwarf

    [R 40] Kaas’ Fur

    Byakko’s pet bear fell to the corruption, her choice to put it down and wear it as a memento was the only decision she could go through with it

    [U 36] Leggings of the Halt

    Tromsian guards wear these to show their undying commitment to never falter or give the enemy even a millimeter of land gained

    [U 39] Mithril Leggings

    Before an armorsmith was able to forge the Mithril Mantle, they focused on smaller less expensive projects

    [U 35] Meditation Robe

    Bantisu monks wear these robes while meditating. Though only a piece of silk, their resolve has made it into a full scale robe with magical properties

    [R 31] Santa’s Pants

    A few sizes too large

    [R 38] Randall’s Leg Platings

    Might be what makes him so hard to kill

    [R 23] Skeletal Leggings

    Made up of a bunch of bones, it rattles wherever you go

    [U 27] Oxidation

    Already started to rust

    [R 36] Pickpockets

    Gives you a nice place to put your stolen loot

    [U 30] Panorama

    The feeling of standing on Mt Wynn and looking across the landscape below is put into these shorts

    [R 34] Plankton

    It lights the dark near you, made from bacteria near Maltic

    [U 34] Priests Underwear

    Let’s not talk about it

    [U 23] Regal Chaps

    Just a replica of those worn by the Ragni King’s Brother’s wife’s father’s chaps

    [R 22] Raecard

    A kilt made for a thief

    [R 24] Relay

    Made for running in, used by employees of WynnExpress Mail

    [R 40] Rusher

    Go fast, but not too fast

    [U 29] Spider Silk Corduroys

    Made of Arakadicus’s silk, it is very light on the skin

    [R 40] Shield

    Protects the legs very well, though it was meant for the back

    [U 25] Selchar’s Famous Breeches

    Really popular in Nesaak for some reason

    [U 37] Sandstone Leggings

    Don’t drop vinegar on it

    [R 32] Seismic Chaps

    Just taking a step with these will cause the earth to quake lightly

    [R 28] Sea Legs

    Sailors hated losing their men going overboard, so they made these jeans that will float on water

    [R 33] Sprint Belt

    Training with this heavy belt makes you even faster

    [U 21] Tarnish

    Best not to ask where the stains come from

    [U 24] The Archeologist

    Found near ruins of Gelibord, apparently younger than the ruins

    [U 28] Verstand

    Kelight’s brother, Kelvik, loves to wear his brothers old pants to feel like the hero he is

    [U 30] Zombified Pants

    Sewn together from flesh, it apparently has only zombified recently…

    [U 32] Urheas

    A long skirt sewn with iron string

    [U 45] Shackles of the Beast

    Growls and roars of pain can be heard from the Ragni sewers, though it is unclear what it’s coming from. They stopped after a while and when investigated, all that was found were these shackles

    [R 59] Antimony

    Just a brittle metal like object, nothing very special here

    [U 50] Basaltic Schynbalds

    A pair of Schynbalds made of basaltic rocks from Mt. Wynn

    [U 58] Bob’s Lost Leggings

    Well, they’re found now

    [R 52] Capsaicin

    Very spicy, careful not to rub it in your eyes or on your legs… wait

    [U 45] Chain Link

    It’s very good for protection against the elements, but the chains are too large to protect actual attacks very well

    [U 48] Clovis Leg Guards

    Tisuan found the guards laying on the ground beneath him, and seeing the thousand man army before him decided against protecting his legs, feeling it would only hinder him

    [U 49] Cognizance

    Big think

    [U 54] Creek

    The suburbs near Detlas used to be a very popular place to dip your legs in on a hot day, now it’s gone

    [R 57] Crescendo

    Allegro would get along with this armor

    [R 50] Culex

    Everyone hates mosquitos, especially magical ones

    [R 55] Fetish

    Feathers and dark, tight-skinned leather adjourn these leggings… best to leave it at that

    [R 56] Molten Greaves

    Pure lava is used for these greaves, but it’s very diluted

    [R 60] Defiance


    [U 50] Doppler

    Move away and sounds become louder, move forward and they suddenly silent

    [U 47] Dragon Hide Leggings

    Goes well with Dragon Hide Plate

    [U 43] Fleet

    At the height of Redbeard’s power, he had more than one ship for every ten people. These schynbalds were made from one of the masts of these ships

    [U 42] Duskshield

    A well made pair of leggings that are made of pure void

    [R 57] Frosted Leggings

    Very cold, going against logic since it’s made of pure bear fur

    [U 59] Ife

    Capian never fought, the genie that lived in the back pocket of his kilt did

    [U 55] Nitre

    The leggings in question that Kratke improved on

    [U 59] Ingrainment (engrainment)

    When will you move? Certainly not soon

    [R 55] Jera

    The Black Bird held these leggings in its possession, because it helped them to find contraband and get even more revenue

    [U 52] Dysnomia

    Words slip your mind as you put on these trousers, but you don’t speak often so it doesn’t really matter

    [U 50] Templar

    The Temple of Legends wasn’t made by any humans in Troms, Ragni, or Nesaak, rather some previous inhabitants

    [U 51] Moisture

    Very uncomfortable to wear, but not for Ensa apparently

    [R 42] Mythical Trousers

    Dodegar’s trousers, but they’re very small… good luck wearing it

    [R 48] Glaciate

    Part iceberg, part skirt, it’s 100% cold to the touch

    [R 58] Greaves of Honor

    For honor, and EXP

    [R 58] Shameful Greaves

    And now, how many lives will go on to be taken because of your actions?

    [R 56] Naga Viper

    Nagas in the Oluxian swamp were taken to make these scaled leggings and they’re extremely poisonous

    [R 51] Nacreous

    The brilliance in this pearl-like material gives off a soothing, silky feeling upon touch.

    [U 51] Overly Ironed Pants

    Starched Pants’ very neurotic older brother

    [U 48] Pragmatism

    If it works, then why not just use it?

    [U 60] Protolith

    Monolith’s don’t just pop up out of nowhere, they have to start small

    [U 54] Quartz Laced Leggings

    Karoc Quarry workers usually wear these, because it helps to protect them in case of falling quartz

    [R 43] Red Ko Rhu

    The Sakura forest, now eroded to only a small area in the Canyon of the Lost, had one of its trees formed into wood thread, and now into a kilt

    [U 59] Lookout

    Looks like a helmet, but it is supposed to be worn at the waist

    [U 60] Wildfire

    Only you can stop iit

    [U 54] Waxed Overalls

    It does go over your garments but… the wax is on the inside

    [R 44] Sow Thistle

    It’s a type of flower that grow only in Olux, from cow fertilizer and the murky swamp waters, giving it unique properties

    [U 51] Dinosaur

    Comes from some old species that inhabited the world

    [U 50] Unrefined Leggings

    Somehow better than Refined Iron Leggings

    [U 53] Troms Climbing Trousers

    Made in Nesaak

    [R 60] Dragster

    The lower suit of a racehorse named Dragster in Ternaves

    [R 70] Quick Strike Leggings

    Measure twice, jump once

    [U 64] Aneurism

    Thankfully not a helmet

    [U 68] Angerpoint

    Small barbs on the inside, almost 130 in count poke at the skin while wearing. It would take a saint or a barbarian to wear these

    [U 66] Atoll

    None found in the ocean…

    [R 70] Aratera

    Odd jeans found in the the Ragni Sewers, guarded by rats who viciously attack anyone who gets near, even if it costs their life

    [U 73] Brook

    Streams of water are used as the fabric to sew these leggings, and seemingly stand still though the water courses around in an incredibly fast manner

    [U 69] Canopy

    Once Tisuan had passed on Byakko learned to use trees to the fullest extent, the leaves for her protection and their height for an advantage

    [U 72] Chinked Leggings

    You’ll get used to the clinking and clanking after a while

    [U 78] Cnidocyte

    Corruption turned this single celled organism into a monstrous sized one, but still only one cell

    [U 78] Coba

    Careful, they’re in the trees

    [U 64] Collier’s Guard

    Miners near Ternaves wore these overalls to protect their clothes from soot and dust, but it didn’t stop them from the corruption

    [R 72] Bane

    You think the light is your ally? You merely adapted to it. I was born in it, shaped by it…

    [R 67] Dalaam

    The great barbarian Dalaam wore only these bear skin leggings into battle, no matter the weather or the opposition forces

    [R 63] Ectoplasm

    Spirits roam around in Wynn, that much is sure, but such a corporeal entity has thusfar been unprecedented

    [R 66] Eitr

    A single strand of hair makes up this belt, but an immense power resides over it. Supposedly from an elder god

    [U 73] Egression

    “No, that’s not how it wo- oh wait yeah you’re right” -Llevigar University students when wearing this pair of slacks

    [R 61] Electrocharge Greaves

    Static electricity builds up while walking, allowing you to attack slightly faster whenever you get shocked, which is frequently

    [R 78] Gert Leggings

    Surprisingly well made and very clean for a Gert

    [U 66] Ironclad

    Sometimes, outdated is better than fancy and niche

    [R 74] Pacifist

    The Frumian cook of the Cinfras guild hall never fights, but she does break them up using her frighteningly strong magic and savory cooking

    [R 78] Phalanx

    Defense, in numbers and quality

    [U 66] Leg of the Scared

    Literally, just one leg and it’s a bit short for comfort

    [U 79] Leggings of Haste

    The angelic like material used in these leggings feel like a swan’s down

    [U 61] Mighty Pants

    Big boy zone

    [U 77] Meltsteel Greaves

    Contact with human skin tends to slightly melt the greaves. Oddly enough it doesn’t on the inside when you wear it

    [U 74] Leggings of Restoration

    Arguably the best pair of leggings ever made, tears and holes on these leggings repair themselves rather rapidly

    [R 67] Fire Wire

    Conducts fire as though it would electricity, and made of a copper-like substance

    [U 76] Nightling

    Residents all across Gavel speak of shadow like beings appearing during the night that simply stare at them in their sleep, usually only to people who wear sets of green pajamas like these to bed

    [U 63] Murk

    Trudge through these waters at your own risk

    [U 61] Ormus

    Another odd metal, the only of it’s kind found in all of the lands

    [R 71] Pandemic

    Citizens of Gavel 30 years ago became frightened when the Necrosis strain appeared to have resurged, in reality it was just a corrupted form of the flu

    [U 73] Particle Plating

    The threading is spaced out, yet it somehow is able to effectively block attacks

    [U 68] Prayer

    “Prayer sometimes is better than prowess” -Faith Healer Sano

    [U 71] Redemption

    After Ensa’s covenant was slain, he mercilessly slaughtered the bandits who had carried out the attack, and took only these leggings for a memento

    [U 65] Redirection

    Youngest of the Reflection and Refraction trio

    [U 67] Reflection

    Middle sibling of the Redirection and Refraction trio

    [U 71] Refraction

    Eldest sibling of the Redirection and Reflection trio

    [U 80] Ringlets

    Protects against the elements, except for air

    [U 72] Charger

    A must have for any Corkian techie

    [U 72] Router

    The path you’ve taken somehow is recorded on this kilt while you wear it

    [R 73] Solum

    Mmmm tastes like dirt

    [R 75] Douglas Fir

    Now extinct, the Douglas Fir was a tree that would devour those that touched its trunk. A splinter is used in this belt and still attacks with tenacity

    [U 62] The Oblivious


    [R 76] Entamyx

    Stats are overrated at this level

    [R 79] The Prisoner

    Shackles make up this armor, making escape difficult in many situations

    [R 75] Triumph

    “Emerge victorious at all costs” -Rodoroc Elite Guard rallying cry

    [U 80] Xyloid

    This fine specimen of wood i- wait no it’s just really well made fabric that looks like wood

    [U 71] Vortex

    Seems to have chosen you more than you chose it

    [R 90] Tera

    The Earth, returned to you

    [U 93] Ardiente

    A burning passion for companionship overcomes you while wearing these greaves

    [U 86] Bantisu’s Approach

    The temple of course wasn’t made in one day, multiple Monks used their own fists to carve out the path that is now used today

    [U 92] Barbarian

    Not related to Virgo, Angerpoint, or Dalaam, just a pair of shaggy pants worn by a small time barbarian near the nether portal

    [R 92] Caterpillar

    Two caterpillar carcasses make up these pants, lord knows where they come from

    [R 94] Cadence

    Stick to the rhythm of battle with these dancing leggings

    [R 89] Lion’s Pelt

    A normal pelt, from a Lion Matriarch

    [U 99] Crestfallen

    An old cult on the Half-Moon island worshipped these greaves to the point where corruption replaced their thoughts and mind

    [R 93] Dark Channeler

    Forbidden knowledge is attracted to these cursed greaves, for better or for worse

    [R 96] Dionaea

    A genus of carnivoruous plants used to inhabit the Dernel Jungle, now they can be worn as passive plants

    [R 90] Earthbreaker

    It’s not named for being something that could break the earth, but rather from something that already had before

    [R 94] Efteling

    This excessively large skirt was used by Granny Esther of Ragni to calm the children and men in the Ragni sewers during the siege

    [U 83] Fulmine Belt

    Now the thunder has been commanded into the buckle of this belt, for your use

    [U 86] Equalizer

    Amazing how the enemies power can be used against them

    [U 83] Galvanization

    Pants, but mechanized to stop the redundancy of their ugly human patterns

    [R 98] Cinderchain

    Forged from Ozoth’s sleeping breath is this charred wooden chain, now used for defense rather than attack

    [R 90] Elder Oak Roots

    The oldest tree in Gavel, kept secret so that it no longer will be vandalized, once had its branch cut to make wooden fibers, then used in multiple other creations

    [R 94] Trench Scourer

    The wars fought between Llevigar and Cinfras have been all but forgotten, except for these military fatigues

    [R 82] Static Charged Leggings

    Seems like opposites attract one another

    [R 89] Leggings of Desolation

    Barely passes off as dental floss

    [R 86] Turbine Greaves

    Makes a cool wind noise when you walk, but does nothing besides that

    [R 84] Harmony

    The design on these leggings truly show the prowess of Detlas Wool Merchant, Marcus

    [U 94] Hero’s End

    But your journey does not

    [R 90] Horizon

    Skien looked off to the ends of the Earth, and what he saw changed him

    [U 84] Shockwave

    The fabric ripples whenever near a devastatingly strong enemy. It has thus far only rippled once

    [U 82] Ley Lines

    Control the mana, it is now under your control

    [R 95] Leitreach Makani

    Outcasts of the Temple of Legends often turn to the jungle to give them strength, and they often receive too much

    [R 86] Marsh Waders

    Nemract Waders finally grew up after a trip to Olux

    [U 84] Molten Flow

    Very hot especially to be in contact with… why are you wearing it again?

    [U 96] Mycelium Plating

    Mooshrooms on Detlas plains consumed this foliage to gain their strength, but only a fraction of it

    [R 99] One For All

    And all for one

    [R 100] Neutrino

    Doesn’t react positively, ever

    [U 99] Ration

    While Remika was still a soldier, he made sure to put his fellow soldiers above him, giving the clothes off his back and the food off his plate

    [U 89] Rapids

    Alcohol flows freely from this enchanted skirt, coincidentally very sought after by Rykar

    [R 99] Philophilia

    Love is all you need

    [U 98] Resolve

    It will not be shaken, and neither are these greaves whenever hit by an attack

    [U 97] Resistance

    Gale wore these jeans whenever entering Ohms lab

    [R 96] Stalactite

    Would server better as a weapon

    [U 86] Carbon Weave

    Serves as a great example of the intersection of fashion and durability

    [U 87] Siliquartz Blend

    Even this is mass produced because quartz is so abundant

    [R 94] Rodorocs Guard

    Used by people who idolize the Rodoroc military but cannot serve

    [U 91] Steamstone

    These leggings are loved by neat freaks, because it’s self ironing

    [U 89] Vulcameal Leggings

    Chainmail and volcanoes because why not

    [R 82] Ehoole Drakeskin

    Not as good as Dragon Hide though

    [U 81] Brass Leg Plates

    Why brass is still used by such high leveled adventurers is still unkown

    [U 87] Wooly Long Johns

    Self explanatory really

    [R 98] Seipodon

    Ancient beings used to inhabit gavel and wynn, though what caused them to go extinct is still unknown

    [R 82] Shell of Genbu

    Historians still aren’t sure who this Genbu, though it is speculated to be related to the Leviathan Sea Snapper

    [R 82] Sprintguard

    Only the most elite of the WynnExpress Mail service use these joggers for the most priority class mail

    [U 90] Steel Wool

    Fuzzy, but still hurts a bit

    [U 90] Struggle

    To put on

    [R 97] The Golem

    It attacked Ohm, and Ohm dispatched it. But the core of it was never found

    [U 91] Tailwind

    Only during intense battles would Gale don this skirt, because it felt weird to run in but easy to as well

    [U 87] The Ephemeral

    Somehow lasts for a long time despite being made of a very easy to rip material

    [U 81] The Rupturer

    Walking with these does nothing, but at night when you sle- wait have you even rested?

    [U 85] Touroto Trousers

    Lord knows how long it took to skin the Touroto

    [U 95] Turquoise

    Named first before the color

    [U 89] Vacancy

    Empty yourself, the burden on your back will be lessened

    [U 88] White Hot Leggings

    Seriously, who is making these pants that can hurt you?

    [U 90] Garland

    Flowers and herbs grow on these pants, even in the dryest desert and wettest rain, thanks to the blessing from Entia

    (Boots are in a comment below, there's an 80k character limit)

    Pros for added Lore
    - It adds a new quality of life dimension to the players when they are engaged in the world, which may be a way to get player retention into the server
    - Lore updates can become more frequent with the release of items, and the lore can be built on frequently and in whatever direction the content team wishes for
    - Different groups of people can be satisfied with different lore, some items carrying serious lore and others merely being a joke
    - There can be more player interaction and community involvement with naming/creating/giving backstories to items
    - Writing Contests can become a thing to get even more player involvement into creating and fleshing out the world of Wynn
    - Heroes/notable people can be spoken about in the lore (such as tisuan/cerid/gale etc) along with going into the backstories of lesser known individuals to create a greater sense of time and character
    - [The Best Argument] The World of Wynn can be updated regularly and frequently without having to actually update the map, delving into the lore of items is the best way to do this. New characters can be introduced, plot holes can be addressed, and hype for new upcoming areas/features can be hyped up. Adding more lore into the game is something that should be seriously considered since it'll enhance the story of wynncraft a lot

    - It takes a massive amount of time to go through each item and create a short backstory for it
    - It's unfair to Legendaries/Mythics since they are then not "unique" with a flavored text
    - The player economy may inflate for pre-lore/post-lore items
    - [The Best Argument] It's can't easily be implemented to the game because items cannot be recalled and reissued perfectly enmass

    Solutions to cons: Rather than give each item a hard copy lore, add in a "Lore Master" in select towns that can read the lore to you. Thus the best argument isn't a problem because the items themselves aren't necessarily changed, they instead serve as a sort of gateway to allow players to learn the story behind it without needing the lore actually added to each item

    Legendaries and Mythics can just get an entire short story to them, so that they're even more impactful.

    Note: the lore part of the whole thing is optional with the lore master. It's a way to get players more engaged but it doesn't have to be a mandatory aspect of play.
    Nukewarmachine and StormKing3 like this.
  2. SueDiscroded

    SueDiscroded Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Here's the boots section, as stated above

    [U 20] Greenhoof

    Even as a youngling, wherever Entia walked, vibrant earth followed

    [U 15] Arcane Boots

    Wizards in training at the Mage Islands wear these boots to slow their physical growth and accelerate their magical prowess

    [R 20] Ado Saki

    From some far off land, it is unknown where exactly it originates from, though Sensei Miyagi supposedly hails from there

    [U 5] Brightboots

    Small magical feets like a lit path and knowing what you’re stepping on are always a plus

    [R 14] Carvel’s creation

    Apparently, great fishermen aren’t always the best shoe makers. But Macie didn’t care

    [R 20] Stingy

    An iconic brand of the villagers, with white typeface on a green background

    [U 3] Elven Moccasins

    The few times the elves do wear footwear, it’s usually for stealth purposes

    [R 5] Exion

    A far off planet has the same soil as found on these boots

    [R 8] Featherweight

    So… still weighs like a feather right?

    [U 19] Goliath

    These sandals are at least twenty sizes too big, but you can still somehow manage

    [U 20] Hiker’s boots

    Pairs well with Troms’ Hiking Trousers

    [U 10] Kickers

    You still cant kick, cause it’s against Wynnic law

    [R 11] Kuuichi

    These fashionable socks are best used when studying for tests, though that might not help you

    [U 10] Ancient Scout Shoes

    Though they are still in the semblance of a shoe, the mold growing on it should be an indication not to wear it

    [R 12] Forgotten

    Eh, I’ll write in the lore later

    [R 17] Medico

    Sano’s boots, they contain absolutely no healing properties but people still act as though they do because of Placebo

    [U 14] Aerolia Boots

    Is time slowing down or does this have negative walk speed on it?

    [U 8] Plated Boots

    Whoever thought that dinner plates were a good idea for boots were somewhat correct because it worked

    [U 7] Treasure Boots

    Pretty good for finding treasure, but the real one is in you

    [U 9] Fruma Imported Boots

    Because you just had to forget yours at home

    [U 9] Merchant Sandals

    They’re called merchant sandals, not because merchants wear them, but because they make money off of selling it to gullible people

    [R 14] Nesaak Snowshoes

    Theorick Twain was brilliant, but even he had faults, case in point trying to sell snow shoes in Troms

    [U 1] Plains Runner

    Suddenly useless when walking on anything but a plain

    [R 2] Sargasso

    Show this to an old Ragni knight and they’ll recognize it as belonging to Old Man McCarthy

    [U 13] Spiked Cleats

    It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s free; kicking your opponents in the shin with cleats

    [U 11] Slippery Boots

    They’re slipper on the inside though…

    [U 19] Steel Toed Boots

    These boots are cursed to turn your toes into steel

    [U 8] Toes Tickler

    The grass tickles your feet as you run, the hands on the inside of the shoes has nothing to do with it

    [U 17] Wormwood

    It wriggles around a lot as you walk, even though it’s made of wood

    [R 30] Adigard’s Snowshoes

    Not all heroes become legends, but Adigard’s continual efforts to keep the street of Nesaak clean is certainly praiseworthy

    [U 38] Copper-Alloy boots

    Someone walking the Emerald Trail was hit with a bright idea to make these boots, and the promptly by some copper falling from an overhang

    [U 22] Boots of the Sorcerer

    Nilrem never was a flashy man, his spells certainly were

    [U 31] Coalwalker

    All boots are Coalwalkers if you’re brave enough

    [R 40] Diorite Boots

    These boots were fashioned in such a way that they provide all the protection of diorite without their heavy weight

    [R 33] Dune Sandals

    Copious amounts of sand in them

    [R 37] Gypsum

    A powdery snow was found in the Nesaak river, as it hardened it also took in magical energy from the nearby Twains

    [U 23] Hertz

    If you manage to hit the natural frequency on these boots, you’ll get a free foot massage and ringing ears

    [U 25] Impure Morph Gold

    “Test #97V-8C” -Inscription on the soles of the shoe

    [R 37] Kilpkonn

    Made of a Leatherback Dragon Turtle’s hide, it provides excellent defense and fashion to the feet

    [U 33] Knight Boots

    Sadly, these are a knock-off of the real deal

    [U 28] Lucky Boots

    Gaudy and rather tasteless, especially considering it’s made up of a bunch of dice

    [U 22] Mystical Sandals

    Far out Fruman

    [R 34] Quicksand Crossers

    Careful while wearing these, your density lowers to make you lighter than air

    [R 33] Santa Boots

    Very large boots, belonging to Santa

    [U 39] Ragni’s Old Shoes

    Lost after a great thief had plundered the castle, these shoes belonged to the original founder of Ragni- Ragni the Great

    [U 35] Oxford

    More for fashion than protection, the back of the boot nips at your heel

    [R 28] Roaming Thief

    Belonging to a thief who ransacked the Ragni castle almost one thousand years ago, it provides for quick getaways in the most unorthodox ways

    [U 34] Rubber Rainboots

    Great for swamps and heavy flooding

    [U 40] Sacred

    And mass produced apparently

    [U 34] Crocodile

    Once they had mutated due to the corruption, Detlas Crocodiles had to be hunted and skinned for their hide by parties of one hundred or more

    [U 23] Swamp Treads

    The same concept as snow shoes, but intended for liquid water and not solid water

    [U 25] Portable Buoys

    Same concept as Swamp Treads, but with a few modifications to allow it to walk on water… if you’re under one meter tall

    [U 29] Sharp Heels

    A regular pair of stilettos, with the heel being sharpened a bit

    [U 36] Skeleton Boots

    You can feel the skins crawling on your back as you don these boots

    [U 24] Stamina

    Stamina to run away from battle, not to jump into it

    [R 25] The Brigand’s Brogues

    The Emerald Trail also got its name from the massive amounts of emeralds that were lost from a single bandit who would swoon aristocrats walking down the path

    [U 25] Ventilator

    Kratke made these boots when he was angry. He takes his puns a bit to seriously.

    [U 41] Blackened Boots

    Supposedly these boots are corrupt enough that they turn the wearer’s soul to be completely dark as a void. Donning them seems to have no effect on you

    [U 53] Bladerunners

    The technically true name for ice skates

    [U 50] Coronium

    A Cinfrasian scientist once believed he had found a new element on the sun, however his quick conclusions and superiority complex are the reason why Cinfras is no longer credited with good education

    [U 49] Death’s Toe

    His pinky toe to be exact

    [U 46] Dance Boots

    One of the prototypes of the Detlas Dance, it was discontinued because it kept snapping the ankles of those who wore it

    [U 55] Dead Man’s Flats

    Before Death had become the Demigod that he was, he had to prove himself worthy by engaging in mortal combat with Tisuan for over forty-eight days and nights before falling

    [U 51] Dust Bowl

    Caused by Crop Failures almost 450 years ago, these bowls shaped as shoes were imbued with magical properties in order to regrow the earth

    [R 48] Durum’s Journey

    The legendary explorer Durum couldn’t have gone far without these boots in tow

    [U 57] Dolomite

    The lesser known sibling of Stalagmite and stalactite

    [U 48] Foot Warmers

    As the name suggests, they do indeed warm people’s feet

    [U 59] Galena

    The creator of the Shawl of Gaea, Galena, made these boots as proof that the elements and armor can indeed be one and the same, over a thousand years ago

    [U 60] Evaporator

    It seems the stats have left along with the water

    [R 43] Ice Climbing Boots

    A very shoddily made contraption of a boot with vines along the bottom so as to grip the ice better

    [U 50] Incandescent

    Made of material from the Nether from an unknown source, the structure of these shoes is largely radical and unknown in the world of Wynnic fashion

    [U 51] Hardline

    Very soft and round edges ironically

    [R 47] Kaleidoscope

    Gazing into the shoes reveal a foot that looks to be yours but seems… different

    [U 56] Deluge

    The properties of a flood were put into these galoshes, but done incorrectly so that only the fear of the flood is present

    [U 55] Light Kaekell

    A Kaekell, one of the more obscure types of shoes in Detlas fashion similar to that of an inverted shoe, was made to be more aerodynamic

    [U 56] Magmawalkers

    Warning: Do not try this at home

    [U 53] Mistpuff

    Coming from Sensei Miyagi’s disciple, these getas were thrown out because they kept emitting mist at the most inopportune moments

    [U 58] Marsh Runner

    Water and mud simply slide off these galoshes

    [R 53] Muskeg

    The dirt and grime one these boots dont appear to be from any known province

    [U 45] Muddy Soles

    If you can tolerate the squishy feel of mud, then these boots are just for you

    [R 54] Philophobia

    Love is a fickle matter- Gale Nasin

    [R 58] Naragath’s Hoof

    This hoof, carved to be a boot, is still almost far to large to wear. Wearing it seems to cause slight insanity, the same way that Naragath was driven from her throne

    [U 43] Prosto Boots

    Pig Ball champion Vin wore these boots in his last championship match before retiring

    [U 52] Placid Step

    With intelligence comes knowledge that unnecessary violence is bad

    [U 60] Racer’s Shoes

    Oddly enough, no sports shop nor athlete has ever been confirmed to have ever used or sold one of these oddly sleek shaped shoes

    [R 60] Reindeer Paws


    [U 45] Bob’s Sacrifice

    Travelling with Baab, Mooington, and Cluckles made Bob realize vegan was the way to go

    [U 51] Longtail Boots

    The tails of the now extinct Skien Dark-Lurkers have been repurposed as a great diving fin for people to use

    [U 50] Battalion

    Strength in numbers

    [R 51] Sano’s Wisdom

    The boots that actually do heal, rather than his older pair, Medico

    [U 44] Sandstorm Walker

    All boots are sandstorm walkers if you’re brave enough

    [U 59] Synergy

    Works well with anything really

    [U 60] Succulent Sneakers

    Who would’ve thought that the carnivorous Jupiter Fly Traps in the Dernel jungle could have been used as a way to protect the feet

    [U 51] Tainted Step

    The first of the corrupted to emerge from the Roots all wore these now discontinued standard issued shoes.

    [R 59] Talaria

    Of the many explorers to have explored deep into Ahmsord, only these hiking boots have been found on the trail there

    [U 53] Turbulence

    It’s very easy to trip with these getas, especially since they’re rather shoddily made

    [R 70] Shadestep

    Shadows from trees bend so that they can cover you when you wear these boots

    [U 71] Abyssal Walkers

    They’re not from this world- Inscription on the inside of the sole

    [U 77] Aldorei’s Tear

    Crying is indeed a way to get rid of toxins

    [R 66] Astral Walkers

    They only truly exist in the astral plane

    [R 63] Arcus

    Arcus, the founder of the mage islands, was a simple woman who simply wished to practice controlling the elements to her will

    [U 79] Black Sheep

    Made from synthetic fibers

    [R 65] Bloudil

    “Please return to appartment 17”

    [U 74] Calidum Aurea

    Llevigar university is somewhat known for its pranksters, these “standard” issued shoes hamper student’s abilities to perform spells. Popular around exam times

    [U 71] Cassiterite

    Chef Christina’s signature dish, the Cassiterite, can only be made in these specially forge trays- now repurposed as a pair of snow walkers

    [U 80] Centennial

    Damn centennials and their Cassiterites

    [U 68] Cenote

    Check around for Anote, Benote, Denote and their flat versions

    [R 69] Cirrus

    Made from a Cirrus tree, hidden away from most people, are these clogs. The orangey smell from them is abundant

    [U 73] Cyanine

    Filthy acts at a reasonable price

    [R 68] Demeter

    Measures a foot in length

    [R 78] Determination

    Goes well with Awesome bandana and Zeal

    [U 69] Ekeloch

    The Ekeloch flower, one of the most poisonous in all of Gavel, is heavily regulated due to how many deaths it has been accounted for

    [U 62] Enderman’s Feet

    They come and go at will

    [U 66] Firefly

    Does not actually give you the ability to fly, sadly

    [U 63] Firequake

    Your steps shake the earth as you walk, and cause a lot of property damage combined with the fire

    [U 72] Groundshakers

    A little bit less property damage than Firequake

    [U 67] Hellwalk

    The fire properties of Firequake have now been imbued into these boots

    [U 63] Adanac

    These slippers from the Nessake lodge certainly are comfortable- and heavy

    [U 70] Remedy

    Bandages. It’s just bandages. Blessed by Sano though.

    [R 77] Bakteri

    Microbes in the shoes engage in a symbiotic relationship with the wearer, giving them the leach like power and taking some health in return

    [U 76] Verdigris Sabatons

    Not as popular as the Crusader sabatons

    [U 78] Lerteco

    The famous dancer Lerteco once had these shoes, and still does because these are a knockoff brand

    [R 70] Paw

    The front right and bottom right paw to be exact

    [R 80] Missing

    The shoes are actually there, you just hallucinate them to not be there

    [R 72] Outburst

    Let the anger dwelling withing you release itself

    [U 64] Reverb

    From the famous musician Ko-Itchi, these boots seem to amplify and reverb sounds emitted in the vicinity

    [U 71] Cold Snap

    As the name suggests, snapping with these boots on turns the area in a 15 meter radius to be cold

    [R 72] Letum

    Once engineers have abandoned all hope on a project, they usually scrap it and create whatever piece of armor they chose, in hopes someone will buy it for a fair price

    [U 71] Searing Soles

    A great way to cook on the go

    [R 74] Vei Haon

    It’s very difficult to read the inside inscription, something something dern something

    [U 62] The Silent

    When you walk with these shoes, you’ll hear no footsteps. If you put your volume to zero too

    [U 80] Dragulj Boots

    Very balanced but very tacky too

    [R 71] Silkworm

    The Gavellian Silkworm, first discovered by Durum, is one of the most venomous creatures to have ever been found inside the Cinfras bonds, next to toads

    [R 78] Scale of Sieryu

    The name is now long forgotten to the Bantisu Monks

    [U 79] Sturdy

    Especially Considering that they’re made of paper

    [R 79] Slipstream

    Only works on water

    [U 65] Tempered Boots

    Only the saltiest of sailors can wear these boots on missions

    [R 75] The Oppressors

    Leave your privelege at the door

    [U 63] Tremorstep

    The little kids version of Groundshaker

    [R 72] Vinecrawlers

    These sandals allow you to climb vines insanely fast if you use only your feet

    [U 75] Ice Skates

    For ice skating

    [U 75] Way Back Home

    It leads you in circles, while others do find their place

    [U 73] Whitestone

    Made from materials in the Canyon of the Lost and forged in Thanos, these boots certainly are expensive

    [U 63] Whitewater

    The easiest to harvest of the water spectrum

    [R 99] All For One


    [U 98] Battleground Dancer

    The best of the Detlas Dance Company, Lerteco, eventually used his skills on the battlefield once he was conscripted

    [U 82] Boots of Blue Stone

    Somewhat true to its name, the stones are more aquamarine than anything

    [U 91] Belligerence

    Of course, anger overcomes you once you take off these boots

    [U 81] Bubbline

    An exotic ingredient, bubbline, is a tough and chewy plant that can be used for both armor and garnishing

    [U 91] Ceramic Shell Greaves

    Ceramics aren’t widely used, but these greaves certainly are a strong argument to augment them into armor

    [U 87] Condensation

    A spell turns nearby water particles into shoes for you to wear

    [R 87] Dust Skaters

    Sand and sediments beneath your feet turn to glass to glide you through the dust

    [U 92] Corruption Seal

    As time goes on, the boots slowly degrade

    [U 93] Crater Print

    An anti-shoe, if that makes sense

    [U 86] Cracklers

    Party bombs and these greaves use the same firecrackers in their design

    [R 93] Sine

    Cosine and tangent are nowhere to be found

    [U 85] Dart Frog’s Skin

    It’s an actual frog in the shape of a dart

    [U 99] Curador Boots

    Sadly, these knockoffs of Sano’s boots have lead to many hopefuls to die from not getting the proper care they need

    [R 84] Ensa’s Ideals

    Thoughts, now solidified into a physical form

    [R 90] Exhaustion

    You’re too tired to read this

    [U 87] Flashing Boots

    Epilepsy warning

    [U 100] Fermion

    The Statue at Kandon-Beda was modeled after the warrior that always stood his ground, before being turned into the actual statue

    [U 88] Grip of the Land

    Roots and vines reach out from the ground to keep you in place

    [R 85] Flashstep

    Skip a step here and there

    [R 89] Humbark Moccasins

    Oddly poisonous for a tree that is known for its healing properties

    [R 97] Mantlewalkers

    Sadly, it doesn’t matter much unless you’re in Rodoroc

    [R 93] Silt of the Seafloor

    Actually from Jofash Docks, not the seabed

    [R 81] Thunderous Steps

    No thunder actually flashes, it’s just a noise from the boots that sounds loud and obnoxious

    [U 86] Hysteria

    The name is a bit oxymoronic, it only makes you histeric

    [R 99] Kickback

    If you’re not able to fight well, you better be able to run

    [R 87] Bloodlust

    Nothing changes in you when you put these greaves on

    [R 96] Burnout

    One last push before you give up entirely

    [U 83] Enduzskam

    Euila jenafke, a feka eeaqea

    [R 86] Ouroboros

    Now, completion of the cycle

    [R 95] Leadlights

    Despite being made of solid lead, these boots do indeed emit light around fog

    [U 84] Lichenwal

    Very close to Eichen

    [R 91] Mesosphere

    Solidified somehow, it’s properties are largely unknown.

    [U 81] Moss

    Lichen, actually

    [R 98] Paradox

    If you replace all the planks in a house one by one, is it the same house or a new one?

    [R 93] Riverflow

    Might cause you to change direction every once in a while

    [U 94] Cloudwalkers

    By cloud, they mean smoke clouds on the ground

    [R 85] Fallbreakers

    Technically, all classes have a fall breaker if they’re a high enough level

    [U 86] Corkian Jet Boots

    Mass produced from a design made by Cerid

    [R 87] Latency

    It’s still being produced, once the actual model comes out you can exhange this product

    [U 93] Ramhoof

    Again, it’s not from a ram but rather a sheep. Close enough though

    [R 90] Low World Greaves

    When bodyguards look you up and down to see if you can enter, they’re really looking to see if you have a pair to signify your commitment to it

    [R 81] Earthlink

    It does indeed keep you near the earth

    [U 84] Canyon Strider

    Now extinct, the Striders used to terrorize the lands of the Canyon of the Lost, until Tisuan was able to banish them to where they came from

    [U 86] Surefooter

    Shoes that agree with you, litearlly

    [U 97] Sapphire

    The better Boots of Blue Stone

    [U 90] Scaldsteppers

    Wherever you step, you will be burned

    [R 92] Seismosoul

    The Earth resounds with your every step

    [R 88] Sempiternel


    [R 97] Shaggy Boots

    Named so because of their hair like quality. It’s actually stone

    [R 88] Statue

    Carved from a rock located at the foot of the Kandon-Beda statue, it’s properties remain

    [U 95] The Stokers

    Much more friendly than the Cinfras Brokers

    [U 94] Undefined

    A vertical asymptote

    [U 96] Updraft

    Careful with what clothes you where with this

    [U 98] Valhalla

    Why this gives soul points regen makes literally no sense

    [R 95] Charcoal

    All coal, to an extent, is charred

    [R 94] Wind Mimic

    How does one even mimic the wind? With shoes apparently

    [U 89] Wavedash

    Best with warrior classes
  3. kojirobin

    kojirobin ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer VIP

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    i haven't read all the item lore suggestions but i can see that some of them are really basic and don't need to be added.

    And i think the reason many items don't get lore is to make players focus on bigger lores and plotlines that have bigger history or impacts on the game, and they are also in expression via the legendaries
    Bart (MC) and ParkourTNT like this.
  4. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    first of all, this would take years to implement just due to how many items there are, and building a serious story based off of item lore is pretty dumb, a good story should be shown, not told. the cons you provided are also very important reasons that very well outweigh the pros, me and a lot of players I know don't care at all about petty item lore, and instead would want the item team and writers to make actual story and better items instead of giving a random unique item lore, that about 2% of the playerbase has even touched due to how unimportant it is

    (also after reading Awesome Bandanas lore I lost faith in deciding to read any of the suggested lores you made)
  5. SueDiscroded

    SueDiscroded Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    It actually took me less than 48 hours combined (one person). And as I said, the content team can take this in any direction they would like whether it be for humor or for a better story. There's a lot of plot points that are simply left out. Like everything about the prior heroes of Gavel, the Necrosis strain, basically everything that's written in the lore of the items has no solid connection to the game itself so why not expand on it to flesh the game out. I agree that the lower level items really don't need lore, and I highly doubt anybody would actually want to read the lore I suggested, it's just for show. And seriously, a lot of the items are really unimaginative in stats and names (like simply adding WS+EXP+LB+RF and calling it a day for items, and some item names don't even make sense like Enduzskam)
  6. dj_contagious

    dj_contagious Lutican

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    like the scepter and the Almuj Empire
  7. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff warrior. HERO

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    Adding lore to items won't make 'Post lore, and pre lore' variants. All items are able to have lore added to there pre-existing state, in fact, this happens a lot with mythics, like guardian, alkatraz so on, they didn't have lore when they were first added. I.e. it won't make two items, it will just update all the items in the game to have the lore.
    Bart (MC), Druser and SueDiscroded like this.
  8. MegidoGamerGod

    MegidoGamerGod megido >gamer< god GM CHAMPION

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    the lore you wrote may have taken less than 48 hours, but it wasn't at all up to the quality standard of wynncraft. the writers or item team would have to actually put a lot of thought and effort in to giving each item (which were not created with giving them lore in mind, aside for the name) a proper lore with no loopholes and a very limited amount of memes and references. for your second point, it would be much better to give very minor stories like those actual importance in the game, via npc dialogue or maybe actual quests, instead of slapping "hey this is also related to (x) thing" at the bottom of a random rare items description. also, it's not that no one is going to read the lore YOU made, rather it's that no one would read the official lore, aside for an unimaginative group of people that don't want to give items their own reason and story (it IS an MMORPG, players should have the ability to make their own adventure and story) that also have an interest in the very minor stuff of wynncrafts lore; so basically a very small portion of the playerbase.

    the best way to add all these little things to wynncrafts overall story would not be to add it to items, with the purpose of influencing combat, rather expand on the map and add things like discoveries, or eastereggs like llevigars library.
    SueDiscroded likes this.
  9. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    This is a really, really thorough and well thought out post. I'm apsolutely surprised and almost angered that this has no likes, whereas Benson-Flower's simple response did (not a bash at BF, his comment is well founded and has a good point). I think some of these are really neat, however some of them are a bit lame, to be perfectly honest and harsh:

    "Careful, rocks are sharp and can bruise your face" - Well, obviously

    "Does not improve resource gathering for mining" - Okay then, has nothing to do with proper lore, but fine

    "Crunching numbers and your own bones has never been easier" - Your own bones?? What are you, some sick masochist?????

    However, the majority of them are really cool, so well done for them!

    EDIT: Also I really love your pros and cons, showing how you can view both side of the argument. Which, I think, is really good.
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  10. kojirobin

    kojirobin ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer VIP

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    i mean its only 2 likes
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  11. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    This probably wouldn't be as hard as people think it is to implement, besides obviously thinking of countless lores.

    I'm against it though, because I think it'd clutter information a bit too much. I like that most legendaries and mythics have their own flavor text, it really adds to the "I found a rare item!!" experience for newer players. If everything had lore, most people would skip over them. People already skip over a lot of the legendaries lore, that'd make matters worse.

    It's important to have direct information on what X item does, especially with new players in mind, where items have simple stats such as "+2% Walk Speed". Adding lore to everything might confuse people.
    Moreover, I think most items simply don't really need any extra lore? They have cool names and I don't think they should have more than that. Also, there would certainly be some sort of "burnout" where the added item lore become gradually "lazier".

    I do agree that it has potential, maybe some items could get some lore, but I'm definitely against adding lore to all/most items. I don't know if any of my arguments made sense, sorry?

    -clutters important item information
    -wont make legends and mythics as cool
    -people will quickly get bored of them
  12. kojirobin

    kojirobin ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer VIP

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    this is exactly what the game should be like in item lore imo.

    most items should stay loreless but some specific uniques and rares and sets and whatever could have lore at least relating to one of the many main lores (which obviously also relate to)
  13. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    At the very least, before adding this, all legendaries need to have lore.
    A Human and Muchwag like this.
  14. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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  15. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music Item Team GM CHAMPION

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    We want to improve the lore of the items that already are in existence, for one thing, and we haven't even added lore to all the legendaries yet. We'd have to do such a thing before we even considered lore for rares or uniques that aren't part of contests or special cases such as Bob's Battle Chestplate.
    FinnDestren and Bart (MC) like this.
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