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World A Small Tweak To The Teleport Spell

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Lulink13, May 19, 2019.


What do you think?

  1. Yeah, I have this problem! Fix it with solution n°1 (backwards)!

    0 vote(s)
  2. Yeah, I have this problem! Fix it with solution n°2 (crouch)!

  3. I have this problem but it's no big deal / it can't be helped

  4. I don't have this problem (despite playing a mage)

  5. I have no idea what you are talking about lol. Please rephrase in English.

    0 vote(s)
  6. I'm unsure / have no opinion on the subject

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Lulink13

    Lulink13 A french player

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    TL;DR: allow the teleport spell to optionally turn you around by 180° to face the enemy you just phased through.

    If you've spent enough time playing a mage without a party you would know how much trouble they can have dealing with large and fast crowds (especially in cramped spaces). I have no problem with that since it's balanced as they have advantages in other areas in which they shine.

    HOWEVER, these combat situations feel very clunky to me compared to other classes: you have no speed, to outrun or go around enemies, no fast or strong knockbacks and only one way of reliably escaping enemies closing-in on you: teleporting through them, which can be stopped by walls in all indoor situations.

    My problem is that when you teleport you end-up facing away from the enemies you just hit, so you have to quickly turn around while verifying exactly where you are relative to the mob(s) and potentially the ones that are now closer to you since you teleported. That's a little bit too much to manage when the mage's attack also require the precise aiming (especially the meteor).

    I feel like if there was a way to automatically turn around when using teleport in combat it would make these close and crowded encounters much smoother and manageable.

    My solutions involve choosing whether you do the turn-around or not when casting (on the last click):
    1. If you are moving backwards you turn around
      • Why backwards? Because when traveling you usually run toward your target while chaining teleports whereas in the situations the turn-around is useful in you usually try to put a gap between you and the target by moving backwards.
    2. If you are crouching you turn around
      • Why crouching? Because some other spells have secondary effects triggered by crouching already, like the escape spell of the archer.
      • Also this reduced the chances of using it by mistake since crouching is only used in some parkour sections where teleporting isn't primordial (usually). What I mean is that it would not disrupt the players used to the normal teleport too much, in theory by being hard to trigger by accident.

    As a bonus you get to see the cool trail of flames you left behind, which is hard to admire in curent game-play without using double F5.

    So does this sound like a change you'll see yourself using?
    If so which of these two options sound the most intuitive to you?
    If you have other ideas related to this, feel free to share them as this idea is quite bare-bone.
    Last edited: May 19, 2019
    brokenmotor likes this.
  2. kojirobin

    kojirobin ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer VIP

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    there's no unsure button in the poll
  3. Lulink13

    Lulink13 A french player

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    IMO if you don't have an opinion you don't vote, but I added the option if that makes you feel better.
    kojirobin likes this.
  4. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    I personally don't really have that much trouble with Teleport.

    When fighting large amounts of mobs, I usually either teleport away (note that I don't use it it attack, but to gain a better distance for meteor spamming), and/or use Ice Snake while spazzing uncontrollibly strategically.

    But if you do use Teleport for its blinding properties, I can understand wanting a bit of a change. However, I still think both options aren't always as useful, as I walk back while cycling spells quite often and then teleport to get away and regen some mana, and shifting for powder specials sometimes take like 3 seconds, after which you're gonna want to teleport away and heal.
    In both scenarios you'd be dead before you reposition yourself from being unexpectedly turned around. I don't really have any good alternative to shifting or walking back, but maybe if you're teleporting over a mob within 15-20° of where you're looking?

    tl;dr it's a good idea but i'm gonna vote no for selfish reasons, too used to manually repositioning myself
  5. kojirobin

    kojirobin ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer VIP

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    I did want to give my opinion that I wasn't sure which answer I'd give, so basically both seem acceptable, you know.

    This could be necessary but in some occasions it makes the situation worse. (especially for situation 1)

    But sure why not.
  6. brokenmotor

    brokenmotor Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    While I don't feel this change in necessary, I do think it would be a good quality of life change if implemented. I prefer the crouching solution, because crouching is already used in spells.
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