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World Fleshed Out Characters + Followers?

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Devilling, May 15, 2019.


Fleshed out Characters + Followers?

  1. Yes (Both)

  2. Yes (Followers Only)

    0 vote(s)
  3. Yes (Character Development Only)

  4. No (Both)

  5. No (Followers Only)

  6. No (Character Development Only)

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Devilling

    Devilling Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    I'd like to throw a few of my ideas here, too, since I tend to get attached to characters and stories.

    One thing I'd really like to see in the future is more fleshed out characters- instead of one-and-done kind of quests, I'd love for there to be more quests that link into each other. (Like the Wynn Excavation Quests, I loved those)

    I'd also love to see characters like the Seaskipper Captain get their own quest- if he doesnt have one later down the line. (only at level 68 atm) That Kraken I keep hearing about seems fun to fight.

    I'd also really like to see companions- be it recruit-able, quest-only or otherwise. I think it'd be fun to have a Skyrim-like companion system in place where you can do quests to get NPCs to 'like' you, and different NPCs would have different stats and you can equip them with gear and stuff as they follow you around. I figure if its for quests it could tie into the fleshing characters out more thing. I like being immersed in a story and right now, having done all of the quests up to my level, a select few characters really jump out at me which is a little disappointing.


    Please ignore the bottom two answers of the poll, I was told they were a little confusing ^^; Sorry for that!
    Last edited: May 16, 2019
  2. brokenmotor

    brokenmotor Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I'm not very enthusiastic about your followers idea - seeing how buggy the simple, cosmetic pets are right now give me an idea of the hell we'd be dealing with. However, more quests with character arcs (Like DnD or WynnEx) and a Seaskipper quest sound like a great idea.
  3. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Your no answers make no sense
  4. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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    I understand what you try to do, but you sound a bit too agressive, maybe giving some tips would help :

    If I understand your poll correctly :
    Yes (Both) -> Yes (Followers + Character Development)
    Yes (Followers Only) -> Yes (Followers)
    Yes (Character Development Only) -> Yes (Character Development)
    No (Both) -> No

    And this would be the only things needed, because the other ones seem to repeat what they yes do. I'd recommend only keeping the 4 answers that I just wrote, unless I'm mistaken of course.
  5. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    It's not possible to delete votes. So I would recommend you to write something like: Note: Ignore the last two votes.
  6. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Since when did stating something make it agressive, there was no intention of that at all. But, of course, being a mere "no-rank" my answer is automatically wrong.
  7. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    Hey, if you want to take it from a fellow non, you were quite direct and that can definitely come over as a bit rude. Your comment wasn't wrong either, but it was vague and some clearing up is appreciated.

    On the suggestion: I would love to see more fleshed-out characters, and I think the best way of doing it would be to just make characters return from earlier quests. Characters like Bob, Maxie, Amadel, Korzim/Axelus, heck, even Yahya/Nohno and Chef Hamsey are more memorable than other simply because they have more than one quest associated with them. There are quite a few characters in quests that could totally return later., and I feel like the ct is starting to already try to get more story and character development into quests as is.
    Followers though; that would have to big the main part of an entire update, at the least. Pets are already buggy atm, and although some of the code from pets pre-EULA might still be usable, making them have different stats and especially giving them your gear would be incredibly hard to code in. There's also the question of if your companion can die, and whether you then lose your items or not. I'm curious as to what details you can come up with.
  8. Devilling

    Devilling Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    I know followers seem a bit ambitious and it'd definitely take a lot of coding and such, but I'm sure it's possible since there are mobs and such that follow you as it is.

    As for your questions:
    If a Companion runs out of health, ideally, all the stuff they had that you gave them would be dropped. They could either be permanently dead, be able to be healed (similarly to how some characters in Skyrim can't die and just fall to the ground worthlessly, lol) or respawn back at the town/area you recruited them in.
    Personally, I like the idea of them dropping your stuff and respawning back in the town you recruited them in, but that's for the team to decide if this is implemented.

    Also, ideally, they'd have a whole inventory worth of space, so you could give them potions and such to use if/when their health gets low.

    I think their level should either be: A) Set at a certain level and unable to level up.
    or B) Be the same as your level and level up as you do, with stats depending on who the follower is.

    All restrictions that apply to the player would apply to the follower (So a mage cant wield an assassin's weapon, and a follower that's level 30 can't use your level 70 potions- if said follower is locked to a level)

    They could also work like horses in the way that the longer you have them with you, the more exp they gain and can level up with you. That's sort of a balance between the "They have the same level as you" and "Their level is locked to a certain level and you can't change that"

    I'd also like to see quest-specific followers.
    Stereotypical Follower Quest going something like:
    Cave is full of monsters, I can't clear them out alone, help?
    Sure. Go into cave, follower helps clear out cave. Bonus points if the follower is higher level than the recommended quest level (I.E. Quest is gained at level 35, follower is level 40) during the quest and sort of 'carries' the player through the cave. This would make it feel like the follower is necessary and not just a burden that you have to escort. Clear X amount of monsters out of cave, follower says "Thats the last of them, let's shove off." You make it back through the cave and follower NPC is there. Talk to them and they ask if you want to have them come along with you, followed by a Yes/No typed in chat.


    Also, thank y'all for the thoughts on the poll being confusing. I set it so you could select two options so you can say 'Yes (one option)' AND 'No (one option)' so I didnt see how it was confusing at the time of setting it up. I'll fix it however I can ^^;
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  9. Asthae

    Asthae ... HERO

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    Epicness937 likes this.
  10. Devilling

    Devilling Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    The Kraken is something that comes in an extra dialogue with the Seaskipper Captain, he'll tell you about a Kraken that one of his buddies fought or something, I dont remember the exact dialogue, but something along those lines.
    Asthae likes this.
  11. NotFunny

    NotFunny Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    wait wha
    I thought Chef Hamsey was only the guy for Recipe for Disaster what other quest?

    EDIT: oh he's the Ragni Cook? oh cool
    kojirobin and Bart (MC) like this.
  12. kojirobin

    kojirobin ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer VIP

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    As much as I'd like an explanation to all the shit Wynncraft doesn't give an answer to, I also like the mystery the whole map, quests, characters give about their region, province or even the whole game.

    I'm kind of unsure if I want more fleshed-out characteristics, but I guess it wouldn't hurt
  13. Devilling

    Devilling Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    Just as a clarification, it wouldn't be every character, obviously, but having a few characters with more.. Idk, actual character, would be nice Imo. I'm not saying "Remove all mystery/speculation" I'm asking for them to give more characters personality and interests and stuff- more characters with multiple/connected quests/quest lines, where you need things from previous quests to do the next quest, or characters that will bring up X person from another quest or that "You can't help me until you help X because their issue is relevant to my issue" Even if it isnt like.. Super involved with the main story of Wynncraft, having little side-quests with characters that feel like actual people would, at least for me and probably some others, make the game feel more 'alive' if that makes sense.
  14. Lulink13

    Lulink13 A french player

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    I can see a followers working a little bit like a combination of horses blue named characters:
    You could have an item in your hotbar that spawns a blue named entity with that one AI that makes them attack enemies and follow you when there's none.
    It wouldn't be as cool as a system to equip them with gear and stuff, but simpler to implement, at least.
    They could be a novelty I could see myself using from time to time in places where I lack crowd control, especially when playing a mage.

    When I ran the quest to unlock horse buying in Ternaves I found myself struggling a lot against the cows in the tunnel and I couldn't find any openings against the boss between all the dodging and healing. I died.
    When I re-spawned the blue named horse followed me in and it was much more manageable with some of the enemies distracted as well as the added DPS, all the while I had to try and not hit my ally too much because it's not invincible either. It was a refreshing quest for that one reason and I want some of the experience to carry into more of the game's content, especially for solo players.
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  15. kojirobin

    kojirobin ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer VIP

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    ye i get u
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