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World Change King's Recruit

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by __Excel, Apr 25, 2019.


does this sound like a good idea?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Maybe, but a little different (reply to this post)

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  1. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    i believe that the new 1.18 kings rectory quest should be changed, because it doesn't focus on the main aspects of the game.
    What I have noticed from my friend is the following:
    After introducing him to wynncraft, he went home and played a little while. After about a week or so he came over and we played together. He was level 18, but there were a couple things he didn't get yet:
    1. he knew spells existed, but assumed Melee was better. This is because of the way king's recruit introduced spells, I'll get to that later
    2. he only used common items, because he assumed that unidentified items were for endgame or something
    3. he thought that killing mobs was the best way to level up, and that quests just take too long for them to be worth it.
    4. as a side note, he completely forgot about professions after kings recruit

    Now I think that the reason for this is simple because kings recruit does not give the player an understanding of the basic concepts in wynncraft. To me, the new kings recruit seems more like a way of introducing more veteran players to professions.

    The way I propose to fix these issues:
    1. for the spells, I think the issue is that they don't tell you to use it on mobs. When using it to move the bolder in kings recruit, it makes it seem like spells are only used to complete stages in quests. You could fix this by simply making the player using spells on mobs. (Also, for mages, they don't even mention that the heal spell heals YOU, not just others!)
    2+4. The issue here is that the kings recruit quest does not explain enough about wynncraft. If you were to add a section about unided items as well as have a part about professions and spells, then there would be too much in the quest itself. Therefore, I propose that you split those into multiple quests, all for low level: you would have a quest about professions, and another one would give you an unidentified item and tell you how to identify it.
    3. I suggest that the king of ragni's dialogue include a part about quest rewards.
    Chrli, WithTheFish, Kheya and 10 others like this.
  2. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    Yeah, 1.18 King's Recruit is not really any good for new players. I think the most important changes would be
    -giving the player a weapon as soon as possible, so they can realise and practice how to fight with and without spells whilst in the tutorial area, and not just throwing them into Ragni lacking any experience or information on combat
    -showing the player how armor works (indentifiable armor and such are explained on Emerald Trail iirc) and making sure they understand it's important
    -putting professions in the tutorial but not as the main part of it, so players won't think professions are the only/most important way of getting gear (which is currently the case).

    As an example, let's take the old King's Recruit as a base. You start out with a weapon, get told you can use spells, walk a bit. You meet some NPCs that may or may not have useful dialogue. Some old man/guard stands in your way and tells you that the cave behind the ravine isn't safe with your current gear, and gives you a small rundown of crafting (i'm certain they can shorten that part). You craft the weapon, come back, get told you need some armour, and get pointed to one of the houses a bit away from the main path. You walk there, kill some mobs (maybe they were threatening the merchant?) and you're at your first armour merchant. You buy the helmet, fight your way through the cave, reach Ragni, end King's Recruit. This ditches the whole story aspect, makes new players aware of professions but doesn't overdo it, shows them what armour is (and normal gear) and gives them a nasic understanding of the combat.

    Anyway, sorry about stealing your thunder here. I fully agree with you that the current King's Recruit isn't a very good tutorial, and should be changed to better fit the entirity of Wynn, not just professions. +1
    SUPER M, brokenmotor and Druser like this.
  3. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer HERO

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    Maybe the quest could add some mobs that always drop an unidentified item and have you identify it before you enter Ragni.

    The NPC by the boulder could tell you that using spells on mobs could increase your damage based on their class (So, if they were Assassin, the NPC could say that Spin Attack does damage to all mobs in a small area. If they were Mage, the NPC would say Heal gave the player and other players surrounding some health.) The NPC could also mention the upgrading of spells. The running part could be pushed a bit further, after you start walking with the two other soldiers.

    So before you get a weapon, the main focus would be professions & lore, and after you enter the cave it would focus on mobs and gear.

    Ragni's King could explain quests as mercenary jobs that give money and experience for the hard work you do and stuff.
    brokenmotor likes this.
  4. __Excel

    __Excel i like cats VIP+

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    that sounds like exactly what i was going for just more specific. only thing is i think that professions should be introduced in a separate low-level quest.
    brokenmotor and JaydonTheWarrior like this.
  5. Mmm

    Mmm Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I whole-heartily agree, there needs to be more quests that introduce you to the spells and other dynamics of the game slower, as I've talked to some other people on other forums, discords, etc who've tried Wynncraft and left, and they've all said the same thing, that the starting quest needs to explain a bit more then it has been.

    Now, What most of the people i talked to said, They said it need 2 things
    1. More directions on where to go at the end of the quest (Simple as having the king say at the end quest to maybe help NPCs in and around Ragni)
    2. More explanation on spells/Item Identifying (What 90% of the people said, They needed more explanation on more abilities and such)
    3. Yes, The New quests seems more Like an Intro to professions for Veterans, Which I dislike, as the new players also have to do it.
    All in all I'm down for this suggestion, +1
  6. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Generally I would go about it like this.

    Keep the beginning the with carriage the same, I enjoyed that part for the most part. (expect you start with a weapon.)

    Every thing after the gate I have an issue with. First off the first area, aswell as the whole tutorial is far to hand holdy. For a game that focus on exploitation, yeah it doesn't do that.

    Repurposing that first area before the bridge as a place to do exploration would be nice. It would help empathise the ability to explore in game, seeing as it would litteraly be the first thing you did after you entered the province. You could leave the gathering places there aswell as the items, but removing the actually need to do that would be nice.

    As for the bridge area, you could have multiple options to get across instead of the one as a reward of sorts to actually exploring. An example is removing the axe from in front of the old tree to some where else in the first area, and still allowing the tree to be ONE of the ways across.

    I would remove the crafting areas in the 2nd area all together, and instead simply have the guard say you need some armor, and have a cave near by with a mob that always drops an unidentified item with an identifier near by. Easy, and it teaches players about killing mobs, the main gameplay loop, and how to identify, simple, easy, done.

    As for the cave, just make it a combat focused area again. Really, it takes way to much time on useless stuff. It was good enough as is.

    (Also yes, I would make crafting a separate quest.)
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2019
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  7. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    Here is what I think:
    1) Professions should be introduced on the first quest after the tutorial quest.
    2) The first thing they should explain is identifying, the second is spells.
    3) Dialogue should never be the very focus of the tutorial.

    Here is what i think the tutorial should be like:
    1) The first part of the carriage doesn't need to be changed.
    2) When you get to the first area and meet the old man instead of introducing professions it will introduce identifying.
    -When you passed the gate with the two other NPCs you'll see a soldier waiting for you.
    -The soldier will tell you about the situation on a horde of zombies appearing in the second area and that it was necessary to destroy the bridge (it won't be destroyed a lot, just a little bit).
    -The soldier will give you unidentified boots, normal chestplate and weapon.
    -You'll go to identify the weapon, and here the NPCs with you will question together about losing their memories.
    -You'll go to the broken bridge and you'll see the soldier(s) there using his spells on zombies that come from a cave down below, after using the spell he will fell off the ground, when he meets you he will tell you how to use the spell.
    -Then after killing the few zombies left out, you'll be free to 1) go inside the cave down and go to the second area. 2) explore the first area and find another way to go to the second area.
    -When you finish the zombies the soldier will tell you that you can rest here and wait until we (the soldiers) finish off the zombies inside the cave or help us finish them if you still have the energy to fight, and he will say something like "If there is a way to cross the bridge we will be able to corner them and finish them off faster since all the zombies are inside the cave now".
    So, there will be three baths 1) Wait for them to finish off all zombies. 2) Go inside the cave and fight the zombies with the soldier(s). 3) Find a way to cross the bridge to corner the zombies.
    -After going to the second area you'll be going inside the door in the second area, and a guard will stand by the door to make sure no one goes inside (except for soldiers). Everything else will be the same.
    3) The king will mention about the profession quest something like "You can get some help from NPC, check your quest book it's the first quest. Quests can get you rewards".
    4) The profession quest will be simple. He will tell you to gather materials and make a potion or food or a weapon etc. After this, he will mention to you that you can sell potions to the blacksmith, and he will make fun of this.

    I'm sure there is some mistakes, but this is what i think it should be.

    Edit: Also, please make the dialogue skippable PLEASE!
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2019
  8. Ituxx

    Ituxx Travelled Adventurer

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    Perhaps a guide book or something like that?
  9. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Full support from me. Everyone else has already given a good enough rundown. Don't know if it's already been mentioned but having the player craft their first weapon with an ingredient would be nice (maybe one of the recruits with you pulls a nail out of his bag or something, idk).
    A Human likes this.
  10. rainbow_elite_7

    rainbow_elite_7 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I agree, I think the developers spent too much time trying to explain professions to the point where they forgot to explain the fundamental parts of the game such as identifying items. I wouldn't say that quest rewards are necessary to know about, but I do think that the king should say something like "Some people may even be willing to give you a reward for your efforts if your lucky!" or something like that, just to encourage new players to do quests in the first place. But yeah, full support from me and I hope they remake King's Recruit (Again) once a major new update comes out because most of the community agrees its just not as effective as it could of been (I actually preferred the pre-1.18 version tbh).
    Bart (MC), A Human and Druser like this.
  11. RazorGuild


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    a tutorial for soul points are a must, I see so many new players not realizing the dangers of hsving low sp and losing all their stuff
    H0Y, Spinel, robincaiye and 3 others like this.
  12. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    Exactly, i never know what was the purpose of soul points, so i lost all my stuff on my first playthrough after getting to level 70-80.
    rainbow_elite_7 likes this.
  13. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Huh, soul points seem like one of the easiest to explain parts of the game. Every death message tells you 2 soul points have been lost, and just mousing over the icon tells you everything you need to know.
    Bart (MC) and rainbow_elite_7 like this.
  14. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    Yeah... but.. ummm there is a lot of idiot players like me who needs an explanation for it.
    It wouldn't hurt if they add a small line about soul points.. maybe.
    rainbow_elite_7 likes this.
  15. Mmm

    Mmm Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    We need more explanation in the Tutorial Quest Not the Comeback for 1.18 Update! Quest, it needs to be more focused to new players then to us who are more experienced.
    H0Y, robincaiye, Bart (MC) and 3 others like this.
  16. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer HERO

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    By now this quest has been the most remade, and it still has its fucking problems lol
    SUPER M likes this.
  17. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Honestly the whole crafting section should be pushed back so it’s either explained in Cook’s Assistant, Enzan’s Brother, or both. Elemental Exercise should also introduce powders (if it doesn’t already)
    SUPER M, Druser and ParkourTNT like this.
  18. RazorGuild


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    you’d be surprised on how many new players (especially the ones I hear on discord) that don’t even know what the fuck soul points are and are just losing shit.
    SUPER M, Druser and Mmm like this.
  19. SUPER M


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    The biggest problem is that the staff are trying to make the game look pretty and forget about the actual funtionity.
  20. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer HERO

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    every quest except King's Recruit and Elemental Exercise and both suck?!
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