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Life And Death - A Modification To Soul Points

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by ClickPause, Apr 26, 2019.

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  1. ClickPause

    ClickPause Skilled Adventurer

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    I've been playing Wynncraft a couple of years now, and this can be said to be my only major gripe with the server. By that, I mean, it's what stopped me playing my first character on the server, before I eventually returned with the new crafting update.

    The issue is this: when I (and perhaps many others) get killed with low Soul Points, there is no way for us to get our items back.

    To go into more detail, I recently learned that items are supposed to drop when you die in game, however they seemingly despawn due to the general range between a player and a chunk, and when they are loaded (by another player) they often will not return the items in question. I have personally never regained an item I lost due to Soul Points by picking it up, even from the edge of the village that I spawned in.

    I know this problem may not affect many of you, as you are probably far better players than me, but I think there are those who have or are having the same problems as me, and that is the audience this modification is mainly addressing.

    The Potential Solutions: Allow items that were removed to be stored in some manner. This can be through:
    - storing on the enemy that killed the player
    Player will have to surpass the challenge that lost them their items in the first place, and thus adding natural challenge and weight to the combat.
    Makes it so that items aren't easily noticeable by potential thieves.
    Potentially infeasible in dungeons with more than one potential route, such as the Sand-Swept Tomb.

    -storing in a chest with a timed despawn
    Adds an element of racing against the clock, like in Vanilla Minecraft when items are lost.
    Infinitely storable and will not despawn.
    Unless prevented, can easily be looted and may be difficult to code.

    -allowing items to be regained at a price
    Allows users to take their time collecting the necessary funds for their items.
    Allows better and rarer items to be harder to get, so that items have an extra value system applied to them.
    Complicated to code due to the number of potential items.
    May be too easy for many players, thus removing the risk of soul points in the first place.

    I do hope this issue gets addressed in some form or another, because it would make my own personal experience, and perhaps many others, a lot more enjoyable, and a lot less soul-draining (pun not intended).
    A Human likes this.
  2. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Pretty sure the items aren’t dropped, and that’s just what it says.
    It seems that the items just disappear.
    RazorGuild likes this.
  3. ClickPause

    ClickPause Skilled Adventurer

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    I thought so too, but I was told by a Moderator on the Discord that items do apparently drop. They also get reports from users who died and had their stuff picked up and were annoyed about it. It may not be true though.
    SUPER M likes this.
  4. SUPER M


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    You do in fact drop your items, but I think since you leave the chunk in which you died, the chunk gets unloaded and your items dissapear. That is unless someone else is nearby to keep the chunks loaded, which happend one to someone and I managed to save his items.
  5. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer HERO

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    wait what
    imo it's about being more careful about using your deaths and preventing dying to do no effect at all. (I mean at 15 sp it does do no effect but who even said that uhahah?)
  6. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    I feel like soul points, aside from the way they interact with ingredients, are fine as is. You only, maybe, lose a few items at the very early gane, but I believe it takes until 4 soul points until id'd (read: valuable) items have a chance of being dropped, and some items just won't ever drop.If you think people are stealing your dropped items, worry not: any drops in unrendered chunks despawn immedeatly, meaning that unless someone's near you, your items are gone. Poof.

    The system of soul points is actually really good as is, allowing you to die once or twice without any trouble, but more deaths start to be a problem. It's the game's way of showing you need to improve your gear or your skills, and that you can't just try the same thing over and over. You regenerate soul point(s) every 20 minutes iirc, which gives you plenty of time to better your gear or take a break and let your soul points come back. Giving people the option to keep on doing the same thing they're not even really able to will just make them increasingly more frustrated.

    Your main problem about soul points seems to be losing items, though. If I have everything correct, it takes 4 deaths in under 20 minutes for someone under level 30 to lose important items. Dying that much around that level range mean you're either in the wrong area, lagging insanely, or just just missing a very basic understanding of the game (new King's Recruit doesn't explain jack shit, so that might actually be a reason for new players). Besides soul points, there isn't a lot for those people to actually indicate they're doing something wrong; if there's no penalty for death, it's not anything of significance.

    Dying should always have a penalty attached. Changing losing soul points from (getting closer to) the possibility of losing items to having to pay/walk to a chest/kill a mob makes death a lot less of a real penalty to more of an annoyance, basically stripping the game of a part of its (already not too terribly high) difficulty.

    Oh and you could get to areas you're not supposed to really easy using multiple 'death chests'. Just a thought.

    [edit] Add a poll. Polls are the easiest way of knowing what people think of your suggestion.
    RazorGuild and Druser like this.
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