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World Intruducing... Bags! (for Materials And/or Emerlads!) [15 Votes | 86.7% Support]

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by SUPER M, Apr 20, 2019.


How should this be implemented?

  1. Bags for Materials AND Emeralds

  2. Bags only for Materials

  3. Bags only for Emeralds

  4. It shouldn't be added (WARNING: Votes without a reason stated in the comments WON'T BE COUNTED!)

  5. Bags for both Materials and Emeralds / With some tweaking! (Please state what, in the comments!)

  6. Bags only for Materials / With some tweaking! (Please state what, in the comments!)

  7. Bags only for Emeralds / With some tweaking! (Please state what, in the comments!)

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  1. SUPER M


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    The time has come...

    Now, i see you already whining, "Not another backpacks suggestion!", but this one is different!

    What I am suggesting are bags! However the do not differ only in name, but also in their use.
    Instead of just adding extra slots of any kind they would instead allow you to only carry additional unprocessed materials and/or emeralds.

    But how do you get these bags?

    Well... In order to make it a bitt difficult to obtain, I propse that they should only be avilable in dungeons. They would be bough same way as tools, using dungeon fragments. For their price? I'd suggest double of tool cost for the specific dungeon. They also could be untradable, which i think would make it a tad bit more fair. As for how many you can purchase? I'd say as many as you want! I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to. If you're willing to run a dungeon dozens of time just to get extra inventory spaces, then I won't stop you.

    Now- Here's another big boy diffrence that seperates this suggestion from the others...

    I actually made textures for all the bags! (Though of course they don't HAVE to be used, it just helps to visualise my idea better).

    Decrepit Bag (alt title, Skeleton Bag)
    [​IMG] Carrying Size: 5 stacks emeralds / 3 stacks materials / 4 stacks both
    Infested Bag (alt title, Spider Bag)
    Carrying Size: 7 stacks E / 4 stacks M / 5 stacks B
    Sanctuary Bag (alt title, Salamnder Bag)
    Carrying Size: 9 E / 5 M / 6 B
    Underworld Bag (alt title, Zombie Bag)
    [​IMG] Carrying Size: 11 E / 6 M / 7 B
    Sand Bag (alt title, Scarab Bag)
    Carrying Size: 13 E / 7 M / 8 B
    Ice Bag (alt title, Frost Bag)
    [​IMG] Carrying Size: 15 E / 8 M / 9 B
    Undergrowth Bag (alt title, Slime Bag)
    [​IMG] Carrying Size: 17 E / 9 M / 10 B
    Galleon Bag (alt title, Pirate Bag)
    [​IMG] Carrying Size: 19 E / 10 M / 11 B
    Factory Bag (alt title, Mechanical Bag)
    [​IMG] Carrying Size: 21 E / 11 M / 12 B

    Or alternetively instead of stacks of materials the bags could carry a certain amount of weight. Here's a nice represntation if each bags carrying weight; provided by @TurboStratus

    If you have any suggestions, please state them! I'd be happy to hear your criticism; as long as it's productive.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2019
  2. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    Okay, so first, A+ backpack suggestion. Probably the first that's gotten more effort put into than just 'ohmygod, i have genius idea'.

    But it's still a backpack suggestion. Every critique on those still apply:
    -you have more than enough space in your bank and inventory
    -people are already not too fond of having to do dungeon runs for essential items (or: who even collects shards)
    -they've been adding more space, there's no reason to also do it by adding backpacks.

    Now for your actually thought-out part of the suggestion. Making the prices triple the price of tools is just evil. It wouldn't make anything past Infested Bag worth it for new players, as it would require too much dungeon runs, which is imo already kind of a problem with tools. Just to give an example, if a player want all the highest level tools and bag, it'd be 4 x 9 + 9 x 3 = 63 fragments. That's 21 CIB/FF runs, just to get the best gear in that regard. Even with a player skipping out on tools and just going for the bag, 9 runs is a lot for one item.
    Another part is the way you want to use the space. Your post isn't entirely clear if it's an or/and situation. I'm also kind of confused on the emerald storage part. Does it only store emeralds (no eb or le), or does it generally store money until that amount? And if you do have to choose what kind of storage you're using, make material storage bigger than 'both', otherwise there'd be no reason to choose material-specific storage.

    Extra note: don't force people to state their reason to dislike a suggestion to make it count. You might as well remove the option to vote then. Noone should have to explain in detail what they don't like about your suggestion to make their opinion count.

    and just because I like bag names: depressing bag, web bag, leather/lost bag, flesh/skin bag, hide/dusty bag. ib bag name and up are already pretty good
  3. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    Backpacks? I think you mean....

    Bart (MC), Tsukiji and Druser like this.
  4. SUPER M


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    Straight off the bat you're assumin backpack suggestions are bad, becouse they're uneeded, and yet soo many people keep suggesting them. I am not yet saying that they're needed, but that the backpacks are neccessarely uneeded since quite few people bothered to make suggestions about them.
    Bank, ABSOLUTELY! No questions asked.
    Inventory? HELL NAW! I am running into problem of filled inventory ON REGULAR BASIS. Just today I had my inventory completely filled after going through half of the desert, do mind that I had to throw countless emeralds away. My hotbar is COMPLETELY FILLED. I don't even have that much on it! Just the bear essentials, i. e. my wand, 4 tools and my horse. You also got to remember that we're missing additional 7 slots. 3 for menu navigation and soul points, and 4 for accessories. Meaning that once my hotbar is filled, I only have 23 inventory spaces, which really isn't a lot considering I have to carry tons of ingrients. Yes, I do HAVE TO, carry them. Do you know why? Becouse otherwise crafting takes WAY too much time, even with proffesion bombs it's still difficult to amass enough resources in order to craft enough items to level up. Of course I do manage to get some space. Right after, I throw away ALL my emeralds, ALL my powers, maybe even some of my lower level unIDied gear. I just hate having my inventory filled, seeing more item to pick up and not being able to.
    I collect shards for tp scrolls to the forgery. Perfectly legitimate reason. About the dungeon part, the thing is that there isn't enough reason to do these dungeons, they're either get really boring after the first run, or they are so tidious that you no longer want to do them. And i know that this sounds like a point against my argument, but I too had to run few runs on FF to get an item I wanted. I too marathoned CSST. Did I enjoy it? Not really, but it got the job done. Most dungeons already are unenjoyable but if you're willing to get an item you really want, then you're willing to plow through that shit field to get your reward.
    Yes, they have been adding more space, SPACE TO BANKS THAT IS. Sure i can hold a lot of items now, but I already have few pages devoted to materials and ingrients. But the actual problem, comes not from the fact that I don't have enough storage, it's coming from the fact, that I can't CARRY enough items to that storage! I have to keep going back and fourth having my inventory filled in few dozen minutes. I hae having to run back alll they way back to bank. One it's hella a lot of inconvinience, and two I might miss out on some cool items, wat if I go store my items and someone grabs that T4 chest I was eyeing? Or what if i get back to the bank, only to see that the server will restart in 10 minutes, and I'm too far away to finish my loot run in time.
    Alright, the I'll lower it to double. There! Easy! All you had to do was say what was wrong with my suggestion, and I was willing to change it. That is why I DO NOT conut votes against my suggestions if they do not state their reasons for disliking it. Becouse I don't gain anything from their vote, I don't know what's wrong with my suggestion! And if they decide to vote no, for literally no reason, or something that sums up to a "gut feeling", then I see no reason why I shouldn't dismiss their votes. I belive it's only fair that if they do not want to give me actual reasons or suggestions, then I as well shouldn't have to have a reason for counting their votes. All I ask for is some criticizm. If they can't provide that, I see no reason why I should take their opions into account. I'm a hard fact guy, if I see no reason or logic behind something I dismiss it. Now that might be a positive or negative trait depending on circumstances, but that's just who I am, and I'm not planning on changing that.
    I specifically wrote STACKS, not EB, not LE, STACKS of emeralds. These bags should be used on loot runs and other loot gathering activities, not for carrying large sums of money. Besides, I don't see where would you be carrying LE, other than from LE merchant to your bank, or from your bank to another player so that you can confirm a purchase.
    For the second point, you do not chose which storage you want to use, I'm just suggesting possible IMPLEMENTATIONS of my suggestion, e. g. these three options state how much space what these bags have if they were used STRICKLY for emeralds, STRICKLY for materials, or if they were to be able o carry both.
    There is no, NO option. There is an option, for dissagreeing with my suggestion. I do not allow NO options becouse I don't want to see your opinion; at least not JUST your opinion. I want to see criticizm, and constructive one at that! I am making a suggestion, a suggestion I am willing to change if someone's argument is convincing enough. If somebody doesn't have an argument, then they might as well choose one of those meme options that are irrelevant to the actual poll.

    Did i explain myself, sufficiently?
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2019
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  5. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    What about making them untradable and you can only buy them once.
  6. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    Well, not necessarily bad, but there's a good reason why it's usually a new players' first suggestion. You should know how many backpack threads there are (seeing your messagecount), only adding on the already kind of bland uninteresting idea of 'more room'.

    Not trying to tell you how the game's supposed to be played, but even back when I lootran (before they necked it), I hardly had any inventory space issues; always keep legendaries and only keep rares if you want them. Same thing with ingredients; I've leveled 3 of professions to 100 already, and I never really had trouble with ingredients. I would grind them in downtime and when all the bombs were dropped, I'd switch over to gathering and then craft everything. I don't know if you're keeping every ingredient you find, but I find it's never worth keeping tier 0-1 and only sometimes to keep tier 2s. Point here being that you have a lot of empty space in your inventory (or 'satchel', since the new resource pack :thinking:), and it's really just poor inventory management if it's getting filled up as quick as you make it seem it does.

    I suppose this is just a matter of opinion at this point. Don't get me wrong, I think people should be encouraged to give criticism and feedback, as it's very important to fixing and improving suggestions. However, I often see someone's already made a point very similar to the one would've made. I don't want to just put a post saying 'uh yea what this guy said' or the secretly pretty good argument of 'this would take too much effort to implement' and clutter up actual criticism, nor do I want to try and squeeze out a small nitpick so I have something new to bring to the table. So I just vote on the poll. Do you get what I'm getting at here? I feel like you shouldn't be advertising your approval rate when you're only approving people who have made an unique criticism, but again, just my opinion. Let's get back to the backpacks.

    After a bit more thinking, I could see material bags being a thing. Only for unrefined resources, and a static item that just transports the materials right into the bag. It would make sense with the strange weight limit they put in, together with the sometimes outrageous amounts of materials you need to/are able to gather. Oh, and I heard there's already some sort of bag texture in the resource pack, so there's a decent possibility that is coming in some update. Pretty cool.
    Tsukiji likes this.
  7. SUPER M


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    How would it work? I'm not sure that is even possible. And yes, I think that they should be untreadable.
    I keep tier 1 ingredients becouse I don't get as much tier 2 ingredients. I need to have SOMETHING to add to items, and tier 0 ingredients ain't cutting it.

    Also I don't know what loot runs you did, but I've come many times to the point where I had to throw gear away just to get higher level one in.
    Well, yeah I did mean for the bags to carry unporcoessed materials.
    As I see it, every little bit of helps counts, and if someone doesn't bother to even give that tiny bit in, then I see it as them not really careing for the suggestion. Just another no vote on a thread they glanced at and decided that it was bad.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2019
  8. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    I don't know, maybe make a special merchant for them in a low-level area which when you buy one bag you can no longer buy it again.
  9. AscendedZombie

    AscendedZombie kinda busy atm HERO

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    first of all:
    and then what he said. sorry for the ping bart, but i apparently need to explain why i disagree with something and make it be recognized
    RazorGuild, Tsukiji and Bart (MC) like this.
  10. Turbostratus

    Turbostratus Newbie Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    Jokes aside, this is a pretty good idea. However, I think having a weight capacity is much more simple for the materials, for example:
    I dunno how balanced those weight capacity numbers are lol

    (I intended it to be hotbar long, despite it looking sorta out of scale)
    Tsukiji likes this.
  11. SUPER M


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    Couuld be. I think that's how I orginally was going to implement it.

    Could you please help me out by assiging weight to all the bags? I haven't gotten my proffesions part level 35, so I don't know how the weight progresess.
  12. Turbostratus

    Turbostratus Newbie Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    It's been a while since I've dabbled in professions, but I'll give it a go.
  13. SUPER M


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    Yeah... You need to explain yourself.

    Imagine if I said you once had raped a woman, and didn't provide any evidence for it. What I'm saying that if you think that you can just dislike something without providing any evidence of you actually disliking something, then it's the equivelant of accusing someone of commmitting a crime, without any evidence to back it up.
    Thank you very much.
    Yeah, but is it possible to check if someone already bought an item? Plus what if they loose the bag?
  14. Turbostratus

    Turbostratus Newbie Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    Ahh there we go, I dedicated a solid 10 minutes for this :D
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  15. AscendedZombie

    AscendedZombie kinda busy atm HERO

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    So what you're saying is, is that I can't utter an opinion without explaining it to everyone on the internet that has a different one? I simply dont always have the time, or just am not personally invested in the matter enough to think about a solution to a concwpt that is unnecessary or flawfull in my eyes. And for the sadly not so funny rape comparison I'm at a loss of words. Why would I pretend to dislike something, if I in fact wouldn't? There is no reason for me to dislike it except that I in fact do for a reason that is valid in my opinion, since there's no gain for me in pressing a "no" button other than helping you find out what the general playerbase thinks of your idea. Please don't throw comparisons to rape or any serious crime around, if there's no connection or similarity to my first statement, which was valid by your requirements to dislike your suggestion.
    RazorGuild, H0Y, Bart (MC) and 2 others like this.
  16. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    I don't really know, that was just a suggestion because if the player has a lot of those bags it will 100% break the economy. Also, you won't need 10 pages for materials since you can put bags that have materials in the bank.
  17. SUPER M


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    Hmm. Maybe make the bags unable to be put in the bank?
    Thank you very much!
    Turbostratus likes this.
  18. kojirobin

    kojirobin ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer VIP

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    I mean every backpack suggestion is a backpack suggestion but...

    i'm surprised how you can butcher this word so badly

    avoiding the usual and pretty much valid reasons this shouldn't be in the game for.

    there could be a losing material chance for the bags that decrease each bag, explained further in the name chance

    imo the names of the bags could be more related to the areas of its shops, so:

    Decrepit Bag could be renamed to Pot of Sewage
    And it would have 50% RNG chance to lose materials per 5 minutes, since it is supposed to be something to carry sewage from the sewers.

    Infested Bag would become the Web-Sewn Pockets

    Who would now have 45% chance to lose meterials.

    And they would decrease by 5% every dungeon.
    Other names I thought of as names:
    - Lost Sanctuary: Skinned Lizard Pouch (40%)
    - Underworld Crypt: Mercenary's Pack (35%)
    - Sand-Swept Tomb: Belt of Hashr (30%)
    - Ice Barrows: Spectre's Cloak (25%)
    - Undergrowth Ruins: Slime Jelly Case (20%)
    - Galleon's Graveyard: Redbeard's Money Bag (15%)
    - Fallen Factory: Auto-Store VII (10%)

    yeah thats all i can say
    StormKing3 and Tsukiji like this.
  19. SUPER M


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    I have dysgraphia :( Nevermind, but why do you even attack my spelling, you know what it means and it has little to do with my actual post.

    Literally, why make it to have a chance that you would loose items, nobody would use them at 10% and no body would use them at 50%.
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  20. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    I like it, but I'm not sure what the both carrying thing means, I like the look of those backpacks though. Can you have multiple of them?
    Unlucky that you have dysgraphia and are disabled by the way, you seem to put a lot of effort into your spelling and most of it is coherent. So that's very good.
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