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Pets & Horses Pets For Everyone! [with Stats And Bonuses]

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by GreenBeanGaming, Apr 12, 2019.

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  1. GreenBeanGaming

    GreenBeanGaming Travelled Adventurer VIP

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    Pets, while being a donator only perk, cannot have special stats or bonuses as it would break the EULA.
    (I mean, technically it actually doesn't break the EULA, or otherwise servers that sell access to the /fly command or selling ranks that provide tp commands would have been taken down ages ago, including Mineplex.)

    However, if pets were obtainable by taming enemies (or subduing human NPCs as companions) then it would be entirely possible to have donator pets have stats as well since they would be no different from free pets.

    Now, onto my idea:

    Pets are non-human NPCs and/or undead NPCs, things that aren't capable of speaking or conscious thought. This means that Hired Mercenaries, Goblins, or Tribesmen would be treated as human companions, even though they might not speak in full English to you.

    Of course, the content team would be deciding what is and isn't lore breaking for the taming mechanic. Players can't just tame a boss or some random enemy that's only there for one cutscene.

    Pet inns/companion bars and inn/bar-keeper-type-peoples would be placed around the map. You could tame a pet or subdue a companion in game, and then take it to the inn, store it there, and tame another. This could mean having a Hired Mercenary in the inn's bar, a Zombie in the inn's stables and a Zombie Grook with you at the time.

    Traits like Strong or Weak are lost when you tame the pet, and pets levels are automatically reduced by 7 if they're level 15 or below (with 1 being the hard limit so it can't go negative), or are otherwise reduced by 50% upon taming. All donator pets start at level 1 if this gets added, no matter when you bought them.
    (Purchased mobs always start at level 1. Donate-only pets have a donate tier that's the same thing as the basic tier but screams "I paid for this to support Wynncraft!" Otherwise, if you purchased a pet from someone for emeralds instead of taming it then it would still be level 1 when obtained, even from trades with other players. Warnings would be posted that if you trade a pet, its level is reset.)

    Pets for ranks, like VIP, can depend on the staff's decision. I'd personally enjoy having a pet for VIP rank, but if rank is a monthly payment then this is likely a no-go unless they can "lock" the pet from being used until the rank is purchased again. Otherwise, you should only get a pet when buying one directly from the store.

    Tiers would be like weapon tiers, I presume. It might have a slight stat benefit, but it's only a visual change otherwise. People who donate would get a donate-only tier instead of Unique, Rare, Legendary, etc.

    Pets would then use a hopper inventory, be able to collect dropped items within 50 blocks of your player that got left behind, and would prioritize different types of loot depending on the enemy (like goblins favoring money or zombies favoring crafting materials dropped from other enemies). They would automatically empty their right-most slot near the player upon collecting as much as they could carry, effectively letting the player pick it up automatically as long as their inventory isn't full as well. There would be a timer before pets would pick up items that you dropped yourself, and pets that aren't bipedal couldn't pick up things like weapons and such. They could fill all five hopper slots, but would only empty the last one when they got near you. They could effectively pick up everything they can in one run, give you something real quick, then pick up a little bit more before running back. In the case of when your inventory is full, they would walk up to you and sit down instead of dropping anything. In that case, you could trade some items with your pet, or choose to discard some things and take what your pet has given you. Companions might have a single row of 9 slots instead of 5 slots to allow for better storage capacity, but that's also up to the content team.

    Pets/companions would fight for you to increase level but also idly gain some experience when they're with you when you fight. They'd have to be toggled between fetching items and fighting, and they could die and need to respawn just like you do. When a pet dies, they just get sent back to the inn-type area for retrieval. There would be one of these in every town if it got implemented anyways, so wherever you respawn if you die would also be near where they end up, but if they die and you don't then you'd need to walk back or use a quick travel scroll.

    You could store up to 5 pets/companions in the stables, but animal/undead NPCs would be put in cages and living bipedal NPCs could sit around a bar like area to wait for you to return. On occasion, if they're left behind for too long, they could have the potential to "run away" or "go off on their own adventures" (depending on if they're sentient enough for conscious thought or not, like Grooks/Zombies running away and living humans going off to explore). You'd have to occasionally return to feed them or just generally keep them happy with items. Donator pets wouldn't run away, but instead might have another penalty, like their level decreasing for every week of inactivity.

    Bosses couldn't be tamed, but boss minions could have a very rare chance to be tamed as a legendary tier pet.

    Those are all my ideas on the matter. What do you think? :D
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2019
    Pythoicus and brokenmotor like this.
  2. HerbCookie

    HerbCookie Dont tag me CHAMPION

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    Too op, too broken, breaks EULA.
  3. GreenBeanGaming

    GreenBeanGaming Travelled Adventurer VIP

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    What you didn't realize, it seems, is that right at the very start of the post, I stated that everyone would have pets, and because of that, the donator pets wouldn't break EULA. Also, if you bothered to read anything except for the title, then you'd see that I suggested a lot of features to make sure it's not over powered. Try giving it a good read, perhaps?
    brokenmotor likes this.
  4. The_Cool_J

    The_Cool_J Travelled Adventurer VIP+

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    Pretty good idea. I really wanted wybels so I got VIP+ but this would be good for people who don't wanna spend money for pets. Also the pets would be useful, and that makes it better
  5. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    Question, what the fuck is EULA? I have no idea what it is.

    Not sure how this would effect lag in-game or if its not even possible at all.
    Personally, I would like it if the pets gave more a passive boost, such as boosts in things like element defense/damage or stats like health/mana consuming, and even bonus traits like XP bonus!

    Also, there are ALOT of mobs in wynncraft, making almost all of them tamable seems… compilated...
    I think that only certain mobs, such as at the end of caves should be tamable instead of just any single mob you come across.

    and last thing:
    you sound in asshole in this but I understand how you feel, hate it when people ONLY read the title and nothing else.
    (but also you cant be sure if they did or did not read the whole thing)
  6. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    oof I feel old

    https://mojang.com/2014/06/lets-talk-server-monetisation-the-follow-up-qa/ this provides a decent overview of the final policy changes. I think there were further changes in 2016 that created the current EULA, but I wasn't following this stuff around that time so I'm not certain. Basically, purchases with real-world money can't give gameplay advantages to the particular player.
    trex1611 likes this.
  7. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    Ah, that makes sense.

    Pay-To-Win is a no-go for servers.
    and even if some DID, people would be pissed about it
  8. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Tbh reading that made me even more confused because almost all servers I know have something that seems to break that...
    Then again loot boxes are allowed, so I guess it technically breaks nothing as long as everyone can get a box
    A Human and SUPER M like this.
  9. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    Well, we already have a thing called... Wybels. But sure, let's check this out.

    The EULA has many loopholes, but sometimes the /fly command is usually only for Lobbys or in general can be obtained by a huge amount of grinding. I've seen quite a bit of servers have the teleport command, but those same servers typically do have a way to achieve it without paying a rank. It's just a lot more difficult to obtain which is why a lot of people tend to buy the rank. Using a "technicality" does not work in terms of the law and such, so it's an either Yes or No if it goes against the EULA. No, If's/Maybe's/Kinda's.

    This may be a nitpick, but it would kinda go against lore for a few mobs.

    As stated as above, would go against lore or reasoning for random mobs to be suddenly tamed by you. Plus, if the mobs aren't fighting, or doing anything besides collecting, what point would level even serve? What would be the difference between me grabbing a Weak Zombie compared to a Strong Zombie if the Weak Zombie was from Ragni and the Strong being from Detlas? Please elaborate here.

    This would be pretty ineffective for Ranger or Archer as their main thing is to fight from afar. But it is fair enough that they wouldn't be fighting from 50+ blocks away unless they are a glass cannon by definition. Also, if you plan that level does affect something, and you can then PURCHASE these high level/high-grade pets, that WOULD go against the EULA, just saying.

    Along with this, would the pet just pick up one item, head to you, drop it in your inventory, runoff, and repeat? If so, the pet would be near useless at that point. If they just drop it, it's even more useless and just not needed. Also, what would Zombies Prioritize? Villagers? How about Corruption Creatures?

    So... slavery? You're kinda choosing when they eat and such, and I don't think Fruma, or your character, really does slavery. This could spark up controversy. As for if they can run off, that would be more annoying, plus, without a limit on how many I can have with me at a time (not in the stables but just adventuring with me), I could just not put them in stables and keep them with me. This way I can just pick one kind of Meta pet that collects items, and just farm with 20 pets, potentially lagging the server with constant active mobs.

    Also, with Donator, you have yet to explain WHAT level does. So if Level essentially does nothing, this has literally no downsides. Plus, if level does affect something, I can just raise it up easily and just, continue to spam and farm easily.

    I believe some Boss Minions are just regular mobs.

    Also, there are tiers now? What do tiers do? How can you tell which tier a mob is? Don't just randomly say: "It's a legendary tier." without some context on WHAT it does or HOW to find it.
    In my opinion... it's very bland and not that well thought-out.

    You have a good amount of information, but it's mainly filler and not much of the juicy details or information that is needed. You randomly sprang a new mechanic in there without giving much information to it, as well as making this seem more like a Pay-To-Win scenario which you tried to avoid, yet end up running around in a circle too. There are plenty of holes and missing information that needs to be established.

    Suggestion Idea: 60% F
    Suggestion: 30% F

    As cool as it is, I don't think the title: "Pet" belongs when you have a fellow Human following you, and you choose to feed them. That's less of having a pet and more of having a slave who grabs things for you. You reward them with food for things that you basically have them doing. That needs to be fixed. You also need a lot more information than you have now, such as what levels do, what are tiers, what mob type collects what, priority lists, and so on. Plus, you say in your title: Pets For Everyone with Stats and Bonuses... yet those aren't in here...

    Please work on this, and you saying:
    Is pretty ironic. Considering your suggestion goes against the EULA. Congrats. You played yourself. But in all seriousness take another look at your suggestion please.

    Have a Good Day!
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2019
  10. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    I'm 99% sure this suggestion complies with the EULA.
    trex1611 likes this.
  11. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    Not quite, at the current moment, it does not, as (what I can only assume) is that levels and tiers matter quite a lot. As for how much, who knows, but the fact that you can buy them (via rank) does indicate that they do different things. So if level and tier, let's say, boosts the movement for you and you can get either exclusive ones or just in general, buy a ton, it's essentially a P2W scale. Yes, a regular player CAN receive the Legendary Tier (we don't know what this does until OP clears this), but if I can essentially BUY an exclusive one that is a VIP, VIP+, or Hero rank, this would be considered going against the EULA as they directly affect the game.

    BUT, if the ranks don't receive a special pet, what would be the point of giving them a pet in the first place?

    It's a matter of:
    -Go against the EULA to give the Ranks their special pet.
    -Don't go against the EULA but don't give the Ranks their special pet.

    But along with this, as the regular player, you HAVE to keep feeding their stables in order to keep them. This probably costs money (such as E, EB, LE) while the ranks just have to level theirs up. Now, if they just have to also feed, this would still give the ranks an advantage, as I can only assume that the pet cannot be fed anymore than they can carry. Or, if grinding is a thing, then all I need to do is grind my pet, who is gathering items FOR me, so I don't have to go into danger and grab them, allowing me to play my Glass Cannon rather effortlessly without having the need to go into danger and pick up my items.

    So there are not only the EULA problem, but as well as the balancing problem between the Ranked and the Non-Ranked
  12. GreenBeanGaming

    GreenBeanGaming Travelled Adventurer VIP

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    I can agree to that logic, so maybe make it so some can't be tamed/subdued. I left a lot of the details up to the content team at first because I figured it would be okay.

    My idea was that all donator pets start at level 1 if this gets added, no matter when you bought them. Pets would fight for you to increase level but also idly gain some experience when they're with you when you fight. They'd have to be toggled between fetching items and fighting, and they could die and need to respawn just like you do.

    Didn't plan to allow purchasing high level mobs, and I planned to have donate-only pets have a donate tier that's the same thing as the basic tier but screams "I paid for this to support Wynncraft!"

    They could fill all five hopper slots, but would only empty the last one when they got near you. They could effectively pick up everything they can in one run, give you something real quick, then pick up a little bit more before running back. (I believe I mentioned them emptying the last slot to the right upon reaching you unless your inventory is full, because if your inventory is full then you could shift-right click or something similar to access the inventory and trade with your pet or drop some things away.)

    I brought up the term "companion" instead of "pet" when talking about humans and/or villagers, not to mention I brought up having a bar type area for them to hang out in while they're not with you. While I did leave some holes in my idea, it was more for the content team to fill in than anything else.

    Tiers would be like weapon tiers, I presume. It might have a slight stat benefit, but it's only a visual change otherwise. People who donate would get a donate-only tier instead of Unique, Rare, Legendary, etc.

    Feel free to get back to me on this, I'd love to talk this over more.

    Edit: I consolidated these ideas into the main post for more detail. c;
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2019
  13. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    This is more on the rocks with the EULA, but in short, it does allow certain people to do this:
    -I pay for a rank
    -I get a pet, and depending on the rank (VIP, VIP+, or HERO) I get that specific rank's pet
    -I, in turn, sell the pet for a high fetch of LE
    -I have essentially paid real life money for a huge amount of currency
    I don't think many people would like that, and yes, you can resell the pet (probably) for LE, but you, in return, have the same amount of LE, if not a little more of a profit (or not as much of a profit) and therefore, have lost or have not gained from the exchange at all. Meanwhile, the Rank person, who probably didn't either want or need the pet, have profited quite well.

    Please elaborate when you say: "Need to respawn just like you do." This makes essentially little to no sense as we respawn in a town that is the closest/last visited. So, do your pets do the same? If so, can't they get stuck and therefore, having you to go retrieve them?
    Another question for this, can I just pay for a pet? Do I only get one pet per rank? Does each rank get a different pet? Many of these are needed to be answered.

    You may have added more things, but it's still quite confusing, and there are still plenty of holes to fill.
  14. GreenBeanGaming

    GreenBeanGaming Travelled Adventurer VIP

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    The only way to solve this problem is make it so that pets you paid real money for are unable to be sold or traded.

    My idea behind this was just to send them back to the inn-type area for retrieval. There would be one of these in every town if it got implemented anyways.

    I suppose this can depend on the staff's decision. I'd personally enjoy having a pet for VIP rank, but if rank is a monthly payment then this is likely a no-go unless they can "lock" the pet from being used until the rank is purchased again. Otherwise, just from buying a pet from the store.

    I do hope we can keep improving my idea. Your constructive criticism is great help to me.

    Edit: Fixed the main post again.
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