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Progression Bank Page Prices

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by ParkourTNT, Feb 12, 2019.


Do you need more than 13 pages?

  1. I need more than 13 pages

    20 vote(s)
  2. I don't need more than 13 pages

    10 vote(s)
  3. I need all of the pages

    12 vote(s)
  4. I only use 1-6 pages

    2 vote(s)
  5. I use class slots

    6 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    Edit: You can vote twice if you use class slots vote for it too.
    Note: there is a TLDR

    When i was playing i released that i need more bank pages but i got into trouble because of the prices, here is a story explaining what happen:
    • Me: I need a page for the ingredients that i have so i decided to go and buy one "Hmm 6Le for the page that's good"
    • After a while: "Oh man i need more space my bank is full" trying to get rid of every useless item in my bank "that's not good, even after getting rid of a lot of things i still need more space. let me see how much for page number 13" after checking the price "It's 13Le i can afford it if i worked hard"
    • After working hard for 3 days: selling a lot of ingredients and items "Nice, i can buy the page now"
    • After two seconds: My bank is full, i decided to check how much for page number 14 "... it's 28Le"
    • Searching for a better way to get emeralds:
      1. Selling items from Loot Run: "I'm not good at loot ruining even though i have 200LB" after watching a video about where to loot run" it takes me a long time to finish the loot run and selling them takes a lot of time too "it's not worth it"
      2. Several reefs: "Very good i can get 28LE in 16h but i don't want to wast 16h to get one page"
      3. Grinding: "Not good, the same problem with loot run i need a lot of time to sell the items"
      4. Crafting: "Pretty bad, i need a lot of time to get to the point where i can sell good items"
    • Me after giving up: "Why do i even need bank pages again? i can use the class slots" after remembering the pain in using them "No, i don't want to wast a lot of time going forth and back with class"
    • Me thinking of buying a white horse/items: "Even after two years i can't afford to buy a single white horse" after thinking where did i spend my Le "I lost 32Le for 13 pages and now i need 28Le to buy another page, oh yeah i also lost 64Le trying to breed a white horse hahaha that was AMAZING!"
    • Me after going to a period of despair: "I hope the bank pages will be cheaper in the future"
    My point is that buying a page that you need (from page 1-16) must not be higher than 18Le because i don't want my profit to go to buying a page i want to buy items not a page, i can understand if page number 17/18 were to be higher than 18Le. So i suggest the prices will go like:
    • Page number 1: Free
    • Page number 2: 32E
    • Page number 3: 1Eb
    • Page number 4: 2Eb
    • Page number 5: 4Eb
    • Page number 6: 8Eb
    • Page number 7: 16Eb
    • Page number 8: 32Eb
    • Page number 9: 1Le
    • Page number 10: 1.5Le
    • Page number 11: 2Le
    • Page number 12: 3Le
    • Page number 13: 5Le
    • Page number 14: 8Le
    • Page number 15: 12Le
    • Page number 16: 17Le
    • Page number 17: 23Le
    • Page number 18: 30Le
    • Page number 19: 64Le
    • Page number 20: 96Le
    • Page number 21: 128Le
    Now i can at least buy the pages to number 16/17 with the full price being the same which is 6 stacks of le (someone says it was that much)

    Note: i didn't play that much after the update 12-16h.

    What i use currently
    1. Ingredients
    2. Ingredients
    3. Powders
    4. misc/untradable items
    5. Dungeon keys/fragments
    6. Scrolls/boat pass/other items
    7. set items
    8. quest items
    9. potions
    10. items
    11. items
    12. items
    13. None "I just bought the page and i'm planning on playing a new class with only crafting"
    What i want to use
    1. Ingredients tier 0
    2. Ingredients tier 0
    3. Ingredients tier 1
    4. Ingredients tier 2&3
    5. Materials for wood/ore
    6. Materials for fish/wheat
    7. Scrolls/boat pass/other items
    8. Powders
    9. Dungeon keys/fragments
    10. Misc/untradable items
    11. Quest items
    12. Potions
    13. Set items
    14. Special items
    15. Armor items
    16. Weapon items
    TLDR: I don't really know if what i write does make sense. But my problem is not that i can't afford to buy the page it's that it's not worth to buy the page even though i need it. I would be fine with page number 17/18 being 28Le because even if i thought the page isn't worth it i won't need to buy the page but with page number 14 being 28Le it isn't worth buying but i will need to buy it and it's not the only page that i need to buy i will need to buy page number 15/16 meaning that i will lose more than 1.5 stacks of le and i would really like to buy a white horse instead of three pages.

    Hope this make sense
    Edit: My bank here
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2019
    rainbow_elite_7 and Tsukiji like this.
  2. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    first of all you do realize waste has an e right? second the bank pages are supposed to be a commodity. nothing good in the world is cheap ya know? back in the day there wasn't even two bank pages worth of space. idrk about things now since I haven't rly played since the economy update but I feel like you probably just need to manage your inventory space better. lastly, I'm not totally sure about this one but I swear bank pages have become cheaper since the economy update. im positive I spent more le on the previous last bank page then the first additional bank page when the economy update hit but again I'm not sure but if it's true you really have nothing to complain about. basically, everything isn't supposed to be easy to get, you have to work for it.
    ok if you're actually using an entire page for these things that's definitely why you don't have enough space
    WilsonKry and satbyccdoerfe like this.
  3. satbyccdoerfe

    satbyccdoerfe some random golem CHAMPION

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    agreed lol
  4. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    I played before the gameplay update (one month before the release) so i understand what you mean.
    First, i would like to clarify something that i tried to sell/throw all my useless stuff and organized the bank, i got some space for other items but it wasn't enough. Another thing is that the meaning of "useless items" is different between us, to me those useless items are important to me so i can't just throw them i will prefer wasting 64Le instead of throwing them.
    Second, before the update my bank pages were full and with the new 1.18 update they add a lot of things that i want to collect like ingredients/materials/items. I have 11 pages full i needed to buy pages for the new items, you'll need 5-6 pages for the new ingredients/materials (without the new items) so i bought two pages but the problem is with the pages number 14, 15 and 16 they all cost more than 18Le why is that a problem? because buying the pages 1-16 must not be a burden to the player why is it a burden? because getting more than 18Le and spending them on the bank pages feels like this "Buy this to continue playing" (i'm serious). The bank pages is to make your life easier with a nice price not with the profit that you gain from selling a lot of ingredients&items, i don't mind using the profit on a page that you don't need to buy, but losing the profit that you gain just to buy a page that you need isn't helpful because of one reason which is "I want to buy a white horse" i was playing for two years and didn't get one but seriously this isn't the only items i want to buy with pages number 14, 15 and 16 being more than 18Le it feels like a burden that tells me to not buy anything.
    Here is my bank https://imgur.com/a/YzLfRGX
    Also a quick note: i won't throw anything
    rainbow_elite_7 likes this.
  5. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    ok well its your own fault for being such a hoarder...and i don't mean that in a rude or insulting way but if you're not willing to throw away even tier 0 ingredients that you literally only have one of and will probably never use...there's really no other word to describe it
    the banks are balanced so that you can easily get enough space for what you need, but if you want to pick up and keep every single thing you find on the ground, sure you can do that but that'll cost you. plus, even if you don't throw out anything, you probably have at least like 2-3 pages worth of empty space in your bank. Don't tell me you don't wanna put things there cuz it'll be disorganized? if thats really what you're doing...then sorry but nobody can help you there
  6. Ichikaaa

    Ichikaaa woop woop CHAMPION

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    I agree that pages need to be cheaper. Sure, you can argue against some of the reasons that are listed above, I personally don't think I need an entire page for Powders or Scrolls/Boat Passes, but what everyone decides to store in their bank is up to them, and I don't think there's any need to call the things that someone else finds value in a waste of space.

    However, I'll list my own reasons as to why I think pages should be cheaper.
    In a thread I made regarding selling items to the Blacksmith, I skimmed over my problem a little bit. Currently I use all but four of my characters to store items, along with 14 bank pages. I don't believe I have anything that's wasting space, really. Here's a rundown of my bank currently
    1: Mythics, Emeralds, Scrolls, T4+ Powders, Old Collectible Items, some free space
    2: Mining Materials
    3: More Mining Materials
    4: Even More Mining Materials
    5: Tier 3 Ingredients and Sellable Tier 2 Ingredients (Mostly level 80+)
    6: Full stacks and stacks of Tier 1-2 Ingredients (Level 80+)
    7: More full stacks and stacks of Tier 1-2 Ingredients (Level 80+)
    8: MORE full stacks of Tier 1-2 Ingredients (Levels 1-80ish)
    9: Unidentified Legendary Items from Loot Runs
    10: More Unidentified Legendary Items from Loot Runs
    11: Even more Unidentified Legendary Items from Loot Runs
    12: Moreeee Unidentified Legendary Items from Loot Runs
    13: Obtainable Collectible Items and Complete Builds
    14: Random stacks of Woodcutting Materials that I don't ever look at because I'm scared to accidentally buy the next page

    I have an account with scrap, with early-mid game items for when I level classes up, for end game boots that may be used in builds, chestplates for same reason, helmets for same reason, pants for same reason, weapons for same reason, quest items, untradable items, dungeon fragments and stuffs, dungeon keys, and you get the idea, yeah.

    I also sold two entire bank pages of Mining Materials, which I didn't want to do, but I needed space.
    I mined up until level 91, half of which was even with xp bombs. For anyone who was working on all professions at the same time, good lord, I don't want to imagine what their storage situation was like.

    I have a friend who has all of her accounts, pretty much over 100, and her bank is completely packed, mostly because of untradable items, things like the cosmic sets, and other things gathered from leveling up those classes, with pretty much no space for the new materials and ingredients.

    Yes, I too played back in the day. I've been playing for six years. I remember when it was just a single bank page and you only had a normal chest space, I think, and it was easy to manage because the game was simple back then. There was no Mythic items that you could sell for stacks of LE, there was no reason to go find a loot run, there wasn't a reason to farm tons of mob drops, there certainly wasn't any materials and professions you needed space for, there wasn't nearly as many quest items or untradable items, no old collectible items (since the ones we have now are from that era), or dungeon keys, or whatever else. End game builds were simplified, you knew what was good and what wasn't, and there wasn't much to tinker with. Bob's Mythic Weapons were typically the go-to. You had much fewer character slots, and you couldn't even play Assassin unless you were VIP, so you had no need to carry daggers or whatever unless you donated.

    I don't need everything I have, but it's not stuff I should have to throw out either. I'm not saying it's a problem I want fixed for me because the game should revolve around me or anything, I just think it's important to note that the majority of players that have this problem, which is the main reason I think something should change, more so than it already has. Bank pages shouldn't really be more than 16LE in my opinion. Yes, it's a nice way to take money out of the game, but nobody will spend their Emeralds on bank pages if they cost upwards of 32+ LE, people could buy much more useful things from players for that amount of Emeralds. 16LE is affordable, and what 10 pages? That's 2.5 stacks of LE that you get from one person buying the pages, which is much more likely to happen than it is now.
    By the way, should probably change the tag attached to the title :p Isn't really a website/forums thing, lol
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2019
    Druser, Tsukiji and ParkourTNT like this.
  7. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    .... Really?
    I completely understand why would you say that that's why i said
    To make it more clearly i already sold/throw a lot of things and i'm not planning on keeping those with me forever i will use them of course but even after i sell/throw/use them, new items come and replace them. Without organizing the pages it will be really missed meaning that if i want to put new stackable items it will take another slot instead of the same slot, another thing is that it really helps me search for what i need (which is the most important thing for banks).
    In the end, i know it will go to the point of "throw useless stuff and use your free slots" i understand why would you say this but i didn't throw them for simple reasons one of them is that i love collecting the second is that i will use them or sell them just like the other items that i collect.
    Also, it's not about that it's tier 0 just throw it you can buy or collect them later easily it's about the playing experience.

    What i mean by playing experience:
    It's the ability to play freely without a burden (of course this isn't the real meaning but it's related a little bit), the problem with the prices is the burden it makes. Sure i can make a profit in two-three weeks and buy another three pages but i don't want to use my profit on pages blew 17 (which i truly need), still i will use my profit for pages beyond 17.

    There are a lot of kinds of players and i'm the kind of player that likes to collect things. Here is how i experience my first playthrough:

    The first time i played Wynncraft i used to collect everything even junk items (which was very useless at the time and you only have one page, i was using the class slots of course) after getting to level 60~ the gameplay update released and with it the bank pages born. First, i used 7 pages but after getting to level 90~ i was using 9 pages, page number 10 and 11 the price for them was a little bit high to me at the time, using the 9 pages were barely enough but still good i needed to rid of a lot of items but i didn't get rid of all the junk items so after a little while i decided to buy page number 10&11 because at the time i decided to collect items one of them are set items.

    It might not make sense that i don't want to use my emeralds to buy pages blew number 17 but i will use them to buy the higher ones.
    Explaining why: Using the profit (that you worked for) to buy something that will let you continue playing isn't good because it's something that you don't want to waste your profit on but you need to do to continue playing by your style but buying the same thing that you don't need to continue playing by your style is good because you wanted to use your profit on it. I hope this makes sense
    Fixed! i changed it to progression.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2019
  8. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    ok well again like i said, the bank is balanced as it is for the vast majority of players. the reason you have a problem with it is really your own fault. if you refuse to let go of these items and wanna play the game like that, sure, but the game won't change to accommodate a very small percentage of the playerbase.
  9. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    First, you don't have the right to say "very small percentage of the playerbase" (sorry if i seemed very protective)
    Let me go through this again with more details

    Weapons/Armour/Acsseroies (unidentified): You have five choices of what to do with them
    • Sell them to the blacksmith
    • Sell them to other players
    • Give them to other players for free
    • Keep them in the bank
    • Throw them
    Weapons/Armour/Acsseroies (identified): You have seven choices of what to do with them
    • Use them
    • Scrap them
    • Sell them to the blacksmith
    • Sell them to other players
    • Give them to other players for free
    • Keep them in the bank
    • Throw them
    Crafted Items: You have seven choices of what to do with them
    • Use them
    • Scrap them
    • Sell them to the blacksmith
    • Sell them to other players
    • Give them to other players for free
    • Keep them in the bank
    • Throw them
    Tools: You have five choices of what to do with them
    • Use them
    • Sell them to other players
    • Give them to other players for free
    • Keep them in the bank
    • Throw them
    Ingredients: You have five choices of what to do with them
    • Craft them
    • Sell them to other players
    • Give them to other players for free
    • Keep them in the bank
    • Throw them
    Unprocessed Materials: You have five choices of what to do with them
    • Refine them
    • Sell them to other players
    • Give them to other players for free
    • Keep them in the bank
    • Throw them
    Refined Materials: You have five choices of what to do with them
    • Craft them
    • Sell them to other players
    • Give them to other players for free
    • Keep them in the bank
    • Throw them
    Repair Scrap: You have five choices of what to do with them
    • Repair with them
    • Sell them to other players
    • Give them to other players for free
    • Keep them in the bank
    • Throw them
    Potions: You have seven choices of what to do with them
    • Use them
    • Scrap them
    • Sell them to the blacksmith
    • Sell them to other players
    • Give them to other players for free
    • Keep them in the bank
    • Throw them
    Powders: You have seven choices of what to do with them
    • Use them on Weapons/Armour
    • Craft them
    • Fuse them together
    • Sell them to other players
    • Give them to other players for free
    • Keep them in the bank
    • Throw them
    Dungeon Items (Keys, Corrupted Keys, Rune, Scrolls, Fragments): You have five choices of what to do with them
    • Use them (Keys, Corrupted Keys, Rune, Scrolls, Fragments)
    • Sell them to other players (Keys, Corrupted Keys, Rune, Scrolls)
    • Give them to other players for free (Keys, Corrupted Keys, Rune, Scrolls)
    • Keep them in the bank (Keys, Corrupted Keys, Rune, Scrolls, Fragments)
    • Throw them (Keys, Corrupted Keys, Rune, Scrolls, Fragments)
    Scrolls/Boat Pass: You have five choices of what to do with them
    • Use them
    • Sell them to other players
    • Give them to other players for free
    • Keep them in the bank
    • Throw them
    Misc. Items/Untradable/Not misc. items or ingredient or untradable (like black powder IV): You have five choices of what to do with them
    • Use them
    • Sell them to other players (If possible)
    • Give them to other players for free (If possible)
    • Keep them in the bank
    • Throw them
    Horses/Boats/Emeralds: You have five choices of what to do with them
    • Use them
    • Sell them to other players (Horses [if possible]/Boats) (buy with emeralds)
    • Give them to other players for free (Horses [if possible]/Boats/Emeralds)
    • Keep them in the bank
    • Throw them
    Quest Items: You have Three choices of what to do with them
    • Use them
    • Keep them in the bank
    • Throw them (with a glitch)

    As you can see that everything have a use but you decide if the use is worth it or not.
    I want to explain about the "Keep them in the bank" to make it clear:
    1. Keep them in the bank
      • You keep them in the bank to use them later
      • You keep them in the bank for your other characters
      • You keep them in the bank is a collected item
      • You keep them in the bank to sell them later
      • You keep them in the bank to not lose them if you die accidentally (like emeralds)
    Now what i want to say is your definition of "useless" is not the same as the other players
    I want those items that you call "useless"
    1. Ingredients tier 0-3: Selling them, Craft with them (Two and a half page)
    2. Misc. Items/Untradable/other items: Use them later, collected items (Half a page)
    3. Dungeon Items: Use them later (Full page)
    4. Horses/Boats/Emeralds/Scrolls: Use them later (More than half a page)
    5. Powders: Use them later (More than half a page)
    6. Quest items: Use them later (More than half a page)
    7. Potions/items: Use them later (Half the page), Sell the items later (Half a page)
    8. Items: Use them later, Sell them later (Almost full page)
    9. Items: Use them later, Sell them later (Almost full page)
    10. Items: Use them later, Sell them later (Almost full page)
    11. Set Items: Collected items (Almost full page)
    Note: sometimes i use these free slots, just like the potions page

    About what you said that the bank is balanced, to me it isn't because of simple reason one of them that the bank page price feels unworthy to buy but you don't have any choice other than buying it "to continue playing by your style", i want for those unworthy pages to be worthy of buying by changing the price.

    I completely understand why will you call them "useless" but please understand that those "useless" items to you aren't for another player.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2019
  10. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    ok well objectively speaking the game doesn't care if its balanced for you specifically or not. you're not the only one playing the game. saying that the game should change to accommodate your "playing style" would be like saying my style is to only use unique items but I can't kill anything with them so they should make mobs weaker so it's balanced around "my playstyle". it simply doesn't work like that. if you really want to hold onto all these objectively bad items that end up filling up your bank, you'll have to pay the price for more bank pages. that's just how it is
    umm...why not? It's true. The average player has no issue with bank space. This isn't to say they wouldn't want more bank space for a cheaper price, but most people are able to manage with the current system.
  11. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Actually multiple threads have come up already about the cost of bank pages and how this update fills up the bank really quickly. So not that small a percentage
  12. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    tbh i'm not the only one who is suffering from this, a lot of people who do loot runs and leveling up their professions are suffering from this.
    I said you don't have the right because you didn't give anything to base your state on. I, on the other hand, based my state about the people who do loot run and level their professions too.

    I also said to you that your not the one that decided if those are useless items, the player who decided. just like i said those "useless" items aren't for another player.
  13. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    ok thats fair enough ig, although with proper inventory management it really shouldn't be a problem
    i didn't say those items were useless, i said that some items are just objectively bad. also, items that are rarely used server no purpose but to take up bank space and possibly have some sort of sentimental value, which i can understand, but again, are objectively useless as they serve no practical purpose. things like most set items or quest rewards are generally bad and not worth keeping, with a few exceptions. i don't know about you but i also usually don't keep dungeon rewards as for i don't do them very often nor do i really need the shop items from most dungeons. of course there were times when i wanted to buy something from a dungeon and could have saved a few runs if i hadn't thrown out the reward drops, but again thats the price of having lots of items. in terms of horses and boats, first of all why do you even have boats they are might not be 100% useless but you do realize thats a whole inventory slot its taking up right? secondly, why don't you just keep horses in your inventory? again, if you don't use them and they just sit in your bank taking up space, you may as well sell them since they for the most part server no practical purpose and are thus useless. (although now that im looking in the pics you posted i don't see any horses? plus a whole third of the page you're wasting too) anyway, the point is, im not saying anything is 100% useless, but some things are worth less than other things, and you'll just have to decide what's more important for you, between your new items and your money
  14. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    Let me say this very very clearly "You're not the one who decides if those items are good enough to take a slot from the bank"

    This isn't just about if those items are "worthy" to take a slot because for simple reasons
    • I'm not the only one who keeps them a lot of players do it meaning that a lot of players want to keep those items even if those items aren't necessary "needed".
    • Even if i throw every item that is "unworthy" to you, it won't solve the whole problem because:
      • A lot of players don't keep those items that i keep, they only keep Legendary items, ingredients and materials etc.
    • A problem with the high prices is that a lot of players won't be able to buy those bank pages that they want or simply won't do because of the high price.
      • Bank pages aren't just for the "rich" players, what about us?
    • About "that's the price for taking more items than you need" it's not a fair argument because:
      • A very simple reason which is that your not the one who decides for the player if those items are necessary.
    • Even if those items are not necessarily "needed" it's still not an item that a lot of players won't throw just because it's not "needed".
    There is a reply above which you can see an example of a different bank from me which doesn't have those "unworthy items to take a slot"
    Also, as you can see from the votes there are 13 who needed more than 13 pages and 10 who don't need more than 13 pages.

    What i want is simple which is "make the prices for pages cheaper".
    If you will respond to me, answer me on those question:
    1-Will you wast your six stacks le on 10 bank pages? and why/why not?
    2-Do you want the bank pages to be cheaper? and why/why not?
    3-How much pages do you use/want to use? and why/why not?

    Put your questions and i will answer them too.

    Here is my answer to my own questions:
    1-I won't wast six stacks on 10 bank pages because it's not worth it, i want to buy many other items and buying 10 pages for six stacks of le is just impossible to me and many other players.
    2-I want them to be cheaper because i want to experience the new update.
    3-I use all my 13 pages (https://imgur.com/a/YzLfRGX), i want to use all the 21 pages because without them i won't be able to experience the update (the same answer as number 2).
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2019
  15. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    i need all the bank pages for builds and shit but they honestly arent that bad. (i have them all) after all, its supposed to be a money sink

    Edit: holy shit dude throw some stuff out, no wonder you need all of the pages
  16. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    I understand why would you say it's a money sink and the price is good but... I'm 100% a LOT of players don't want to spend their 6 stacks of Le on 10 bank pages (even though they really want the bank pages), I can afford to buy those bank pages but I want to buy a lot of things from the market (builds, white horse, ingredients and materials etc) but I can't, because my money goes automatically to the bank pages.

    The bank pages feels like a burden to a lot of players, making a money sink is good but don't make it a burden to players. It feels like a task that you need to do, you can argue that what I have are all useless items but those useless items isn't for another player.
    Useless items= something that you don't think needs a slot in the bank.

    In the end I can say that those "six stacks of Le" is a LOT of money for 10 bank pages, I would say that the last bank page will be worth a stack of LE and all the 9 bank pages combined will be worth one and a half stack of Le.
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