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Dungeons Barren Plateau Dungeon

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Ishfen, Jan 27, 2019.


Should this be added?

  1. Yes +1

    12 vote(s)
  2. Yes with changes (Comment below) +1

    4 vote(s)
  3. No +0

    6 vote(s)
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  1. Ishfen

    Ishfen Avid Suggester HERO

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    Hello, I have for a long while thought that rymek is almost empty in terms of content. It is the only region in Wynn without it's own unique dungeon. For these purposes I'm counting the dermal jungle as part of troms. As such I think the logical conclusion is to add a dungeon and attached quest. Here you go and please leave comments, criticisms, and feed back in the comments section below.

    Quest: Interrupted caravan

    Level: 32

    If you try to talk to ricktor before starting the quest he will say

    “ Hey there! I’ve been having some troubles with my supplies recently, but you don’t look strong enough to help. Come back when you are level 32.”

    If you talk to thomas before the quest he would say

    “I’m a bit busy right now can’t you see?”

    If you attempt to enter the ravine before hand the message would appear.

    {A foreboding aura emanates from the ravine. You probably shouldn't go in there}
    Starting quest message: {Talk to Ricktor in rymek [Coords.]}
    Ricktor would be standing outside a shop in rymek


    Ricktor [1/6] Howdy there soldier! Normally I wouldn’t appreciate you army types around here but it seems like I've got something for you to do

    Ricktor [2/6] My supplier hasn't arrived yet which is odd because he has always been on time for the past twenty years!

    Ricktor [3/6] It’s been a few days at this point. I’m starting to run out of stock.

    Ricktor [4/6] Honestly i’m starting to be worried about him. His name is Thomas.

    Ricktor [6/6] He normally takes the road north from rymek. Why don’t you travel along it and see if something has happened to him?

    Quest book is updated {Travel along the north road to detlas until you find Thomas}

    You find thomas who is in an area of carnage. There appears to be a carriage lying on its side, and there is fire everywhere.


    Thomas [1/4] Thank god you are here! I was just robbed by armed bandits!

    Thomas [2/4] I think i will be alright as long as you are able to recover my lost goods.

    Thomas [3/4] Would you do that for me? I would be willing to compensate you of course.

    Thomas [4/4] If you are willing they headed east across the river. I was able to wound one of them, so you can follow the blood. Good luck!

    Quest book updated {Follow the trail of blood to the east and recover the stolen goods}

    You follow the blood and it leads you to a narrow ravine which has little wooden walls and the like. Once you enter it a cutscene plays.

    There are 3 Bandits sitting around a campfire

    Bandit 1 [1/6] Oh no! A Soldier! Where there’s one the rest will be right behind!

    Bandit 2 [2/6] Run! If we are quick enough they won’t see us!

    The bandits stand up and attempt to run. one starts to run towards a pile of barrels

    Bandit 3 [3/6] I’ll grab the goods!

    Bandit 2 [4/6] No we don’t have time!

    They all run to the end of the ravine

    One of the bandits pulls a lever that was previously hidden { A sign was covering a little hole in the wall which breaks} suddenly part of the wall crumbles revealing a cave inside

    Bandit 1 [5/6] Yes! We’re safe!

    ??? [6/6] No you fools! You’ve led them straight to us! MAN THE DEFENSES! They are coming.

    A Crate renamed stolen goods is put into your inventory. It is a quest item

    Quest book updated { Take the Stolen goods back to thomas }

    Thomas takes the stolen goods

    Thomas [1/4] Thank you so much! I’ll make sure to get these to Ricktor

    Thomas [2/4] Wait, you found the bandit headquarters? The authorities have been looking for that for years!

    Thomas [3/4] I’d suggest staying away from there until you have reinforcements.

    Thomas [4/4] Well anyway, i don’t have much in terms of monetary compensation, but maybe you could find a use for this key that the bandits dropped? Also if you ever need a ride, my caravans are often outside detlas or rymek.

    Quest completed!

    Interrupted caravan completed!


    • 14000 xp

    • + 1 barren plateau dungeon key

    • Access to the outlaws hideout dungeon

    • Fast travel in between rymek and detlas

    After you talk to them

    Ricktor [1/1] Have you found thomas? Is he okay?

    Thomas [1/1] Thank you so much for your help

    Alright so now that you know the quest behind it i can now get down to some more important things

    The barren plateau key guardian would spawn in
    -Rymek areas
    -Abandoned Mines
    -Black Road
    Sand Swept Tomb guardian no longer would spawn in rymek.
    It would use the normal bandit skin and would attack using a dagger with attack patterns similar to the infested pit key guardian. After it is killed the key drops and 5 Bandits spawn.

    This dungeon would be in 5 rooms

    Once you enter the dungeon you are shown the normal dungeon entering words which would be

    Barren plateau

    The Sun beats down on you...

    You would be teleported to an abandoned mineshaft looking area which if you follow for about 30 blocks leads into a cavern with a door at the other end

    While you are walking you would see

    ???[1/4] You don’t know what you are getting yourself into, kid.

    The first room is a slay room there would be at any one time no more than

    -5 normal bandits

    -10 coyotes

    - 2 Bandit archers

    - 1 bandit bomber

    The room would require 3 tokens to progress.

    The bomber would be the only one to drop a token. After you kill him he would respawn in 5 seconds. They would attack by throwing tnt at you and running away. After the tnt exploded he would do it again

    After you opened the door it would reveal a elevator which would take you to the top of a plateau where there are pillars of rock

    ???[2/4] I've led this band of outlaws for 30 years, ever since i was discharged from the army.

    The second room would be a parkour “room” consisting of a couple pillars of rock like this


    Which you would have to parkour along in order to get to the other side of the plateau Along the way you would be blown off by a mob called fierce winds which is invisible.

    At the end you reach a canyon over which there is a bridge. This is the third “room”

    ???[3/4] Well if the king doesnt want me then why dont i start my own kingdom? I have an army, i have land, I have gold, I have everything you need to start a kingdom. And most importantly i have a crown

    The third room is a RUN!! Room.

    Bandit [1/2 ] Is everyone clear?

    Bandit [2/2] Collapsing the bridge!

    You would run along the bridge as it collapse behind you. There would be moving tnt blocks called dynamite which when they come close to you would explode, dealing damage and causing you to go flying, probably off the bridge.
    If you fall you would have to fight your way through canyon coyotes while collecting 10 of the item loose branches from tumbleweed to construct a ladder in order to return to the top (This is kind of a penalty room for failing)

    Once you get across there would be a tunnel heading down which you would follow.

    It would lead into a room with a tunnel leading out.

    There would be minecart tracks everywhere and you would see a clear tunnel across the way.

    Bandit [½] He caught up!

    Bandit [2/2] I’ll collapse the tunnel you guys go to help out drogge

    Boom! The tunnel is suddenly filled with rubble.

    Now you have to direct a tnt minecart to blow up the rubble. This is a puzzle similar to that of the frostbite lava room where you can move around the pieces in order to complete a whole path.

    Once you do you press submit and the tnt minecart blows open the path. Once you go through the path you are in the pre-boss room where it says


    Bandit King of Rymek

    Drogge [4/4] Well none of that matters now

    The boss room would essentially be an arena with sand on the ground and nowhere to hide. The stands would be empty and barriers would block you from entering them

    Drogge would be a level 36 bandit who moves extremely slowly (approx .25 normal walking speed) and carries a warhammer but can charge every 20 seconds or so

    He would have around 3200 health and would deal about 30 damage per normal hit. He can use multi hit around once every 10 seconds, but only will if there is someone near him.

    He regens approximately 100 health every 10 seconds

    Every 30 seconds a bandit archer would spawn (Up to 5)

    Also there could be up to 8 Tamed coyotes at any one time

    After you beat him you would get 3 Barren Plateau fragments which would be the skin for terracotta chunks in the game now and one drogges Crown.

    You would get 13530 XP each time as well as 32 falling emeralds

    The dungeon merchant would sell tier 4 tools for the normal price as well as a couple of items.

    Drogges warhammer
    Very Slow attack speed

    Neutral damage 50-70
    Earth damage 100- 125

    Level minimum: 34
    Class requirement: Knight/warrior
    Defence minimum: 13

    +5% To 20% Melee damage
    +3% To 13% Earth damage
    +2 To 7 Strength
    -39% To 21% Walk Speed

    Legendary Item
    [0/1] Powder slots
    This warhammer was once wielded by the bandit king Drogge.

    2 Drogge's Crown
    Bombers bow

    Slow Attack Speed
    Neutral Damage: 110-140

    Fire Damage: 50-80
    Air Damage: 50-85
    Lv. Min : 34
    Class Requirment: Archer/Hunter
    Agility Min: 14
    Strength Min: 20
    +3 to 13 Spell Damage
    +2 to 8 Dexterity

    +9% to 39% Exploding
    [0/2] Powder Slot
    Rare Item

    1 Drogge's Crown
    Plateau Walkers

    Health +310

    Level Min: 34
    Agility Min: 12
    Dexterity Min:14

    Earth Defence: +5
    Fire Defence: +5
    Water Defence: -10

    +5% To 20% Stealing
    +9 To 39% Walk speed
    -4% To 9% Melee damage
    Rare Item
    [0/1] Powder Slots

    4 Drogge's Crown
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2019
    NotFunny, WilsonKry, Ichikaaa and 4 others like this.
  2. Gotsly

    Gotsly Leader of the Spriggans HERO

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    Love the idea of the dungeon, but the cut scene on the quest is a bit confusing as to what's happening, you should work on that. And also the XP amounts for completing the quest and the dungeon are waaaay too low. That's all, great suggestion tho I support it 100%.
  3. Katyrr

    Katyrr Screech

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    And the boss is a bit strange a Ogre? Thats in gavel not Wynn why not a corrupt bandit leader / corrupt animal since that's the dungeons theme.
  4. Gotsly

    Gotsly Leader of the Spriggans HERO

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    Oops I didn't even realise the boss was an Ogre, but yeah I agree. like some big boss Bandit or somethin
  5. Ishfen

    Ishfen Avid Suggester HERO

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    If you read the dialogue you'll see that he was exiled from gavel because he was too weak to defend himself against the soldiers.then in Wynn the only place he could be was rymek because nowhere else would accept an ogre. It was supposed to be a hint to newer players as to what's to come.

    Now that I'm thinking it over, sure I'll edit that
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2019
  6. Ishfen

    Ishfen Avid Suggester HERO

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    @Bramblesthatcat Would you mind working out the ids for the dungeon merchant items?
  7. Bramblesthatcat

    Bramblesthatcat Just a cat trying to be bing chilling CHAMPION

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    I'm not gonna make the items for you. Do that yourself.

    anyways, here's the formula

    Do you know how to made ID ranges?

    You have a base number.

    You multiply the base by 0.3 (minimum) and 1.3 (maximum) to get your ID ranges.


    Base ID: 10

    Minimum: 10*0.3=3

    Maximum: 10*1.3=13

    Range: 3 to 13

    For Negative ID's, you multiply the base by 0.7 (maximum) and 1.3 (minimum) to get ID ranges.

    Keep the numbers positive when you do calculations, then add the negative sign after.


    Base ID: 10

    10*.7= 7

    10*1.3= 13

    Range: -13 to -7

    You don't pick and choose your minimum and maximum, this is math.
  8. Ishfen

    Ishfen Avid Suggester HERO

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    Awwww... :( Ok i guess I justsaw your signature
  9. Bramblesthatcat

    Bramblesthatcat Just a cat trying to be bing chilling CHAMPION

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    my signature means that i'll review item ideas and explain what id ranges are. Not do the work for you. I don't even have anything to go off with your description. You give id's but no health, no level, no powder slots, nothing to form a basic item with.

    I gave you the tools, do it yourself.
  10. Ishfen

    Ishfen Avid Suggester HERO

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    OK the reply i gave was supposed to be a joke. i am literally working on them now
  11. Ishfen

    Ishfen Avid Suggester HERO

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    i Hsve completed the Dungeon merchant items
    I have changed the boss from an ogre now. He is now "The bandit King of rymek"
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2019
  12. Ishfen

    Ishfen Avid Suggester HERO

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    Please vote and leave comments 9r suggestions this is a bump
  13. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Considering the other level 32 quest gives 14,500 xp I think you need to rethink your idea. Plus 9% melee damage and almost 40% walk speed is a tad OP imo. Very nice suggestion though, you seemed to put a lot of work into this. Thanks for sharing!!
  14. Katyrr

    Katyrr Screech

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    I think it should be more corrupt like the other bosses
  15. Ishfen

    Ishfen Avid Suggester HERO

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    Thank you very much for the feedback! i have updated the XP now.
    While i understnd what you are saying, they were all corrupted because the person had been dead before hand. the bandit king is very much alive
  16. Katyrr

    Katyrr Screech

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  17. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    few spelling errors, missing punctuation, and uncapitalized letters (mostly "I"s). But it's pretty good!
  18. Ishfen

    Ishfen Avid Suggester HERO

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    Thank you! I will go through this again and see if i can find those at some point
  19. Ishfen

    Ishfen Avid Suggester HERO

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    Bump from me
  20. Robbee

    Robbee Well-Known Adventurer

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    Overall, this seems a bit lackluster to me. :/ The quest is just a generic fetch-quest and the dungeon is a collection of task we can already find at other places and with a random bandit at the end. If you look at the Underworld Crypt, Sand-Swept-Tomb or Frozen Barrows, they all have challenges that are truly unique and nowhere else in the game (like the boat ride and the strategy-game-like boss fight of the UC, random rooms of SST or the unkillable mobs and invisible parkour of the FB) and they have a good build-up to their respective boss, which are also mentioned at many other points in the lore (except for Charon).
    Besides that, I don't think a Mesa-Dungeon is really needed. One dungeon every 9 levels is enough; and just because there is one exception (Lost Sanctuary), we don't need more of them.
    H0Y, Hesnilo and Shots like this.
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