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World The Trade Market

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Hyco, Jan 21, 2019.

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  1. Hyco

    Hyco Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    So to start this of.. I'm of course trying to help out, some stuff is personal opinion if you do not agree (or even if you agree) feel free to talk about this below! :)



    The first big problem I see about the market is the general way people are getting scammed especially for Mythics.
    A big part of this is maybe new players or market unexperienced players found Mythics and have absolutly no clue about the price of them. Recently a 2E Warchief got sold, 1stack Hero, 1stack Inferno (below [4]), etc., etc. . People are abusing this and basically scamming other people.


    For Mythics especially a minimum price people can sell the mythics for on the market, for example a min price for a Hero would be 2.5stx (still lower than the actual price but you can't get scammed ridiciously).
    A Maximum price would be good aswell because seeing offers like a 69mill Emeralds Tcrack is just useless and annoying.


    Another point of scamming is the simple abuse of the only showing in Emeralds system. It's just generally hard to make a difference between 100000 or 10000. At 11stx+ trades I heared of people trying to scam others by using the trade market because the normal tradeslots don't allow you to place in more than 11stacks. People tried to place 1 zero more etc.. That's only the tries I heared about that didn't work.. don't wanna imagine how many people actually suceeded


    Pretty easy like many people already suggested just show the prices in E/EB/LE


    Another scamming problem would be that people don't see who bought an item. Even if you do recognize you got scammed after you sold your Catacalysm for 1stack on accident you can't ask for a tradeback and basically remain scammed. Also Items who are sold on the market don't have a name tag by who it's getting sold, this especially in the Mythic Market makes it way harder for people to go for a mythic trade.


    Show the names of people who bought an item or who are selling an item. Another solution would be a Trade id where mod's can check in a Trade log who bought / sold stuff.

    General Changes:

    The only 15Slots regulation in my opinion is not enough. The market is getting floated by items every second and you can't even clearly check the "new items page". A regulation of around 20items per day per player would be a good way to reduce the float of people just trying to quicksell stuff they got and floating the market. (And this would actually get people to trade normally and interact with other players)

    A very opinion based thing would be to remove Mythics completly from the market by not making them sellable. I know at first it sounds crazy but it would fix many problems. Many people are annoyed about wc1 detlas being dead/near dead. Since I'm in the Mythic market aswell I can relate. It would also fix nearly all the problems I mentioned about scamming.

    Second thing I would remove completly from the Market are powders. People used to dupe them/are still doing it and just selling them for a ridicilous low price (32eb/T6) which generally doesn't even make sense. Since lootrunning got nerfed powders are harder to get that means that the supply of powders got reduced aswell. It doesn't make sense at all that the price is even dropping. (And to provide against any claims about me trying to make profit. I do not own a single powder.) Powders are now used in crafting aswell which makes the demand even more higher. So just by simple logic it doesn't make sense that powders are dropping. In fact even the regulation that you can only sell items 1 each it makes it really annoying to sell powders on the market anyways.

    By removing those two it would even help out the trading forum of wynncraft. People don't use shops for mythics/Powders nearly as often as before by keeping those two on the Market the player interaction on the forums is drastically getting lowered.
    For legends it is not nearly as a big problem because the market got floated with "trash" legends. You don't wanna look through 5 pages of Morrowinds to find one that is not completly garbage because of that Legend shops are still working.

    Those are some points where the market place really get on my nerfs. Just trying to help out here be nice and friendly! :)
    This by the way was not only from myself. I talked with some people about this who inspired me to make that thrad.
  2. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    People might ree about the powders, but think about this.
    prices are being very wrongly influenced becaue of some jokesters wanting to save money and screwing over others who've kept powders to sell for a long time before.

    Powders are #1: Harder to get now because of lootrunning nerfs, and lower volumes of enemies in certain places (supply)

    #2: They have much more utility now that they can be used in crafting, and with loads of new normal items being introduced also, they have more use and thus will be wanted more (demand) So not only is this very basic economic concept working in reverse because of regulation-less market selling, but all game design logic would state that powder prices should be increasing

    If the marketplace didn't exist, that's what would be happening, but no, players are bending it to their will and prices are being artificially downgraded.

    Another change I'd propose: remove the "market pricecheck" feature. It only further propels this illusion that is "marketplace becoming market price," and the original pruprose of the marketplace wasn't supposed to be like this.

    No regulations or limits on price setting, item types being sold, scam protecting, or uses per [x amount of time] is ruining the economy, and is poor execution for what in concept could have been a remarkable feature to the game. I don't know how these issues weren't seen coming...
    Knighteee and Hyco like this.
  3. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    The whole name thing not being shown in the trademarked is to stop us from avoiding the 5% tax. Still possible to avoid just harder.
    Although I do agree if there isn't already a mention AFTER the trade there should be one. "You bought [Gaia] from Hyco for 1 050 000 Emeralds"
    And then have a list of last five trades or something through the trade market.

    Also there was a recent update that added spaces to make millions and stuff easier to identify. Should help reduce the posibilty of scams in that department.
    Also I agree with your powder thing completely!
    They spam the market and have extremely low prices due to duping.
    Hyco and CringeAura like this.
  4. CringeAura

    CringeAura Guest

    How does hiding names help us avoid being taxed?
  5. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    The powder market hasn't seriously been affected yet. I've yet to see evidence that lootrunning for powders is actually nerfed permanently (i.e. other than the fact that we don't know the loot chest locations yet).
  6. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    Tier 6 powders have halved in price (Now 1LE only) due to the illusion provided by the marketplace, where if you read my post you would understand that, even if lootrunning was fine, there ARE increased uses for powders and thus that alone should bump up the prices. Also we do know loot chest locations cuz the updates been out long enough, and i can tell you that the numbr of loot chests worldwide is *substantially* less.

    a 50% drop in powder price due to illegitimate circumstance is a "serious effect." Any sizable item in the market increasing or decrease by half is very significant.
    Druser likes this.
  7. Paladin ANO

    Paladin ANO Travelled Adventurer

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    Agreed, you have my respect
    Hyco likes this.
  8. Viaire

    Viaire Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I don't know much about the market but I'd assume the price of powders will eventually adjust in price. Atm the powders from all the loot running from before the update are still in the market and now anyone can sell powders with little to no effort unlike before this update where it required running a shop..there is a lot more supply. As this supply dwindles and the market responds to the higher usage of powders then the price of powders should increase.
    nuthatch209 and Druser like this.
  9. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Add a poll so we can collectively say yes or no
  10. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    this would be a huge kick to the dick to common Mythic traders like me

    Before the market was added it was a pain in the ass to sell Mythics. for example, I had a Hero, Inferno, abd Warchief to sell for over a month (Warchief was over 5 months) and since the market came out all i have left is the Hero. To boot I even sold another Warchief and Sabs i had recently gotten.

    The point of the trade market was for easier exchange and a bridge across the dark abyss known as timezones and remove something as big as Mythics from it would defeat the purpose.
    WilsonKry and trex1611 like this.
  11. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    The opposite. Hidding names makes it harder to tax evade.

    If I see [Warp]
    Being sold by Say Cactyy
    For say 18 stack x 1.05 (tax)
    I could then message him and be like oi boyo take ur Warp down off the market.
    Ill pay u ur 18 stacks.

    Now dear cactyy loses nothing since the seller doesnt get taxed.
    I have just saved just under a stack.
    Heck if i really gave a shit I could offer him a few le... I would still be saving money.

    By having the sellers name hidden it makes this alot harder to do
    You have to actually know whose selling it and if its on the market most people don't really broadcast that their selling stuff since the people who want what they are selling will look either way.
    WilsonKry, CringeAura and Druser like this.
  12. Hyco

    Hyco Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Since I talked about different points it's pretty useless to add a poll since hardly anyone would agree with all points
    Before the market it was not a pain to sell mythics. You just have no effort now selling stuff but clearly the points I mentioned at the scamming part need to get worked on. An easy solution without any effort would be indeed just removing the Mythics.
  13. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Wait has this become a meme/thing people actually say lol.
  14. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    You can make the poll like
    "I agree on all things!
    I agree on all but one
    I agree on all but another one
    I agree on this one
    I agree on another one
    I agree on the last on
    I disagree on all

    Or make it so
    I agree with a
    I agree with b
    I agree with c
    I disagree
    (Add ability to make multiple choices)
    Tsukiji likes this.
  15. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    obviously the scamming needs to be worked on, but as you stated in the original post there are other ways than removing mythics to do it
  16. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    But I like selling my legendarys for one emerald more than what the IBer will give me for it at maximum
  17. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    @tig Removing mythics would indeed be a quick and simple solution but, I agree that it would be unpopular among many. If correct controls and regulations were placed on the marketplace feature then I agree they could be kept, but if and only if. As it stands right now, way more people are selling mythics at abusive prices rather than legit ones, so if something's gotta be done it's gotta be done fast.

    Otherwise, if the staff just ignore all this, then I might just rename this update to the "profession update" because there will be no economy. XD
    Hyco likes this.
  18. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    What are the problems with mythic sales, and why do they matter?
  19. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    If you read Hyco's post fully, you would see examples of abuse of mythic sales and why it's a problem.
    Druser likes this.
  20. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Perhaps high prices for mythics have been sustained for so long simply because everyone who prices mythics base them off of other mythic prices. I'll discount the 2E Warchief because Memechief, but 1 stack for other mythics could be the new normal (given that powders have dropped in price as well). Trying to make changes because of a presupposed assumption about what the price of a mythic should be seems a little misguided to me.

    #2 I can agree with, showing prices in E/EB/LE would definitely be more meaningful to most players.
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