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Make Grassy Areas Grassy Again

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Behem07h, Jan 19, 2019.


Should Wynncraft’s grassy areas have grass (plant) on them

  1. Yes, they should have grass

    20 vote(s)
  2. No, they shouldn’t have grass

    4 vote(s)
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  1. Behem07h

    Behem07h Well-Known Adventurer

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    [​IMG] Suggestion: Add back the grass (plant) that used to be scattered around in most grassy areas.

    Points/Reasoning Pro Grass:
    1. The grass makes the terrain seem less flat and smooth, more natural looking.
    2. The grass also makes the border of paths clearer, making the paths actually seem well used.
    3. It fits with wynncraft’s mediaeval/rustic type feel (textures, builds etc). Doesnt make sense for a mediaeval world to have perfectly flat grass fields etc.
    4. There was no reason to remove the grass in the first place.
    5. Grass isnt laggy anymore, the most laggy blocks are redstone components and leaves.
    6. The grass was quite sparse, didnt interfere with gameplay (combat, finding items etc)
    7. Some people dont even seem to recall how the grass originally was, which is good because it meant it felt natural and “normal” enough that people didnt really think about it
    8. Realism might not be important, but immersion is and not having any grass plants breaks the immersion
    9. Grass probably doesnt affect AI

    Points/Reasoning Against Grass:
    1. Caused unneccessary lag
    2. Hard to hit some mobs
    3. Tall grass interferes with combat
    4. Hard to find items
    5. The grass interfered with ai? (was posted as a speculation, so that is reflected here with the “?”)
    6. Grass on paths is annoying for players
    7. The corruption killed all the grass
    8. Realism isnt important in wynncraft
    9. Not worth it if it affects gameplay too much

    If you have any points that havent been listed above yet, feel free to state them
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2019
  2. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    there used to be grass?
    7Red_Dragon7 likes this.
  3. Behem07h

    Behem07h Well-Known Adventurer

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    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Yes, there used to be grass.
  4. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    It'd make more sense for the grass to stay trimmed, livestock will most likely munch down on the grass and small sparks of corruption will affect the growth of grass, also how does this bother you? Plains like these stay under-grown because it isn't a Jungle to have all that spare grass that's annoying us all the time, eating away at our frames and making hitting mobs harder, especially short ones.
  5. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Well, it would guide players on where to go.
    7Red_Dragon7 likes this.
  6. Behem07h

    Behem07h Well-Known Adventurer

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    6C45AB8F-C1ED-4060-A450-86CAFB12F5DC.jpeg 1E0FB3A3-97B4-4BD8-B54F-2F1CBCA547FF.jpeg
    (Please note that these are just my opinions based on my logic)
    “make more sense for grass to stay trimmed, livestock will most likely munch down on the grass” However, areas like the emerald trail do not have any free roaming livestock, so there would be no livestock to eat the grass.
    “small sparks of corruption will affect the growth of grass” areas with corruption spikes have a radius around them where the corruption is visibly there, as well as a radius where there are less grass blocks. If the corruption were to affect the growth of the grass, there shouldnt be any grass blocks at all either.
    “spare grass thats annoying us all the time, eating away at our frames” In minecraft 1.6, tall grass did actually use to lag. However, currently we are 6 versioms after 1.6 and that issue has already been fixed. As of 1.12, the laggiest blocks in the game are redstone dust, redstone torches, pistons and leaves. It is much more likely that you will get lag spikes due to being in an area with large amounts of leaves than large amounts of grass.
    “making hitting mobs harder, especially short ones” I will not dispute that it would be harder to hit small mobs such as baby zombies through grass. However, as seen in the two images I posted above, the grass in wynncraft was already quite sparse and spread out and shouldnt interfere with hitting mobs.
    In the last part of your reply, you stated that “Plains like these stay undergrown because it isnt a jungle” however, in real life plains have occasional patches of taller grass and jungles usually have the ground lined with fallen leaves and barely any grass. attached are two images for reference.
    7Red_Dragon7 and Tsukiji like this.
  7. Snerp

    Snerp Grand Terrainer Modeler HERO Builder

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    It’s like this due to gameplay reasons
    nicktree and colin350 like this.
  8. Behem07h

    Behem07h Well-Known Adventurer

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    may I know what those gameplay reasons are?
    7Red_Dragon7 likes this.
  9. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    My best guess would be messing with mob AI or spells.
  10. Snerp

    Snerp Grand Terrainer Modeler HERO Builder

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    grass on paths is really annoying for players, tall grass is painful to fight mobs in (2 block tall)
    And too much grass in ground makes it annoying to find items dropped
    nicktree likes this.
  11. Behem07h

    Behem07h Well-Known Adventurer

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    Originally there wasnt much grass on the paths in the first place
    there was barely any tall grass (if any, i dont remember)
    The grass was quite sparse, as you can see in the two screenshots i posted right at the top. Players can also use the F3 keybinds to highlight item hitboxes
    Edited to show all points people have made so far for and against having grass.
  12. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    As a discovery says, corruption is like a weed, it grows deep underground and reaching the top, it could definitely have an effect on the area it's growing on, logic isn't Wynncraft's deal, it isn't important for really tall grass, it's just better the grass stays mowed, also there are houses everywhere in Wynn, they may want to cut their grass if it gets to wildishly long, also lots of grass just makes it hard to see and just plain (pun not intended) unnecessary, also Wynn doesn't appear to be the best province in farming, telling by the grass's dried out color that this isn't your wet lush green grass, it has this limish color which probably doesn't mean it's the purest grass out there, suggesting you can find some dirt patches that aren't paths and grass isn't growing in it, my opinion is that the grassy land would look a bit wildish and I think some land owners would like to have their grass tamed.
  13. Behem07h

    Behem07h Well-Known Adventurer

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    “may want to cut their grass if it gets wildishly long, also lots of grass just makes it hard to see” but as seen in the screenshot i’ve attached to the main post, the grass was never wildishly long and never did make it hard to see.
    “it has this limish color which probably doesnt mean its the purest grass out there” cant really dispute this since im colorblind, but just because the grass has patches of dirt in it doesnt mean it wont grow tall. There are many cases of this occurring in real life.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2019
  14. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Well, as Snerp said and @Stormarend did too, AI and gameplay can be ruined, I mean seriously, I have dropped items on accident and have trouble finding them even when there's no grass! Also Wynncraft doesn't care about realism, performance and gameplay have higher standards in the chart, I mean islands don't float by their selves, also the people who live on those islands aren't even effected by the anti-gravitational force!
  15. Behem07h

    Behem07h Well-Known Adventurer

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    Realism doesnt really matter in wynncraft, I can’t dispute that. However, I feel that immersion in wynncraft is a very important aspect (In my opinion, if it werent there would have been no reason to have a custom texturepack and custom mob models). I think that one of the things that makes games immersive is that they have tiny details that nobody ever notices/acknowledges purely because they feel like they belong (just to clarify, something doesnt need to be realistic to feel like it belongs). removing all the grass breaks this immersion abit, even if it may have been slightly affecting some things there could surely be better ways to solve them than just removing the grass.
  16. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    Most of the big plain areas have had things added to them.
    One of the areas with that screenshot now has ruins.
    There are mini forests and buildings in lots of other places to fill the void.
    Grass is nice but if it causes issues its kinda like eh... is it worth it at that point?
    But a little bit of grass would be nice. but keep yo 2block tall crap outa here...
  17. Behem07h

    Behem07h Well-Known Adventurer

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    Firstly, I wish to correct myself: In my posts and replies, I meant to say that there may have been 2 high grass but that i didnt remember. I never actually stated that there ever was 2 high grass, nor did I mean to suggest to add 2 high grass. I merely meant to suggest to add back grass plants, so sorry if i caused any confusion there. Looking at screenshots, it also seems that there wasnt any 2 high grass either, so yay :D

    Secondly, I dont believe having grass would cause any issues with the game really. The grass previously was quite sparse so it wouldnt have affected combat nor finding items too greatly. Some people also mentioned that it could have been affecting AI. However, look at the fields in katoa ranch, around ragni and the detlas suburbs; they have many crops growing in their fields, yet the mob AI still works. As far as I am aware based on my limited knowledge about the game, in minecraft, wheat, potato, carrot crops etc (which wynncraft is using for all the crops in the farms), are the same type of block as grass plants. As such, any AI should treat them the same way. Since the mob AI is not affected by the crops in the farms, it is quite probable that the same applies for the grass plants.
  18. Behem07h

    Behem07h Well-Known Adventurer

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    bump is this how you’re supposed to bump things?
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