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World Quest Idea

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by AtlasDragon101, Jan 15, 2019.

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  1. AtlasDragon101

    AtlasDragon101 Well-Known Adventurer

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    since were getting mini quests id like to suggest guild quests. these quests are multi-player quests involving solving multiple puzzles at one, taking different routes through a dungeon at the same time, and doing things like launching other players across gaps (maybe with cannons, or catapults)

    the city of pirates bay is crawling with the undead gather your friends and slow their assalt on the citys of the ocean

    the secrets of the pirates bay is a 4-6 player 25th-35th level dungeon
    rewards 2716 exp,
    4000 guild exp,
    200 emeralds,
    and one random piece of the exclusive capitan's gear

    *comes without party members*
    pirate mayor: no no no this wont do at all we may be desperate but im not going to send you in with out a whole squad to assist you.

    *returns with party members*
    pirate mayor: adveturers hail, i need your help, my bay has come under siege by the undead. it seems a powerfull necromancer has come from the dernal jungle to raise an army from our dead. i implore you please travel beneith the island and stop him before he becomes to powerfull.

    another idea: ( i like this one more)
    the AI controling the corkus factory has set its sights to expand in to gavel dismantle the new factory before it can begin to produce its army

    all players who participate in the quest must've completed the corkus factory dungeon

    the factory of gavel is a 8-10 player
    80th-100th level adventure
    rewards 860000 exp
    4 le
    1-4 t6 powders
    and one random piece of the steel king armor set

    *without party members*
    technitian andrews: this is very bad quick gather your friends, i need at least 8 of you.

    *with party members*
    technitian andrews: ah adventurers i need your help. as your aware you recently crippled the factory producing the robots attacking corkus, but it seems the factory still functions. to make matters worse the factory decided that the most logical way to continue was to produce another factory in levigar. im friends with the mayor of levigar, speak to him and he will help you

    *go to levigar and talk to the mayor*
    mayor (i dont know his name): aw yes you must be the group of adventurers andrews said he would send, i have a very important task for you. let me explain all of you may remember the levigar power supply? it seems the factory has been built under the power supply and is activly draining it to reduce its building time, in fact we have reason to believe its already operational to a small degree. we cant simply blow up the factory as that would cause a sinkhole to open on the surface, so we are sending you down to stratgicly dismantle the factory's core systems. to reduce the risk of shutdown the controls are often split between multiple rooms, many of the systems are meant to be used by the ai or by perfectly in sync robots. you need to destroy:

    the power supply connection
    the material refinary
    the assembly area
    the connection to the main ai on corkus
    and its main opperation servers

    this is more of an insperational idea than anything, and i would love if other people posted ideas for this here.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2019
    btdmaster likes this.
  2. SUPER M


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    cool idea!
    pretty much no detail.
    work on it.
  3. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    I like the idea as well, add more details like Sam said.
  4. sn0w0

    sn0w0 Snøw the conqueror of worlds

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    Guild quests would be a great idea in general, but i think the forgery should also be a quest, since from what i know nobody knows where it came from.
  5. AtlasDragon101

    AtlasDragon101 Well-Known Adventurer

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    i added an idea for how one could start but its manly for to get your brain juices flowing than anything. i have a few half finished ideas for the traps and puzzles
  6. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    So, it's basically Underworld Crypt?
    Has Crypt in it: Check
    Has a General: Check
    Has a conscious person who wants to raise the dead: Check
    Is underground: Check
    You are in command of your own soldier/ teammates: Check
    Perhaps make it surrounding Pirate Bay, not Ancient Nemract, As Pirate Bay is currently unused.
    H0Y likes this.
  7. AtlasDragon101

    AtlasDragon101 Well-Known Adventurer

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    thats a good idea ill edit it

    however like i said this is more for inspitation than anything else
  8. Pepo

    Pepo Snt best cult! QA GM CHAMPION

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    Guild quests? Explain hmmm
  9. AtlasDragon101

    AtlasDragon101 Well-Known Adventurer

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    basicly a quest that requieres a party of several players to start and complete

    could instead be raids open at certain times or randomly open and close ( dungeon bombs would open them)

    gather your friends and make a party, and do one of the (5 maybe?) raids,
    these group challanges require team work, cordination, and planning to complete

    the challanges are many but the rewards are increadable

    lots of exp (good to stop the level grind problem)
    legendary set items
    and money, (who dosent like money)
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2019
  10. TheWiz99

    TheWiz99 (almost) Grand Wizard

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    It sounds like you want to have dungeons that are like the OG Lost Sanctuary (when it was called the Animal Dungeon). This dungeon was unique from the rest due to you having to bring a party that had all the classes: warrior, archer, and mage (assassin was optional due to it being a VIP exclusive class at the time) in order to get through the dungeon. While the concept of needing a specific class to get through a dungeon is outdated by current Wynn CT standards, I think you should use the content of that old dungeon as a way to convey your point more clearly for the rest of the forums.
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