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World Afterworld! (the Ultimate Reward)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by DogeTennant, Jan 10, 2019.


What do you think?

  1. Awesome, great idea!

    4 vote(s)
  2. Good idea, still needs some improvements though.

    6 vote(s)
  3. Could be a good, but it has a lot of flaws.

    6 vote(s)
  4. meh.

    7 vote(s)
  5. Just why..?

    0 vote(s)
  6. Terrible idea

    3 vote(s)
  7. I don't even care about lore

    0 vote(s)
  8. Too big/ambitious - Cannot be realized

    9 vote(s)
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  1. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    So what happens when you reach lvl 100 or complete all quests? You get 2 skill points and a nice message in the chat for everyone to see. Not much, right? Well there's a lvl 101 maybe when you grind your way through to this lvl you get some actual reward for completing this task... 2 skill points and a nice message in the chat for everyone to see.. (Btw. you dont actually get any kind of special reward once you complete all the quests (you could argument against this by saying that new quests are constantly being added, and that some people would hit the reward repeatedly, but I'm not talking about any item reward here anyways)

    There's isn't really a sense of achievement, except the fact that you got the level, what's next? do LI hundred times to get the amulet? Spend time in WC1 Detlas talking about memes? (I approve that btw.)

    I came up with this idea a while ago, but I wasn't sure if I it would get accepted, but whatever, so here it comes

    The idea is, that once you reach lvl 100 OR complete all quests, you can enter a new world (that would be on different servers, I would recommend 3 servers that would restart regularly, like the normal ones)

    This world, would be completely rid of all evil, so it would feel like all the quests you've done had an actual effect on the world.

    I also want this to be an actual reward for everyone, not just those hungry for exploration and lore, so this world may give small advantages in some aspects compared to the regular world

    The possible requirements could be:

    1. Level 100 or higher to enter

    2. Level 100 and all quests completed to enter

    3. All quests completed to enter (honestly someone who has all quests completed is probably lvl 100 already, but it's possible to complete them all and be lvl 99

    ? What if new quest got added? Well simply everyone who had access to the Afterworld get their access revoked, until completion of the new quests

    How would it look like?

    Here I'm gonna try to explain to you, how would I imagine it whole world to look like


    There would be little to no evil mobs at all.

    Wynn - The only place in Wynn that would still have evil mobs would be at the closest range of the Nether Portal that would still be opened, the mobs would be much stronger (around lvl 90), they could drop some special stuff, haven't really figured out what though and Almuj Deserts, but I would only make it so Scarabs spawn there + maybe some deep caves aswell, could still have some evil mobs

    Gavel - The only four places where evil mobs would still spawn would be some parts of Molten Heights, Sky Island region, The most rotten parts of Dark Forest (mobs again strenghtened to be a match for lvl 100) and Bandits would still spawn on several locations, mostly canyon of the lost, but the spawn rate would be much smaller + again maybe some deep caves, mostly around Dark Forest region

    Corkus - No evil mobs at all

    Dead Island -
    Evil mobs would still be around the most of the island, even though the healing of the nature would start appearing there aswell (could be possible grinding place for lvl 100s there)


    Quest and Non Quest NPCS - Most likely all of the current Quest NPCs would dissapear aswell as the non-quest NPCs, because the events of Afterworld happen 70 years after the events of the Regular world, but new NPCs (non-quest npcs only) could emerge and maybe reference some of the old npcs, and you could maybe even find their tombstones, saying maybe how they died and similar stuff. Very few old NPCs could still be around as very old people.

    Regular citizens - Would mostly remain the same, but maybe level them up to lvl 100 in every city, and also you could find some on busy roads, as there is no longer danger (such as Emerald Trail)

    Sellers/Buyers - Buyers would pay 10% more for all of your items and All items from Sellers would be 10% cheaper (because realistically speaking, the demand for the items would not be as high, because the war is over and people no longer need weapons and armor) (I have no realistic reason why buyer would pay you 10% more but whatever lol)

    Loot chests

    My first thought about loot chests was to just remove them from this world, but then I tought about the fact that this world should be reward and thought about actually decreasing the magnitude of the LB nerf on loot chests in this world. But then again, basically every lvl 100 would try to lootrun here, and if only 3 servers with this world would be "released" it would make lootrunning for more people impossible and only like 1 person would get the best stuff and people would probably get toxic very quick. So I actually have no clue what to do with loot chests, and I'd appreciate your input on this.

    Locations and Lore

    Now for the biggest part of this world, exploration and lore wise I spent quite some time trying to create lore for this world, so that you and most importantly the content team can even more create the image of this world.

    *Anything not in Italic wouldn't be in a final lore, just my notes

    Events in the Afterworld are happening 70 years later (Let's assume you've become so powerful that you basically do not age, so you are still around)


    Ragni together with Troms became the strongest army focused city in the Wynn province, providing the most resources and taking down many of the strongest corrupted entities.(excluding you) Ragni helped rebuilding villages along the Emerald Trail with the help of Detlas, providing emeralds. After the war, most of the soldiers became farmers, blacksmiths and traders, selling the riches they have found during the war. Some had to stay for duty and guard the Nether Portal to prevent from any further spread of the Corruption.


    During the last stages of the war, Detlas sold tons of resources to Ragni, Troms and Nemract to finally slay the roots of Corruption. Even though Detlas was already central hub of Wynn, after war, Detlas became arguably the richest city in the Province of Wynn and even Gavel, competing with Quartz City of Llevigar and Gavel's central hub Cinfras.


    The city that has seen some of the harshest and fiercest fights of them all. During Adventurer's travels in Molten Heights, (you) the power of the corruption peaked. Nemract soldiers did all they could, but they were no match to the power of Corrupted army, even with the help of Ragni. Troms could not provide support during these times, because Corruption spread all the way to Nesaak and Troms had to defend there. These were the first time when Gavel province provided support, Llevigar and Cinfras sending thousands of soldiers to Nemract's Port. With the help of Llevigar and Cinfras, Ragni and Nemract soldiers were eventually able to fight off the Corrupted Army. When the war ended Nemract got a lot of emeralds from Detlas, Cinfras and Llevigar as a kind of compensation for all the suffering they have endured. Due to this, Ancient's Nemract has been almost renovated and Nemract is now fully operating city.


    Almuj city didn't interfere in the war too much, they fortified and occasionally sent resources and troops to Detlas. Due to the big and strong walls of Almuj, Corrupted Army barely even attacked the city as it was a much harder target than Detlas or Nemract.


    Nesaak same as Almuj didn't interfere in the war that much, until the Corruption reached it's borders. They had no defenses or manpower to defend, luckily Troms soldiers quickly came to an aid. While Troms soldiers were able to defend Nesaak, they were not able to push through, but they desperately had to. Just when Troms soldiers were about to run out of food and water, Telvu, the guardian of the Ice Barrows came to aid. With the help of his magic spells, they were able to pus the Corrupted army back. Telvu was mortally wounded in the last battle. He used his remaining force to slowly defrost Nesaak. When the war ended, most of the Nesaak was defrosted and looked more like the rest of Wynn. Other than that, Nesaak was mostly unchanged by the war.


    Due to Troms' strategic locations, far away from the roots of corruption, Troms city itself didn't suffer much, but still lost incredible amounts of soldiers when aiding Ragni and Nesaak. Troms and Ragni soldiers cleared the Pigman Ravine to create a trade route, and that was a really vulnerable spot for Troms. Luckily Corrupted Army tried to break through this tunnel only once and was fought off by combined forces of Ragni and Troms soldiers. After the end of the war, most soldiers became traders and some left to serve their duty at the Nether Portal as guards. Trading relationship between Troms and Ragni was at it's best state.


    Llevigar was never affected much by the corruption until they decided to aid Wynn Province against the Corrupted Army. The weakened corruption also meant that the darkness in Gavel also started to fade away.. Even though Llevigar wasn't ever really concerned with these matters, it still helped to produce more Quartz. Ragni, Detlas and Troms also agreed to pay a compensation for the lost soldiers they have sent to Nemract. Concerning Gavel creatures, Llevigar formed a faction including Cinfras, Rodoroc, Olux, Thesead to cleanse the remaining evil from the Dark Forest and Lexdale region.


    After the power of Dark Forest faded away, Olux became a good trade partner to Llevigar, becoming quite rich with a good amount of soldiers helping to cleanse the evil. Infact it was Olux soldiers who helped the most to Liberate Lexdale, and many soldiers settled there.


    After the war, Lexdale was liberated by combined forces of Olux, LLevigar and Cinfras soldiers, many Olux soldiers settled and there and created a prosperous town.


    Same as Llevigar, Cinfras wasn't affected by none of the wars that much, until they aided the Wynn Province in the fight against corruption. However unlike Llevigar, they refused any compensation for the lost soldiers. After the war, they joined the Llevigar faction and helped to liberate Lexdale and cleansed the region of Cinfras and Canyon of the Lost from Bandits.


    Corkus still had problems with the robots, however once the war ended and the Adventurer (you) cleared out the Fallen Factory, Ragni sent Troops to aid the Corkus City in defeating the remaining Robots.

    *Don't know how the relationship between corkus city and Avos should end up, maybe you guys can think something up

    - If I didn't name a certain city/town in here, it is because I haven't figured out a proper lore for it, because it simply wasn't affected by anything to change at all, or there isn't enough quests for you to do in that region for anything to change

    - Don't really take this as like original lore proposal I just created it, to create an image of the Afterworld

    -I realize that if this project was to be ever agreed to be realized, it would be huge, and probably would have took several big updates until it'd came out, but I think it would be worth it, in the end.

    - I take any suggestions to improve this thread

    *If you read all of this, you da MVP.

    Last edited: Jan 10, 2019
  2. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    its a cool idea and your put allot of effort into this but I dont think its going to happen, general suggestion cant be this large scale
  3. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I tought about that too, that it is too big, to be realized, but atleast I had fun thinking up the stories. And one can hope for the best.
    Tisaun likes this.
  4. tomjerry92

    tomjerry92 Warrior Sympathizer

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    If this would come to be, it would be at the end of the server's development. Adding new areas would require creation and an entire redesign for the afterworld variant. Would be cool to see it happen, but probably way too ambitious
  5. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    theme friendly plz.

    It would take loads of effort but this is a really neat idea. it would be nice to see the world after the war. it would feel more like you actually had an effect on the world
  6. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    This sounds cool, and I like the idea, but it has a couple fundamental flaws:

    1. What’s the point? This sounds like a nice way to see what you’ve helped accomplish lore-wise, but otherwise doesn’t seem to do much. For the amount of work involved, this adds little to no gameplay to the game.

    2. Extroardinarily difficult to add - Assuming you want this to look happier and less run-down than the regular map, this would require us to rebuild the entire map - which is a lot of work.

    Overall, this is a good suggestion but I think some more unique features need to be added alongside this so that it isn’t totally useless.
  7. Kuba

    Kuba Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    If this would be implemented it would of course be after the soon™ economy update, so I think for a reward, rather than the loot chests idea I think those could either stay the same or even have a reduced spawn rate, but have the new material based system be more plentiful. By having more high level resource gathering areas, and a higher chance of rarer materials, I think many players would enjoy crafting and trying new gear
  8. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Tried to make both themes friendly, but for some reason, I cant change all the text to color "none" so I tried this.. Works good on dark, I think

    1. Well, I think not everything added has to do something gameplay-wise , I'm not saying the whole content team should abandon all gameplay updates, and just work on this for a year, maybe just work on it bit by bit, and release it like 4 big updates later. (which could be like 5 years who knows what happens in that time) However this is really big suggestion and I couldn't possibly think of everything myself, so if you have any suggestions that would make this addition more "useful" and had any other meaning than just lore, you can write it here, I would be more than happy!

    2. I agree.
  9. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    What I mean is that players have very little reason to go to this Afterworld. All they get is maybe some slightly better item buyer deals and some lore - this kind of thing will likely be used a bit at first, but will then be ignored, just like the Nether. It seems like too big of a thing to do for so little gameplay value being added for players. Maybe there could be high level dungeons, some new mechanics here, quests, something to keep people playing there. Right now it seems like it would be better to just give the player some cutscenes that show all the events you’re describing and just let normal item buyers give level 100 people better deals.
    ThomAnn100 likes this.
  10. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    So, when suggesting, try to think how one would tell to the content team the idea! (As a joke)
    ”ey lets complitely rebuild the map! Even if we recycle our assets, this’ll still tale as much time as a whole update! I’m sure the players will prefer a small endgame bonus that will also have to be updated every time we update the map over a whole update!”
    Generally, if you can make the suggestion sound like a joke, it’s not a good suggestion and more thought would have to be put into it.
    Other feedback:
    -Takes way too much time to make
    -We already have time travel. Temple of time anyone?
    -The future could also be corrupted. The corrupted dungeons, based on underworld crypt, takes place in a timeline where after the player did normal stuff everything went red and corrupted. It could be the player’s timeline.
    [”Ey, let’s make housing! Who cares if it doesn’t fit woth the theme! The systems will certanly be easy, it’s not as if half of the economy update was coding the new systems, and those system’s weren’t way simpler at all! No way it’s going to be hard to store the data! I’m sure the players will prefer a small endgame bonus over a whole update!”
  11. KnightsofRen_

    KnightsofRen_ Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Most, if not all evil mobs could disappear. That would greatly decrease the lag on the server, allowing perhaps 100 people to join at a time. And if its open to people that have all their quests done, the needs for quests could be removed, allowing for other endgame things to be implemented.
    DogeTennant likes this.
  12. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Sorry, but your first argument doesn't make any sense, you can make a joke literally out of anything (I can show you an example with item lock, which was such a good suggestion that it got added to the game, but wont write it unless you want to)

    No joke, it would take too much time to make, obviously.

    We have time travel, but it only takes you to certain location and you cant explore too much, this would be completely open world like the regular one

    Actually I have an idea for corrupted version of this world, that would actually fix the flaws of looting system, but I wanted to make this first to see the reaction of people, because the corrupted one would take a lot more time than this "peaceful" one
    Tsukiji likes this.
  13. kojirobin

    kojirobin ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer VIP

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    I'd also really enjoy the opposite of this with a world portrayed in a corrupt, unhappy ending, and this would be the realm where the corrupted dungeons existed. "The Suffering Lands of Corruption" would be richer in lore and backstory instead of gameplay advantages. Yeah this is a crazy idea so I won't talk much about it.

    This is a great idea but the main problem is how to put this inside the game properly. It's a very cool concept which should in some way should be added, but in this way probably won't.
  14. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    as I said I have a version of this for the corrupted future aswell, just didn't create all the lore yet, and I wanted to put this out first, to see the reaction to it.
  15. PL_ADI

    PL_ADI Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Good except...
    I mean... like... Bandits liberated it, it had one of my fave quests...

    wait I allready wrote this in my dreams... like... actually, I did! Weird, huh?
  16. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    What about Dern
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