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More Consequences For Actions

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Theeef, Nov 14, 2018.


Should these be added?

  1. Yes they’re all great (+1)

  2. Only some are good (+0.5)

  3. No, I don’t like any of these ideas (tell why)

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  1. Theeef

    Theeef Self Proclaimed Idiot CHAMPION

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    While there are many things you can do in Wynn, I feel very few of them have much, if any weight to them. If you don’t know what I mean by this I’ll explain.

    In real life if you were to make a really stupid, or generally just a bad decision you could be punished for it. For example, if you stole from someone, you’d most likely be apprehended. There’s actual consequences for your actions.

    The closest you get to having consequences for your actions are quest lines such as the Aldorei Village quest line, and I’d hardly even say that counts. So, without further a do, here’s my suggestion to change that.

    Many of you will probably say that I’m being too general after you read this, as I’m not suggesting specific content, rather base ideas for mechanics that could allow more individualized content. Here's the general idea though.

    There will be actions you can do, that affect how other things occur. Very specific, I know. Here’s some examples of what I mean.

    Actions that affect events:
    - Killing NPCs
    - Killing mobs
    - Visiting certain locations
    - Completing a quest
    - Taking a specific path in a quest
    - Killing a specific monster/boss
    - Discovering certain discoveries
    - Finding a special item / having it in your inventory
    - Much more

    Things these actions can affect:
    - Unlock new side quests (and rewards for them!)
    - Prevent you from doing certain side quests
    - Affect paths you can take in a quest (including end reward)
    - Affect NPC dialogues
    - Affect how certain mobs act around you
    - Unlock / Lock minor areas
    - Lock / Unlock NPC functions
    - Increase / Reduce NPC values (prices, amounts, available items, etc.)

    These are just a few examples which could be used. Implementing these to the Wynncraft GM framework would allow for a much more meaningful, immersive and individual experience, as the world would be much more dynamic and would feel even more life like. If you still don’t get what I’m trying to say with this “framework” then I’ll give you an example or two.

    - cause: You kill a large amount of guards/citizens in quick succession
    - effect: guards around start attacking you

    - cause: In a quest you were presented with a choice: to steal from a farmer or to find another way. You decided to steal.
    - effect: You can’t purchase items from the merchant NPC (assume that the farmer you stole from has an NPC) anymore. There’d be ways to get access again by “regaining” the farmers trust

    - cause: You kill civilians and guards often, you nearly always choose the “evil” choices in quests. You’ve made quite a name for yourself.
    - effect: Merchant NPCs in the area charge you more, may refuse to serve you, may disappear (to your eyes only) as if they’re hiding when you go near. Also guards behavior changes slightly when you come near. Rather than staying at their post, some will stay closer to the citizens and don’t turn their back to you.

    - cause: You found a couple of weird ingredients while you were exploring.
    - effect: When you talked to a specific potion merchant they noticed you had them, and offered to show you how to use them in a cool way. (Add custom recipes! <3 Jbip)

    - cause: You helped an NPC kill an important figure in a quest
    - effect: You Unlock a new thieving and assassination side quest line, and access to the thieves guild hall

    - cause: You watched a sketchy merchant burn down his opponents shop in a cutscene. You could turn him in, but you choose not to.
    - effect: He will now sell you items for cheaper as well as allowing your to purchase a couple of new items.

    - cause: You killed a unique boss
    - effect: It will no longer spawn in your presence, as long as you either have the item it's dropped on one of your classes, or in your bank, OR have used to item for its purpose (quest, etc.) and no longer need it. I mean, it doesn't make sense if you’ve already killed it, does it? If it’s only you there it won’t spawn unless it’s something like an LI boss. If someone else is there that hasn’t killed it, it’ll spawn and you can help, although I personally think you should get no drops for it. Don’t hate on me for my opinions please haha.

    These are just a few examples I thought of, don’t hate on me for wanting a more dynamic and immersive world. I never said these specific ones should be implemented, they’re just ideas.

    tl;dr - add more cause and effect scenarios in the world to enhance gameplay based on a player decisions and playstyle ~ this also adds some quest replayability if you create multiple characters

    If you agree with what I’ve said here vote in the poll. If you don’t, comment with your complaints and I’ll see what I can do. Have a lovely day <3
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2018
    Tsuneo, 7Mile, Twilo101 and 8 others like this.
  2. SUPER M


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    Seems like a cool idea in theory, but both difficult to actually do and it might effect the gameplay too much.
    mouldy and mantidmadness like this.
  3. Theeef

    Theeef Self Proclaimed Idiot CHAMPION

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    The point is to affect gameplay. And I don’t feel it would be extremely difficult. Once the framework itself is implemented you just need a good GM or two, of which there are many, who is willing to work on some of the smaller details of the world, as well as a couple alternative quest paths / endings (which would take longer, but still doable)
  4. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    It’s great in theory, but I personally find it will greatly damage one of the best parts of Wynn - that you can choose how to play the game. Adding severe consequences to going certain paths in quests or (possibly accidentally) killing citizens, such as locking certain parts of the map, would get rid of a lot of the choice in quests and in the game. Even though you seem to want to add more things to choose, more things that happen as a result of your actions, you are actually adding less.

    By that I mean that your consequences here are a lot like the Aldorei questline choices — Small choices which can easily happen by accident greatly affecting the rest of your gameplay. The actions you describe give no reward and only punishment, and so players will simply avoid making those choices because they give no reward and will instead take the objectively better reward. For example, a player wants to choose to kill ExampleNPC in ExampleQuest. They do so, and as a result they get no reward for the quest and then lose access to ExampleCity.
    The player had no advance knowledge that would happen, and now they can never access a potentially important city.

    Your idea about bosses might work, but what if the player loses the item?

    Your suggestion has a great concept but I’m not sure if it would have the desired effect ingame.
    H0Y, ParkourTNT, Dr Zed and 1 other person like this.
  5. Theeef

    Theeef Self Proclaimed Idiot CHAMPION

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    I don't see how this would remove choices. "Locking/Unlocking" regions would obviously not lock off anything significant, just smaller things, although I thought that was obvious. Regarding your ideas that this will prevent players from choosing how to play the game, I strongly disagree. If anything it would greatly expand how players can play the game. Right now theres like one two routes players can go. Do quests and level up, having 100% linearity for the most part, or just grind to level 100.... While you're accurate in saying that this could "prevent" players from accessing certain content, wouldn't that be the fun of it all? You have your unique character, you made specific decisions on that character which resulted in you experiencing a slightly different story, whereas on a different class you could choose completely different paths and experience a new story. Also this isn't like "oh you chose this at level 5, so now you can't do half the quests in the game".... it's more like "oh, you've been playing the nasty side of the game, so to make this more fun for your experience the story will be slightly altered for your character...".

    As for your comment on small things occuring by accident, that is for the content team to manage. Basic communication with the player through the world, dialogue, etc. is an extremely important aspect in all games, and if Wynncraft's team couldn't get that much right (which I'm sure they all can), then there's much bigger issues to worry about.

    Also, you say none of these effects are rewards? I disagree. I would feel very rewarded if I got access to another area some others cant get into cause they made a different decision than me somewhere down the line. Sure, I might be jealous of the person who can get into that other special area, cause they chose something else, but at least I have my own special area they dont know about. And hell, I could even just make different decisions on a different character to get there! Even more content to play through. I would also feel very rewarded if the prices of merchant goods decreased because I was nice to them. More potions for non-mages! It sure sucks that the other guy has to pay more since he was a dick, although I wouldn't mind having that reward from that quest he unlocked cause of it.

    Again, as for the whole losing access to a city thing, 1. I don't feel it should be on as large of a scale as an entire city and 2. Content Team should and CAN figure out how to properly communicate with the player... 3. If somehow the player is daft enough to not realize what the consequences of that choice will be, they can always make another class (and actually ENJOY experimenting with different decisions and choices, which give quests a bit of replayability) and work up to making a different decision.

    Finally, your argument about bosses and losing items is valid. I was planning to have that issue specified in the thread, but i'm tired and forgot. I'll edit it if you care to read up more.
    HalfCat_ and Dr Zed like this.
  6. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    You don’t understand what I mean by ‘no rewards’ and that there will be less choice. I worded it poorly though, so my bad.

    What I meant is that while there will be more choices, many of them will be pointless and nobody will choose them, as they feel they get punished. Sure, people can play according to how they want to, it’ll feel great to have access to something not everyone has access to, but many of the choices you describe have no rewards - only punishment. Any ‘bad’ choices are punished and ‘good’ choices are rewarded. Therefore, it is an objectively better decision to only take the ‘good’ choices. A lot of what you describe is to make different characters unique from others, but a lot of the choices you give are ones nobody will do because they give objectively worse rewards. If you’re going to punish people for attacking citizens, you need to add a possible reward for doing it as well, so people actually have to think about their choice. Is the extra emeralds worth increased prices in this city? Maybe, maybe not. Otherwise you’re just doing the same thing as the Aldorei quests - You choose between getting more emeralds or getting less emeralds. That’s the whole choice, and one option is objectively better than the other.

    And what you said about choosing a more ‘evil’ route - nobody will do it because all you give for ‘evil’ choices is punishment, not reward. Both sides need drawbacks and benefits.
    ParkourTNT, HalfCat_ and Dr Zed like this.
  7. pumpkinpuncher

    pumpkinpuncher Well-Known Adventurer

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  8. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    As much as I would love to have choices like these, it just isn't doable in Wynncraft simply because it is an MMO. For example, the reason why almost every mob respawns in the game by itself is so that other people could fight them. There's no way to spawn a mob that only affects one person and not the other in the same area. For the others it may not be doable or extremely hard to implement, such as creating different areas for different players.

    Plus in order to really accomplish this, you need to have a more organized and connected quest structure, which right now Wynncraft is nowhere near that. And to do that, you'd need to revamp most quests so that they aren't side quests or at least interact with each other in some way. At that point though, they are practically redoing the entire game, which isn't going to happen.

    So overall, it's a great idea, but I can't see how this could every be fully realized. For now, just play Skyrim, UnderTale, or Mass Effect if you want to make choices that matter.
    Theeef likes this.
  9. Theeef

    Theeef Self Proclaimed Idiot CHAMPION

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    It was not my intention for “evil” choices to have punishments or “good” choices to have rewards. Regardless of what’s choices you make, there will be a mixture of bad and good effects. You’ll always manage to piss someone off (a character) regardless of what you’re doing. I could steal from the rich and give to the poor. Sure the poor will love me, but the rich will hate me. Would it be helpful to add some “bad” examples with “good“ effects to help convey this point?
    Hi, I think you may have misunderstood what I said about mobs respawning.

    This would ONLY apply to UNIQUE BOSS mobs that you only have to kill once per character. Example is the orcs in the clearing the camps quest. Also, they only don’t respawn if you’re the ONLY player there. If someone else is there and they haven’t killed the boss it will spawn regardless of you being there.

    As for the viability of all this, it’s definitely possible. Im a Plug-in Developer with 2 years of Java and Spigot experience so I can safely say all of this is possible. Especially restricted player areas, whichever would probably be the easiest part.

    I agree that the current Wynn quest structure isn’t organized at all and this would require a more organized one. Yes, it would take time but I see no reason why it shouldn’t be something the team is working towards.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2018
    Dr Zed and A Human like this.
  10. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    Yes it would be helpful to have examples of rewards for bad choices. Otherwise, this suggestion sounds fine to me.
    Theeef and Dr Zed like this.
  11. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I just don’t see the CT ever getting around to it.
    Theeef likes this.
  12. i eat bees

    i eat bees i eat bees HERO

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    Good idea but it's gonna take a metric shit ton of resources to implement, And I don't think Wynncraft is the type of game that can afford "locking" away certain amounts content from the player if he makes certain choices, The game lacks enough content already, Spending resources on making a bunch of side quests/different dialogues that not even all players would be able to experience- Yeah, No.
    Dr Zed, H0Y, Theeef and 1 other person like this.
  13. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    First, i really like the idea of adding new choices but it won’t work.

    I don’t know, i’m sorry.
    I think it is best to not change anything even if you did something evil (not something truly evil), there are already choices in wynncraft and they still didn’t change anything besides the rewards and the dialogue like stealing 64 LE or letting eleven villagers dies for a crazy scientist that saved Wynn by killing few villagers to save thousands or cooking a very bad food for a famous chef and that is a sign that the CT will not do something like you can’t buy this item because you steal from me.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2018
    Theeef likes this.
  14. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    +0 I cant massacre detlas peeps for LS anymore
    H0Y, Dr Zed and Shots like this.
  15. Theeef

    Theeef Self Proclaimed Idiot CHAMPION

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    Guess I’ll go ahead and bump this, who doesn’t love a dynamic world?
  16. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    Pretty much that, this idea sounds good for something that isn't Wynncraft
  17. PL_ADI

    PL_ADI Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    NEVER Lock anything, only unlock. I can see how someone chooses to do something but they don't know the results & get mad.
    I like the merchant burning down his ...enemies? But instead maybe stealing from them... I don't like locking something, you know.
  18. Theeef

    Theeef Self Proclaimed Idiot CHAMPION

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    Well by that logic if you choose a different route it's locked by default so you can never unlock anything. Locked by default, unlocked by choice.
  19. Bargaining

    Bargaining Newbie Adventurer

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    killing npcs eh idk about that
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