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Pets & Horses Pegasus Or Unicorn.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Enderdragon, Nov 1, 2018.


Do want an Upgradeble white horse

  1. Yes

  2. no

  3. Yes but none of the once you said

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  1. Enderdragon

    Enderdragon Skilled Adventurer

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    This in an upgrade Idea for the white horse, and exclusive to a white horse.


    I am form the Netherland and have dyslexia. don't sue me for spelling and grammar mistakes.

    The Quest:
    A quest For about 92. In the Sky Islands.
    U talk to the Horse keeper
    Than an explosion occurs
    (TP to the quest area)
    You and the farmer walk to the barn
    A hole in the barn and some horses are running away
    Farmer sayes you are with the complot
    you ran away (or farmer gives you permission) and follow a trail of some horses
    U find that the trail leads to an Hidden Lab and they already started to do 3 tests:
    (the number is the order the test occur in)
    the third horse dies
    the second horse becomes a killer machine that u need to kill
    the first experiment u save the last (for reasons) became a smart science horse, and already build a horse translator (quest Item for the rest of the quest)
    (Tp in an other quest world)
    Than u return to the barn (repairing work started)
    than u are set out to talk to the other horses
    Than u visit all other horses and talk to them they all alread to come back sinds the farmer is nice to them.
    (every horse type escapes and u need to get them back individuality)
    Than the Farmer gives you permission to use his training area

    Training area:

    A shop for brown horses,
    Some stables and horses wandering around.
    And a Training parcour for 40/40 white horses.
    The horse cann't to a parcour if it is upgraded
    After the training u get an untradeble Upgrade Crystal (or something)
    There are more shops around in the training area with a trail mode (more on that later)


    A horse can only be upgrades once.
    A horse can only be upgraded if it is white and 40/40
    It will keep its 40/40 status
    The upgrade cost a White Horse and a Upgrade Crystal.

    Shops in the Training area:
    There are some specific shop per upgrade.
    They have a try arena to test the ability and to check if u and the ability.
    In the test area is a test horse with the ability.

    Per block forwards 0.2 blocks down.
    90% of the normal speed forwards.


    Ability: a charge attack.
    Boost: 10% of your own melee damage.
    pro: Damage on a horse
    Con: the damage is low
    Testing area: some dummies.

    Pegasus 1:
    Ability: Jump Gliding.
    Boost: 100% higher jumping power
    Pro: easier dodging Obstacles
    con: U need to be at full speed for a bit to make the jump and being able to glide.
    Testing area: A runway

    Pegasus 2:
    Ability: flying.
    Boost: 30 block above land able to fly, higher it will only glide.
    Pro: Higher mobility
    Con: does not Fly above water (or forbidden to fly area's like halfway the mountain that keep us in the map)
    Testing area: A runway

    Speed Deamon:
    Ability: Speed.
    Boost: 50% more speed
    Pro: Faster
    Con: harder to control
    Testing area: A Race track

    Ability: Swimming
    Boost: a horse that is a boat to
    Pro: Water movement
    Con: 20% slower on water
    Testing area: A beach with some ocean and a river.

    Ability: Higher Jump
    Boost: 150% more jump
    Pro: Can jump over walls
    Con: Takes longer to land and move on.
    testing area: A horde parcour from low to high
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2018
    TalkingKittyCat likes this.
  2. Jalapeno9

    Jalapeno9 Shadow of my former self HERO

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    What is this? A fairy tale? Wich is trying to bring us broken mechanics that can exploit everything in game? Like? What on earth you had in your mind when you made this? Do you actually know that we dont like game breaking ideas.
    Bramblesthatcat and mouldy like this.
  3. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    Ignoring everything else, this seems like an amazingly easy way to go over the world barriers and fly into unreleased areas.

    Anyways, you should put some more detail into suggestions. Fix the grammar and spelling, and organize it a bit. Explain each feature more — what is the quest? How much would the upgrades cost? How would you apply them? How exactly does the gliding in Pegasus 1 work?

    Suggestions with little detail are rarely actually considered. This sounds like it might be cool, but it needs more detail to know for sure.

    Last edited: Nov 1, 2018
    mouldy, H0Y and ThomAnn100 like this.
  4. Wynnooblet

    Wynnooblet Slayer of Useless Threads VIP+

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    What happens if someone flies through a dungeon or area thats meant to be walked through, what happens if someone solos LI without having to get off their horse just by charging it and moving around the bosses, what happens if someone flies outside the map. These are horses not military vehicles, they do not need to fly or swim, or glide, or jump, or attack. Their sole purpose is transportation, and they fit that role fine the way they are now.
  5. Enderdragon

    Enderdragon Skilled Adventurer

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    No fairy tail, fairy horses.

    More white horses

    I don't like them ether, but not all horses need to get in the game.
    I hope that the forbidden fly area's will prevent that.
    Or that that specific horse won't get in the game

    I did and I hope it is better now

    I try the organize bit, but the spelling and grammar can be hard for me... so plz help.

    I did i hope that should clarify some things

    Now a days they can spawn a horse too so i don't see the problem.
    And it can be a No fly zone

    the horse does now 10% or your melee damage and some bosses do regen more hp than that.
    And otherwise maby a defense against horses so that can not happend.

    They die??

    they are indeed not a machine, but maby a little horse upgrade varity can be nice.

    I can see that but maby a little more can be nice.
  6. Wynnooblet

    Wynnooblet Slayer of Useless Threads VIP+

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    We don’t need any more, and you’re saying we should rework every mob and dungeon so that horses can’t solo it? So change the game because of an addition that wasn’t needed in the first place?
    mouldy likes this.
  7. Enderdragon

    Enderdragon Skilled Adventurer

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    The horses i name are some idea's
    Unfortunately i cann't make a pool per horse without using 3rd party stuff (strawpoll.me) cuz than we can look at what are good and liked idea's.
    But if the Unicorn is to OP dude to doing damage i guess they won't add it, and i am perfectly fine if not all the horses or feachers described here will get added I am just sharing some Idea's.
  8. Wynnooblet

    Wynnooblet Slayer of Useless Threads VIP+

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    Just a question, are you a native English speaker or is English not your primary language
  9. Enderdragon

    Enderdragon Skilled Adventurer

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    I already answered that question so here the answer an other time
  10. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    Ik doe dit wel even in het Nederlands zodat het makkelijker voor je is.
    Het zou goed zijn als je je quest wat beter uit werkt. Op het moment is het een hele saaie simpele missie die alleen bestaat om de nieuwe paarden te laten ziet en verder niet leuk is. Je zou over dingen na kunnen denken als: Waar zijn alle paarden? Zijn ze op 1 plek of op verschillende plekken? Hoe praten deze paarden? Zijn ze vriendelijk, onaardig, bang of misschien wel nieuwsgierig?

    Ook moet je nog veel nadenken over de paarden zelf. Over de aanval van de eenhoorn heb ik niet zo veel te zeggen. Maar het gliden zou misbruikt kunnen worden. Ook is het vliegen een heel slecht idee omdat er in de wereld heel veel barrier blocks zijn zou het vliegen erg moeilijk zijn. Deze allemaal weghalen zou heel veel tijd kosten.
    De upgrade waarmee je kan zwemmen is best nutteloos. Het is ongeveer net zo nutteloos als boten nu zijn. De seaskipper is veel beter.
    De spring upgrade zou niet heel goed zijn en zou misschien misbruikt kunnen worden.
    De snelheids upgrade zou gewoon irritant zijn. Een wit paard is nu al heel snel dus als hij nog sneller zou zijn wordt dit alleen irritant zijn.

    Ik denk dat het huidige, simpele systeem goed is en niet veranderd hoeft te worden.
    Sar, mouldy and Stag2001 like this.
  11. SoccerDefense11

    SoccerDefense11 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    donkeys are better
    mouldy and Sar like this.
  12. PurifyX

    PurifyX D1rTe G3nj1 MalN VIP+

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    Why is it literally every time I come on this forum, once in a blue moon, someone is always suggesting to make it easier. I don't even want to read the post, just getting to "brown horse" already lets me know what this is about.
    mouldy likes this.
  13. Enderdragon

    Enderdragon Skilled Adventurer

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    I want to make white horses more interesting
    Ga ik aan werken
    Heb jij dan ideeën voor paarden of upgrades om ze te verbeteren??
  14. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    Zoals ik net al zei. Ik vind het huidige simpele systeem goed genoeg. Het is naar mijn mening niet nodig om iets als paarden te ingewikkeld te maken.
  15. Enderdragon

    Enderdragon Skilled Adventurer

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    I thought this was one....... :'(
    And where did u find that quote, I don't remember typing that...
    prove it...
    Thanks for the advise....... I guess
    This is the first post I expect feedback on...
    Please don't be so hard to me. I am doing my best.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2018
  16. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    why do we need more horses, and super op ones at that
  17. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    As for the suggestion itself...
    First off: the types of horses aren't that lore-unfriendly. The concept of unicorns exists in Wynncraft (you encounter a 'unicorn sheep' in the quest Maser Piece) and there's a little island near Ahmsord with a Pegasus, which does kinda fly (it walks on its hind legs). The Speed Daemon is just a name I assume, and given the fact that you fight robots and literally visit the Moon, an amphibious or jumpy horse isn't very strange.
    You didn't describe the ques very well, unfortunately, but it seems a bit similar to Cowfusion (the talking animals part), so try to deviate from that a little.
    Try to add detail when there isn't any. Stuff like this shows you didn't take the proper time to develop your idea.
    Most people probably won't use this. Horses are used for two things: traveling long distances and fleeing. If you're fighting, there's simply no need for a horse, especially a weak one.
    This sounds a lot like the wings from Terraria, which are a lot of fun to use. However, unlike Terraria, Wynncraft's terrain is very flat. The only place you might want a gliding horse for is the Sky Islands, but then it defeats the gimmick of that area: the danger of falling into the void.
    This would break parkour and allow you to dodge every enemy, including bosses. It basically breaks the game.
    I kinda like this one! You could use these for actual races, but not so much for travelling because of some tight turns (like in the CotL, swamp, jungle etc.). 50% speed might be a little too much though.
    Boats are still faster, so nobody will use this kind of horse.
    There's no need for high jumping either, because Wynncraft is really flat.
    Overall, it seems too gimmicky and whimsical for Wynncraft. Wynncraft's style is kind of mythical, and it doesn't really have what it doesn't need (as opposed to Terraria for example, where these kind of items/mounts, like the Basilisk for example, are more collector's items rather than actual tools). Due to your dyslexia and subpar English skills, it's probably harder to explain your idea, but since that's not your own fault it would be wrong to critize that. I suggest looking at some other suggestions, like this one or this one.
  18. Enderdragon

    Enderdragon Skilled Adventurer

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    so that people will get some white horses and not keep some chestnut horse that is once upgraded.
    And they need some balecing.

    It indeed is.

    I am doing my best, but what should I explain a little better?

    Here u get an device and u don't become an cow or a horse for that matter.

    I am not sure on the name.

    A level 100 guy farming come early game keys for his second account or for his friend.
    Or for fun one shooting the witherhead with a horse.

    It is indeed very similar to the wings in terraria but u can only jump up and not fly up.
    Some hills and buildings I get stuck on and need to do extra jump.
    (I have not been in the sky islands) When using the gliding ability u can still mis an island and slowly fall to your death

    Maybe just like terraria an timer so one can can not fly until the end of time. But like 10 seconds or so.

    What procent do u suggest than??

    Did they fix the problem where one can randomly sink??

    I feel it is Or pegasus 1, pegasus 2 or Jumpy so there a not like 3 jump horses.

    It was just an idea and i wanted to see what the community thought about it.
    And i am fine when it not get implemented. I am not fine with hateful reactions, and yours is obviously not. Thanks for that.

    It indeed is, but if someone found an mistake and let me knew it i would fix it.

    I will thanks a lot.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2018
  19. Sar

    Sar The Fire Archer CHAMPION

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    I like the idea of having specialized horse upgrades for like having a choice of upgrading it to be good on water, in the air or just on land.
    for the flying part, you could have some kind of sprint bar but then for flying on the horse so it has a limit.

    at last I don't think its a good idea to give horses a attack ability, mainly because they are more meant to be a better mobility so that its not just fast-travel to get to places, because when walking or riding it gives a faster way to explore the world and not only for just the place to be to go to.
  20. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    Few things I see wrong:

    Regarding the quest where in the sky islands is it? In the bank? In the submarine? What are the stats of the enemies/ bosses? Wheres the quest dialogue? Some more detail for this part would be nice.

    Secondly, we don't need more horses. 4 is enough and even still no one uses them because of the vast majority of speed builds which clearly out class them. My current build is much faster than my chestnut horse, the only reason I still have him is because i love him too much to get rid of. There really is no need for 4 more horses, not to mention the ability to glide, fly and high jump can be abused to get into restricted areas and can be used by lower levels to cheat their way through the game not to mention people escaping the map, and there is no way in hell that the CT will have to redesign basic game features just so these horses are compatible and fool proof, it would take too much time trying to redesign borders ect.

    Then theres the horses that are just useless like the water proof horse. As some have stated before, why do you need a swimming horse? I mean if your going across a river sure, but finding a bridge or using a boat would be easier and faster. But maybe crossing a larger body of water like Lake Gylia or the ocean? Again going around or using a boat or using the seaskipper would be much faster. Even the default swimming speed would probably be faster. There really isn't much use for this kind of horse atm.

    The only horses I see being used is the horse with a faster speed or the charging horse.

    On paper this suggestion is decent and would probably benefit another mmo, but in practice, it just doesn't work for Wynn.
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