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Idea For Lag Prevention

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Wetterquarz, Oct 30, 2018.

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  1. Wetterquarz

    Wetterquarz Travelled Adventurer

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    Current Situation

    Currently the server is split into 8 seperate instances of the world. Each holding up to 100 Players at once. Because the world is very big those 100 Players if a server were to be full would be spaced out somewhat evenly acros the map loading all of the map and generating a lot of entities.

    If two players on different servers are at the same place there are two servers loading this area and generating entities which doubles the serverload.


    What if instead of spliting the players onto different servers you splited the world up into different areas each handeled by a single server. Now if two players are at the same place the automaticly are on the same server and are most efficiently handeled. The Server also saves on calculations because it only calculates a limited area making it easier to process.

    The problem with this obviously is at the edges of the areas between servers. The players here need to somehow get from one server to the other. To solve this I have thought of two ways to solve this:

    1)* When a player reaches the border of the area the server sends a signal to BungeeCord telling BungeeCord to redirect the player to the next server which would result in a loading screen. Furthermore to prevent constant switching when walking just one block the switch should only occur when the border is overstepped by at least a chunk or 16 blocks.
    *read endremarks

    2) Instead of making the servers decide when to switch you could put in an additional server acting as a Proxy just like BungeeCord and managing when the player is to be processed by which server only from the players current position.

    Additional positives

    While currently players are spaced out across multiple servers. The suggested system would mean that more players run into one another.

    Downsides that should be looked at
    Any suggestions on how to fix these would be appreciated.

    Entities at the border from one server to the other ar almost garantied to be at different positions on the servers. The only way I can think of to fix this is to somehow syncronise the entities at the border between the servers.

    End remarks

    Option 1 is at least to my knowledge probably the easier but option 2 obviously is the better. But if option 1 was used the problem with the entities wouldn't be as bad as there is a loading screen.

    Because of the resourcepack I was told option 1 is impossible because the client activly switches servers and has to redownload the resourcepack. Because option 2 however has this proxy which the client is connected to the client doesn't even know when it switches servers. Meaning only Option 2 is possible.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2018
    CringeAura and TalkingKittyCat like this.
  2. 7Mile

    7Mile Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    It has been said by the Wynncraft Gods, that whenever you switch servers the resourcepack has to redownload and there is absolutely no way around this issue; Ahem:

    [Now Leaving Nemract]
    *redownload resourcepack*
    *choose character*
    [Now Entering Selchar]
    *redownload resourcepack*
    *choose character*
    [Now Leaving Selchar]
    *redownload resourcepack*
    *choose character*
    <oo, what is that tiny island that I will stop at for five seconds>
    [Now Entering Tiny-ass Island]
    *redownload resourcepack*
    *choose character*
    [Now Leaving Tiny-ass Island]
    *redownload resourcepack*
    *choose character*
    [Now Entering Gavel]
    *redownload resourcepack*
    *choose character*
    [Now Entering Llevigar]
    *redownload resourcepack*
    *choose character*

    Sweet, made it to fucking Llevigar!
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2018
    Tsuneo, _Tiger, H0Y and 3 others like this.
  3. Wetterquarz

    Wetterquarz Travelled Adventurer

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    Which means option 1 doesn't work but option 2 doesn't comunicate to the client it was switch from one server to the other.
  4. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    sideload :>

    this is a horrible idea, what im gathering from this is, there is one server and if you leave an area the server changes. Not only would this kill lootruns, but does this mean that when you reached the boundry of the city that the world just cuts off? thats a big no-no.

    also add a poll

    edit: i notice you only have 1 class (and its level 32) id suggest getting more game experience so that next time you suggest something you have a better understanding of what other features this may affect
  5. Wetterquarz

    Wetterquarz Travelled Adventurer

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    I don't know about the lootruns but I didn't think every 4 Chunks should be a border to another server. The world should be split in a way that the average destribution of players is about equal this shouldn't mean every city needs a single server. You could split it so that Lv. 1-20 are on one server, Lv. 25-35 on another, etc.
  6. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    this could still screw up loot runs pretty bad, especially if you want to do multiples in a row, also i can see this causing problems with scrolls
  7. Wetterquarz

    Wetterquarz Travelled Adventurer

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    Either I think of something different when hearing loot run or you talk about if the loot run happens to be around the border between servers. About the scolls that should be doable you just send the new player coordinates to the proxy managing responsibility of the servers telling it to allocate the player to this server at that position.

    But please tell me the exact scenario in which loot runs would be disturbed.
  8. Wynnooblet

    Wynnooblet Slayer of Useless Threads VIP+

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    Why do we need to fix this? Current system works fine for basically every single player. It’s not like lag is a super big issue, aside from a few players who usually have internet issues rather than it being the server itself. This would be annoying as well, ruin the “open world” feel to the game.
    H0Y and BethJerry like this.
  9. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    Loot chests have a timer to open them again after you switch servers. If you open a loot chest on one server, switch to another, and try to open it again, you will need to wait 3-30 minutes (depending on tier). But obviously that feature would be removed since people opening the chest twice won’t be an issue. However, there’s another issue: chests slowly fill with loot, and the amount of loot also depends on how long you’ve been on the server. If you switch servers super often, it’ll keep resetting the amount of loot. And some lootruns are very, VERY long so they will almost certainly cross area borders at some point.

    Also, restarting worlds. Worlds always need to restart every once in a while. I don’t know why, but they do. If certain territories on the map just turned off and restarted, even for a couple minutes, it would be extremely annoying for most players. Imagine Detlas just being offline for even 5 minutes.

    Third - redstone and command blocks. No matter where you divide the world, some redstone or command block machine would be split in half.

    And finally, Wynn has a ton of teleporting used in quests and dungeons and stuff like that. Would it switch your server every time you teleport somewhere? Would you have to redownload the resource pack each time?

    Overall, this would break quite a few of the game’s mechanics and would overall be an overcomplicated solution for something that is usually not much of a problem.
  10. BethJerry

    BethJerry BFG 9000 CHAMPION

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    The server isn’t laggy for me at all, and when it is it’s when I’m doing mob totems in herb cave (and that’s isn’t even that bad).

    If the server is really that laggy for you then it’s probably just your internet.
  11. Wetterquarz

    Wetterquarz Travelled Adventurer

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    Yes they mostly work fine but sometimes there are 1 second lags in quick-pvp this meant the fight sometimes happend after it happen because it's short. To my internet connection when testing I get the following results:
    Ping: 9ms
    Download: 204Mbps
    Upload: 12Mbps
    My internet really shouldn't be a factor. In terms of the "open world" feeling because option 1 wouldn't work because you would redownload the resource pack every time you need option 2 which if working correctly isn't something players would notice.

    To the first paragraph you just syncronise the loot timers across all the servers by letting it be handeled by the proxy.
    For the second paragraph there are two ways to fix this:
    1) If a server is shut down for whatever reason another server takes over the area. Downsides to that are of course one server gets a bigger area and would have more to calculate.
    2) Before restarting a server you start another one and then switch on the fly. This would mean that restarts only mean entities despawn and otherwise go unnoticed.
    Third - if there is so much redstone in the world I know what causes the lag. Redstone is the most lagy vanilla component except for maybe hoppers. About spliting them: you can either just move them a few blocks or just leave it be because the world doesn't cut of suddenly at the border it only sends you over once you cross which means the restone and the command blocks are still loaded.
    And finally the last, well, because these quest and dungeons are probably just below the terrain but in the area which means no server border would be crossed. But even if this is not the case you can just add another clause to the proxy telling this area also is part of this and that server even though it isn't close to it or something.
    For the last question I have a simple anwser just use option 2 instead of 1 and you don't have that problem.

    Just read up top again.

    What have you had in mind?
  12. CringeAura

    CringeAura Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    The idea itself is a nice proposal, however, implementing either one or the other would definitely require major changes to some of Wynn's mechanics, so I do not believe such a system will be added for the foreseeable future.
  13. Carrie

    Carrie Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    this would be extremely annoying.
    ruin item bombs
    and though it may fix some lag...
    do you know how many people hang out in detlas. a lot. especially across all servers. the Detlas server would be really laggy, especially when there's item boms, party bombs, disguise bombs being thrown all at once on top of it. the server would die, and be more laggy with all the people there. CSSTS would have as many people as it would allow in the area. No more fighting to get in... just walk into area, and bam. instead of having 70 people in a server, you're proposing 100 people in a server with a csst. I don't think this will fix lag. I mean it may for areas that are away from csst, and detlas, but the laggiest areas/most popular areas would end up lagging even more imo. maybe im wrong though, i just think itll make some areas worse than it is now.

    this isnt gonna happen bud sorry. good effort though
  14. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    I'm no game developer, but I think that even if this would fix lag, it wouldn't make the game any better.
    There would first off be a lot of servers, one for every region - that would be 25 servers according to this Wiki page, which doesn't even include some parts of Wynn or Corkus. Online players wouldn't be evenly spread out across the entire map, but mostly in cities and lootrun areas, so there'd be maybe 10 servers - all with just as much people on them as the servers right now. Now I remember Grian saying that most of the lag comes from mobs. Due to the more concentrated players, there would be less mobs, which is great, but now there are not enough mobs. Everyone is basically in each other's way, because everyone's looking for a place to grind, or loot chests or do quests. It would make the server extremely 'multiplayer' because you're probably surrounded by fellow players all the time. Any boss will become a joke, which might result in the CT changing the game to be more multiplayer-focused, meaning the bosses are harder and require lots of teamwork - and as everone is always on site, you'd never need to worry about it. Except now you depend on other people all the time, so the game becomes impossible for solo players. The result: lots of players leaving the game, the remaining players are forced to work together, lots of quests will be skipped because you don't need to do them anymore as they're too time-consuming and require too many people to focus on one thing.
    Wynncraft is an online game, but most of it is singleplayer. You can count of one hand - maybe even on just one finger (Bob's Lost Soul) - how many quests require multiple people. If you suddenly put everyone together, the game becomes too easy for groups, so it becomes harder, so it becomes too hard for solo players. The game becomes heavily unbalanced and hinges on teamwork, but Wynncraft isn't made to be that way.

    But hey, that's just a theory. A Wynn Theory! Thanks for reading.
  15. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    Deltas would need 200 slots then
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