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Why Are Housing Threads So Bad? [an 'essay']

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Quint, Jul 16, 2018.


AdD HoUsInG?

  1. No

  2. No

  3. Yes (Die in a pit of sharks with chainsaws that are constantly active because screw you)

  4. Edgateru Edgano

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  1. Quint

    Quint least estrogenated scripter HERO GM

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    Yes, I’m aware this may not be the best spot for this thread, but seeing as how this is about general suggestions, I feel it is the best fitting spot. To be clear, I hate housng threads with almost all fibers in my being (I use some of those fibers of hate on FB minion memes but that god awful devil sent blight on humanity is for another time) Let’s get riiight into the news.

    Why do housing threads suck SO much?

    In this thread I’ll outline some commonly used arguments on both sides, as well as some other reasons as to why they suck, like,

    . Repetition

    . Lack of Detail

    . Overall low quality

    Let’s start with why they are terrible, starting with repetition.

    1. Repetition
    One big issue that I see alot of community members having with housing threads is that they are made so often. According to this thread by Dr. Zed, there is an average of just under 2 housing threads a month. While I’m writing this, I went through the past month of threads in the general suggestions section. So far, there has been 5 pages of General Suggestion threads made in the past month (July 16th (Now) - June 16th), however this does include the pinned threads. With 22 threads per page, this amounts to 110 threads made in general suggestions in the past month. So, if we round our average housing threads per month to 2, that means that 2/110 threads are housing threads. (Fun but probs not reliable fact: If we apply this to all the threads in general suggestions since 9/7 (Which is 6K ATM) we end up with about (I think) 110 housing threads which is probs way off). If our prev. Calculation is correct, that would mean Housing has been suggested in some form or another a total of 110 times since 9/7, which would account for ALL THREADS INCLUDING PINNED ONES IN THE PAST MONTH. THAT WOULD MEAN 5 GOD AWFUL PAGES OF HOUSING THREADS. This only further proves the point that housing has been done to death and back several times. After a while of nonstop barraging from housing threads, you get sick of it and further hate it. HELL, THERE HAS BEEN 1 THREAD CALLING FOR AN OUTRIGHT BAN ON HOUSING THREADS COMPLETELY. In the general suggestions guidelines, it clearly states, “Has it been suggested before? (there are some things that have been suggested time and time again, it is better to look through suggestions first before making one just in-case someone already asked for it)” The rules clearly state that repeat suggestions should not be made. THEREFORE HOUSING THREADS ARE ALREADY ILLEGAL. HUZZAH!

    (Huge thanks to Dr. Zed for the graph)

    II. Lack of Detail (And I’ll combine it with III. Over lack of quality as they are similar)

    To address another issue with housing threads is the lack of Detail. Let’s take this thread, for an example. Now read it. Now read this one
    Then, read this one.

    CAN YOU NOTICE A SIMILARITY? They all lack in detail (and further in quality but i’ll get back to that. None of them have any more than 3 Lines (Well, technically one has 4 lines but one of em’ is just a signature so I don’t count it.) How much detail can you pack into 4 GODDAMN LINES? These all lack in details. Prices, How to unlock these, where they are available, uses, availability, lag control, incentives to be used. None of these have enough detail to even be very well interpreted, much less clearly getting the exact message across while explaining the intricacies of this feature while convincing the reader. THERE ARE INTRICACIES TO THIS TYPE OF PROPOSAL THAT THESE PEOPLE DO NOT SEEM TO FATHOM AND THEIR IDEAS SUFFER FOR THIS. When people point this out, they tend to reject criticism, understandably but unfortunately.

    Besides detail, these threads lack quality. It is hard to take these actually seriously because of rampancy in many areas, such as:

    . Bad spelling

    . Bad grammar

    . Bad formatting

    . Run on sentences

    . Lack of detailing

    . Feedback and taking criticism

    If you are (God forbid) wanting to make another GOD AWFUL housing thread, Try to avoid all the mistakes listed above. Or just don’t make it, we all prefer that. If you want to avoid some of these mistakes, a great way to do this is to have someone proofread it. Having someone else provide new insight before posting can help tremendously. Infact, I had (Meric) Proofread my Lotem FW nomination and proved to be incredibly helpful.

    Alright, onto the next part of this ‘essay’ (?): Common Arguments on both sides. Let’s start with Anti-Housing Arguments.

    1. This doesn’t fit in.

    Many people complain that the housing feature feels out of place in an RPG and doesn’t fit in with the soldier character of the player, which is very understandable.

    2. How useful would this be / how many people will actually use it?

    Another common point is that very few people will use this feature if implemented. How many will prefer to walk around a small interior instead of the thrills of adventure?

    3. The Lagsteronis

    One common concern is the amount of lag that having thousands of Uniquely decorated homes off map and constantly have players TPing to and from these would massively stress each server and cause large amounts of lag for something that may not be often used.

    4. The time-aronis (wat)

    Some people are also concerned about the time taken to code a feature like this that could distract from improving existing code and adding new features. Devs, I’d love to hear your opinions on this.

    5. But y tho?

    What benefits would this bring to the game? Who would use it? Is it practical in any sense? Why add useless things? Y tho?

    6. Christ, if you want housing that bad, go to a plot server

    If you want plots and housing go on builders refuge and build a house. Or, heaven forbid, the morbid, toxic, waste hole of poorly made ideas, dead and toxic community glazed and soaked in money takes: Hypixel or worse Hypixel housing, which is almost as mega-dead as all eight hundred channels Onision has or as Mega dead as warlords.

    Now onto the god awful demon inflicted blight on humanity that has infested our communities long ago and continues to decay our mind, bodies and souls and weather and erode our very spirit away till we cease to be but a husk: Housing thread comebacks (Oh and also people that don’t accept criticism)

    1. Y not?

    Your ‘But y tho?’ can be flipped. Why not? This would appeal to the people that do want it

    2. Lag is not our responsibility

    It’s up to the devs to make sure lag is lowered and to make sure that server efficiency is high. It’s not our faults if it’s laggy, and more importantly it’s not our responsibility.

    3. Just try it

    Just try it. If we don’t like it, then we stop it after like a week.

    So, in conclusion, this is some common arguments on both sides of the war around Housing, as well as some deep-rooted flaws that are common in housing. I really enjoyed writing in this essay style format and was thinking of doing more. Tell me what you think. Correct me if i’m wrong. And remember, always welcome death like me.
  2. Tornor

    Tornor Mayor of Kandon-Beda VIP+

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    I agree with all of these points.

    Something to add, is that the main point of housing back before the DnD update was for storage.
    But then that whole point got rolled back, as the DnD update added an 11 bank page system, meaning that storage is not an issue, and if it is, then you have too much stuff.

    I have only ever seen one good housing thread, and that was Yuno F Gasai's housing thread, as every other housing thread is, like you said, pretty much worthless crap.

    This thread also fits in general suggestions, as it is an informative thread telling the exact reason why the most despised suggestion is really bad.
  3. Quint

    Quint least estrogenated scripter HERO GM

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    Yeah, I wanted to include yuno's and bring up storage so I will in a later version or edit.
  4. seeksery

    seeksery Wybel Photographer HERO CMD

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    Time to write counter-arguments and counter-counter-arguments due to my extreme boredom
    Remember that I'm not responding to you; I'm responding how I would in the given situation
    Don't take this too seriously
    I haven't had this much fun in ages

  5. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    Well-written essay. You do seem... slightly angry though.
    I have to admit, the day I joined wynn, I was thinking about how cool housing would be. I wanted to suggest it, however luckily I didn’t make a forums account until 3 months later.
  6. Quint

    Quint least estrogenated scripter HERO GM

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    Yeah, I do come across as grumpy. Part of that is the hours I spent on it just glazed my brain in Wynn housing and trying to be polite started to fail. In the future, I'm definitely gonna be write these over many days to ensure that these stay more neutral. I do have a strong opinion on these, and I feel that letting that through contributes overall to the essay as a whole, but I def let it go too far.
  7. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    No no, just slightly angry.

  8. Quint

    Quint least estrogenated scripter HERO GM

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    Still. 5 pages of housing
    Would you want to go through 5 pages of housing.
  9. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    No, I would not.
  10. Quint

    Quint least estrogenated scripter HERO GM

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    Good to know some people aren't massochists. I, however......
  11. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    Two threads a month is not that many, it just shows that people want this. Pre wipe we got dozens of class suggestions a month, if you don't like it don't comment on them and let them sink to Oblivion.
    Yes and no, yes it doesn't fit in as we travel a lot and probably just sleep in inns or a ditch by the side of the road.
    But we are also mercenary millionaires, most soldiers have a house waiting for them when they come back from the front (source: me)
    Depending on what will be in the house I can see guilds and parties hanging out there.
    You don't have to add a giant off map area for houses, my suggestion solved that.
    True, but if two people a month sounds like a lot to you maybe we need to listen to them.
    Just cause, who cares if it doesn't add to gameplay? If people are having fun derping around so let them.
    HalfCat_ and Lemon like this.
  12. Quint

    Quint least estrogenated scripter HERO GM

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    I feel this may be taken a bit out of context. Those were arguments against housing that I found common. In fact, @Fox Has, dare I say, it, convinced me that housing isn't too terrible. I definitely wanted to include your housing thread as an example but I ended up being too tired to implement it and show it as an example of what to do when suggesting. I don't know if you're attempting to give a rebuttal on these arguments or against me. Some of the arguments, I very much disagree with, such as the development time argument. I don't think it would be too hard to implement a TP command, and lag I think could be easily reduced. While I overall disagree with housing and personally doubt I would ever use it, I don't think it would subtract too much from the game. In fact, the main focus wasn't intended to be housing, it was supposed to be housing Threads and using some as an example. If I wanted to go after housing more directly, I would have gone after the concept of housing, looked at the more detailed ones, combined them to get a list of commonly shared ideas and rebut them individually. Instead, I went after the threads themselves (Hopefully this makes sense) and the problems with them, like how there are so many that according to my probably incorrect calculation there would be around 110 housing threads and 5 pages of them, as well as their lack of detail and quality.

    I don't hate housing with every fiber of my being. Like I said, Fox has convinced me it's not too bad at all. Which is why I didn't attack the concept. I went after the flaws in the suggestions for them, such as how it's been done to death to give an example of what not to do for suggestions. In the second half, I listed common arguments on both sides so that people unfamiliar with this could be brought up to speed. Like I said, I do not share all of these opinions and am in the middle-ish. I share, believe it or not, the 'Why not?' argument. At this point, literally my only two problems with housing is a huge lack of detail to the point you can't properly interpret (Which is on the thread creators) , and how it has been done to death.
    HalfCat_ likes this.
  13. HalfCat_

    HalfCat_ Supporter of Catania HERO GM Builder

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    The funny thing is that threads about housing threads are more common than housing threads nowadays.
  14. Quint

    Quint least estrogenated scripter HERO GM

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    Yeah. I felt like some threads are pure hate like the one calling for a ban on them. I wanted to write an in detail essay and the common flaws with this type of suggestion and show both sides of the argument to make it not just pure hate.
    HalfCat_ likes this.
  15. TeXCrafter

    TeXCrafter Kingdom of Foxes (Page) HERO

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    On the contrary, I believe housing would provide the players with a sense of accomplishment, extra storage and just show it off (you'd obviously have to earn it).

    I don't understand why you so against the idea?

  16. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    Many people are really against the idea because it would cause a lot of lag on the server, and also because it doesn't fit the theme of Wynn (But that's more related to their opinion). The lag problem is likely the biggest one, and also the way a lot of housing threads describe housing is 'I can buy any of the unused houses in any city', which is essentially a logistical nightmare (Most houses in cities are used in quests or hidden areas, and even if they aren't, cities would have to be massively expanded to allow for all players to have their own home).

    I personally think if implemented well, housing might be nice. But I personally won't use it that much and I doubt a lot of people will either.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  17. TeXCrafter

    TeXCrafter Kingdom of Foxes (Page) HERO

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    Yeah that's fair, I get it. no one wants lag!
  18. Celestial

    Celestial (un)official member of the kkk (Kool Kids Klub)

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    wE nEeD mOrE hOuSiNg ThReAdS:saltedhigh:
  19. Quint

    Quint least estrogenated scripter HERO GM

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    @mods pls lock
  20. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Np ;)
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