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World Food And Stamina (+with Details!)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Jbip, Apr 27, 2018.


Is this a good idea?

  1. Yes!

  2. Could work with tweaks

  3. No!

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  1. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    Hey! I'm back with another suggestion!

    Food and Stamina

    Wynncraft has a great landscape. It's awesome to explore when you're new to the game. But something's slowing you down from doing that. Sprinting.
    Now you might be one of those players who's gonna say "Just use a horse!". Well a new player won't get a horse until level 34, which is quite a bit of time (talking about a new player here). And even then, there are times when you don't want to use your horses, when you're exploring a cave for example, during parkour challenges, or when fighting mobs and bosses!

    The Gameplay Update added the sprint bar, which was great and way better than what we used to have. I know Salted doesn't want player to be running around endlessly and be able to easily flee from swarms of monsters. I'm not asking to remove it, but rather have easier ways to regenerate Stamina (that's how I'll call the sprint bar). Right now, it's pretty slow. While the suggestion could simply be "Make Stamina regenerate faster!", I'll try being a bit more creative than that and use something that would fit the game. You guessed it, you read the title, it's food!
    Now, now, I know there's already a few food suggestions here. But I never really found them detailed. That's why here I'll try giving as much details as I can, mostly with items examples.

    Food would work like potions with a much higher cooldown on them. Their effects could vary between a simple Stamina regen to a Stamina boost.
    Let's assume that one bar/letter = 1 Stamina. Food items would look like this:
    You can probably recognize the Potion lore with a recolor and small tweaks. Let's analyze this:
    This piece of bread will regenerate 4 Stamina Points over 10 seconds. But what's that Well Fed effect?
    You may recognize Well Fed from other games, but it would work great here. When you have the "Well Fed" effect, you are unable to eat any kind of food no matter what it is. That's the cooldown.
    Technical: The "Well Fed" effect would be seen in your inventory just like in vanilla Minecraft and would replace the "Luck" effect, or any unused effect

    How to acquire food? Well it's not hard at all. You just gotta buy it in towns, just like you'd do for potions before. They may be able to be some quests rewards (thinking of Cook Assistant here) so that people get a taste of what they do. They'll be a very small money sink as they should not cost a lot depending on what food you use. Higher leveled towns should also be able to sell food from other towns. For example, Detlas could sell some Ragni Bread!

    Earlier I talked about different effects depending on the food you use. Since the player has a set number of Stamina throughout the entire game, higher leveled food shouldn't just give more with a lower cooldown. That'd make the end game easier as it already is.
    Here's the different effects I thought of:

    Stamina: The classic regen I just showed earlier with the Ragni Bread
    Stamina Boost: Will extend your Sprint bar for some time. Here's how it would look:

    And here's how the Sprint Bar could look like while this is active:
    But I'm sure this will trigger some people. We could fix it, but then this effect would only allow pair numbers. Here's how it would look like with this fix if the Salmon gave 2 Max Stamina instead of 3:
    These items should give a Well Fed effect that lasts longer, as shown in this example.
    Exhaustion: This one's a bit special. Just like the Stamina Boost, it'd last some time. During that time, your stamina will deplete at a fairly slow rate. However, once the effect end. It'll deplete at a really fast rate and take a while to regenerate (about 30 seconds or so, OR a set percentage of the duration of the effect). Here's an item example:
    The sprint bar could also use a small recolor while under the Exhaustion effect:
    This effect would probably be really useful when taking on bosses or big groups of mobs.
    Now I didn't have other effects in mind, but you get the idea. If you have some, be sure to tell them so I can add them to the thread.

    Here are a few original items I came up with to show you that these 3 options can lead to a lot of different food:
    Get a small sprinting boost with a small cooldown

    This food is basically regenerating your stamina at a better rate. That's 20 Stamina over 2 minutes, and the max stamina a player has is 12.

    This one should cost a few EBs per apple, as you can basically get an extended sprint bar forever if you renew the effect every 2 minutes (which would in theory make for a great money sink)

    This is very "light" food. You're able to eat a lot in a short time as they're, well, berries. They don't do much and are only good for running around, but aren't efficient enough to be used in battle.

    Another type of "light" food, this one being heavier than the berries.

    This basically regenerates your entire sprint bar

    This one would be bought on Mage Island! It gives out a long exhaustion effect but has a really long cooldown!​

    I think that's enough for you to see that there are many things possible with this suggestion. And there could be more effects to add even more diversity!
    All of these items were quickly made and are probably not balanced! They're just examples to show what's possible!

    You get the idea! The name doesn't have to be ([Area Name][Food name]). It was just to illustrate the idea. I think this would help with the problem of the Sprint Bar! I know a few friends who were really annoyed by this feature, and I had the idea of adding food for a while now, so that's it for my suggestion.
    I hope you enjoy, and I'm really looking forward to seeing your feedback and for you to point out all the flaws I missed.

    ~Thanks for reading!
    Last edited: May 12, 2018
  2. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    looks pretty cool
    Jbip likes this.
  3. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    you literally answered 1 minute after i posted the thread, the absolute madman
    Druser and WynnChairman like this.
  4. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    although it does seem a bit underpowered imo as well as /class to get rid of negative effects?
  5. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    I know /class resets effects, I should've mentioned this, but yeah with this suggestion they should fix it for food items and somehow pause the cooldown when a player switches classes/disconnects
  6. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    Slime1480, (Meric) and Jbip like this.
  7. Wynnooblet

    Wynnooblet Slayer of Useless Threads VIP+

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    I suggested something exactly like this a while ago, nice thread and thanks for elaborating on the idea!
    Jbip likes this.
  8. BethJerry

    BethJerry BFG 9000 CHAMPION

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    I like the idea, partly for the cool food stuff and partly because it could act as another money sink in an attempt to fix the economy (if we're being honest though the economy is long past repair)
  9. NubPotato

    NubPotato broke af HERO

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    yes definitely, but get rid of the aldori one and add some for Chef Hamsey's restruant and the concessions merchant in the airship from Flight In Distress
    Jbip likes this.
  10. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    All of these are just example to illustrate what we can do with my suggestion, they're not really meant to be balanced and all that
    I could still add some more if you want, if some more effects come to my mind
  11. McDerp123

    McDerp123 I ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) people VIP

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    Use the Wynncraft resourcepack but, YES YES, i've always wanted this to be added, since I wanted to do cooking roleplays in wynncraft for memes to joke about being a Monster Chef,

    Cool concept, would really like it if you can encounter ingredients by either mob drops or specific location hidden spawn areas for it, which are used for making new types of food, might aswell suggest some stuff for it later while im at it!
    Jbip likes this.
  12. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    I thought of adding an entire cooking system with ingredients and stuff, but then the suggestion may be too complex, so I preferred keeping it nice and simple. But yeah, crafting your own food would be cool.
    McDerp123 likes this.
  13. HyperPanda

    HyperPanda Travelled Adventurer

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    I'm that one NO vote. Here's why:

    Maybe I'm a traditionalist, despite being with the game only since 2017 and not have a fully upgraded hero, however I feel that having a slow-regenerating sprint bar is important. It forces you to plan out your actions and be careful about how you play. You are forced to watch your sprint bar closely, and not overextend yourself, especially because depleting your mana may leave you ver vulnerable to fast enemies. My main class is a warrior class, so I do have a pretty powerful charge spell that helps me move around. Sacrificing damage for movement is one of the most important moves in the game when choosing the Assassin/Ninja class. In the beginning of the game and before level 35 when you can get a horse, the handicap of short-term sprinting is important. You don't NEED a horse. Part of getting a horse is upgrading to a style of play. Travel has always been a large part of MMORPGs, and you don't need to be able to sprint. Bob's Lost Soul has you moving from Nesaak, to Bremminglar, to Ragni, back to Bremminglar, and finally back to Nesaak. You NEED a horse. The Cook quest is very self contained, you don't need a horse even though you are traveling.

    Yes, dungeon parkour is annoying, but there is almost always a safe area on which you can rest and regenerate, have a LITTLE patience.

    Having the handicap of a sprint bar adds strategy and thought to a Wynncraft, and even though I love Wynncraft, it needs more strategy. Sprint is one of the few aspects of gameplay that actually requires you to be considerate of your exhaustion.

    Being slow in the beginning of the game is one of its most developed characteristics, it really makes you get used to the feeling of being new to the world. One of my favorite aspects of the game is feeling like you have actually covered some distance, which is why it is always a ton of fun to reach Detlas the first time you play the game. You can't just skip over the Nivla Woods, it is actually a significant obstacle because you aren't able to sprint the entire way.
    Palestina likes this.
  14. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    honestly i rly wouldnt count watching your sprint bar strategy rly...since most of the time ur just moving around and its just a pain in the ass
    sure in combat u have to look at it to make sure u dont lose all ur mana but still thats more resource management than strategy lol
    also i dont rly see how ur argument works here cuz its not like his idea is to get rid of the sprint bar he's jsut adding more elements and variables to it which really will only add more "strategy" to using the sprint bar
    NITEHAWKX, Mama Shrimp and 160 like this.
  15. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Do people actually sprint in combat? We have transportation spells for forward mobility, and you can't sprint and strafe
  16. HyperPanda

    HyperPanda Travelled Adventurer

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    Jbip certainly thinks that they do. I think people use it to get away. I just use charge, and then walk backwards and sideways when I am fighting, so I rarely need to use sprint in mob fights. If a boss has uppercut or charge, then people use sprint more often.
  17. Azepie

    Azepie oof VIP

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    but can you ̶d̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶?̶ stack them?
  18. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    That's a very valid point! Sprinting management in the game is very important when fighting groups of enemies, especially when it comes to Assassin as the other classes have easy escapes.
    However, the items I showed on the thread aren't broken (at least I don't think so). They're just there to help you get some stamina, and they do have a fairly long cooldown between each use. I really don't think it'd affect sprint management that much, if anything it gives more options to use. Do you want to go for an extended sprint bar or just better regeneration? There's a little bit of strategy involved in this.
    I also kinda hate how you have to take a quick pause on parkour since I usually speedrun parkour in other vanilla maps and stuff, but that may just be me.

    I still respect your opinion though!

    Yeah you should be able to stack them. Maybe not with everything, like we could respect the vanilla mechanics and add food like soups that won't stack ect.
    If we wouldn't be able to stack them it wouldn't even be worth it taking food with you on the first place, it already has a long cooldown between each use
    NITEHAWKX likes this.
  19. FinnDestren

    FinnDestren Lonely lore enthusiast

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    I think there should also be an option to cook food by yourself. That way some useless items could get a use.
    Jbip likes this.
  20. ArthurExtreme_Br

    ArthurExtreme_Br Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    This one should cost a few EBs per apple, as you can basically get an extended sprint bar forever.

    few EBs? this should cost like the horse, or even more​
    Mama Shrimp likes this.
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